\ THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG . NOTICE 3 will be pleased to conduct Auction | Bales in Kingston or the County of! Frontenac. . Rates reasonable. be made at my office T. J. MUNRO, Auctioneer, Cerner Clarence and Ontario Strebts. ne Phone 0242. Three hundred and fifty students 'will attend the Ontario Institute for the Deaf, at Bellevillemthis season. Arrangements can OPERA GR AN D HOUSE BRANSBY WILLIAMS And His All-Engl C y in D& ph > "DAVID COPPERFIELD" Direct from the Lyceum, London, Eng. Z $2.00, $1.50, $1.00 and Soc. "ENEMIES > _ i SEE IT Ld WO AUTHOR 'OF "THE FOUR HORSEMEN" With LIONEL BARRYMORE and ALMA RUBENS Against a magnificent background of Europe's gilded so- ciety life--in the midst of revéls and revolutions--is staged. the great romance of a pleasure-loving Prince and a famous 'beauty. ADVANCE IN PRICES To-Night AT 8.15 Sharp || -- AMUSEMENTS eee etmeeaerg eit What the Press Agents Say About Coming Attractions "DAVID COPPERFIELD." | Oftered at the Grand this Evening by .Bransby Williams. The Grand Opera House will this = {evening be the ceptre of attraction for crowds of theatre-goers who have | been looking forward to the present- { ation of Dickens' "David Copperfield" {by Bransby Williams and 'his entire { English company. Rotarians, es- i pecially, will be keenly interested |in the arrival of this great member of their organizatfon, who is &nown in the \Old World as 'The Ambas- sader of Rotary." Willams' reputation as an actor needs no broadcasting from the source, tut it might be sald that he has: achieved extraordinary success in Dicképsian roles. He is a man who lives his parts, who can step [week the Strand management willl {present two fine pictures, each adapted from a story wy .& ooou 0 'author. For the first half' of the jweek we 'are. promised Thomas Meighan in "Homeward Bound," a; Paramount pieture adopted' from | Peter B. Kane's popular story, reel Light to Leeward," This is one of Mr.. Kyne's inimiable sea yarns, in| some of 'which, notably, "Cappy | Ricks," Thomas Meighan has done; some of his finest work. This is a happy combination, Kyne and Met- | ghap, and "Homeward Bound" re- veals both writer and star at their best. Lila Lee is leading woman, and the other members of the cast are players of experience and ca- pacity. The adenture and danger of life at sea are portrayed with realistic power, while the human in- | terest of the story Keeps at high-| water mark all through. For the second half of the week the Strand management offers a picture of wide appeal, Mary Miles Minter in "The Trall of the Lonesome Pine." the screen version of the world-famous story by John Fox, Jr. In book form this tale had a record sale, and it is being eagerly read by thou- sands now The story lends itself to picturization from every point and full use has been made of its possibilities for the screen. Miss Minter, always a favorite in King- ston, acts with all her wonted grace and force In "The Trail of the Lonesonie Pine," which is drawing huge crowds wherever it is shown. L BAS EBAL |B" SCORES International. Syracuse 4-1, Toronto 3-1. Jersey City 3-1, Reading 1-0. Rochester '8, Buffalc 3. Baltimore 12-3, Newark 0-1. National Brooklyn 6, New York 3. St. Louis 3, Chicago, 0. Cincinnati 8, Piutsburg 3. Three games scheduled. American. New York 6-4; Boston 2-0. Philadelphia 5, Washington 2. Cleveland 5, Detroit 3. ' Chicago 4, St. Louis 2. LOCAL NEWS. Up by the Whig Re- porters. A. H. Carr has returned after spending the past week down east. Mr, Swain, piano tuner. Orders received at 100 Clergy street west, Phone 564w Remember Hotel Dieu rummage sale, British American Hotel, Sept. 13th, 9:30 am. ' | are very teady to The local yachting season, as far| neighbor but not nearly so anxious - Q What mistake is this golfer mak- Ing in his driving position? The answer will be found among to<day's want ads. Bishop Bidwell Opposed To Restrictive Legislation The Bishop of Ontario who was the preacher in St. George's cathe- drdl on Sunday morning spoke strongly against the fad of the mo- ment for restrictive legislation. Men discipline their 1 as racing goes, will close this week. [0 use the same measures towards There 18 to be a dinghy race on | themselves. Only personal devotion Monday