Daily British Whig (1850), 7 Sep 1923, p. 4

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THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG 1775, was given to John Macdoncll, | and principal inbabitants of the dis- ~~ 110 MARK HISTORIC SITE who promptly seized this opportuni- | trict of Niagara, in which they said: Bes ty to exchange the pen for the doubt- "We are happy in recollecting that ! Y HOUSE less more congenial sword, during all this period, no sort of dis- turbance, that hardly any cause of : a | Arm Shattered by Shot. complaint has occurred between them | And Commemorate The 8er-| Iis first experience of active ser-|and the inbabitants, whose persons | vice occurred four months later | have been as free from anything like | vices of Col. the Hon. |, 5." sent to arrest the noted | insolence or insult, as their property John Macdonell. | agitator, Thomas Walker, at L'As-| has been safe from any kind of de- | somption. Walker hau barricaded | predation. We with justice ascribe science performs the same | Arrangements are now being | his house and armed his servants. | this to your unremitting care of the 11 heal: d di ade by the Daughters of the Em-| While holding a lantern to guide his | discipline of the regiment, to the HAYS Os ee man of re and citizens of the county of | men in the attack, Macdonell's arm | friendly attention of tie officers, and "pels disease from the tissues ulengarry and town of Cornwall to | was shattered 'by a shot, but he sug to the character of the men. Zam-Buk does This unveil a monument and tablet late- | ceeded in his mission and was mefi- At the election for the Legislative as mu : "i Iy erected by the Canadian liational| tioned by the governor in his offi- | Asgembiy in 1796, Macdonell was pure herbal balm takes the |p, iy branch of the Department of | cial letter. He seems to have borne again elected without opposition as fire out of a wound or sore the Interior of Canada to mark the | his share in the successful defence | member for the second riding of the historic site of Glengarry House [of Quebec and accompanied his re- county of Glengarry and held _the kills and repels germs and commemorate the services of a | giment in the recovery of Menpeal seat until the dissolution of the : tinguished soldder and public offi- | and the subsequent expulsion of the | House in 1800, when he did not seek and grows fine new skin. jo A ae the Honourable John |invaders. A long period of garri- re-election, as his military duties in- 'Zam-Buk is acknowledged | Macdonell, who was a leading pioneer | son duty followed, which became 30 | terferred seriously with' his attend- 0 in the settlement and organization | tiresome that he petitioned for per-| ance and caused him frequently to Il; r FL ge) D i) of the present province of Ontario. | mission to exchange into a regiment | solicit leave of absence. 3 so bl Thi ceremony will probably take | more actively employed. His re- Br quest was granted and he was ap- Highland Volunteers. ( L .4 1 place on the afternoon of Saturday, SRA > p Q | ihe 17th of the present montia- of | pointed to the command, of a com-| When the war had been renewed 7 0 September. «i pany in Butler's Rangers, tien sia- | with France and continued for some 7 Nothing else known to | tioned at Fort Niagara. With it he years without success on land and Glengarry House. served more than five years, until| relations ome nen States had b ¢ a I & H d d | The picturesque ruins of tHis| the end of the war, becoming even- | again beco unfriendly, Coionel . ; / . ar woo frarge stone structure are situated on | tually senior ¢aptain. He disling- | Macdonell mitted proposals for SR ; the property kmown as Glengarry | uished himself by his aumanity as| raising a corp of Highland Volun- A p y, J a" ABSOLUTELY DRY | (or Stone House) Point in the town-| Well as his courage in the rald upon | teers in the County of Glengarry for [ship of Charlotienburg, near the | Cherry Valley, led a successful ex-| gefence of the province in case of in- --Also-- | Provincial Highway, about four mil- | Pedition against Fort Freeland on vasion or threaténed invasion to con- | es east of Cornwall, and midway be- | the west branch of the Susquehanna, | gigt of thirtyfour officérs and 541 Ty cn {tween that place and Summerstown. | Which he took and routed a reliviug | other ranks. In a letter to Hon. Wii- 4 Cn IIR eIa Gili sd 8h : "|| Fits construction was begun in the | Party, and fought gallantiy at tne liam Windham, Colonial Secrétary. \\ EX ea " KENNY & FALLO year 1785 by Captain. Alexander | unsuccessful action at Newtown. On | pe gaid: "Our settlers are all to man MN ! ail y i Macdonell of Aberchalder, who had | all these occasions he was mentioned | 5.018 Highlanders, either loyalisis PHONE 637. serjed as an officer during the war | With distinction in despatches. He | gyno fought for their King and Coun: commanded the main body of the (try during the American Rebeliton 187-141 CLERGY STREET | of /the Amenican Revolution in the 1 ) : King's Royal Regiment of New York, | Rangers in tae raid through tac and their children, or emigrants | and had, at the conclusion of thal| Mohawk valley led by Major Ross, | whom the conduct of the Highland | Canantan NamonaL Ranways contest upon the disbandment of his | Who afterwards married his sister, proprietors at home, or the invita- | { y regiment, taken up lands in the pre-| in October, 1780. During the retreat tion of their friends here have in- | \ y or sent county of Glengarry, together he particularly distinguished him-|guced to quit their native country | AGENCY FOR ALL with many of his comrades and |Selt by turning upon and routing aang settle in this province. We c®u | : - pursuing force, under the walls of raise at the shortest notice a oonps 5 " 35¢ | SOFT WOOD AND SLABS clansmen, whose loyalty had been ] OCEAN STEAMSHIP punished by the forfeiture of their | an enemy's fort. In another expodi- of 500 men independently of our | possessions in the State of New | tion he suffered 60 horribly from en | puitie whieh are 730 strong." LINES * | York. It is said to be the first stone | attack of fever and ague that ke had This offer was strongly supported dwelling ever buflt in Upper Canada. | himself tied fast in his saddle, be- by Colonel Tsaac Brock, then in com- Special attention given your family | owing to its great size and the acar. | Ig entirely helpless, and his men mand of the regular troops in Cal- or friends going to or returning from of t skilled labour at that time | were obliged to kill their horses and b declined beca the Old Country, Passports arranged | ©itY Of T ada, but was decline ig ry ge 2 t finished un-| dogs for food. he eulogy of an i i or aud locally, pS wo! 1790 acquaintance who described him as | Croc fioer had been given instrid- | they might procure at what a week , some : tions to raise a regiment of Cana- a For information and rates apply to | i! about the or el "the switt and intrepid capiaic of 5 #18|ago would have seemed fabulous time after Captain Alexander Mac Pat Of) qian Fenoibles. prices, Grades of silk that kad been J. P HANLEY, C.P. and T.A. C.N. " gh . Ry., Kingston, Ont. donell's death. For the next twenty | the Rangers" was won by much ex Soon afterwards' finding himself selling at around $8 and $8.20 have posure and hardship and brought up- ; o Office: Canadian National Railway, | Years, it was the home of his oldest ; i . | impoverished by nearly seven years | gone as high as $12 a pound in some E son, Colonel John Macdonell, and | OB his recurrent attacks of rheuma absence from home in command of Soe ue uz y e very ep Isp Ys corner Johnson and Ontario streets i . tv v tism which embittered the remain- h Kingston, Ontario. notable as a centre of civic activity his battalion ad by constant lavish Broad silk manufactures who were Oven HONE ys 1433 = Foe gh 1 PIYiGe Soapitatuy for:o! Ble wee heavily ey 2 tun Short of supplies Save =i% ; 0 . strange » 5 friends, and being in very ill peen active i thelr efforts to obiai our 0 w Y friends, who always Subsequent Appointments. Ave 1 thelr eflorts to obiain ' as relatives and frien y After the disbandment of loyalist | 268!th: he accepted the appointment | raw materials to keep their plants o ea received a hearty welcome within of paymaster of the Tenth Veteran i Macd - . in ration. A t a: WLI I IN Ii I» ja A a Heal a sus re a for the datrics | Battalion and joined its headquar- et a Jarge For Dress Wear our new Fall styles mary resting 4 ters at Quebec, where he died in ser- 3 : in boats on the river before amempt- | in which ho lived and a member of a | 'or 3 Quebe creased prices. .areaccurate in meeting the demands of ing the ascent of the rapids. Major | board of five persons to enquire into i : h Sout Sr vet Mathews, Captain Patrick Canipbell, | the loyalty and character of persons| - --- The Moumment 5 is Other Markets Close. : the season. y Jeg. 1 ela, 59 hve. Simcoy wave, yecorded theis ising oF enue in Wig ve The monument consists of a well | the a Ec uorarily 0 Oxfords in Patent, Gunmetal, Ma- visits. 