Daily British Whig (1850), 7 Sep 1923, p. 6

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THE DAILY BRI SYSTEM OF ASSESSMENT. of Wrangel Island. There was a day The'mistaken idea still appears to| when a French king and court scof- prevail that because a property ow n-| fed at the "few acres of snow" that er paints the exterior of his house | was to be Canada:= Stefausson's and plants some flowers and keeps | opinion of the Arctic as a liveable his lawn neat, his assessment is rais-| place has received e severe bioWel ed, over that of his neighbor who does | byt it may not be altogether wrong. not do these things. Feople should | With the progress of science tner® rid themselves of that idea, for.they | may® be developments now scaicely are not taxed because they ' make| qroamed of in man's power to live their house and surroundings beauti- and work in the far north; and these ful. Kingston's assessor assesses | changes may come much fasier than property well within its market | we expect. In response to tile faith value. There is first. the land assess. of venturesome young men who make Ment. So many dollars per fool rate | thé choice that Perseus made, the is put upon various sections, and | Arctic may yet bring (orth something probably a block or two wiil be as- | of permanent value to mankind. sessed at a fixed rate. Another block | that have visited the Californias Il | 3003 4 a a aswel whe gy or at i coast, and all the minor shocks of : ou Lue Buikings are MM recent date. Japan's earthquakes, ken. into consideration and assecs- | PRESS CO ENT { which number more than 500 a ycar, od according to their individual are of "Pacific" origin, as are also | value. If a study of Kingston's as- | the typhoons and tidal waves that sc | sessment were made it would be often visit the coasts of Japan aud | | found that few properties would not China. Nothing could be less pacific sell for from twenty-five fo thirty- | domestic sgitation soBeeruing than these Waves, winds, wid woud | MEN'S FINE SHIRTS | form of its government and concen- shittings, or resdjusuncnte of the three per cent. ile assess. | 8%, p nt. more thau the assess. trates its attention on social and earth's crust. They are awful iu 5 dvarn more, Wich, viens Sei Shc. Sizes 14 to 1634. A regular $2.50 value, economic reforms, interesting de- their ruthlessness. velopments among Its people Will | pug early reports of the Japanese ' BIBBY'S SPECIAL $1.45 EACH TISH WHIG Te ------ Earthquakes Safety Vales] | Clarence Ludlow Brownell, M.A. Fellow Royal Geographical Society. | Ag SEE OUR worms ~~ BIBBY'S' Friday and Saturday Specials 35 Dozen MEN"S FINE : CASHMERE HOSE Black, Tans, Grey and Whites--regu- lar 75c. values. BIBBY'S SPECIAL 2 Pairs for $1.00 SEE OUR $9.50 ondon, England. BOYS SUITS Those who have been through earthquakes on both sides of the Fa- cific wonder how that ocean came by its name, for the Pacific is tha source of more numerous disturbances of the first maguitude than any otaer of the seven seas,--more, indecd, than all the others combined. The San Fremcisco earthquake of 1306 originated in the Pacific, as did the previous seismic catastrophies Sms Ireland's Future, The moment Ireland is free of the SALE TOP COATS Men's and Young Men's--nobby Tweed Topcoats, form-fitting and slip-on models. Regular $25.00 values, TELEPHONE Exchange, teancetiag all 343 ed value. People who fear to beau- SUBSCRIPTION RATES: tify their front lawns because their Edition) assessment might de raised have no a reason to féar. The assessor will not { make them pay tribute just because { they try to m%ke their street mcre beautiful. . ris, [ be recorded. They are very full earthquake of the first day of Sep- of vitalty, with a lively interest in | temper loft gauch to conjecture. The politics and government. The en-| eytimates of the damage appeared tc ergy for generations spent In re-| yest on fancy, just as the reporis volutionary agitation will be capavle of the San Prauciscc earthquake con- of rich achievement when absord- | tained little but the fact of the fire | ed wholly in promoting the com-| that followed the quake. Rumor was mon welfare.