and Wednesday, if Ry] to the person of Christ, the Son of conditions are favorable. the Living God, can bring peace to A carload of peaches arrived at the! the world. He died to save, Harding with Ottawa. C.P.R. yards Monda; morning. Many | ALLEN A ETO TO-DAY = " DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP Ae to Pert eat pt Poteet me SCSMNERL || SPORTING NEWS that the ADOLAM ae, » Bust, 1933. Auction Sale Real Estate and Household Goods, 99 | Township of Kingston NOTICE is hereby given business carried on by the undersigned ! under the name of Baker, bh been dissolved by mutual consent. The business will be carried on here- after by W. p. CUSICK, to whom all accounts are payable, and by whom all] | meri Mabilities have been assumed. DATED 1st September, 1923. (Signed) MARGARET BAKER, W. P. CUSICK. NOTICE hereby given that FLORENCE LU-|| ERSON KELLY, of the City} LLA PA , in the County of Fron- he Province of Ontario, . Will apply to the Parlia- f Canada, at the next session thereof, for a Bill of Divorce from her husband, DANIEL LYON KELLY, of the City of Toronto, in the County of York, in the Province of Ontario, black- || smith, on the ground of adultery and esertion. . DATED at the city of Kingston, In the county of Frontenac, in the Prove ince of Ontario, this Fourth day ofA u- NICKLE & FARRELL, Solicitors for the Applicant. Elm Street, Tuesaday, Sept. 11th, 1923, $t 1.30 p.m. 8 foamed house, containing 38 pb, electric Mghts, wired for electric stove, and all modern conveniences. Lot 156 X 65 more or less, good garden and fruit 1 & tuated on the trees. Said propert. gorner of Alfred and Elm Streets. To 'Be gold subject to reserve bid. The ty to sold at 2 pm. lousehold Ss, consisting of wal- put Rarlor 'suite, couch, walnut tables, bric-brac, plétures, hall tables, hall tack, mahogany chest of drawers, beds, dressers, stands, wardrobe, walnut cup- , carpets, books, mirrors, linoleum, Aome range, fall leaf table, rockers. " ehairs, garden tools, oak heater, lawn mower, quantity of wooed and lumber, ete. rope, Carpenter's bench, grind stone, rd car, wheelbarrow and a Jost, of other things too numerous to ' on BEDFORD, «the Auctioneer. TURORT PRESENTS: © omas Mei ound' ANOTHER SCREEN TRIUMPH BY. THE |. AUTHOR AND STAR OF "CAPPY RICKS" BRANSBY WILLIAMS 'As "Peggothy" In Dickens' Master- plece;" David Copperfield, at the Grand to-night. from one into another . one--even though they be opposite in every way--and completely drop the attri- butes of the earlier one while tak- ing on every phase of the chararct- eristics of the second. In "David {| Copperfield" Mr. Williams is seen as {| both . Peggotty and Mr? Micawber, SEALED TENDERS will be received By the Municipal Corporation of the Township of Kingston for the construc- Connaught Streets in the Township of Kingston, Immediately adjoining the Norttierly Mmits of the City of King- .Wton, on or before Friday, September 14th, 1923. PLANS and SPECIFICATIONS may St the office of the Township i C.F. Adair, Cataraqui. { LOWEST or any other tender not aecessarily accepted. -N at Cataraqui, this 7th da: f September, 1335, yo C. F. ADAIR, . Township Clérk Building Blocks, Bricks and MANUFACTURER OF HIGH GRADE CONCRETE B The J. K. Carroll Agency 56 BROCK STREET. es REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE BROKERS, Sand MENT BRICKS, LINTELS, SILLS, BASE 'COURSE, ' PIER CAPS, ETC. DEALER IN BEST QUALITY OF BUILDING AND PLASTERING SAND, ANP GRAVEL, DELIVERED ON SHORT NOTICE. R. J. McCLELLAND CORNER ONTARIO AND WILLIAM STREETS DOWN TOWN--In good residential district, corner store and dwell- ing combined. Price ... erase $4,000 ALFRED STREET, wear Collegiate -- a handsome pair of solid < brick houses; fully 'modern. Yearly rental $060. Price office, KENSINGTON AVENUE LOT---Size 50x120. Owner city, wants to sell. Make us an offer. Every Step Displays Your Footwear For Dress Wear our new Fall styles are accurate in meeting the demands of the season. ; Oxfords in Patent, Gunmetal, Ma: hogany Calf, ; STRAP. SHOES with High or Low is out of the ||and there are indeed few peopre wno || without being previously warned or || consulting the programme can real- || ize that the same man takes these || parts, . {| As the Williams company is max- ing a stop only