Daily British Whig (1850), 7 Sep 1923, p. 14

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GRA N. Dr, omit at 8.15, w at 2.30 an tated A deb LASALLE RE RET ZF TL Ld TEs ORIGI of the 3%4Divi / OPERA HOUSE om RANSBY 8 La ioN CE-F LLL W Rel je | MON, SEPT. 10 THE EMINENT CHARACTER ACTOR S And His All English Company in Dickens' Masterpiece "David Copperfield" Direct from the COME TO MICAWBER'S PRICES: $2.00, $1.50, $1.00, 50c. YOU KNOW THEM ALL! Lyceum, London, Eng. SUPPER PARTY AND LAUGH, SEATS NOW ON SALE. T x Dated at Ca -| September, 192. n Township Clerk. k To-night, To-morrow Matinee 2.80, IN BOBBY VERNON in "Second Childhood" P-- BILL and BOB "A DAY IN THE WILDS" Township of Kingston TENDERS SEALED TENDERS will be received by the Munictpal Corporation of the Township ot Kingston for the construc. tion of concrete wa Connaught Stree: Kingston, Northerly office of the Adair, 4Cataraqu C. F. ADAIR, AMUSEMENTS | About Wika the Prose Avcues Say | | THE "ORIGINALS" | IN "RAPID FIRE" Canada's original and genuine {Third Division entertainers, who | have. taken the unique title of the | "Originals," will be the attraction |at the Grand Opera House tonight fat 8.15 and tomorrow matinee and night in an entirely new and spect- acular revue called "Rapid Fire" with all the old favorites who de- LEONARD YOUNG The famous "Duchess," managing director of the "O (3rd Division C.E.F. artists), at the Grand In "Rapid Fire," to-night and Saturday. Sorin lighted local audiences for past four years, including the noted character comedian ""Req'" Newman, Arthur (Jock) Holland, e new 1924 revue has alreaqy crearva |a sensation in all the larger towns and cities and bid fair to make the most popular hit of all overseas re- vues for pep and clean, wholesome entertainment. Every theatregoer in Canada knows who the Originals are. The Company includes in its roster of names fifteen old favorites from the Original Dumbell orgahization, with Some new stars of high entertaining qualities, There are 25 new and brilliant items Including concerted single and double numbers, skits and sketches, in fact every kind of entertainment imaginabe is in the new show and run off with the char- acteristic celerity which is widely recognized as the distinguishing mark of this famous Company. Two magnificent pew curtains have been imported from England this season especially for the new phow. One, a jewelled curtain con- taining many thousands of smal brilifant Jewels, and another silver curtain are among the many get- tings and outstanding. features of "Rapid Fire." Ten gorgeous new scenic settings. and several elaborate new draperies of req, blue and gold are used with exceptional care in the. different numbers of the revue V -- ERANSBY WILLIAMS IS lks on Victoria and ts in the Township of Immediately adjoining the Hmits of the City of King- ston, on or before Frida 14th, 1923, be PLANS and SPECIFICATIONS may be seen at the Clerk, C. p, .- LOWEST or any other tender not ¢| necessarily accepted. taraqut, this 7th day of Y. September Township A MASTER OF MAKE-UP, Mr. Bransby Williams, the emin- ent British actor who is to appear at the Grand Opera House on Monday, Sept. 10th, with his all-English com- pany in Dickens' masterpiece, "David Copperfield," has from his very early days been well-known for his won- derful make-ups and disguises, ang in his one-man entertainment for so any years, has become famous. He has carried that great gift of make- up "into his production of "David Copperfield," in which he plays both the characters of "Mr. Micawber" and "Dan Peggetty." In these two parts his own identity is absolutely lost; there is not a point or man- nerism, or feature ofhis personality Peering through either of these most dissimilar characters. In the North of England, recently, & man witnessed a performance Ly did not buy a programme-- he un- derstood that Mr. Williams played Micawber--meeting Mr. Williams ia the street the next day, he said, in his North country dialect. "Ah, your performance of Micawber is grand, but kep your eye on the chap as is playing Peggetty; he's as good as thee." y & P-- STRAND SHOWS FILMS : IN A RICH VARIETY. Variety describes. dt! Take a feature with a story full of hints for leap year, a comedy with a com- edian who has a way of his own, a film describing the adventures two boys in the wilds, and a news reel which depicts doings in Can. adad and abroad, and you have a programme marked by variety. Ang it is presented at the Strand this evening and tomorrow. EL sae kip H ih A up the week well. Hollywood