IMPOSSIBLE T0 GET RELIEF Until She Started To Take Frult-g-tives" The Medicine Made From Fruit R.R. No. 1, Everett, Ont. ""I had been troubled for years with Dyspepsia, Liverand Kidney Trouble, and could not get relief until I started taking "'Fruit-a-tives"". Thanks to their health again". . Mrs. THOMAS EVANS "Fruit-a-tives" alone can give such happy and successful results because "Fruit-a-tives" is the famous medi- cinemade from fruit juicesand tonics. "Fruit-a-tives"' is pleasant to take and will always restore the health when taken regularly as directed. B80¢. a box, 6 for $2.50, trial size 25. At dealers or from Fruit-a-tives Limited, Ottawa, Ont. STORAGE Now has vacant two clean, dry, private rooms. (Your own lock and key.) PHONE 526. 299-8305 QUEEN STREET. ~ PIANO TUNING Plano Tuning, Repairing ana Player Piano Adjusting. Norman H. Butcher, 27 Pine Street. PHONE 1819w. FOR SALE % sooina. oil 2 «CH Bun ow, 0 y - Fond Wag Tr foam floors, electric t, good cellar, verandah, barn, large and garden, Desirable location. on application. i T0 LET, FURNISHED £ § rooms and private wash-room, elec- meficial action, I am in normal ric ht, hot water heating, gas for Fi $356.00 per month. Good loca i o Kens n --~ modern, nine-'[} BO a. A ey, Posses- | | sion and terms on application. GENERAL INSURANCE. . BONDS BOUGHT AND SOLD. - R. H. Waddell Phones 330-508. 56 Broek Mt DR. A. W. WINNETT DENTAL SURGEON, Corner of Johnson and Wellington | ji Streets An Apple A Day keeps the Doctor away. Also a bunch of Grapes are very healthy. For Fruits of all kinds try: The Star Fruit & Candy Store 66 PRINCESS STREET PHONE 273. MITH'S Phone 363 pr Then ASK FOR BELJ'S CUCUMBER CREAM (Chapped Han, etc.) Use' | Use It All Ways. Bordeaux Shelled Walnuts For Moving of GHT, FURNITURE, SAFES, 08, CARTAGE and STORAGE OF VERY DESCRIPTION i ingston Transfer Co. 377. Evenings 2231. 108 WELLINGTO STREET. at 49¢. pound. Reg. price 70c. 200 Ibs. "Arrow Blend" at ... worth the price. perfectly satisfied. WATCH FOR OUR SOAP DEAL Get a supply of Soap and Linen Towels FREE---Coming soon. Smith's Cash Grocery le Phone 1317. L 4 Barrie and Colborne Streets. WN ~ Dental Surgeon DR. J. C. W. BROOM L.D.S., DD.S, Wellington and Brock Streets. Entrance, 158 Wellington St. Evening by appointment, PHONE 679. Ra------ 1 ul DITION. Simi Buy 50S ¢ 177 Wellington Street. dt WATTS 1 People's | Florist Fresh Flowers and Planta daily. atmos to coor. Fave Soy | | k Adm Te dh Kington Ot. . | re, \ on 185 Princess 8t.; Mahood Co, Iad., Pri and Bagot Sts, and Bll reliable druggists. # i a i Fe i i hi Just received fresh shipment No. 1 We are offering these while they last 300 1bs. of "Queen City Tea" at 65c. . Bbc. These Teas are both good quality and ) Money back if not "WE DELIVER" ---- THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG KINGSTON anp VICINITY Boys' School Suits. We have received a big shipment of boys' school suits, which we will sell at a reduced price, dandy suits, at $6, 56.50, $7.50 and $9, all sizes, all colors. Prevost, Brock street. ! : Words that Count. For coining the phrase debonair; Yet a message he sends To each of duis friends: "Don't pass up the Kingston fair." Appointed Organist. D. A. Awsworth has resigned as organist 'of St. Andrew's church, Perth, to accept a similar position in St. John's church, Brockville, Mr. Adecsworth bas been In Perth for the last thirteen years. Horticultural Exhibition, The annual exhibilion of flowers, fruit and vegetables opens on Tues- day/next, 11th fnat., in new Curling Rink, Clergy street west. Get a prize lst from the secretary, A. W. Mc- Lean, 91 Clarence street. No charge to members for entries. To Teach in Belleville, Miss Laura Churchill, Falls, has received an appointment to the staff of the Ontario school for the deaf at Belleville. \ Engagement Announced. Mr. and Mgrs. Carmichael, side, announce the engagement of their daughter, Victoria Elen, to