THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG CET CT nHURSDAY, SEPTEMBER o 20mm oo -- |GY'S DRINKING WATER _ [KINGSTON HAS MANY = Fi | = 'is ih ows 7] CANTZING CONFIDENCE | According to Dr. J. R. ists to Use "Safety First" | A LUXURIOUS | "= ran ir TT The city's drinking water supply Is | Reckless driving of autos and cause we have the largest and most up-to-date lutely guaranteed and we will refund any F ] | i i t | disregard of the rules of the road, | good, according to a detailed repor gar and economical vulcanizing plant in Eastern UR COA | on periodic analyses conducted by |ls much in evidence on the streets Ontario. . thing that is not satisfactory. y Dr. J. R. Currie. Despite the fact|of Kingston these days. QU 5 I ITY CONSULT US . that there has been the usual sum- Complaints are being made about { careless drivers almost every day We use only the highest and best grade of re- Don't throw away your old Tires--perhaps we will give you many years of wear | mer contamination in the river, the | and it is nothing short of a miracle pair materials. * can ir that old Tire and put it back in | tap water supplied to the citizens has " that many serious accidents ave . service for several thousand more miles at a An appeal is being DEPENDABILIT Y-- sinall cost { remained of good quality. WX HEN you motor in the Fall and Winter | The report of Dr. Currie, which | not occurred. > k " a J 1 1 [w 3 Liliti - | made for drivers to use "safety first' ou can always depend on our repalr work time, for the Hockey Match and sport | was presented to the utilities com canding Mwajs, depo Var Yeyali. work | Weitere: ew Tire a ion ot bomutat t ' . | mission at its meeting on Wednes- | methods. ve occasions and for severe weather there is | day, stated that the August raw| 'There are people. driving cars prices. ki . h bi ation of | water was distinctly worse than the | Who do not appear to know the first x nothing to Surpass the combin = | raw water of June and July. Dur- | thing about rules of the road." said | ing July and August the charge of | Prominent citizen to the Whig, on 9 5 STYLE | chlorine ' has stood consistently at | Wednesday afternoon. "Many driv- {itty parts per million. Dr. Cur=c| e's. make a turn in the middle of f tated that in all occasions of tests | @ block and they never put out their BEAL J ] Y I'the city water was found safe for, hand for the driver of a car follow- { drinking purposes and was free from | D8. and many bad accidents would A EI pe ATE RNG i | have been recorded if the driver of ian excessive charge of chlorine. 4 Several routine matters were dealt | ie car following bad not been able | with, including thé acccptance of the and to stop his car promptly. There are many pcople who should not be tender of the Eugene Phillips Co., . « COMFORT | Brockville, on underground cable; | allowed to operate a car. They Tun : [the tender of Gartshorn Thompson | 2l0n8 at a dangerous rate ou a | ff ® : 4 [tor cast fron pipe, the lowest in each siysst wie i ee | : : : a case being accepted. fF cases ih } ' which may be ob A resolution was adopted having them out ot trouble. ; ew all mn er Citizens appreciate the fact that : : 3 { s > the discontinuance of ined in a jaunt jor 1ts purpose t . ; ta J y i the electric fixture store. After the the police are now regulating the | trafic ongtwo of the busiest coruers 1 - | new offi is ened, cl : - coat of Silver Rac Dew odice 1s opencd, clecinc ap on Pricness street every Saturday Pl k pliances will only be kept for display night. The number of cars on Prin : 3 ati n a ic - coon or uc ed and demonstration. In the mean- | d B time the stock on hand will be solid Soe es a A Saimnany ght I) x ' . . a Cana lan peaver. - off, ' . | \ The members present were: R. N. Jeanly every a the i iit g\ © . F. McFarlane, chairman, H. C Ss at. some time during a Sat. [ IN When you purchase Nickle, R. E. Burns and H. W. New. | 14ay night, Judging by the number that are