etter eer errr ht. er WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 5, 1923, IA omnia rHE DAILY BRITISH WHIC EN READERS NEWS AND VIEWS FOR WOM Thé Only Way To Test Tea is to Taste it.---- " SALAD A" Natural Leaf Green Tea is proving a revelation to those who have been users of Japans. Hoy TRY IT--YOU WILL LIKE IT Pr LIFE'S SOCIAL -SIDE Editor of Women's Page, Teles | Gott Club who will motor to Brock- phone 243. Private 'phone 8537w. ville on Thursday to play a return ..8 8 match with the Brockville team are | Mrs. Kelith Hicks, Mrs. W. R. Giv-| ens, Mrs. W. A. Mitchell, Miss Caro- line Mitchell, Miss Marion Redden, Mrs. Ho. C. Welch, Miss Grace Collin's Bay, was--the happy way Mooers, Mrs. J. O. Macdonald, Mrs. some of the returned men, who are |W. H. Coverdale, Mrs. James Mil- still laid aside from active work |ler, Mrs. C. B. Taylor, Mrs. W. G. through their disabilities, spent last | Minnes, Miss Aline Rutherford. Sev- Saturday afterncom. The outing was |eral others interested will 'motor arranged by Miss Isabel Ross, con-|with the team to the Island City in- venor of the hospital committee of jcluding the president, Mrs. T. Ash- the local Red Cross, who had the |more Kidd, and Miss Aileen Folger assistance of some friends of the .- > soldiers, who brought their motors and others 'who sent the substantial fare provided for the guests. The men did the cooking on the im- provised fireplace, and the corn and "hot dogs' were beyond all praise. Games were played and the hours passed rapidly until the sun sank in the west, and one more happy day came to an end with the motor drive home dn the soft evening light. Motoring along country in the golden sunshine of late summer and picnicking beside the blue waters of the Bay of Quinte, a mile beyond Oxfords [n Wide Variety A delightful reason for the vogue of Oxfords this Fall heels. $4.50 is the popularity of grace- ful, simple tailored lines in Ladies Brown or 4 Black Oxfords. $5.00 to $7.50 Girls' Brown or Black Oxfords, low 'Buffalo, N.Y., who spent the week- street, has returned from Winhi- @nd in town with them. | Peg. Mrs. Wilton Block, Rochester, | \'iyigs Stacy Daly, left for Toronto,| Major and Mrs. Turner are at N.Y., who is with her mother, Mrs. on Monday, after spending the sum-|"Densmere House." Mrs. Turner re- G. A. Robinson, Albert street, wiil| fer with her parents, Mr, and Mrs. [turned from New Brunswick to-day. entertain at bridge on Thursday for M. J. Daly, Earl street. * 8-9 Miss Marjorie Hopkirk. ® Miss Mildred Redmond, Bath| Capt. and Mrs. J. C. Murchie, who Road, left on Monday for Thorold |havé returned from Goderich, are at where she has been re-engaged as a|"Densmere House." teacher in the high school. "Dr. and Mrs. D. E. Winter, Miss Miss Thelma Qliff, Bath Road, Cross and Mr. Brown motored from has gone to Oakwle,' where she has|Ottawa for the week-end and were accepted a position as teacher in the guests of Mrs. Winter's 'mother, the high school. Mrs. Max Vanluven, Nelson street. . . Prof. and Mrs. Lorne H. Richard- Mr. and Mrs. Leman A. Guild and [son have returned from Wallace- their daughters, who motored to To- burg. ronto last week, have. returned to}! Mrs. C. C. Rossire, Yonkers, N.Y., town. Land Mrs. F. H. Stevens, Washing- Hon. W. F. Nickle and Mrs. (ton, D.C., who have been at "Dens- Nickle, Toronto, spent the week-end mere House," have returned home. at "The Sheiling." Mrs. St. Pierre Hughes, Ottawa, is Miss Geraldine Daly, Albert street, visiting her daughter, Mrs. John has returned from Springfield, Mo.,|Gzowski, at her country house at where she was with Mr. end Mrs. Cartierville. Mrs. Gzowski fs re- Charles Daly. | maining at Cartierville until the Miss Flo Cunningham, Earl end of September. street, returned on Tuesday from a visit to Col. and Mrs. H. E. Boak, Rideau Hall s ---_ . . L [§ O 3 | {= & Mrs. S. H. Simpson, Albert street, gave a duster shower on Tuesday evening in. honor of the bride of next week, Miss Marjorie Hopkirk: « = Mrs. Kenneth Canson, King » street, is entertaining at bridge this Mr. and Mrs. W. K. Macnes ar-|aprernoon for Miss Marjorie Hap- ranged a dutch dinner with a dance kirk. W to follow at the Cataraqui Golf Club « = = ' x on Saturday evening dn homor of| pe Kingston Branch of the Red Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hughes, Syra-| cross have secured a section of the |cuse, N.Y. Those present included main building at the Industrial Ex- Prof. and Mrs. Frank Day, Mr. and | pipition for the sale of work done Mrs. Stewart Robertson, Mr. and|uy our disabled soldiers. They Hope Mrs. C. E. Taylor, Mr. and Mrs. W. for the patronage the public. G. Minnes, Mrs. Arthur Turner, (Hamilton), Dr. and Mrs. Frederick Cays, Miss Helen Nicol, Miss Grace Dunlop, Ian McLoughlin, A. Hock, | street was the hostess of a delight- (Buffalo, N.Y.), and W. M. Nickle. |ful tea on Tuesday aftétnéon in . 