3 . proportioned pyramidal cairn oi na- Italy in the hope of obtaining supe hogany Calf ow. Sept. 14---Montciare ...Liverpoal a C Sept. 15--Empress of France *. . After his death it became a mili-| as a Justice of the Court of Common tive stone, eleven feet in height, upon | pliesitut these markets acted utr. Cherbourg, Southampton, tary post of much importance from | Pleas in 1790 and performed his : , its commanding position upon what | duties with credit to himself and the 2 oust Dats oa il Suuais, > an local Jeprostaiatives likewise STRAP SHOES with High orl OW was then the only line of communi- | general approval of suitors until the desi with Tollowin w rew qu ons. ] 3 £he, inscrip-| Broad end spun silk mamufactur- eels. ation by road river betwgen the | court was abolished by thé King's En owing Dp anufactur : A _-- he tion: " i ers promptly withdrew their quota- | provinces of Lower and U, Cana- | Bench Act of 1794. He acted as a \ ne oe member of the District Land Board House. tions but continued to operate on a WR ; Glengarry i 1 da, during fhe war of 1812-14, and hy its proximity to the Indian villa- | until its dissolution and afterward ost litttenaut Col. olerais scale si the forsaer prices e | a er oe ore 3 til it t one, n supplying the needs eir regu- ges at St. Regis. The garrison was on the county land board until § chalder). A gallant abd distin. TEDpiYnG 4 at times composed of Glengarry mili- | was abolished. He was recommend- A ] ished officer inthe Royal The 1 ilk hants h Phone 159 84 Princess St tia and at others of regular troops. | ed by Lord Dorchester as a member BU n e larger s merchants have % ¥ Highland - Emigrants (84th taken steps to control some wild ' 1 ye : 18 Sle Southampton, Antwerp. '| | While thus occupied, it was acciden- | of the first Legislative Council for Regiment) and Butler' ; » In Retina tally destroved by 7 dad has ho. oe new province of Upper Canada, gime an: utler's Rang- speculation that has started ic job Oct. 1lp--Mathurn Glas- y ¥ y the Pp ers, in the war of the American bing and distributing channels. They sow. vas been rebuilt. The solidity of its| but was not appointed owing to re- : . ott 13--Montelare Liverpool Pp! Revolution, 1775-84;-a member contend that with two months supply S~Empress of France *. .. construction is demonstrated by fits | duction of number of unofficial x 4 W , Southamp- nateue 1 y 4 tthe for the County of Glengarry mn in warebouses and two months gup-| +» Re e ton, Hamburg. lofty and massive end walls members to three, On his recom the Legislative mbiy of Up Prin i ome Oet. 18--Marloch ..Belfast, Glas- chimneys which have successfully tion the county of Glengarry Asse Nands, time w: afford. ys menda y 8 per Canada, 1722-95; first [ed for Japan to pull herself together : NN y 7 . 1/ Fane . gow, : { withstood the frosts and tempests of | received its present name, when the At I Ion Muchas only. Iaore than a ceatury and still form | province was divided into counties, Spesisr 1 lhe Sesigaive As- | and use Kobe or same other port for a striking feature of the landscape, | in remembrance of the old home of : ye oa tin nce; Lieu- | shipping. wo NEXT YRAR visibie at a great distance over land | many of its innabitants in the High- an Sone Commanding the 3 : i ) A DoTHE. WORLD and water, ; lands of Scotland. With his brother, ee talion and Hoyal THE SUN'S CORONA y AMERICA Hugh, he was elected Without opposi- Canadian Volunteers, 1796- Tothe : ugh, Ne 1802; Colonel Commanding the TO BE PHOTOGRAPHED And Two to the West Indies Coiopel Joun Macdonel!, tion to represemt the Sonny in The Glengarry Militia, 1803-8; Lieu Was born at Aberchalder House | first Legislative Assembly of (Re * : " i ow gv ET Antht, on the