on the street. With such such 'a Coat at Me- man. a heavy congastion of traffic, it is : : ; . "KAY'S you are assur- OE) Tae taked by ly Smart tailored Coatsin.a wonderful range of weey | drivers that accidents can be avoid- ed of thoroughly reli- } IN MARINE CIRCLES | will ever be the motto for the King- a | ed. and it Is loped that "safely first" Checked Velours, Heather mixtures and fancy Polo ston drivers. (f the drivers continue Cloths, beautifully tailored, Raglan or Set-in Sleeves, able quality, excel- The stéanier City of Ottawa arrive {to be careless, [several accidents are . ed from Sonireas on | Woaneriny|%0re to take place. narrow Belts, half lined. They come in pretty au- lent workmanship, B evening and cleared for Toronto and . and the best value ob- Hamilton with package trefght. : FIFTY YEARS A PRIEST. , tumn shades of Browns, Tans, Greens and Grey. All . The steamer Kingston arrived in| : * 1 1 $40 tainable. port this morning, bound for Fres- | Right Rev. Mgr. Corbett, Alexandria,' sizes. Priced rT TN siete say we $12.50 to -00 cott on the- regular run. She was | to Celebrate Event. Beautiful dressy COATS in Marvello, Velour, Suedine and Bo- . " . 4 delayed an hour in Kingston by the! On Wednesday next, Right Rev. .- a . . ii . "Your inspection invited. If you live out heavy fog. Monsignor Corbett, for many years livia Cloths, made in wrappy styles, with tie fronts, full Canton Crepe The steamer Oity of Hamilton ar-|rector of St. Mary's cathedral, King- lined, pretty Collars, neatly trimmed with self stitching. The colors ' » La | . of town, we will send you our illustrated rived in port this morfiing and clear- ston, now of Alexandria, will cele- . . ed for Montreal with package |brate the fiftieth anniversary of his are Black, Navy, Smoke and Browns in all shades. All slzes. catalogue and full information on any fur freight. ordination to the priesthood, when Priced $16 00 to $45 00 The steamer Edmonton was ex-/he will calebrate solemn high mass you are interested in. il pected to pass down today. at St. Columbus church at nime o'- F . d 0 TS . . . . - The steamer Thunder 'Bay was |clock. The sermon will be delivered ur-trimme In wrappy styles, tie fronts, full silk lined; WRITE US TO-DAY. expected in port today on. her way }by Rev. Father Hingston, S.J., Mont- | BI Beaverine Collars in Shawl or Convertible styles, neatly trimmed east. real, and among the distinguished . . . . . - with embroidery or self stitching. Colors: Browns, Fawns: all sizes. an The steam barge Jeska is at the [clergymen to be present will be the foot of Beverly street with coal from | Bishop of Alexandria; His Grace |[§ Priced $16.50 to $25 (11) . - . .. ean. . any garment will secure it until you are need- Sodus Point for Booth & Co. Archbishop MeNeaill, Toronto; Arch- * Thé stefinfer Cape Trinity is in |bishop Emard, Ottawa; Bishop Fal- : en the Collingwood Shipbuilding Com- |lon, London; Bishop Forbes, Jol- i . A small deposit on pany's dry dock for minor repairs |iette; Bishop O'Brien, Peterboro, mg it. and will not clear for taree or four |and Bishop Couro¥; Ogdensburg. Af- a ; " days. ter \ above ceremonies, a grand | Bil . . v EN 3 The steamer Pelow is at the Col- [complimentary banquet will take 4 | lingwood Shipbuilding Company's | place in the music hall at which | Jil hb S : ¢ whart with coal from Sodus. many leading citizens will be pres- | Ril \ a, SS -- The steamer Dalrympls, which |['ent. has been in the Collingwood Ship- -- : building Company's drydock for " iin : . SPICES some time, is 'expected to glear for COMES BACK TO "PEN. THE ALWAYS BUSY STORE . Fort Colbourne on Thursday even-| ge C. Rose; Ticket-of-Leave Man A I : . . We carry a full line of Spices. Also Jar [|= . Again In Trouble. : ' The Dosndliy Wrecking 244 Sai: Ch d with the theft of an auto Rings, Corks, Parowax, Freed's Bottle Wax, [|| vase company has sent tne tug wil- tort rt haan 2u . . . liam Johnston and scow with steam | Delong ns 4 aor any sd ioein- Parke's Catsup flavor and Preserving Acid. pumps to the wreckea schooner | Gorse C. Rose after many adjourn- | (= hie Fyl Jamieson that sank in the Bay of Ses I Tis. sod accused From W 1g ryles $550 Chatham St.. small $2000, Street, double SARGENT'S DRUG STORE Huiste with a E4150 of-haid seq). was sentenced to two yeats at the || OF TEN AND TWENTY YEARS frame dwelling, 3 frame dwellings, toflet, Telephone 41 A Wik be made to salvage the Portsmouth penitentiary. About a| AGO. rooms, toilet. 