8%.» honor of 'Miss Madeline Tagkey'"Col- quit, Ga. Miss Vera Deyo, « poured PURDY-FINNEGAN WEDDING LOCKE I I 3 tea, while Miss Estelle Deyo cut the Toronto. | | Miss Soren Sdlives, wo has| o¢ Home of the Bride in Pittsburg | '4! HOSIERY AND TRAVELLING GOODS "os isted by Miss Eleailor Stey-|SPent the holidays in town, will re-| On Wednesday. 0 asisod by = er ' turn to Montreal on Friday. On Wednesday morning. at 10.30 1. a ens, Toronto. : } iy a : Mrs. Stewart Robertson, Syden-1- = re o'clock, at the home'of Mr. and Mrs. ham street, entertained &t bridge on Charles w hitty and ~ + | W. A. Finnegan, Fittsburg, the mar- Monday evening in honor of Mr. and with Miss Verna Vaughn, St. Cath riage was solemnized of their young- Mrs. Harold Hughes, S¥tdacuse, N.Y. |arines, who have been spending Pas est daughter, Emily Jane, and John past two weeks with Mrs. Edward |p C0 Purdy, Morven. Rev. Ken- Whitty, '/Harrowsmith, and other | neth Lancaster, minister of the Pres- relatives, left on' Friday to attend |, jan daurch, officiating. the Toronto exhibition hefore re- The home of the bride was deck- rim vw SS iepanm, Ed I with flowers, and the living room, where the ceremony took place, was street attire. So too, are the lines of these Oxfords tailored--with added distinction in the rich shades and perfection of de- tail that mark them unmis- takably as shoes of the finer sort. Kill them all, and the germs too. 10¢ a packet at Druggists rocers and eral Stores. . Miss Blanche Shepherd, Beverly | ---- The members of the Cataraqui nm - = TAXI O60 SERVICE DAY AND NIGHT his family TO-MORROW'S HOROSCOPE BY GENEVIEVE KEMBLE Bh when the prizes were won by Prof. . uw [ale | Frank Day and Miss Aileen Folger. | B . - * ¥ hy R000 | Mrs. John L. Whiting, Clergy Eg street, left for Toronto on Tuesday. THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 6. Excellent prospects for BUCCESS, 047; 17101114 Miss Etta and Miss Nan Macpher- son, who spent a few. days in town en-their way home from the seaside, left for Toronto en Monday. Mrs. Charlé8 Livingston, Barrie street, motored to Toronto, Monday with Mr. and Mrs. Charlés W. Liy- Irene Whitty, Harrowsmith. Scoutmaster Percy H. Hall of the 2nd Kingston Troop, spent the week- end at Napanee, the guest of the Napanee scouts, and also went to Deseronto with the troop, who took part in the unveiling of the war banked with evergreens. The bride's gown was of silver grey canton crepe and her flowers roses, and as she entered the room her sister, Miss {Alma Finnegan, wearing a smart frock of robin's egg blue and sand color, played the wedding march. { progress and promotion are fere-ast from this day's stellar operations. It may be a time for pushing forward to all avenues of advancement and the fulfilment of ambitions, what- ever may be the goal, and with pro- nounced augury of fruition, altested the augury of a successful and prés- berous year, with promotion or ful- filled ambitions, but they should guard against deception and hold the temper in control. A child born on this day will be talented, ori inal in thougit and action, ambitious and ingston, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hughes, who were with Mr, and Mrs. J. M. Hugh- es, Centre stneet, motored back to Syracuse, N.Y.) taking Mr. Hock, CASTORIA In Use For Over 30 Years 7 Millinery Opening . Parisian Shop 822 BROCK STREET by benefic influence of importafit planets. There is but one note of waming--be on guard against de- ception. There is also a slight menace from ill-temper. Those whose birthday it is have Successful, but it should be taught to give good care to ihe health. -------- Unleds a man gets a great deal more than money out of his job, he is missing a lot of satisfaction. ey Shah he ALL ban When constipation Hashes its sig- | like flavor, which adds so mueh to any nals-of sickness into your eyes food with which it is served. cheeks; into your breath, your brain and your appetite, it is absolutely neces- sary that you head it off! Toxic poi- soning stands close by; Bright's dis- ease and other Tous diseases await their turn! | The remedy that nature offers is the simplest and most effective--Kellogg 's Bran, cooked and bled, which is ALL BRAN! And it is ALL BRAN! It is ALL BRAN you need when you start to fight constipation. You can't afford to delay a minute and you can't afford to use half-way