eam "a THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG law in London through the kindly | | help of his aunt's lawyer, Mrs. Wick- field of Canterbury, in whose house | David had been living, Accompanied | by a schoolboy friend, Steerforth, David pays a visit to an old friemd THE "ORIGINALS™ | of his youth, Feggetty, a fisherman IN "RAFID I'TRE" | living in an old boat fixed up as a The appearance - here Friday and | house, on the sands at Yarmouth, on Saturday of the famous "Originals" 4 the east coast of England. Peg- (of the 3rd Division C.E.F.) at the] gotty's household consists of his Grand Opera House will be a revela- | housekeeper, Mrs. Gummidge, widow tion to theatregoers of this city. This | of his partner. who was drowned; Ham, a young fisherman whose father also met with the same disas- ter, and Little Emily, whose father was also drowned at sea.. Ham at this time is betrothed to Emily, but Steerforth, a tall, handsome, debon aire-mannered young man, fascinates | her, wins her love and induces her | to run off with him. The news ot | Little Emily's flight is broken to | . NRE EN EEN {'Peggotty by Ham. The old fisher- | OPERA GRAND MON SE 10 ' 4 | man is heartbroken and in a scene HOUSE oy | [ ; % of dramatic fervour announces his THE EMINENT CHARACTER ACTOR BRANSBY WILLIAMS bringing her back. And His All English Company in Dickens' Masterpiece "David Copperfield" Direct from the Lyceum, London, Eng. COME TO MICAWBER'S SUPPER PARTY AND LAUGH. PRICES: $2.00, $1.50, $1.00, 50c, SEATS ON SALE FRIDAY. AMUSEMENTS What the Press Agents Say About Coming Attractions Friday, Saturday, 8.15 GRAND [ite setwiny 15 THE MOST PHENOMENAL AND EAGERLY AWAITED SHOW ON TOUR. DON'T MISS IT! "ORIGINALS" Including 15 Original "Dumbells'tirf "RAPID FIRE" With "RED" NEWMAN, ARTHUR HOLLAND, JIMMY GOODE Evenings, $1.50, $1, 75¢, 50c. Mat. 25c. to $1. SEATS NOW ON SALE Charming Autumn Modes High in Quality--Modestly Priced ~New Exclusive Style Features by JACKSON-METIVIER, LTD. SMART COATS FOR FALL Of Soft Duvetyn with Collar or Collar and Cuffs of finest Quality Fur BE Here is a Coat that presents the we have ever been able to offer. It has been made especially for Jackson-Metivier. The workman. ship is of the finest. It has a fully guaranteed Silk > Navy, Reindeer, Castor, Black and Brown, CHECK BACKED SPORT COATS A deposit will hold any gar- ment until called for, SHOWS greatest value "HOLLYWOOD" STARS IN MAKING | Studio Methods and Life Finely | Shown in Big Picture "Hollywood." | How motion jpicture stejs , are | made is definitely shown tor thef {first time in pictures when . Para- | mount's "Hollywood," a James | Cruze production, comes to wie Allen Theatre starting Thursday. ARTHUR (JOCK) HOLLAND The famous impersonator of world- renowned personages, who is appearing in some fharvellous new numbers in- cluding one of the Queen Catherine per- lod in Russia, at the Grand, Friday, Saturday, September 7th and Sth, with the "Originals." & Don't Miss It 100 Stars You Know Them All EVERY PRETTY GIRL WANTS TO BE A STAR IN THE MOVIES--ANGELA WAS ONE OF THOMAS COMPSON, LEATRICE JOY RICHARD DIX, LOIS WILSON, LILA LEE, AYRES, MAY McAVOY AND FORTY OTHERS. FOX SUNSHINE COMEDY, "HELLO PARDNER" FUN WITH AN ALL STAR CAST INCLUDING POLA NEGRI, JACK HOLT, MEIGHAN, BETTY AGNES FROM THE PRESS With JACK HOLT in "The CHEAT" HAROLD LLOYD in "PAY YOUR DUES" ny am be n Frontenno, Rates Toasanable: Arrangements can be made at my office mr Final Showing To-night POLA NEGRI leased to conduct Auction ngston or the County of T. J. MUNRO, A uctioneer, Corner Clarence and Ontario Streets. APPLICATIONS until September 10th, 1933. Applicants to