--Springfield Repud- | busy at once and the worid heard Hcan. that the wrath of God hed visiwed y San Francisco and had sunk it in the depths of the sea. Tae clergy com- pared it to Socom and said "the time of her punishment for her iniyuities had arrived." I heard one ciergy- man place the blame for boih quake add conflagration upon Adam. The fact that several disiilleries, wineries and 'warehouses full of aico- holic beverages escaped, while the earthquakes destroyed cvery church in town, excepting the ancient niis- tion of Dolores, made of mud, and built close to the ground, was a fact of small importance in this preach- er's mind. It did not escape the noticc of the Jingle maker, however, who had sacn the acres occupied by the Hotaling whiskey wareiouse pass through tic ordeal without any injury whatever, His comment was as follows: BIBBY'S SPECIAL $18.00 A Genuine English Gaberdine Coat A regular $27.50 value. BIBBY'S SPECIAL $22.50 MEN'S AND YOUNG MEN'S SUIT SALE Good, honest, well made Tweed, Cheviot and Worsted Suits. Regular $30.00 and $82.50 values, BIBBY'S SPECIAL $24.50 1.00 year, if sot paid in advance §1.00 One year, te United States ......$1.%0 0 F-TOWN REPRESENTATIVES: . » 22 St. Johan St, Montreal ¥. W. Thompson ation King St. W. 'erento, ito to the Editor are published over MEN'S FINE SHIRTS Sizes 14 to 17. All good patterns and fast colors. Regular $1.50 and $1.75 values. ---------------- SUPERSTITION. When a dog lies doa to sleep, it wheels round and round before com- | ing to repose. That curfous habit is probably as mysterious 1o the fog as it is to the man who walches. Far, far away in the dim history ot dogdom, the tall wiry grasses inter- feted with perfect canine sleep. The wild ancestors of the present brecds | Wheeled round and round until they | had made a bed. And their descend- ants to this day keep up the custom, | War in two acts. Act I: Fight Tithouth he. ol 2 hojern dog money. Act II: Fiat money. Man has his own inhibitions, fears and superstitions. They too have come down to dm from his faraway progenitors. Whether one takes the pro or con side of the theory of evolution, it is plain that péople of today reflect the lower levels of brain power and spiritual insight of their primitive ancestors. & Are you wary on Friday the thir- teenth? Do you throw salt over your left shanlder after happening to spill some? Do you avoid walking under ladders? Are you afraid to look at the néw moon over the wrong shoul- der? Do you carry a charm or lucky piece? It any of these, or other, supersti- tions lays claim to a hold on you, you are in the samé class with your dog who goes through a needless motion in response to a nameless urge. The fears, habits and notions of prehis- toric ancestors are not eastly shan doned, even by intelectual peopls. Evolutionists have far more than a mére shin bone of a gorilla upon which to base their conclusions that once upon a time man lived in a wild state. The superstitions of the en- lightened are ludicrous but logical to the man who views life as a stream reaching back into the dim forests of dawning intelligence. Militarism in China. On the need for a reduction of the huge military organizations at present existing in China there would seem to be general agree- ment, and it was, indeed, on an un- derstanding with the Tuchuns that this was an unmediately practicabie policy, and that reunification would at the same time be effected, that General Li Yuan Hung consented 4 year ago to return to office tem- porarily as President of the Repub- lic of China. Those promises have proved utterly worthless, -- Hong Kong Press, BIBBY'S SPECIAL © 98¢c. EACH the actual name of the #8 omé of the best job offices in Canada. The circulation of THE BRITISH WHIG is authentjcated by the # ABO Audit Bureau of Circulations MEN'S FINE HOSE 25 doz. fine quality Lisle Thread, fancy Clox, --Black, Navy or Tan----reg- ular 75¢. valué, BIBBY'S SPECIAL 2 Pairs for $1.00 [ry These does not seem to he any threatened epidemic to observe the Golden Rule, I -- A South African Patriot, Botha, like other great men, suf- fered from the inability of many of his own countrymen to appréc- fate his dominant aim. After the South African War he consecrated himself to the cause of South -Afrfe- 4D unity, and how far he was Successful may be, in some measure guaged from the fact that the most English community in South Africa Is the first to honor his memory by] 4 lasting memorial. Of course he made mistakes. But nothing in his life proved that he was other than a sincere South African patriot.