one night here the seat sale has been brisk and those who have not secured accommoda- tion by the first curtain this even- ing may have trouble getting good seats. Advance sales have been large and a capacity house is expect- ed. N J \ 1 \ A MAGNIFICIENT DRAMA IS "EMEMIES OF WOMEN" All the artistry, perfection of de- tail and lavishness of production which featured the creation of .Cos- mopolitan' Productions' epoch-mak- ing photoplay, "When Knighthood Was in Floyer," were employed in making of "Enemies of women," a Cosmopolitan picturization of Vie- ente Blasco Ibanez's lastest and, as many consider, his greatest romanee. This marvelous picture, will be the offering at the Allen, today, Tuesday Wednesday and Thursday. No stone was left unturned to make of "Enemies of Women" one of the most beautiful pictures ever made. It was for this reason that Cosmopolitan upset all tradiion by sending an entire company to Eur- ope on location, something mever before done in the history of pic- tures. ' The company spent six weeks in. Monte- Carlo, Nice and Paris, where the author located his story. The trip abroad brought the com- pany into direct contact with Ib- anez, and his assistance in the dir- ection of many of the scenes taken abroad is considereq invaluable. So enthusiastic did Ibanez become over the plans of production, that he ar- ranged to have scenes taken in the Casina at Monte Carlo and on the terrace of the Garden, the first time in seven years that world famous gaming resort had been filmed. Ib- anes also obtained permission to take scenes of the Prince of Monaco's palace, and pointed out the most picturesque spots of the Riviera. As a result of the author's work, "Enemies 4f Women" as a pleture -|H. Dunne ... ow vee sme weve = After a great deal of controversy as to where Dave Harding, the flashy | Queen's running half of the past two'| seasons, will play this year, the Ot- tawa football club management an- nounced last night that the famous David would line out with the capi- tal team this year. Harding has tak- en over a position in the Air Board at Ottawa. SPORT Scrapper was Third. Regarding the Prince of Wales cup race in Toronto harbor Satur- day, the Telegram says: "Lillian E., sailed by her skipper, Mr.-R. A. Wright, had a desperate battle with Scrapper, sailed by Dr. Bruce Taylor, principal of Queen's, and his crew of daughters. The boys in the Lillian E. beat the girls in the boat with the pugilistic cogno- men. But the Kingston nymphs had an un-wished-for revenge. Lillian A. broke her port spreader and had to withdraw... So did Nutmeg, which parted the peak lacing of her gaf, Scrapper finished third dn the R-boats, beating Vivia IL--mo mean feat, for it was Vivia's weather, Queen's Win Ryan \ The members of the Queen's bowl- ing club are the winners of the Dr. Edward Ryan bowling trophy. The final score of the eighteen games which were played was: Queen's 333, Rockwood 175. The final games were played on Saturday. After the games, Dr. Ryan pre- sented the trophy to J. F. McMillan, president of the Queen's bowling club. The trophy is engraved with the following inscription. "Dr. Ryan Bowling Trophy Rockwood-Queen's." The results of Saturday's games were as follows: ' Queen's C. Smart J. Angrove H. Angrove R. C. Cartwright Skip--11 Rockwood J. Tunbridge N. Tutton S. Sears J. Lawless Skip--10 N. Munsie E. Walsh C. Crozier J. F. McMillan Skip--12 E. C. Ryan Dr. E. Ryan S. Kay C. Ryan Skip--18 J T. E. Ralph J. J. Newman R. Hull J. A. McFarlane C. Jenkins CAB C. C. Hodgins H. Skip--11. Treadgold Skip--11 Perth Golfers Played Here. €he following is the result of the match played between tite Cataraqul Golf and Country.Club and the Tay and Country Club of Perth on Satur- day: Kingston. . © { Dr. MCKOS «ne vee ens +54 oman C. Guy Shannon ... ver we... A. B. Cunningham ... vu. ou. PF. MOXIOY ....inos.vmi viv inns Fo oA DBY cov ons werinne weiss Td BISOOY wou vai ver who Bruce HOPKING uv «nv ams sae H. Lawson ... H. Davis owe sens Dr. Macdonald .... ... oi. Father Kingsley ... wou w.. .. BT Steasy ... ... .. J.