measures with foods that contain a p tage of bran! Your physician will recom- mend Kellogg's Bran because it is not only effective, but because it is deligious. Why--you will like its nut. memorial. : y : Fink and white asters and streamers Mr xa Mrs Hato Soyle have! decked the table centered with the feturyad: 10 Hote asa hoor | bride's cake. Although only the a hliay oye Mrs. Kay | Immediate relatives of the bride FeAl, Wolfe Island, * [and groom were present, the party Charles Konna has returned to| Was @ merry one, an honored guest Watertown, N.Y. > | being the groom's grandmother, Mrs. Mre, B. Pl Lamson and her | R: G. Purdy, Morven, who has reach- | sighty-four. children, St. Cathari are: the ed the good old age of eighty-four ' Mrs. Finfegan, the mother of the guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. Wallace 4 black silk Dunlop, Stuart street. bride, waé gowned in a ' | There were no attendants. The wit- - - - i Mrs. C."H. Wemp and her daugh- | esses were Miss Finnegan and ter, Bath, have rsturned home after |M00OTE Finnegan. ns , Mr. and Mrs. Purdy left on the rising M¥. E. 4. Putvam, Secley's| 7, 200 west and will visit To- 'anstin Putnam. Toronto. is spoil) ronto, Niagara Falls and other west- ing the holidays with his mother, | © Points. The bride travelled in Wis. B.A. Putnam, Sedlevs Buy.}2 wineries dy ihc. B Sot Rev. H. 8S. Putnam, Mrs. i=} lo m an grey nam and their family, Windsor, vt, | hat and veil and the groom's gift, a i > [brown fox stole. The gift to the have 'been visiting relatives in the 3 ¢ ? . city and are motoring to I An. | Pianist was of French ivory. The \ | young couple will make their home Ls are Mr. Putnam hos in Morven where Mr. Purdy is a po- . » [pular young farmer. AFTF® COMING . F. OM CAMP ved to fill up those empty sockets with our "Canadian Made'-- LAMPS Also, get your appli ances and cords in shape for use. The cost is trivial AST and we will call for them. The H. W. Newman Electric Co. 167 PRINCESS STREET. PHONE 441. "THE HOUSE OF SATISFACTION" member that Kellogg's Bran is na- ture's own regulator, which operates in nature's way--which is the best way! Eat Kellogg's Bran as a prinkled on other hot or cold or make it u AL NA rien * Messrs. Van Mills and Charles Bartys, Kingston, were (guests at the marriage of Miss Dorothy Mabel, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Mills, and Stanley E. Fisher, Walkerville, in Hamiilton, on Sat- urday. Clarence E. Bulmer, B.Sc., who has spent the past mu visting his parents at Cobden, and friends in. Kingston, has returned to Ham- iiton where he will teach in the J Hamilton technical school. noe i * s Miss Irene Corrigan, Johnson street, has left fer New York. Miss Marion Brown, Brockville, has left for Waikerville, wherp she is one of the high school stafl. Dr. and Mrs. James Cappon, Bar- rie gtreet, who have been at Metis Beach, Que., returned to tawn today. The Bishop of Ontario, the Dean of Ontario and Archdeacon Dobbs will leave next week for Calgary to attend the meeting of the executive of the General Synod. The bishop and the archdeacon will go 'on to Vancouver and Victoria, B.C., where the former will visit his daughtet, Mrs. J. F. Meredith. Mrs. W. H. Friendship and her daughter, Miss Hilda Friendship, re- turned home Saturday after spend- ing three weeks vacation in Roches- ter and Puteney, N.Y. There lives more faith doubt, Believe me, than in half the creeds. --Tennyson. Batescourt | School Will Re-open Sept. 10, 1923. Pupils received in all grades, in- cluding Primary and Collegiate Classes. . Entrance class, it desired. Puplls moving to other cities take first, second and third places in pri- vate and public schools. A limited number of boarders taken. Those In residencé last year took high place in examinations Music and Dancing. For terms, etec., apply to: ADA J. BATES, 24 in honest -- A» a _ Without an equal for cleaning and polishing brass, copper and metal ware -- bs i: Square Pianos FROM Mrs. John Cockburn, York street, has left for Toronto and Niagara ' . 4 S Falls and will visit friends in Co- . bourg before returning home. Nobody need be without a Piano in the home when we can supply them at these prices. Easy terms of $10.00 cash and the balance. to sult you. Bon Ami removes every trace of tarnish, and does not scratch or in- jure the metal in any way. It contains a soft, spongy mineral which rubs off the" tarnish and the dirt and makes the metal as bright as when new. Bon Ami is cleaner and nicer to use than a metal-polish. It is not oily or bad smelling. It is perfectly safe to use on cooking-utensils for it contains no acids. \ oo