-- Cape Town Argus. "Dangerous ' Music. Beethoven would surely have smii- ed had he lived to hear that the Rus: sian Soviet government has banned, among other "dangerous" musie¢, his so-called "Emperor concerto, as Hable, owing to its title, to uneaer- mine the democratic tendencies of the Russian army bandsmen. For the composer never gave the con- certo the name it now bears; as it left his hands it was simply a piano- forte concerto in E flat. But on one occasion, we are told, he nearly de- dicated one of his works to an ew peror. This was the "Erotca" sym- phony, which was dedfeated Lo Lona- parte. But before it was published, news réached Beethoven that his hero had assumed the title of Em- peror, whereupon he tore the title page of the score, containing the de- dication, to pieces. History repeats | itseM.--Montreal Gazette. Sn A SONG THAT WAS HUMMED. Jane Draper in New York Times. I shall steal off some morning (But who will make the bed?) And follow up the hill road Where many a sin has fled. BIBBY"S Hogs are produced on three- fourths of thé farms of Canada and v in all of its cities. : > is acquainted with that transmits vi- brations so rapidly. There ie a fact to puzzle over. The waves of the earthquake are ajmost entirely surface waves, how- ever, like ripples on the surface of a pond. Men in mines during the oe- currence of an earthquake have no- ticed nothing, though directly above them houses were toppling. Because of this, one may safeguard nis home in an earthquake couatry by digging a trench a few feet deep around if, Seismologists, furthermore, make seismic surveys of ground io aeter- mine its tempo--or rate of vibration. With this in mind, the architect can build in harmony with the site. When the quake comes, his structure keeps step so to speak, and does not fall. Those Japanese buildings which, reports say, collapsed, undoubtedly had the wrong coefficient of vibration and could not keep step. Canadian Questions That ol Answers Body | ov ter ng of Hotel Frontenac A.--There are now 2,600 indus- tries in British Columbia with, an Kingston's Leading Wotei : P ors Every room has running hot and By james W, Barton. M.D, The parsons say God spanked the FARMS FOR SALE 1--A large frame dwelling and two acres of good land on the Sydenham Road, eight miles from Kingston, formerly known as the "Union Centre House." There is an orchard of about twenty-five apple trees. A good trade could be had here as a summer hotel or it would make a good home for a retired farmer. 3--A first class farm of 220 acres, pleasantly situated on the Bay of Quinte, a splendid brick house; large barn, new roof and other necessary out- buildings. A bergain quick Duyer as the There should be a limit on an employer's time taken to tell about vacation experiences. town Because it was so frisky, Why did He knouk. the churches down When a man Hades Bis luck going And spare Hotaling's whisk>y? back on him thé next best thing to do is to get down to work. It is interesting to cite scveral rumors which the people o° San Francisco accepted during the three days or the fire, and of imterini*tent thakes, when communication with the outside world 'was nii. No one doupted the statements ne ncard on every hand that the Philippines and the Hawaiian Tslands had sunk. that Chicago was 'benesth; the waters of Lake Michigan, and that New York City bad burned up. All Leileved this, although all knew that no word from any of these places could pos- sibly have reached San Francisco. But to return to the earth;uake itself. What is it? Why is it? What doed it eei like? Generally speak- ing an eartaquake is the shifting of the earth's crust. Immense pressure from within or the sudden loss of internal support over a great area causes a readjustment of the crust of), the earth. Volcances are safely valves. They "let off sieam." Where there is no safety valve to lessen the internal pressure of the various vapors superheated