Daily British Whig (1850), 7 Sep 1923, p. 7

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THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG INSPECTION INVITED TO KINGSTON COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE STUDENTS To see our stock of V-neck and Pullover All Wool K.C.I. Sweaters. These are real good. Price .. $4.50 George VanHorne's 213 Princess Street, oc Phone 362w. Are Your Chi 0 Properly Equipped 'For School? Good books and equipment are of little use if a child's vis- ion is imperfect. Have the children's eyes ex- amined before they start to school and make sure they are alright, Our examination will you this. tell i W. D:CRAHAM, RO. Sr BH ER Successor to . . Registered Optometrist 140 Wellinzion St Opp. Post Offi, 'Dr. Waugh 106 lia a Phone 256. --- s. Nash & Renton DENTISTS . | Diamonds | of : Quality ~~WE catry only the quality of Stones that can hold their own with the finest. Te ~--THERE 1s satisfaction fin knowing you are getting the best value for your money. ---WE are pleased to show them to you with no obligation to purchase. Kinnear & d'Esterre Jewelers PRINCESS ST., KINGSTON I ) FIRST OF THE BOOSTER Dr. Vincent A. Martin DENTIST Evenings by appointment, 272 Princess Street. Phone 2045w, (188 PRINCESS ST., KINGSTON OFFICE HOURS: 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. +" Evenings by appointment, ? GAS--X RAY. We develop the resources of the world and mature and discipline our own powers by endeavor. 97 Piece Dinner Set Regular $33.00 Sale Price Made by J]. & G. 25.00 Meakin, a beauti- ful light blue band pattern with Rose Buds. Don't miss this if you want a Din- ner Set. i 'The problem of School nomically solved if you i ungsters. plete, well chosen stock of le Shoes for Boys and Girt, 2% Shoes will be will let us outfit strong, FREIGHT LOCONOTIVE, (Being Built at Kingston Works | | --WIll Help Haul Canada's | Western Grain Crop. | IE -- | The new engine, number 3560, | Mikado in style, is the first of a ten |.order contract which the Canadian | Locomotive works has received, acd [it will be finished early next week. | These engines, built to haul freight, will be used in the west to transport | the big grain crops from the eleva- | tors to the east. Possessing ali the | splendid features. of the passenger | series, these monsters of the rails, | though not quite as Tong, weigh as much. The only difference is that the engines are of the 2-8-2 type and have an additional appendage the famous booster, into which the sted is first turned. This booster is locat- ed behind the trailing axle, and 'after the engine has attained a speed of approximately ten miles an hour, it immediately shuts off allowing thc locomotive to 1 after itself. Oae other feature is the new innovation the Bellepaire boiler which allows a larger steam capacity and there- fore greater power. The tender has a carrying space of twelve tons of coal and eighty-five gallons of water. Several other orders for different types of engines have been received | GANANOQUE Sept 8.--Mr. and Mrs: F. J. Skin- ner left yesterday on an extended trip to the coast and points Soutd and will visit the following cities-- Toronto, Winnipeg, Regina, Saska- toon, Edmonton, Calgary, Vancouv- er, Victoria, Seattle, Portland, San Francisco, Los Angeles, New Or- leans, Washington, Atantic City, New York and Montreal. Miss Amanda O'Regan, Oshawa, arrived last evening and will spend the next couple of weeks at "Idyl- wyld." y : Fred Mooney arrived home Wed- nesday night from a week's visit in Toronto, Colborne and Buffalo. Mr. and Mrs. Hood and friends motored up to Kingston last even- ing and took in "Hollywood" at the Allen, Erward Delaney is among number who will enter Arts Queen's at the beginning of term. W. J. Wilson and Archie Reid aro among the Gananoqueans taking in the Toronto Exhibition this week. They went up on Sunday last. Mr. and Mrs. C, B. Abbott, Hart- ford, Conn:. who have been the guests of Miss Annie Shields for the past month, returned home on Tuesday last. ® Henry Parker spent yesterday in Kingston with friends. the at the | and there 1s every indication that | the locomotive works will continue in operation for a long time. NN | "Jails His Jaller And Makes 'Escape Whitby, Sept. 7.