Daily British Whig (1850), 6 Sep 1923, p. 14

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. THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER o, 928 - Lefferts, the sweatheart tow. youthful - ol Angela in her old home Ht aT bee tows. [STOCK MARKETS picture in many ways is calculated to | | appeal to every lover of motion pie- tures everywhere. It is significant| (Reported by Johnston & Ward, | of the importance of the picture that (86 Princess street. Members of the it was made by James Cruze, cre-|Montreal and Toronto Stock Ex- ator of "The Old Homestead" and |changes). 2 "Théy Covered Wagon." New York, Sept. 6th. -- 2 siren is alo ene come [om IN STRAND FEATURE | tomorrow and Saturday is an en- American Can. 993g The feature at the Strand, which tirely new and novel idea for a pro- Baldwin Loco. : -- "The Store That Serves Children Right" e More That Serves Children Rig AMUSEMENTS Whit the Press Agents Say About Coming Attractions THE "ORIGINALS" IN "RAPED FIRE" Fri. and Sat. Evgs. at 8.15 Matinee Saturday at 2.30 LY GRAND? Ler The Orginals opening number in the new revue "Rapid Fire," which will' be the attraction at the Grand of the 3%4DivisioN CET ROT Ll AT Ts 4 see wean | ---------------- sees Bee asus Su se as ae opened this afternoon and will play logue. It conveys different charact- tonight, tomorrow and Saturday, |B. & 0. .... ers from scenes in "Biff Bing Bang," has.a theme of supreme interest to|Cosden Oil .. "Dumbells Revue of 1922" and fall Whe, love good love story, and | California Pete "Full O'Pep," all the revues these | yyio doesn't. And the idea fs de-| Corn Produce .... entertainers have appeared in punce | veloped with all the vigor and artis- (CPR... Ls [they first started to tour Canada in try we look for in a a Paramount [Crucible Steel "4 sree a 1919. {ploture. The star fs Agnes Ayres, be-| Cuban Cane Sugar ptd . with a scene of the valley of witching expert in the interpreta- | Cuban Cane Bugar Com ws "oem sasss L J o SEATS NOW SELLING. = BE EARLY. 'EVGS. . .$1.50, $1.00, 75c., 50c. SAT. MAT. ..$1.00, 75c, 50c. 25¢, A brilliant spectacle follows the GRAND OPERA HOUSE MON, SEPT, 10 THE EMINENT CHARACTER ACTOR BRANSBY WILLIAMS And His All English Company in Dickens' Masterpiece 'David Copperfield" Direct from tlie Lyceum, London, Eng. COME TO MICAWBER"S SUPPER PARTY AND LAUGH. PRICES: $2.00, $1.50, $1.00, 50¢c. SEATS ON SALE FRIDAY. ol ES CRUZE JAMES C) Prueend - Jame { Qui YOU THEM ALL! bo KNOW To-night, To-morrow, Saturday AGNES AYRES 'HEART RAIDER" With MAHLON HAMILTON and a great cast. ---- » "A DAY IN THE FIELD" in the PATHE NEWS -- Township of Kingston 4 TAKE NOTICE that the Township Council of the Township of Kingston Propose to pass a by-law leasing the * Southerly portion of the Forty Foot road allowance between lots 9 and 10, in the First concession of the Township of Kingston. + This notice is given pursuant to ~ Bection 475 of the Municipal Act 12- 13, George V., Chapter 72. i DATED at Cataraqui, Ont., 81st day of August, 1923. (Signed) CHARLES F. ADAIR, Clerk of the Township of Kingston. TAXES, 1923 AFTER 15th SEPT. A charge of 5 per cent. will be made on all unpaid taxes and collection will "enforced at once. be MW A. NEWLANDS, this until seven p.m. "| Park closes on Saturday night and lore will be a.one cemt day Satur CHATEAU Taxi Service S00 Phone AUCTION SALE Of Household Furniture at 3328 Alfred Street, at 1.30 p.m. Friday, September 7th, 1923. 1 Upright plano (Wormwith), valued at $600, 1 plano chgir, parlor tables, mahogany parlor suite, room chairs (leather covered), rockers, dining 1 oak dining room table (round), 1 buffet, pictures, tea stands, electric lamps, rugs, linoleum, chinaware, silver- ware, 1 Happy Thought range, 1 Que- bec heater. 1 gah range, 1 kitchen cabi- Ladies' Fall Suits and Coats net, refrigerator (new), dishes, kitchen utensils, iron beds, mattresses, springs, dressers, wash stands, 1 large oval mir- ror, curtains and blithds, poles, hall rack, hall tree, stair 'rubbers, kitchen chalrs, walnut extension table (with 2 leaves), and other articles too numer- ous to mention. BEDFORD, the Auctioneen Phone 1721. Auction Sale Real Edtate and Household Goods, 99 Elm Street, Tuesday, Sept. 11th, 1923, at 1.30 p.m. § roomed house, phone, 3 pe. bath. Lot 156x65 more or less To be sold sub- Ject to reserve bid. The property to be sold at 2 pam. 5 Household 8S, consisting of wal- put parlor