estate of the Chief of Glen-| province. On the ent da of the Sonya > Jus. Couey of Glen ving the Flips to Take t. garry in the county of Inverness, | session he was unanimously electe : * 2 ace on o - 1 King Suet Bo Toronta. Scotland, about the year 1750. Ilis| Speaker of that House. On two oc- swat Stusted upon : Mat of sound tember Sop father, the head of a cadet family of | casions he was a member of a com- a ¥ ye are, ou © south ' the clan, had been "out in '45" with | mittee of three"members appointed ait of Rober J. oo) ip Hiss he i. Ghicsgn Sot, 7 Re Phologtanis of Prince Charles Edward in his effort by the Lieutenant Sovernor to wir the present re of the Gf v| that mysterious outer envelopo of to regain the throme. Sir Walter | just financial relations with the prov: House a engarr tho Sun, Lhe-COrona, 1 be made wha 2 Scott in "Waverly" relates that| ince of Lower Canada. . ' the. horizontal telesco aes fet "Clanranald and Lochlol, and almost| In 1787 upon the organization of cs TONE: i Te Copa: GIXLY. Suey ecovered [| iu = rnd int anit Tb Doe wind THE SIN NDISTRY | nn on et pointment of, "young 'Aberchalder" | John Macdonell was appointed to Pp y pa PRICES RIGHT ' sent from Yerkes Observatory ty the " as an al ~camp to the Frirce. command the local battalion with University of Chicago to observe the "Make the old car look like new, The abolition of the feudal sys-| the rank of major, subsequently be- hie aly o po AGA bo ia Yo u x : tem in the Highlands and. the intro.| ing promoted to lieutenant-colonel = pi gun i ns duction of sheep-farming on a Jarge| and ultimately to the rank of colonel. Catal a jsiand EL rit oi H scale compelled many of the inhabi-| In 1792 he was appointed by Lieut.- Wo Suis, September lui, Aas tants to seek homes in the New| Governor Simcoe, Lieutenant of the use) by Bqwia B.- Tork. World beyond the Atlantic. Alex- | County of Glengarry with authority reotes a. Shery ry. Who wi 3 ander onell and his family with | to recommend persons for appoint y Rg of their relatives | ment as magistrates and also as subs] A total edlipss. affords ony and dependents, ordinate officers in the militia. opportunity which the inhabiisnts of , this planet have for observing the | come settlers on his lands in the Raised Regiment. 1 ] c corona, Prof. Frost explained. The Mohawk valley, where they arrived| In July, 1794, when war seemed h. corona is the circle of light seen in 1773. Here the disturbances and | almost ¢ertain with the United| Japan is the chief source of supply | around the sun during a total eclipse ; / Rd . . agitation that resulted in revolt of | States, and instructions had been re- [Of raw silk for the United States and | It 16 not known whether it rotates : ' ¢ a predominant party, and the sud- with the sun. as it turns about ite ha had bod many Diini=eo the song goss==but you never will 53 able te den death of Sir Wiliam Johnson, axis in twenty-five days. To test hear 300 much of this fascinating fos- trot--for it's the best ia a long time, whicti was a great blow to the loy. | Simeos Fecommend ] this, a special spoctrograph has been Brooks Johas snd His Orchestra have adapted "Annsbelle" to. thon alists, soon rendered thelr situation H adapted and will be operated hy popular way of dolag the fou trot, Yoo can't help but ike ist . very uncomfortable. They, however, Prof. Philp Fox, director of the It's companion selection "Blue Hooster Blues" is squally afburin=ilv remained true to thelr allegiauce to Dearborn Observatory of Evansion, * fon-trot--hard ¢o beat! Ask : d Ill. The telescopic lens will be Lhe "Sta Master's ctor, Reaitil No. 19406) 12:inch photographic objective be- wis wn longing to the Yerkes Observatory, These are' thé others Nearing everpwnery receiving light from a second mirror "3 Viet A Pion of Cart Mak Yorwosla¢ Howt)--Pos Te i on the polar axis, or coelostat. * Jonsiomten Trot; \ Melody Kings Dance Orchid Yokohama, variously r .So'far as i= known, Prof. Frost "at Mager's Volo" Record No. 318420, 30,000 to 40,000 bales ready for ex-| sald, no sucessful sad thoroughly . ; es. Port, were destroyed Scientific film of the various phases ' y Of a total solar eclipse ever bike been Rie Mostar's Vitor", itor 2d pee 4 a Oy

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