5 " : ig soni. month ago Rose was driving a car 75 --York Street, double $2250; Millers Lane, 8 ! through the city when traffic con- Sept. 6th, 1918. | ike dwellings, § frame dwellings, each {HAS BEEN WHIG READER [stable James Orowson noticed that, . "ePG PEC Co to aon (N rooms each, toilet and sibk. 6 rooms, toilet, sink. Annual it bore the number of a stolen car. revenue $324. FOR HALF A CENTURY |, . 4 .| pany's complimentary excursion to : e gave chace and placed Rose un --John Street, double der arrest the Board of Trade and merchants trams dwolli y $3500; Street, brick : will be held next week. BE. an dwelling, 6 tooms, ; BUY ADVERTISED GOODS [John McClean, of Gananoque, aed Jia alia serves 3.1008 On retiring from the steward- deep lot. BABY TREND 1 an extra lot, Has Warm Praise For Its ship at Kingston Penitentiary W. J. The Suce Way To A Square Deal CA NeW Value. ticket of leave. ED oyna eer. ; msn pattern and | oral gifts. N E. W. MULLIN & SON raya vel BUF UCER UNE aay C3 Ae rooms each. ~ Fal! showing of John McClean, Gananoque, has trimmed millinery, E. V. Greaza's, R. M. C. will enter the senior ser- Rents Collected. 3 Money to loan. Floss s3ow -------------------- been a reader of the Whig for fifty > t turday, | les in intercollegiate rugby this fail, Fire Mr. McClean, who is ninety- 152 Welliagton ., street, 5s y leaving Queen's with the onfy local and Automobile Insurance. Johnson and Division Strests years. Sept. Sth. lo two years of! age, informed a repre- intermediate team. - -------------- , i ------------ / sentative of the Whig, who was in The steamers North King and -- : Gananoque on Wednesday, that he Caspian will conclude their lake and ---- rrived always welcomed the Whig and that river trips next Sunday and lay up. ; Just ai} 300 pats # no matter where he went he always In a matched race for a trophy Sturd 1 , . ha: had the paper sent to him. For ; just donated, Sutherland's Char Boots or mian defeated the Yellowley boat " Pound pals, per pail 78. some time he resided in Killarney, Manitoba, and also lived in other ; Bmily II by a narrow margin. 00 Ar PURE VINEGAR places in the west, and he states that the Whig always arrived Sept. 6th, 1908. Made from the best of leathers, especially Malt Cider and White Wine. promptly. : There are 356 pupils registered at Jangnad for Stewing feet and solidly built to Extra fine Black Tea, 1b. . .55c. "The Whig is the most readable |§ the Collegiate Institute and more lard, every-day wear. ay smail city daily paper in Canada," expected. Sinis HIGH TOP BROWN CALF- Fresh Pork Sausage, (daily) said Mf. McClean. Some prices on Kingston market it rec ACE BOOTS with nature's shap- - y are: Bggs 16c and 17¢c; lamb Sc and a loos, sewn leather soley of extra - . $ ; aay ather and rubbet heels. All A 8 : PEt : siz 2. y priced at $2.05. NEED OF HIGHWAY, La : ; Same Boot also in black, same price. Hews Tear. on Wolfe Island With 0 ; : Girls' High Top Black Box iS pe * Calf Leather Lace BOOTS with full, wide toes, heavy sewn nd nafled leather soles, low heels; all sizes 11 to 2. . Specially priced at ....92.95 Many other styles in GIRLS' SCHOOL BOOTS, ranging in PHCa POM ...uuin.iiiiins sesieseiiiaie ss 82.00 to $4.00 1 ts ay LER RYRRNLE (Wednesday).' Get a 16 oz. . Hh il: tek hie ilk i Figg BEER ¥ fl Fad fz. AEE | 7 _ GILMOUR'S BIBLE HISTORY, _ ROMAN CATHOLIC CATECHISM and all other Public, High and Separate School Text Books at T i £71! i} shire nit Hesibat i