suite, couch, o- rd, carpets, books, mirrors, Aome range, fall leaf table, chairs, garden tools, oak heat mower, quantity of wood and 1 etc, rope, carpenters bench, grind stone, Ford car, wheelbarrow and a host of other things too flumerous to me 3 BEDFORD, the Auctioneer. L. WINSTON LADIES' TAILOR - Phone 993. to order. Best quality materials Tush com Queen's Students A Students are beginning to appear around the grounds of Queen's Uni- versity. The old familiar question, "Are you caming in this fall or go: & 'sup.' to try?" greets ome on ail sides. So one by ome the students drift back again until, before you know it, the student body has ar- rived. There are some in the requirements for entrance into the faculty of arts. Look who's coming to the Grand rp. 3 | day and Saturday, Sept. 7th and 8th. | bly "Red" Newman, Canada's most famous character comedian, with the "Orig- inals" in "Rapid Fire," with 15 mem- bers of original Dumbells. Kings and a screamfifly funny sat- ire on King Tut and his many wives. Twenty-four new numbers includ- ing elaborate costumes, scenery and lighting effects make "Rapla Fire positively the biggest and most Spectacular production this famous company has ever brought to this city. Several magnificent costumes worn by Arthur Holland and Gene Pearson, which were Specially de- signed and made for them in Lon- don, cost several hundred dollars each. Every Rin¥ of entertainment is to be had in the new show including | many brilliant and spectacular con- certed numbers. A sketch of life in No Man's land with marvellous and unusual lighting effectsdepicting 4 bombardment in the distance a: night, the breaking of a heavy rain- storm is undoubtedy the most real- istic picture ever seen on a Can. adlan stage of life over tmere. 'ane Originals have been playing to pack- ed houses everywhere and patrons are advised to make eary reserva- tions, 'The box office is now open and the advance sale has been un- usually heavy. m---- "DAVID COPPERFIELD" PRESENTED BY EXPERT. On Monday next Kingstonians will 'have an opportunity of seeing Brans- by Williams, one of the most famous of the world's actors, at the Grand Opera House in the Dickens' master- piece "David Copperfield." One of the most interesting scenes In this play is the Supper at Copper- field's rooms in London, to which, by invitation, come Mr. and Mrs. Mi- cawber. Micawber, a man of {ll- fortune and always out of work, an- mounces that something has turned up for him at last and he has been engaged as confidential clerk to a Mr. Uriah Heep, a partner in the law firm of Wickfield and Heep, Canter- bury. Towards the end of the sup- per Micawber imbibes too freely of the refreshments provided, his leave taking of David, to the tuns of "Oud Lang Syne," causing roars of merri- ment. Peggotty arrives after a lengthy journey through France and Belgium, where he has been search- ing for Little Emily. He tells a Pathetic story of his travels, during the narration of which Emily ap- pears at the window, where she is um, | discovered by Copperfield's aunt, Miss Trotwood, who brings her into Ty .| the room and places her ia Feg- | gotty's arms. In the last act we find Micawber at his desk as confidential cierk. to Uriah Heep, who, it is later discov- ered, has been systematically robbing his partner, Mr. Wickfield. Micaw- ber, in his capacity as confidential clerk exposes Heep in a nefarious scheme to. rob the firm's ~ clients. Heep is brought to bay and com- pelled to reimburse the victims. In the final scene we see Peggotty, Little Emily and the Micawbers about to embark for Australia, where, under new conditions, they hope to start life anew. | tion of love roles, while Mahlon Hamilton plays opposite to her, sup- ported by a cast that knows how. The story abounds in up-to-date ac- tion, too, Beg pardon, we forgot to mention the title of the pioture, "The Heart Raider." Isn't it a sug- gestive one? Doesn't it kindle ex- pectations of wonderful portrayals of Cupid's operations? The heart raider of the story is a girl. She is a rollicking, reckless lassie who Is always seeking, and getting, ad- fricnds and the terror of her fa: ther. But her greatest adventurs is the pursuit and capture of a thor- oughgoing woman-hater, a veritable bachelor of bachelors. She his heart, strongly guarded against the onslaughts of the fair sex. She makes an opening, gets fn, and finally takes it. kaider" is a winner among love See it, see it, seo it. And |86e the rest