Clarence Douglas Young, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Young, Braeside, mar- riage to take place September 15th Brae- Recovers from Stroke. While standing in the storeway of W. H. Dayton's slore,. Picton, James Worrell, inspeclor of weights and measures, was the viclim of a slight stroke. The stroke was not serious and he expects soon to be about again. Died in Winnipeg, The death occurred in Winnipeg of Mabel M. Taggart, wife of W. Ta- ber, of that city, aged forty-five years The late Mrs. Taber was a daughter of Mrs. A. M. Taggart, and a sister of Miss Jennie Taggart, Smith's Falls. The body was brought to Smith's Falls for burial on Sunday. The Trains are Crowded. Travel on the railways is = very heavy just now owing to the Toronto Exhibition. Fast trains are running in sectéons and aro crowded. The local trains, too, carry their full { complement. ' The excursion tickets are good to return up to Sept. 12th, ------------ | | Miss Taite Will Remain. Miss Taite, superintendent of the | Belleville General Hospital, will like- | ly remain as the head of the institu- | tion. Some little while ago she ten- | dered her resignation, but at a meet- {ing of the hospital board section was | taken which will mean the rotention of Miss Tait as superiptendent. Organist Remembered, On the eve of Miss R. O'Donnell's departura for the west the chdir of St. Mary's church, Carletsn Place, of which she had been organmift for sme time. presented tar with a mor- occa pound testament and a purse of money. The recipicat expresied her deep approuiation of tha kindly spirit that prompted the act. Dr. Johnson Sold "Sunny Jim." Dr. Johnson, Port Hope, sold his good dttle race horse, "Sunny Jim" "to P. Bousiel, Montreal for $1,500, Bunny Jim is fo be taken to Mont- real and raced over the Quebec tracks during the fall racing season. It he is as good as he has been dur- ing the summer ne will be a payina investment for Mr. Sousiol. -------- Elected Mother Superior. After serving as Mother Superior of the Hotel Dieu for the past six years, Rev. Sister Farrell has retir- A new mother superior was Jim Johnson was hardly the fair. Smith's 65¢ for big baskets, cash and carry, to the coming ages, and strengthen at Carnovsky's. the bonds of Empire, they cannot further that' cause by deserting our President of "Picton Gazette." allies and taking to their arms the The Picton Gazeite makes an im-| ruthless authors of all our common portant business announcement. Rob- | yufierings, even while we are sill ev Davison, for tem years president erecting monuments to our glorious of the company, has retired. A. E. | dead. 'Calnan taking his place as president. | Mr. Davison has disposed of his in- | terest to L. B. Calnan, lately mana- ger of Surling News-Argus, who succeeds A. E. Calman as sccretary- treasurer. --D. R. Dupuis, M.D. Canadien Pacific. 180 Wellington street, report the | following arrivals of their .steam- iships: | Bmpress of Britain, from Quebec, Soldiers' Memorial. arriving Cherbourz and Seouthamp- The Smith's Falls Construction {ton Sept. 1st. Company made a start on the new | Montlaurier, from Liverpool and swimming pool, which has been so { Greenock, arnived Quebec, Sept. 1st. ably supported by the council and| Montcalm from Montreal, arriv- the Rotary Club. It is expected it \ad Liverpool, Aug. 31st. will be ready for concrete in a couple | Melita, from Antwerp, South- of weeks. To date, $,2946.50 has 'ampton and Cherbourg, due Quebec been raised to help pay for the pool. | Sept. 7th. , Among those who subscribed was J. Mennedosa, from Montreal, due C. Foster, now a resident of Cherbourg and Southampton, Sept. country to the south, and an Hth, and Antwerp Sept. 7th, Smith's Falls boy. Metagama, from Montreal, due 'Belfast, Sept. 2nd, and Glasgow, Sept. 6th. tng. Marloch, from a ia arrived Beifast, Sept. 2nd, Glasgow, | Sept. 3rd. I | Empress of Australia, from Hong