-B. McLeod ...: 0c. ovo navies' J. W. Rigney WWD WwW me mes esses tre see Ww ew cen nne Tes ses Sas ema wean F. A Smyths ... .., ... ... | dnnwn nnn » Perth. eH KInoal wes tose on wnsin «BMAlONBY «oui vs aia no . R. Caldwell we. cov voi me = R.Btrike ... a. son venue BASRA. .o viv ans ae Robertson ... ,.. ... .. Thompson ..... w+ ..:. o.. 2 aes aes " mggd neh see 'wes see ] *8e see Cue Mme Tee sme mes sew pbell es ame 00 ween : : "se wee ssemie » dfpmnpry > Ii W.P.Greton ... ..."... ..... EW. Walker... ...0 0c. 5. - #ldesocscssasscncas wr W. Newman |" portunity to 'secure the luscious fruit at thirty cents to one dollar a basket. A large number are tryirg the supplemental examinations at Queen's. Much anxiety was evident among the studemnts about Latin II., a class in which two-thirds were plucked last spring. One of the best exhibits seen in the Pure Food building at the To- roato exhibit'on was a cow and a milkmaid manufactured of solid butter, the product of Bowes Cream- ery Company, of Toronto, which has a branch at Tamworth. The funerzl of the lat "John Spankle, Wolfe Island, was hel on Saturday dfternoon at two o'clock, under the direction of the Reld firm ,to Cataraqui cemetery. J. W. Stephen. Remember Hotel Dieu rummage sale, British American Hotel, Sept. 13th, 9:30 a.m. Mrs. Howard Martin, Colborne street, who suffered painful injuries as a resultl of a fall at her home on Saturday night, was taken to the General Hospital in James Reld's motor ambulance, and is doing very nicely now. Early Sunday evening an excit- ing automobile collision occurred near the corner of Princess street and University avenue, one of the cars being badly damaged in the smash. The occupants of the two cars received only a severe shaking- up. . School . children's competition promises to be a big feature at tha Horticultural Exhibition, in the New Curling Rink, Clergy street west. Don't miss seeing the flowers grown by the children from sceds supplied by the Horticultural Society. Tuepday and Wednesday next, 11th and 12th. -------------------- The violin and pianoforte music to be presented at the Horticultural Society exhibition tomorrow and Wednesday evening will be of a high class, judging by the artists who are engaged for the occasion at new Curling Rink, Clergy street west. people avalled themselves.of the op-| Busi Jamey The service was conducted by Rev. display of he at Regina Has 'Greatly Increased mn pr Regina, Sask., Sept. 10. -- Follow- ing the influx of harvesters to the province, wholesale houses report that orders for merchandise are pour- ing into Regina in a volume equal- ling the peak of trade in the boom days. . Import houses are being rush- ed with orders and wholesaie gro- cery firms report the greatest trade in years Reine Claude Green Gages. Last and best variety coming this week; low price this season as crop is good--~Carnovsky's. % Don't forget the Horticultural Ex- hibition in New Curling Rink Tues- day and Wednesday, 11th end 12th. Afternoons and evenings, good music both evenings. Admission: Adults, 26c¢.; children, 10e¢. NOTICE re William Charles Lennon In terms of a deliverance by the Sheriff of Lanarkshire at G. w, dated 22nd August, 1923, notice |s here- by given that a petition has been pre- sented to him under the presumption of Life Limitation ¢Scotland) Act, 1891, by Mrs. Agnes Lennon or Bain, Widow, Lennon or Tinley un Street, Helens- burgh, and another, craving the Sheriff to find that the brother of the above- named petitioners, William Charles Lennon, who left Scotland for Canada on or about 15th October, 1904, and who was employed for a time with Mr. Hartley Fleming and thereafter with Mr. Frank Henderson, both of Stella Post Office, near Kingston. Ontario, Canada, and was later known to be in Belleville, Ontario, aforesaid, and was last héard of there in or about Névem- ber, 1910, should be presumed to have died on 30th November, 1917. If any person interested intends to show cause why the prayer of the said petition should not be granted he or she is ordained by the said deliverance to lodge in the hands of the Clerk of Court at Glasgow' a Notice of Appearance within one month from the date of the last Insertion of thig notice in the "Glasgow Herald," "The British Whig," Kingston, Ontario, and "The Belleville Intelligencer," Belleville, Ontario, news- papers. BALLANTINE HADDOWS McLAY, licitors, 39 Bath Street, Glasgow, Scotland, Agents for Petitioners. and Mrs. Mary both of 32 Col /