of the Strand program- | me, for it bristles with fun and in- | terest. --recmm-------- DR. D. A. VOLUME ELECTED FIRST VICE-PRESIDENT of the Ontario QG. W. Vv. Av Convention Was Held In 8t. Catharines. Comrades Charles Hicks and D. N. Macdomell, local delegates, and ing the Kingston branch of the Great War Veterans' Association, returned to the city on Thursday morning af- ter attending the three-day session of the Ontario provincial command convention held In St. Catharines the first three days of the week. The delegates report a very suocess- ful convention, and they are loud in their praises of the cordial treat- ment received at the hands of their St. Catharines' hosts. Dr. Volume was elected first vice-president of the command for the: coming year, the other officers being Dr. Sharp, Brampton, presi- dent, and Comrade Cunningham, St. Catharines, 2nd vice-president. Com- rade Hicke, Kingston, was nominat- ed for the executive, but he, with- drew in favor of a Western Ontario delegate. A hearty welcome was extended to the visiting delegates, over sixty strong, and representing twenty as- sociation branches in the province, and a civic banquet was tendered to the pasty "on Tuesday evening. Many important measures were discussed during the meetings of the convention and a strong stand was taken on all matters effecting the welfare of ex-soldiers or their de- pendents. Resolutions were pass- ed endorsing the stand of the Do- minion command on the pension ing for the resignation ot certain members; asking the government to extend the scope of the soldiers' settlement scheme to fhchude hous- ing and small holdings; additional benefits for the mothers' allowance board; and endorsation of the amal- gamation project among all veteran organizations. There was a warm discussion concerning poppy day, and it was finally decided to pur chase poppies only from vetcraft shops. DS. The delegates enjoyed a trip to the Welland canal and Niagara Falls as a feature of the recreation programme of the conveation. ------------ Cornell Rowing Coach Here. John J. Hoyle, coach of the row- ing orew of 'Cormel: University, 1s staying at the Plaza hotel for a few days. Mr. Hoyle, a former Kingston- ian, has not been hewe for thirty five years and expressed great pleasure at meeting many of his old friends here. Mr. Hoyle stated that he bad met Nick Bawlf, who was much like at Cornell. "The Heart | President D. A. Volume, represent- | scheme and investigation and call- | Gen Asphalt G.8.7T ... Kelley Springfield .. Imperial Oil ..., .... . Marine pfd .... Mack Motors ., Marland Odl . N.Y.C..v. .. Pacific Oil , oe te weve oa 4 we se ae ae ce een e oas "a se ee venture, to the amazement of her | Sou. lays siege | Texas Oil | i | | Asbestos Fen. Amer. Pete ,, Pan Amer, Pete. .. Producers & Refiners - es 26%! Studebaker .. ., .. ... .. 106 bs Pac 87% | Sou.Ry .......... .... 321g | Siackir 011 .... ., .. se ee 20% Standard Oil of California .', Standard Oil of New Jersey | See se sess ea aa U. 8B. Steel Wabash Sens em fase seem -- Montreal. Abitibi Power Bell Telephone . Brazii "vin Brompton ..,. .. PRECFOn British Empire Steel Com .. British Empire Steel 1st pfd British Empire Steel znd pid Can. Couverters .. Can. Cement Com . . Caa Cement pra .... Can Car pta .. .., .. _ Cuban Can Sugar Com Cuban Car Sugar ptd .. Can Steamship Com .. Can Steamship pfd .. Dom Steel .., . Dom Textile ... Dom Bridge .... Laurentide .... Montreal Power .. National Breweries Com. National Breweries ptd .. Oslivie',. .... .. Ottawa Power .. : Penmans . Price Bros 6n 18 90 a S43 | 103 76 5 26 | x6 47% | . TY 63% 64 | - 96 vo X22 17% | ce 49% A} ve - OTA} - 280 |! cv 84% BI es 140 | 42% | 17% 8 99 27 - 117 68 80 68% "Hy * ee a ve me KD "sw y oe CH > .e - Quebec Rails ., .... wei Spanfsh' River Com .... . Spanish River pfd Smelters ..., Shawinigan .... .. ve va Steel of Canada .... .. oe Toronto Rails Twin City ... Wayagamack » "ee fees a te see Ww es see wm ee ee Toronto. «sve 144 D 31B 9% City Dalry .. .... British Amer. 01] . Mutua? Oi] ,. ---- Mines. Hollager ..... Dome "ee Teck Hughes .. Newray "© sees *ese11.60 B - 36.75] cone reve sens .e Montreal, Ont. Pore. Crown . .e Wright Hargraves a > ween GRAIN QUOTATIONS. Chicago. Wheat-- May Sept. wm... .. .. Dec. sess Muse se menace se sess wo MaYes we ve. Sept anise a. Dee. .. , .. Corn-- MAY sian woe Sept. Dec. "Se secs em, "eo eo ee ee "ee sess aa Sees me 200s ae sav *e se «aa * vee ene 101 92% 57% 43% 40% MAY +s os seve mse XL. Ott wee. sive... Dec. .. .Oats-- Oct. Se 8% suse wb as 'ae Dee. ... se Sula as Im se & hap seen ete W wee March May .. $e Weae wm sees i ------ Toronto, Sept. 6th. 