atate qualifications, salary éxpected, and send copy of cre- to H. W. DAVIS, Secretary of Hospital Special Committee, Box 35, Kingston, Ont. PR" | WAH LONG LAUNDRY has moved Wellington Street to 112 {BROCK STREET. Phone 818f. NOTICE! rom Wed. till Saturday " Oars will Tun to Lake Ontario from 155 Park until seven pun. Park closes on Saturday night and 3 will be a one cent day Satur- _ 4 at $600, T R A NOTICE PERCY G. ASSELSTINE wishes to announce that he has taken over the 'ormerly carried on by W. A. Bowen & Son, and will man- ufacture the same high class goods. All accounts owing to the said W. A. Bowen & Son must bé paid at the old business st , 324 King Street, on or before thé 1st day of October next. AUCTION SALE Household Goods, Sept. 6th, 1.30 pm, at 40 Livingston Avenue. Gramaphone, Tugs, mahogany parlor suite, e rocker, buffet, round ex. table, dining room chairs, couch, cur- tains, Imperial Oxford range, coal ofl stove, Bruasel Sweapes, linolenms, Gur- ney Oxford Heater, brass beds, dressing table, dressers, stands, child's cot, elec~ tric bulbs, kitchen utensils, garden tools, hose, kitchen chairs, paintings, elo, and quantity of things 100 numer- ous to mention. 1 Chevrolet Coupe sold at 2 p. BEDFORD, the Auctioneer, Phone 1721, AUCTION SALE Of Household Furniture at 328 Alfred Street, at 1.30 p.m. Friday, September 7th, 1923. 1 Upright plano (Wiormwith), 1 piano chair, parlor mahogany parlor suite, rockers, 'room chairs (leather covered), dining room table (round), 1 pictures, tea stands, electric lamps, linoleum, chinaware, silver- ware, 1 Happy Thought range, 1 Que- bec heater, 1 gas range, 1 kitchen cabi- net, refrigerator (new), dishes, kitchen utensils, fron beds, mattresses, springs, dressers, wash stands, 1 large oval mir. ror, curtains and blinds, ; rack, hall tree, stair rubbers, kitchen chairs, walnut extension table (with 2 leaves), and other articles too numer- ous to mention. the Auctioneer, valued tables, dining 1 oak buffet, Toronto, Sept. &. -- "That the drowning. was accidental, due to his daring and disobedience to a wam- ing he had previously received," is the finding of the court appointed " Thursday, Friday, Saturday AGNES AYRES "The HEART "SECOND CHILDHOOD"----PATHE NEWS ---- ny RAIDER" "Hollywood," by Frank Condon, tells | of ambitious ones who go to the | most famous city in the world i and what they see there. A Among their experiences is the | signing of a contract with Cecil B.| De Mille in the famous room which | such stars as Gloria Swanson, Thom. | as Meghan, Bebe Daniels and Jack | Holt entered as players to emerge | as stars. | Cecil B. De Mflle was fomerly | and actor and a finished performance by him is assured. Needless to say this sequence will be watched by the hundreds of players Mr. De Mille has directed. . Photoplay patrons everywhere are going to be greatly interested in "Hollywood." Imagine getting an intimate glimpse of behing the scenes at the big studios, seeing all the noted stars and directors at work, viewing the familiar scenes of the western film capital--the hotels, boulevards, studios, bungalows, bowl, ete. That's what "Hollywood. brings to 'the screen and with it a very enjoyable tale of a middle western | family which goes to Hollywood and | gets entangled with the 'great in-| dustry that has made the commun- ity as famous as Paris itself. This is no expose, no propaganda, but just a straightway tale of the company comprises the entire cast of "Full 0' Pcp" including the fifteen former members of the Onigin&i Dumbells and two new artists of | prominence. Their new revue "Rapid Fire" has all the old favorites such "as the ever famous cemedian "Red" Newman, Arthur (Jock) Holland, { Jimmie Goode, Alan Murray, Coanlie | McLean, Fred Fenwick, Bill Tennert, Tom Young, Bertram Langley, Jerry Brayford, Ted Charter, Leonard Young, Ivor Ayre, Percy Campbélr, Bob Anderson, and' a highly talented new female impersonator, Gene Pear- son, who is said to have tho finest soprano voice of any female imper- | sonator before the public. Every kind of entertainment from Light Opera to Jazz, with every- thing entirely new, is used in "Rapid Fire" which 4s positiveiy the biggdst and best entertainment of its kind on the road. One of the many new and unique features is a magnificent jeweled curtain specially imported from England for thc new produc- tion, this. curtain contains tens of thousands of small jewels and is the same style as the famous Jeweled Curtain used in this season's revue at the London Hippodrome. ' Many new and elaborate costumes some of them costing several hundred each; including one made entirely of Gold Sequins, and brought {rom Paris by Arthur Holland, have created a sen- sation in all the larger cities. The most spectacuiar -eleotrical effects have been introduced this season with remarkable results, in a real's- tic khaki sketch in the first part of the show entitled "Down on the Farm," presenting a true to life sa- tire of a French farm scene behing the lines, one sees a bombardment al midnight with realistic rainstorm and hghtning effects, the breaking of dawn with the clear sky after (he storm. The seat sale is now open at the box office. "DAVID COPPERFIELD" On Monday next, Sept. 13th, Bransby Williams, with his entire London company and production of Charles Dickens' "David . Copper- This startling character actor is making a tour of the Domiriou field," will visit the Grand Opera |, House. sort that will appeal to all who love pictures and wish to know all about how folks get into them, how they are made and so on. 'There's a fine romantic strain, love interest in plenty and an abundance of comedy of the best quality. Several faces unfamiliar to the screen public will appear in lead- ing roles which add' zest to the whole thing, but the "support" in- cludes many screen notables of in- ternatial fame, Cecil B: De Mille, Pola Negri, OF ENGLISH TWEED Three distinct styles--the and Inverted Pleat--the loose back Coat with the seamless back with yoke effect. belted, style and comfort." $19.75 Burburette Coat with the Belt the plain back-- whieh expresses Only the newer shades shown, JACKSON-METTVIER LIMITED Ii4 PRINCESS STREET ass [STOCK MARKETS || (Reported by Johnston & Ward, 86 Princess street, Members of the Montreal and Toronto Stock Ex- changes), New York. Sept. 5th (1.30 p.m.) Amer. LOCO, cum ase om om + 73% Amer. Can..ec sven we vo 883% Baldwin LOCO... vw re ou 124 B. & O0.ids so om 50 Chandler MOtOTS.. me ow 54 Cosden O.... we we 301% Corn Products... ,.... 127 Co Po Revie om con a0 nee 142% Crucible Steel.... .. .. .. 67 Cuban Cane Sugar Pfd. .. 43% Gen. Asphalt... 34% G.. 8 Tite ov ve ve 881% cove wm ae {Peis oe ve ou {OC ecm ome jOCt.aeesee 97 Oats-- 431, 397% ee DeC.cs vie , 00 oa " omne Cotton Quotations. July vee ass .24.29 .24.90 w= eae ee..24.70 .24.63 ne .24.62 Dec .u wu Mar. ... May we ween o--ne Seem we se ee AN EX-CONVICT ASKS PERMISSION TO BEG Says He Lost His Arm In Peni- tentiary--Visits Mayor's Office. smoitison, An applicant appeared at the of- asked to he placed in a charitable Kelley Springfield... wu. 33Y% Imperial Oil... 961% Marine Pid... um se avo. 26% Mack MOLOMS.. we we oe 815; Marland Ofl wie ww vee en 29 N. Y. Coven ow om om» 95% New Haven.... 