--Although efforts are being® made to trace Thomas Taylor, who escaped from the couaty jail here Monday night, the fugitive is still -at large. Taylor made his escape in a particularly ingenious manner; | Whén the jailer was about to lock {him in his cell for the night, Taylor, | who was acting as cook, asked leave to go to the kitchen to attend to the fire. As he passed out of the. corri- dor he shut the iron grating ¢n the jailer, and by means of a rope made his exit from the building. Poiice in the adjacent counties have been notified. Taylor, who came from Oshawa, was awaiting trial at the fall assizes, . Delta Holiness Camp. The district camp meeting of the Holiness movement ohurch, met at Delta, Aug. 31st. and will continue over Sunday, Sept. 9th. Quite a number' of small tents, as well as two large dwelling tents, are erect- ed in the nice grounds situated on the main road leading to Lyndhurst. The meetings have been good from the beginning and last Sunday was a special day in numbers and inter- | est shown. The numbers are in- creasing and it is expected there will be a large turnout for the re- mainder of the meetings. Bishop A. F. Warren is in charge and a num- ber of other preachers, Evangelists and singers are assisting. -------- Big School Attendance, Preliminary reports 'on the open- ing of the city schools show that there is a big attendance: Some of the grades, such as the junior fourth, are osercrowded and it was neces- sary in some cases to split the clas- ses in order to equalize them and facilitate the work of the teachers. Tuesday and Wednesday did not see all of the children in their places, however, as some families had not returned to the city, and the in- spector, J. R. Stuart, was not pre- pared to make a general statement on the matter of accommodation, A Delightful Sail. Come and enjoy a delightful sail to Cape Vincent, 'N.Y., on SS. Waa- bic on Saturday, Sept. 8th, Sunday, Sept. 9th, leaving Kingston, 7 a.m. and 1.16 p.m. Passenger taking 7 a.m. boat and returning on evening boat will have an opportunity to spend three hours in Watertown, N. Y. The Sunday 1.15 p.m. boat gives a beautiful trip through the islands and to Cape Vincent. Fare round trip to Cape Vincent returning the same day 76c. Phone 2195. -- Hon. George P. Graham Honored. A received at Brock- ville, from Geneva, M.P., Minister of railways and canals, Who is attending the convocation of two Canadian representatives, has been selected to present the question the League of Nations as_one of the |' Mr. and Mrs. Earle Woollard, Fred Woollard and their guests, Mr. and Mrs. Omar Truesdall, Montreal, and Miss Margaret Davidson, Brock- ville, broke up camp on Wednesday and returned to their respeotive homes, -- / BURNING OF TOWN HALL/ ™ J At Picton on Tuesday -- Building Erected In Sixties, Picton Times. Tuesday morning the town build- ing on the market square was gu:- ded. Between 6 and 6:30 o'clock, J. L. Sheppard, the market clerk, arose and started a fire in the cook stove. He heard a noise like eomething dropping apparently upstairs in tae firechall. He went around to the firehall, but no person was there. Charles Hawkins stood across the street and remarked that there was too much smoke about. But befora an investigation could be made, fames burst from the upper ficor, the upper part of the bublding ap- parently being on fire from end to end. The firemen quickly responded to the alarm and ail the fire appar- atus was removed and Mr. Shepard s household goods with the exception of two stoves, as 'well as the furni- ture from the council chamber, At this time ther: was no fire down- stairs, But it had" evidentiy been burning for a long time or the stage and in the galleries of the town hall. The roof was burmed off as well as the top of the hose tower. The fire alarm bell dropped through the building. The walls and chimneys are still standing. The cause of the fire is a complete mystery, as the town hall was locked up and the stovepipes which were in use in the residence part enter the chimney on the first floor. The water pressure was good and the firemen had no difficulty in confining the fire to the one building. The bufiding was insured for $4,200, The town hall building was erect- ed in the sixties. It was a very sub- stantial building and served its pur- pose for many years. It contained the central fire station. the council chamber and the market clerk's Tesidence on the ground floor. In Tecent years the town hall has only been used occasionally, the Regent theatre taking care of shows and the armouries public meetings. # The fire bell is cracked, but wheth- er it can be mended has not been de- termined. Pending re-arrangement of the system the Church of Eng- land bell will be used. The alarm will be installed in the market build- ing and the market clerk will have temporary residence there. For the present the fire truck will be kept at Jones' livery, The town council will hold its meetings in the public dibrary, i -- 3 . ELGIN SPORTS DAY, Auto Parade Held -- Burial of Mrs. rlend, | children, Kingston, were guests in the village. Misses Pinkerton and Kenny have charge of the public school for this term. George Mur- phy, Owen Sound, spent the week- ! . i: THAI i ie land their efforts are not in vain. 