'Heavy steers $7.35 to $8.50. Cattle $6.40 to $7.20. Lambs $12 to $12.50, Hens 23c to 25c¢. Chickens 27¢ to 30e. {prices realized SELECTED FISHING TACKLE Lures "That Land the Big Ones" The fishing season is at its best, and we have arranged special prices on-- Rods, Reels, Lines, Nets and Baits "Our Tackle Stands the Test." JERGENS LOTION ' A product which softens and freshens the skin--yet doas not overload it. To keep your skin in good condition you must give it daily care. Price 50c. Bottle KODAK "As You Go" For your selection--a com- plete choice from the little Vest Pocket model at $6.50 to the Special Kodaks; also Brownies $2.50 up. Get your Kodak here. Our stock is complete. SATISFIED SMOKERS We keep our Cigars and To- baccos at just the right degree of moisture to insure best smok- ing condition. Our stock of Pipes includes your (favorite style. Let Us Do Your Developing and Printing Painstaking finishing you'll be glad to get. YARDLEY'S LAV. ENDER WATER Distilled from selected Mit. cham Flowers and blended 'with Musk and Ottos to Increase the Permanence and fragrance. Price $1.25 and $1.75 bottles W. E. AUSTIN King and Princess Streets, King Street, Kingston Gananoque No. 3, C.W.,, none. Ontario wheat nominal: Oats, Ontario No. 2, white, 44¢ to 6c v 46¢. Hay: No. 2, ton. No. 2, $13 to $15. Mixed $11.50 to $13.50, Lower grades $8. track, Toronto, $15 per BIG CHEESE PRICES. Much Pleased. : The Peterboro Examiner has the following: "As a large percentage of the cheese factories in Peterboro ocoun- ty have been selling their cheese this year at the cooperative sales ir Belleville, the patrons of these factories have been interested to find from week to week what the at these jsales amounted to as compared with pric- es pald on the cheese boards. ot late the public sales at Belleville conducted by the cooperative com- pany have been discontinued, and the information relative prices has not been readily avail- able. The Examiner learned to-day that the Cooperative Company is ex- porting its cheese from" the Central Ontario district direct to Great Bri- tain. The prices being realized are very satisfactory. "A week ago last Saturday, Cooperatfve Company realized 1-8¢ a Ib. for Specials, an' 24 1-16¢ a Ib. for Firsts, and has set- tled with the Peterboro @ounty fac- tories on that _ basis. This was 1-8¢ higher the Belleville Board and from 2 to 3 2-3c higher than most of the cheese boards of the province for the same week. Last Saturday the Cooperative cheese at Belleville was sold for 23 5-8¢ for specials and 23 9-16¢ for firsts. This again is higher than any other cheese board in this part of the 3 | province. The factories that are sell- ing cooperatively this year are re- for which an owner could not pu found, was looked after by the King- ston Humane Society and being found incurable, was humanely put out of its misery by Dr. Nichols. A pumber of other suffering ani- to - the condition, | mals have received simflar treat- ---- | Bowling Games, Many interesting and close games were played on Wednesday evening at the local bowling green. In the doubes series the following were the results, +N. Manahan defeated G. Vanhorne 11-10. {Rasorite Selling Co-operatively Are 1 J. Taman defeateq J. Newell 14- 0. N. Munsie defeated J. F. McMil- lan, 12-10. i J. Newman defeated H. Angrove, 12411, J. Angrove defeated 11-9. : H. Montgomery defeated C. War- wick, 15-14. E. Willamson defeat 16-14. B ASEBAL 1 SCORES International League. Buffallo-Syracuse (wet grounds). Baltimore-Reading (rain), Newark 4, Jersey City 2 (first), Jersey City 4, Newark 0 (second). Toronto 11, Rochester 5. American League. . New York, Philadelphia 3 Washington 8, Boston 4. ' (Other teams not scheduled). ---- National Pittsburgh 6, Cincinnati 2. (Other teams not scheduled), -- Anxious As To Her Safety. Friends of Miss Gertrude Shore, Ottawa, are anxious about her safety in the stricken dietrict of Toklo, Japan. Miss Shore is a niece of Miss Lovick, 164 University avenue where she stayed four years ago while attending Queen's university. Miss Shore went from here to Trin ity college, Toronto, where she stu~ W. Linton, ed G, Lawes, 3 1 E £ if: pdd8 i i f ; ; 1 3 '. §

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