/ MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 10, 1025. TH E DAILY BRITISH WHIG FROST'S CITY STORAGE . Now has vacant two clean, dry, private rooms. (Your own lock and key.) PHONE 526. PIANO TUNING Plano Tuning, Repairing and Player Piano Adjdsting. Norman H. Butcher, 27 Pine Street. PHONE 1819w. 209-305 QUEEN STREET. | Guarantee Bonds. Victory Bonds bought and sold. R. H. Waddell Phones 126-596. 50 Hrock Mt. DR. A.W. WINNETT DENTAL SURGEON. Real Estate | CaADuN Nanow Ranweys General Insurance, Reliable Companies only represented. ! Corn f Johmnsom and Wellingtun Somer " Phone 368 » ASK FOR BELL'S CUCUMBER CREAM (Chapped Hands, etc.) Use It Use All Ways. Always For Moving of IGHT, FURNITURE, SAFES, PIANOS, CARTAGE and STORAGE OF VERY DESCRIPTION Kingston Transfer Co. 377. Evenings 2231. 153 WELLINGTON STREET. Dental Surgeon DR. J. C. W. BROOM L.D.S, D.D.S. 3 Wellington and Brock Streets, Entrance, 150 Wellington St, Evening by aylsintment, WATTS -People's Florist 177 Wellington Street. Fresh i and Plants daily. bouque £20 order, a ans ce, 1187. To Screen Coal Costs Money but it puts our coal in good con- dition. Regardless of the cost, our coal is always screened un-. Hl it is clean--and when you ~ Bet. it, it is fit to be used in the . tidiest kitchen. BOOTH & CO. 'Phone 188. Grove Inn Yards FOR SALE TD I. Cohen & Co. ¥67.275 ONTARIO STREET PHONES 836 and 837, | KINGSTON aw» VICINITY Another Good shower. | Kingston had two more good | showers of rain on Sunday. It ra: {ed very heavily for a short time in The simple 0 n e simplest way to end a cor! | the afternqon. is Blue-jay. Stops the pain ins, stantly. Then the corn loosens/ and comes out. Made in clear liquid and in thin plasters. The action is the same. At your druggist Blue; ay Pastures Refreshed. { | The farmers state that the recent | rr -- rains are extremely welcome as the Pastures have been freshened and the wells and springs have also greatly improved. Confirmation Service. It was announced at St. Mary's cathedral on Sunday that Archbishop Spratt would conduct a confirmation service for the children the latter part of October AGENCY FOR ALL OCEAN STEAMSHIP LINES | _Special attention given your family or friends going to or returning from the Old Country. Passports arranged for. 5 | For information and rates apply to EB P. HANLEY, C.P. and T.A. C.N. Boys' School Suits, We have received a big shipment of boys' school suits, which we will sell at a reduced price, dandy suits, at $6, $6.50, $7.50 and $9, all sizes, all colors. Préjpst, Brock street. Campers Return. The majority of the campers who have been sojourning at Fast View. Collin's Bay, and other popular sum- mer camping places, have returred to the city, Sr m---------------- Now For Kingston Fair, With the Toronto exhibition now a thing of the past for this year, the attention of the surrounding district | is centred on the Kingston fair. {Manager "Bob" Bushell's "bigger and better than ever" show. Ry., Kingston, Ont. Office: Canadian National Railway, corner Johnson and Ontario streets, Kingston, Ontario. Open Day and Night. PHONE 99 or 1433. i | | Hardwood | | ABSOLUTELY DRY | | | Lid | % Si Stadents Arriving. Queen's students are again return- | ing to their old 'boarding houses and when once settled are looking up old cronies of past escapades. Re- gistration begins about the last of September and unless special por- miseion is granted must be over by { October 5th. ~--Alsn-- | SOFT WOOD AND SLABS | KENNY & FALLON | PHONE 637. { | 187-141 CLERGY STREET |x Had a Holiday. Owing to the wet weather, work had to be stopped on the new build- ing Corner Bagot and Colborne Streets, | Showers on Friday were not sufficient however, to stop work on the new Phone 1317, building which is now being rushed We will have for TUESDAY 100 | along. . bushels of Tomatoes, extra choice | np tame goods, to clear at .25 per bus. Kingston Horses at Watertown. Ph 'our orde a . Burns McKane won second money one your: order and got -them: de | in the races at Watertown last week livered early. RED PEPPERS free with each | Other Kingston horses, Edna Belle busthiel. land Billy Murphy. He has these | pacers entered for the races at Cape If they are not the best you have : Vincent this week. seen yet you don't have to accept them. 