13% Pan. Amer. Pete.... +. ws « 60% Pan. Amer. Pete "B" uw un 59 Producers & Refiners .. wo. 29% Studebaker ..wme wees o 107% Sou. PaCieis oe tee 881 ese say =e sei Thomas Meighan, William S. Hart, Agnes Ayres, Jack Holt, Walter Hiers, Leatrice Joy, Jacqueline Lo- gan, Nita Naldi, Betty Compson -- to name only a few of the famous Hollywool. player-folk seen on Holly- wood Boulevard, i Se "The Heart Raider." Filled with thrills from start to finish, Agnes Ayres' mew Para- mount star picture, "The Heart Raider," will be on view at the Strand theatre for--three days 'be- ginning tomorrow. Mahlon Hamil- ton, a popular screen and stage player, is leading man and heads an excellent supporting cast. The story deals with a headstrong young woman of wealth who has ad- vanced ideas and rather too much independence. She boasts that she will cause a rich bachelor and Wo- man hater to take her in his arms, and she has a difficult time in mak- ing good her boast. Before the bachelor realizes that he loves the girl, there 4s an exciting runaway, a thrilling pageant, a night swim to a yacht. Of course, all ends happily, but until the final climax, the fate of the heroine, played by Miss Ayres, is in doubt. The supporting cast. is excellent. Polo Negri in "The Cheat" will be shown for the last time tonight. Killed In Auto Accident Two Weeks After Wedding] Prescott, Sept. 5. -- Charles B. Fraser, a member of the well known firm of Sherwell & Fraser, sho dcal- ers, of Ogdensburg, is dead as the result of injuries received in an: au- tomobile accident Monday evening, two miles north of Medina, N.\% The other occupants of the var were Mr. Fraser's wife, formerly Miss Mary Robinson, Prescott; his mother, Mrs. and his sister, Mrs. Nettie Hood. A sad feature in connection with the tragedy is the fact that it is just two weeks ago since Mr. and Mrs. Fraser were married at Prescott. Judge's Som is Injured. Picton, Sept. 4. --Hamilton, the 14-year-old son of Judge E. H. Me- Lean, met with a painful accident J. H. Fraser, and George Sherwell, | BOW. RY. 0 ani ivan "ioiw 32% Sinclair Oll.. we've 21% Standard Oil of Calif... 51 Standard Oil of N. J. «ue oo 32% Texas Oil... oof ium 42 Union Pacific... me we... . 131% U. 8. Steel... ws em ves oo 93% Wabash. ... «we 94% ---- on w- =e -- as se Montreal, ADHIDL Power... wu. we we «so ASDOSUOB. ses eo ame oe 44 Bell Telephone... w ew .. Brazil.... 42% Brompton... .. ve 42% British Empire Steel Com. . 6 British Empire Steel 1st Pfd 60 B British Empire Steel 2nd Ptd 18 B Can. Converters... .. .. .. 90 Can. Cement COMicuus oo we 84% Can. Cement Pfd.. .. .. :.. 103 Can. Car OOM... mew oe» o 24 Can. Car Pfd.e oo .» 76 Cuban Can. Sugar Com ... 5 Cuban Can. Sugar Pfd .. . 26 Can, Steamship Com... .. 16 Can. Steamship Pfd.. .. . 47% Dom. Textile.. .. ... 6334 Bom. Bridge. . ... we «+ «. 64 Detroit United.. .. in +... 68 Gen. Electric.u ee: we oe .. 101 Laurentide. . 96 Montreal Cotton .w emo. we « 1% Montreal Power... 122 Mackay.... .. cee 112% National Breweries Com. .. 48 National Breweries Ptd ..., 97 ODEO. vs ress vee Jn 275 Ottawa Power.. .. .. ... 84% Ont. Steel Products.. .. .. 463A Penmans. . 141 42 17 88 99" 26% 116% 63 49% 124% "e mee ee » mess maw Sere me es ee we se aw Spanish River Com we i. ~~ Spanish River Pid... ew uu MBMBIS. i vos sve ins ion Shawnigan. , Steel of Canada...) we .. . 67 Toronto Rails... .. w + .. 80 Twin City.. eves ose + 85 Wayagsmack., . 