old Should Be Good Patronage, The Board of Trade should seek to have the sleeper kept on the C, N. R, for the benefit of Kingston- jans travelling between Kingston and Toronto and from Toronto (vo + Kong, due Vancouver, Sept 12th. Kingston. A sleeper has been run|, Empress of Canada, ~from Vancou- every night each way for the past ver, arrived Yokohama, Sept. 3rd, two months, and has been liberaily patronized but chiefly by excursion ists who wanted to go down to Mon- treal from here by boat. But if Kingstonlans knew they could board a sleeper at 9 o'clock every night, either in Toronto or Kingston, there should be good patronage. Reward is Offered. A reward of $100 for information of the whereabouts of William A. Shaw, editor of Tilbury Times, who disappeared from his home, Tuesday, Aug. Tth, has been posted. Informa- tion regarding his whereabouts is to be forwarded to Mrs. Shaw al TN- A Canadian Opinion, bury, Ont. The London Daily Mail of 13tk| Mr. Shaw was last seen on King August has this letter from a former | street, Chatham, between eight and Kingston resident: (nine p.m., on the night of his dis To the Editor of the Daily Mail. appearance. A description of the Sir,--As a Canadian visiting Lon- | missing editor is as follows: don, I have followed with admiration |. Age 61 years, height 65ft. 8iff., your great fight for honowr and jus- | weight about 160 pounds, light hair, fice. | very bald, eyes blue, complexion fair, Canada, with a population of some | glean shaven, slightly stooped shoul. eight millione--but few more people | ders. When last seen he was wear- than your Greater London--at the | ing a dark suit, brown cap, bieck very first call of the mother-country | shoes, light shirt, no collar or tie. in danger enlisted 595,441 men, 90 | He also wore. on the third finger of per cent. of whom volunteered. Soe | his left hand, a gold ring with a 8d sent overseas 418,062 men, and suf- | stone in a 'claw setting. fered 220,182 casualties. In addi- If the above comes to the notice tion, she burdened herseii with a|of Mr. Shaw, his distracted wife debt it will take many generations of pleads with him to communicate her small population to pay. with her immediately, Please do, The dominions regard London as | for ny sake and because of (he the heant of the empire. If your BOV-| anxiety of everyone in your home ernment would bequeath it, as such, ' town. BULLDOG ™&2E" TORONTO ~~ MONTREAL SOLE LEATHER a¥ Insist upon it for repairs Demand it on your new shoes (k, 4 KD | VJ3Te]e Kills all insect pests -- flies, moths, ants, mos. quitos, etc. Will not stain finest fab rics, pleasant odor, non- poisonous to humans. Free sprayer with ew bottle, Eight oz., 50c. i Grocers and Druggists. I TL I | i or i I ! 'WOODWORKING All kinds of Builders' Woodwork made to order. Up-to-date factory and efficient me- chanics. iy S. ANGLIN & CO. Woodworking Factory and Lumber Yards, Bay and Wellington Streets, KINGSTON, Ont. Office Phone 66. Factory Phone 1415 ! emerson erases FALL SHOES We are now showing the latest in Men) Footwear for Fall. It will pay you to see aur Brown Business Boot, medium wide toe, med- ium weight Goodyear Welted Sole, Calf Up PETAL. ... iinet iianitvaiinein sista aie Slee WATCH OUR WINDOW! JACK JOHNSTON'S SHOE STORE Phone 231]. 70 Brock Street / GOURDIER'S have removed to 86 PRINCESS STREET, next to Bibby's, Limited, while alterations are being made to Brock Stréet store. GOURDIER"S 78-80 Brock Street For the Best Values in Young Men's Suits | at $20.00, $25.00, $28.00, $32.00,'$35.00, SEE OUR SPORT MODEL SUITS, At $25.00 : TWEDDELL'S Clothing House A . THURSDAY .. Extra large Bungalow Aprons in _ light, medium and dark colors. Nice- ~ ly made from best quality Print, in neat patterns, at . ... . . . . 75¢. and 98¢c. All pure Linep Huck Towels with hemmed ends; full size, for 75¢. a pair. © hurtain Scrims with fancy, double : borders in Cream and Ecru for 12§c.