'tending the fair. AN ARDOCH REUNION OF HARTMANN FAMILY | In Honor of the 80th Birthday | Anniversary of Mrs. Sophia 1 Hartmann, | Ardoch, Sept. 6. -- A happy fost] ily re-union was held on Aug. 25th | at the home of F.' Hartman, in honor of his mother, Mrs. Sophia Hartman, who celebrated her 80th birthday | anniversary. All her children, with their husbands and wives were Preseat, which is an unusual oocur- | rence. Her children are as follows: i Mrs. R. Lemke, Mrs. G. Lemke, Mrs. | J. Lemke, all of Plevna; Mrs. F. | Gorr, of "The Mountain;" Mrs. A. Simpson, Folger; Mrs. J. Schonauer and her two sons, James and Ferdi- nand, who are all of Ardoch. Robert Watkins has a number of men again employed working on what is known as the Trunk Road Miss Lillian Rodgers, Denbigh, has been engaged as teacher for No. 3 school, which previously has been under the management of Miss Anna Fraser for a number of years. Miss Fraser has now taken charge of Den Dbigh village s<hool. A little daughter armived yester- day to brighten the home of Mr. and Mrs.. Charles Smith. Mrs. Wesley Tapping bes returned from Kingsten General Hospital and is gaining strength nicely. Mrs. Ww. Weber, Mrs. J. Myers, and Wilfrid and M G. Weber have returned home from a pleasant automobile trip to Toron- to, Guelph and other points, J. G. Fraser is at present employed at Lavaat painting the exterior of tha Roman Catholic church. A. 'Ready of Denbigh, made a fiying trip to Ardoch on Monday, "Tony" Weiss apd bride, also Joseph Weiss and niece, who was formerly Miss Rosa Summers, motored from Detroit, Mich., and are visiting at Alois We- ber's. Miss Elizabeth Guinsinger, Who has spent the past few motnhs in Toronto, is enjoying her hoMdays under the parental roof. Victor Hermer, Lakefield? is also holtiday- ing at his home here. Miss Edna Glaesar, Denbigh, spent a few days last - week in the village, ---- Briefs From Tamworth. Tamworth, Sept. 6.--Rev. Mr, Cas- well, "McDonald's Corners, has bcen visiting friends here tha past few days. The high and public gschoois opened on Tuesday with five teachers in attendauce, Mr. Fletcher, Miss Milligan, Miss Alexander, Miss Mal lory and Miss Patterson. There are a number of new scholars, making the total enrollment 250. Mr. and Mrs. Long and Mrs. Parks, Napapce. were in tgwn on Wednesday. J. A: Hunter and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Mec- Gee and others are in Toronto at- -------------------------- Bus Hits Automobile, Brockville, Sept. 7.--A large pas- Senger motor bus, carrying sixteen people, crashed into a touring car ou the provincial highway, a short dis- tance east of Brockville, while en-| route from this town to Prescott. Th front wheels and axle of the moto. bus were demolished and the tour- ing car heavily damaged. All of the seventeen people involved in the accident escaped injury other than being shaken up, * --------a------ Struck Gas. ( Trenton, Sept. 7.----Hilifer Bros., Trenton, while drilling for water on the property ot G. E. Mutton on the shore of Lake Ontario, struck gas. NOW 'SH FOR op SCHOOL The solid leather kind -- the kind Girls' School Boots that stands the hard knocks that sturdy live-awake Boys and Girls need. Boys' School Boots . . .$2.50 to $5.00 «+. $2.50 to $5.00 Abernethy's Shoe Store v PHONE 147 For Repairing and ' Uphoistering 8; ond ¥/ CAFRA Kingston's | Largest Home F urnisher, YOUNG COUPLES will find Reid's a good place to deal is the spirit of the times. We have some wonderful values in assorted Mohair, Velours and plain Taupe shades. JAMES REID y Se The flow is very plentiful and the gas is escaping in considerable volume, More Hunters Than Ducks, Peterboro, © Sept. 7.--8ince the opening of the duck season the Rice Lake district has been the scene of a daily invasion. Ducks are very scarce on the iake, and, so far, the hunters outnumber the ducks. The Leading Undertaker ns Bears Raiding Sheep. ; Peterboro, Sept. 7.--Bears are at- tacking sheep in broad daylight at Apsley, 35 miles north of Peterboro. Howard Harris, a resident of the dis- trict, found a bear dovouring the carcas of a sheep, it had killed, and Albert Wilson shot a mother bear and two cubs. Several have been' seen in the vicinity of the village this week. i a ---------------------- Dominion Meat Store Opposite Y. M. C. A. BEEF Loads and loads, PO Phone 1268). and loads of it. All must be sold by Saturday night : to make room for fresh supply Monday. WESTERN BEEF loleie oe' 6c. Boiling Cuts ®"eTaTel os fale' fo Tal 0 el 8c. Pot Roasts ete Vieisie felaietalere 10c. Oven Roasts ........ otatatetatere's 12Cs Rump Roasts lelefeiet totale: erate SOCs Stewing Cuts oleleloleie SPRING LAMB Legs "tote .ieiaini we ieiater tele « «o Sc, Fronts . [eT 07a 0 Brn taal Tele re BCs Racks erslelele. fete ale wre atal ier. SOC Breasts Si Sale Whe Ce CTT €) w.n15¢. Loins Te ea 0 ala" [elated olate ete SSCs Belleville Creamery 39c | Legs of P ork 'a Te teYs fay? nore re S5C. Butts avaSaieteie: 411 e tare iedst beter .22¢. * Shoulders elle inieTie THINS "den 18e¢. Loins fHTeTaTeTeren Nieleie is tvieris re SCs Blood Donic Hatin = vvvve Bt 1 Red Salman (large) |... 24e vere .32¢, (large) rN yy 24c, Air vrs + 100, ii

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