and seeking an exit there may be a great uplift; a plateau may rise over night. -- Pure and Fresh FOR YOUR FRUITS AND PICKLES We keep only the highest grade Spices and Peppers, CORKS Al quality and all sizes. Sealing Wax and Jar Rings. Dr. Chown's Drug Store 185 Princess Street. Phone 848 Class consciousness is the yearn- Ing to swat anybody you envy or anybody ®ho has your goat. After a man retires there isn't 'much to ocfupy his mind except the detiston 'whether to die or diet. as soon as p e, For further particulars apply 0: t T. J. Lockhart Real Estate and Insurance 68 Brock St., Kingston, Ont. Phozes 332) or 1797J. It sométimes happens, however, the man who tHinks he is smok- ing too much is working too much ' + Matrimony, they say, prolongs life. For that matter, a craven spirit prolongs pedce; but" what a price to pay! . Thirty-seven hours in the air is the record for aviation, but who doesn't know men who never get down to earth? THE CHOICE OF PERSEUS. "'l am Pallas Athene; and I know the thoughts of all men's hearts, and discern their manhood or their baseness. And from the souls of clay I turn away; and they are blest, but not by me They fatten at eace, like sheep in the pasture, and eat what they did not sow, like oxen in the stall. .: J " 'But to the souls of fire I give more fire, and to those who are man- ful I give a might more than man's. Thess are the heroes, the sons of the Immortals, who are blest, but not like the souis of clay. For I drive them forth by strange paths, Perseus, that they may fight the Titans and the monsters, the enemies of Gods and men. Through doubt and need, danger and battle, I drive them; and some of them are slain in the flower of youth, no man Knows when or where; and some of them | Win noble names, aml a fair and green old age; but what will be theip latter end I know not, and none, save Zeus; the father of, Gods and men. Tell me now, 'erseus, which of these two sorts of men seem to you more The chap who continually won- ders 'whither we are drifting" sel- dom takes am oar and tries to buck the tide. annual output of $250,000,000 worth oold water. One-half block from + of goods, according to a bulletin issu- ed by the Provincial Department of Industries. The Provincial govern- | Stations and Steambost Landings he meant has been very active the past 4. A. HuGHDS, ] few years in promoting new indus- ig Proprioter trdes for the province, and has ad: vanced large sums of money to new IN THE COMB EXTRACTED companies, Q.--How many farmers-paid Do- In glass, § and 10 1b. tins. All pure Clover Honey and: minion income tax in 19382? exceptionally fine this season. A~18,873 persons desigaed as Jas. REDDEN & Co, "farmers, ranchers and fruit grow- ers" paid Dominion mcome tax, in Importers of Fine Groceries PHONES 20 and 990, The 'earthquakes in California and in Japan have centers of distaroance. «| Thess are out in the beds of the Fa- cific. The Pacific is deep--over five miles in spots. Onc of these spots ls not far off the coast of Japan, not very far from Fuji Yama, which has a height of 12,365 feet. From Fui™s top to the Pacific's boitom is more than seven miles of vertical differ- ence. The pressure at a depth of five miles would be 850 tons to tho square foot.' It seems likely that Such a pressure might forco water through the earth's crust where it would be converted instantly into steam. The result is comparable to the bursting of a bbiler. There is sure to be a tidal wave; there is sure to be a shaking of foundations on the nearest land, and, as in San Francie co, there is usually a fire, with hydrants, water supply, and other fire Qighting apparatus out of com- mission, because of the quake. Had there been water available in San The Care of the Hair. The loss of your haid may not mean much to you but to many it is a serious matter from many stand- points, : Now what causes it? It is generally agreed among hair end skin specialists that it is a disturbance in the circulation of the blood, and some are of the opinion that the composition of the blood has also something to do with it. That men become bald oliener than women is due to the constric- tion of the. blood vessels supplying the scalp by the tight bands and