Film Masterpiece. Showing Hollywood, picture, Dow playing at the Allen theatre. Frank Condon, who wrote the short Story from which the pic- ture was adapted, lives in and knows Hollywood intimately. James Cruze, the director, lives in and .is familiar with every phrase of the community and studio life. Joel Whitaker is or- dered wood," about the western film capital. ARRANGEMENTS FOR HORTICULTURAL Stow Event To Be Held in New Curling Rink Next Week. At a meeting of the directors of the Kingston Horticultural Society held Thursday night, final arrange- ments were made for the exhibition on Tuesday and Wednesday Sept. 11th and 12th in the new curi- ing rink, Clergy street west. The dir- to one Rock- ded to have yp chestra for each evening of the ex- hibition. & The display of flowers from the [seeds distributed by the Society to the children of the public and separ- ate schools promises to be Ample provision is_being this interesting ™eompetition. seeds supplied to the éhildren were asters, cosmos and zinnias. Ten prizes are offered in each, from two dollars down to fifty cents, which should encourage the children to do their very best. This branch of the commend itself to the public, as the Society is financ- ling the children's competition en- tirely. The following judges pointed: Fruit--C. w, Neville, Vegetables--J, raqui.. Plants and flowers--E. K. Purdy, Cataraqui. Judge were ap- Kingston. Heaton, Cata- Mr. Purdy win also the school children's competition, with the assistance .of another expert. The curling rink is being put in shape for the exhibition. Long tab- les stretch the length of the build- ing. All that remains to be done is tf the exhibits, which 91 = Clarence Generous support should be given the Horticultural Society in their efforts. It is surely a worthy object to instil into the minds of our boys ad girls the idea of beauty and pro- ductiveness. If the citizens want the Society to continue in this good nt from the gov- ernment, which Jis regulated accord- ing to the strength of the member- ship and the amount expended for purely horticultural purposes. SPORTING NEWS (Continued from page 3.) -- Limestone Rugby Team. The candidates for the Limestone rugby team will start their grind in carnest at the practice which Major "Vic" Williams has ordered for Sat- urday afiernoon at 2 o'clock. Alb of last year's regulars are expected to appear at the cricket field and a number of Promising recruits also expected to. turn out. baseball season now over, est has centered on rugby, though several prospective have been held up by their is hoped that they will be able to put in an appearance in the near fu- ture. There is nothing like an start in any sport, but in rugby, where condition is one of the Most important assets of the and therefore no effort will be spar- ed in getting the team into shape for the fall grind. early 'diates. Both teams are strong from M. B. Dulmage, secretary' of the O.B.A.A. The telegram was the , answer to the protest entered by the Kingston executive against the Pic- ton baseball club as a result of the latter team having no amateur cards for their players in the recent gemi- final series. The city league offi- '| clals are awaiting more particulars from the O.B.A.A. before a discus- sion will' take place. of the matter. In the meantime, the fans in this district are inddgnamt over the ac- tion of the 0.B.A.A. pointing to the disqualification of Oshawa as a re- sult of Belleville's Protest on the grounds that only one of the Oshawa players was ineligible. In this case, every Picton player gs ineligible, Tweed vs. Brockville, Umpires Stanley Trotter (ieorge Sullivan of Kingston will be in Brockville tomorrow to offi clate at the playoff game between the Brookville and Tweed interme- ones. The second game ig set for Wednes- day next at Tweed, 2 -- Sydenham at Picton. The Sydenham team travelled to Picton this moming for the first game of their playoft with that squad. Be second game will be on Tuesday Text at Sydenham, -- Arden Wins Round. At Inverary Yesterday Arden won the second game in the first round playoff for the Cronk Trophy, feating the home team 7--3. winners will meet Gananoque in a sudden death game at Inverary The teams: 8 Arden -- Steel, 8s; Cronk, c; Alexander, Minorgan, 3b; Johnson, If; Barr, p, . Inverary -- R. Leman, 3b; Ww. Leman, ss; Denee, i; Koen, cf; Cal- vert, 2b; Johnson, rf; Arthurs, ¢; | Loney, p; Walsh, 1b. Umpire Harold Nicholson, Kingston. -- International. Toronto 11, Buffalo 4. Rochester 9-1, Syracuse 5-4. Baltimore 13, Newark Se -- Michigan-Ontario, Saginaw 3, Hamilton 2a Bay City 5, London 3. Others postponed--raig, and Miler, 1b; rf; Kirk, ef; 2b; Scott, ASERALL SCORES J National New York 5, Philadelphia 1. Pittsburg 5, Chicago 1, : ip American, Philadelphia 6, Boston 2. Chicago at St. Louis--Rain, No others scheduled. FINES POSED UPOR JACKSON-METIVIER'S Lu SPECIALS SATURDAY GIRLS COAT, Ta 'nodels. $ It is a Topcoat, Attractive Styles. Sizes 10, 12, 14 years Girls' Coats in attractive shades. Made from All-Wool Velour in Navy, Copen, Tan and Brown. Perfect fitting SPORT COATS 13.50 good, full swinging Topcoat that every Young girl should have this Fall, They favorite and new ones are pecially attractive. fabrics and soft, new colors, A deposit will hold any garment until called for. ' HOSIERY Pure Silk Hosiery Brown, Navy, Black ) have become a fashionable es. Plaid back SPECIALS Sport Ribbed Hose . Brown, Sand, Grey, Black,' Beige 90c CHILDREN'S SCHOOL STOCKINGS STRON G--DURABLE--SERVICEABLE Heavy Ribbed Lisle Sizes 6 to 10. 35¢ 3 for $1.00 Scarfs and Gloves to English Golf Sox Heavy Ribbed Fancy Top in Navy, Brown and Grey and White; fitting children from 6 years to 10 years. nN Ro with these Top Coats and make more sporty costumes, are to be found here in Smart assortments, CKSON- hMMITED IM PRINCESS STREET fa) RECALESS AUTO ARwERs ; |Druggist Who Sold Tobacco And Candy on Sunday also Fined. The police are checking up the reckless auto drivers around the city. 80 Mr Driver, watch your step. Don't step on the gas too Hvely, or it wil Cost you 3 "ten*spot'" when you are hailed before Magistrate Farrell, Reckless driving must be stopped. "Safety First" methods must pre- vail in order that pedestrians, who have rights on the streets, . might be protected. In police court on Friday morning two drivers who tried to burn up the Pavements were fined $10 and costs each, while three other drivers who were minus their markers, were fined $2 and costs each, [STOCK MARKETS (Reported by JokYwion & Ward, 86 Princess street. Members of the Montreal /and Toronto Btock Ex- changes), -- New York, Sept. 7, 2 p.m. -- Amer. Loco. Amer. Can, .... .. eee EaMwin Loco .. .. . B.&0O. ... Chandler Motors Cosden Od ., "a ve # ae California Pete CPR vuerivesuimeress Crucible Steel ce me Cuban Can. Sugar ptd .. . Cuban Can Sugar Com Gen. Asphalt .. . ., . ue G8, Kelley Springfield . . *s so me Marine pd .. .. 74% 78% 1001 503 52% "nm sees sa Tees we meee ce oe There is also trouble coming to druggists who sell cigars, cigarettes and chocolates on Sunday. A local druggist who violated the law res- becting Sunday selling was fined $20 and costs, ------ SPENCE-BELTON NUPTIALS. 'dlock, at Queen street Methodist church manse, by Rev. W. 8. Lennon, when Gladys, youngest daughter of Mrs. F. Bel- ton, was united in marriage to Wal- ter Spence, second son 8 Mr. and Mrs. T. Spence of Wolfe Island. The bride was attended by her sister, Miss Mabel and the groom by Wiktam Handley, Mack Motors Marland O#l N.Y. C sete Be dmaamy * weed seve an Pan American Pete "B" oe Producers & Refiners ., Studebaker ,. ow Southern Pacific |. Southern Railways Sinclair Of} -., .. .. vel we Standard Oli of California Standard Oil of New Jersey Texas OH .... .. ..., '" Union Pacific .... "ee evens U. 8. Steel ., oe os Wabash .... .... .e -- GRAIN QUOTATIONS. Chicago, Sees seas te wn we coe "oe. Wheat-- May. , Sept. Dec. seca ees 112% 103 108% 42% 37y ise. Sena dem auses $300 2nen Sune annua "ees ne amy 85% 69% Seon' aun ene am Winnipeg, Wheat-- May ,. 102% 100% 45% 45% 4515 sess ua on SS. RM Sas (sees Oot. oe... Tu. Se item ine Dee, , co... se seq "ee ---------- TRADES AND LABOR COUNCEL. -- Merchants and Others Thanked For Supporting the Celebration, At the meeting of the Trades and Labor Council,' held on Thursday evening, a resolution was ugani- mously paaseq thanking the mer- chants who generously contributed valuable prizes towards the Labor Duy celebration, also to the ci in general, the rogramme: James Rigney, $1; Dr. Mabee, $1; T. Snyith, $1; Dr Huyck, $1; Dr. Boyce, $1; Jack EM 3 : ~4 7 -------- Late Mrs, Mary Wilson: / Mrs. Mary Ann Wilson, aged eighty-six years, passed away early! Friday morning after an illness several weeks. The deceased wae a widow, and the daugnter of the Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gibson. had beén Hving with Mp. and Mrs, Andrew MacLean, King street, for Some years. The Island. a ANNOUNCEMENT R- ORWELL, THOS. McGALL and M. to anno unce that they have opened an 4 known as the

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