45% a -- . GRAIN QUOTATIONS, rene Chicago, "ol bow . Wheat-- Sept... Doc. ve a. we an es MRY. ow avin ww om ae MAY. vow een ww ma ei w 1Dr. Sands. institution or be given a license to beg. He gave his name as Arthur Cardinal and he has but one arm. the right one having been amput- ated at the shoulder. Mayor Angrove 1s in New York City and Dr, W. W. Sands, heard Cardinal's story which is a thrilling ome of daring, endurance and suffering. "I received an injustice in dees town," sald he in introducing his claims for assistance. "I lose my arm here and I get no compensa- tion whatever. It was at the pen- itentiary where I was serving twenty years. that I lose my arm working in the laundry in 1917 and they send me out with only $5 more than any other man is given. I was paroled in 1917 and that ees the way I was treated. I want some assistance for there is leetle that I can work at.". "Where is your home?" aswea "In Quebec," was the answer, 'but it was here that I suf fered and where 1 was treateq with injustice and I am going to stay here until I am given fair ~Areat. ment." A clerk in the office of the city clerk telephoned to the House of Providence and Cardinal was notified that if he went there he .would be taken care of while his case is be- ing investigated. ST -------------- ' Amendment by Canada Sidetracked. Geneva, Sept. 5, -- The Council of the League of Nations decided at the meeting yesterday that, as there wag. considerable 'divergence of views on Canada's proposed amend. ment to Article 10 of the Covenant, relating to the preservation of the territorial integrity of member Stat- es, it was not now in a position to make a recommendation to the Ae- sembly. ' -- Coal Kelief Measures, New York, Sept. 5. --- Governor "Smith announced today that he would call a special session of the legisla- ture to pass relief measures should suspension of the anthracite mi ug Create an emergency in the state. ---- Note The Yow Prices. . Peaches 75¢; plums 50¢c; 75¢c; grapes 60c per basket day at Carnovsky's. Sept.... - we ae Dec PWM sr mm me ew Eves - vee MBY nov oot ot 0 aw wesw Pew em WY Bee ~ wves mie eww Des. . yy BASEBAL SCORES International League, Toronto 5; Rochester 4. Baltimore! 7; Reading 1. Buffalo, 78; Syracuse, 2-2, Michigan-Ontario League, London 4-2} Kalamazoo S-1, Hazilton 24] Flint 1. ; Saginaw 4; Grand Rapids '2. Bay City, 2-5; Muskegon 1-2, ---- American League. New York 2; Philadelphia 0, Cleveland 6, St. Louis) 2, Detroit 5; Chicago 2. ) fice of the mayor on Wednesday and |. city clerk, | Washington 3; Boston A. National League. New York 3; Boston 0. Cincinnati 2; Pittsburg 1, Chicago 3; St. Louis 2. | FIGHT BY RADIO { Stn The following information fis furnished for the benefit of Whig readers who have radio sets: The title bout batween Jack Dempsey, heavyweight champion and Luis Angel Firpo, the Arngen- tinlan challenger, to 'be fought at the Polo Grounds, New York, Fri- day evening September 14th, will be reported via @adio by WGY, the General Elé@ic (Company broad- casting stain at Schenectady, N.Y,, on a 380 meter wave-length. WGY will be connected to the ring- side by direct wire and Igoe, box- lng authority of the New York Wonld, will give a round by round, punch by punch story of the fight, S------r------------------ Wild Ducks Not Flentiful. Sheriff Vair and H. M, Murray spent Tuesday alternoon at Collin's Lake duckshooting. They returned vwith a large bag of wild ducks which are none too plentiful this year as yet. The water is very low and this accounts for the ducks keeping out!' from the marshes. i Picton Town Hall ' Destroyed By Fire Picton. Sept. 5.--Fire 'destroyed| the town hall, central fire stailon and 'council chamber early yesterday morning. Mr. Shepherd, the market} clerk, whose residence is also in the' building, discovered the fire, the auditorium being filled with flames. The prompt action of the firemen save ed the butter market, public weigh scales, and other adjoining build ingsy