un- ventilated crowns of the modern hat. This pressure prevents proper functioning of the hair cells and follicles, . : Similarly the tight corset causes congestion of the liver and gall stones to occur more frequently mn The law of supply ana demand do#sn't always obtain. Look how many reformers there are, and how little reform. ! ho i Fable: He handled the company funds and had soclal ambitions, but the shortage did , not exceed two hundred dollars. I shall go out some morning And not come in all day. (But who will cook his dinner And put the things away?) 1922, $1,324,693 out of a total of $78,684,354. I shall climb up the hill roae And come to the top and take A road leading down to anomer. MBITION. (But who will churn ang vake?) x I'm gonna try to play the game, And play it hard and play it fair; 1 may not win, but just the same I'm gonna try to my share. I may not always meeét the test As well as some more clever guy, But while my heart beats in my - chest I'm gonna try, . Well, the making. of FS and dirt won't be a new stunt the industry. And when the dusk is showing There'll be one gray road more. (But who will light the lamps and bolt The windows and the goor?) Oh, I shall be taking counser Of stars for a longer track For when I steal off some morning in religion. Every man pious while nursing his head morning. v WON --WHEN You I'm gonna try to stand the gaff, a rece lawyers have little if one party to the marriage blest?' I"m never coming back! Francisco, the loss would have been "Then Perseus answered bokily: minimized. women. Aboue five to one I be- lieve is the proportion of women to men. Yet keep my nerve; I'm gonna seek BUY A TON ! 'Better to die in the Hower of youth on the chance of winning a noble : EEN Je. than tc live at gase ike thé hick town is a lace whore the | Sheep, and die unloved and unre- eel superior to the world |nowned,' " : ps you.have notie-| : Sa spike the goddess Athene in about Toronto. the old Greek fable; and the answer } SA Perseus gave her has been cchocd : by young life through the centuries. r Katmai, in Alaska, 'was once In our day, however, we set less largest active eruption in the fd, but that was before Magnus a ite there's the rub," cried fe. That was ancient "There's the rubbish." The study of earthquakes is a ser- jous business.in Japan. There is a chair of seismology in the University of Tokio. John Milne, F. R. 8., be- To love and work and play laugh And never show no yellow streak I'm gonna struggle to be kind And not grow hard of face and Galluses, In addition to being the food pro- and ducer, political balance wheel, and ali the other things, a farmer does and Is for the country, it looks as if he would have to protect and maintain the zreat American Institution of sus- penders. aug cities and towns have passed t is willing to take good ad- 8 , it? ® from the other. Now what's to be done abogt Well, the first thing is to get something that will cut the layer of dead tissue or dandruff that seems to hold the scalp so tight that it is almost like glue. .} Many of the advertised sham- poos or hair soaps will do this ror you. Perhaps it will take three or four to get it all loosened away, but it simply has to pe done oye, I'll flop at times, but never ming, I'm gonna try. I'm gonnd try to be a friend That folks can trust, and who they know, Will be the same way to, the end, | Whatthes the luck runs high or ow; I'll hitch my wagon to a star And set my goal up in the sky And though I may not get that far, I'm gonna try, , =By Berton Braley. in singing our praises arter -------- we have served you. You A fashion writer says a woinan | know our telephone number, should bave a hat for every mood. 8 ube All that the suggestion needs is the : kind of husband who is willing to get : Crawford RDER just a single ton Oe coal and we have added you to our list or well-warmed patrons. You will join the Coal Quartette i -- 'this sentence: "Sorry to ," apologized the man at desk, "but here is that TH il it gr i x § Bit her that many. It does absolutely no good to trv to guess a woman's age. No man would have the courage to tell the truth ¢f he was certain of it. ER er A i ERR A id :

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