'Smith's - Phone 1317 Barrie and Colborne Sts. Ft rasan Cm | Rain for the Market In spite of the heavy shower of rain on Saturday morning the market was filled with shoppers. Rain or shine the 'Kingston people have to look after the market on Saturday and do their shopping. The market square was filled with cars and vehicles and every available inch of room was needed to meet, the wants of the people. Regina Resident Praises Tanlac For Her Recovery. Name Was Omitted. In the Whig"s account of a wed- ding at Queen street Methodist church parsonage on Sept. 5th, the name of the bride was given us Gladys Belton. The name should have appeared as Gladys McMahon, daughter of Mrs. F. Belton. Waiter Spence was the groom. The namo McMahon was omitted from the copy furnished the Whig. Prize Corn Growers. Peter Wilson, departmental judg» in the field crop competition in con- nection with the Kingston fair, made his awards in the corn class on Sat- urday. The winners are: 1st, James Henderson and Sons, = Portsmouth; 2nd, J. A. Shepherd, R.R. No. 1. Kingston; 3rd, Thomas Doyle, R.R. No. 1, Kingston; 4th, Arthur Day. Portsmouth; 5th; Edward Bradden. Pittsburg: 6th, James Baxter, Pitts- burg; 7th, Arthur Keyes, Poris- mcuth, Heavy Railway Travel. The heavy passenger traffic over the Canadian Pacific and Canadian National Railways during the past two weeks of the Toronto Exhibition is now about over. Both railways experienced an unpredecented condi. tion, hundreds of thousands of peo- ple from all over Canada and the United States making the trip. Bat not only was the exhibition a great stimulus to passenger traffic, it stim- ulated business in a great many lines as well. Local passenger ) agents look for the next rush during the Kingston fair which will be followed by the rugby series. y "Tanlac soon had me eating with a felish and my food gave me the proper nourishment," said Mrs. T. J. Inch, 757 Pasqua St, Regina, Sask., recently. ' "I had a serious operation which left me with such a poor appetite 1 could scarcely eat anything and even the little I did eat seemed to give me no nourishment. My sleep wasn't at all restful and I couldn't gain back epough strength to do my housework. "I've gained nearly ten pounds by taking Tanlac and as so well and strong I can do my housework with ease. Tanlac also helped my little three-year-old girl, and I've often thought of writing the company about my experience." . Tanla for sale by all good druggist Accept no substitute. s { 'Stadium § Over 27 willion bottles sold. Accommodation. The people of Kingston need have | no fear that they will not be able to secure seating accommodation for the Queen's rugby games this fall. The only object in securing the quotas from outside points is to in- sure seating space for al aad to find out if any new stands will have to be built. The following places have al- ready sent in thelr quotas: Cobourg, Lelleville, Deloro, Lindsay, Napanee. Gananoque, Hamilton, Ottawa, Corn- wall and Smith's Falls. -Toronto us usual asks a number of questions about their seats before stating what they want. Their quota will como in Tanlac Vegetable Pills are Na- ture's own remedy for constipation. For sale eyerywhere," Necessity Help Invention. Mr. Wye--"I don't know where women acquired their extra In dress. Eve wasn't like that, you know." Mrs. Wye--'"Ot course, not---there was only one man in the world, and she had him."--Life. -------- Bodily fatigue affects the senses less than thought. CASTORIA For Infants ang Children In tsn For Ove 30 Years |New York. with Slipper F., and he raced two | ize the property as a summer camp for boys. Dr, Koenig's camp has been one of the best known outing resorts for young people in Norihern It has been conducted for sdperal years, the party of boys travelling (rom New York: by special sleepers to Clayton, N.Y. Dr. Koe- nig is principal of the Franklin school, New York. He will continue his school work ut plans to retire from the boys' camp, a'though he will probab:y be a summer visitor at the Thousand Isiaads, Dazzling Auto Headlights. Driving into the dazzling lights of an oncoming car is dangerous busi- ness--dangerous alike to the dazzler and the dazzled. And it is so un- necessary. To dim the lights of a car is so simple, and easy a task, that it seems that the danger invoived by not doing so would compel the motorist approaching another cer at night to take this simple precaution against the possibility of accident to his own car as well as the cars of others. It should not take a law to bring ahout the dimming of head- lights. Common decency' demands that a motorist practice this simple rule of night driving etiquette, for it is etiquette, and good manners are just as essential on the road as in the ballroom. Kingston District Roads Best. Kingstonians who motored to To- ronto for the purpose of attending the Toronto exhibition are convinec- ed that the provincial highway in the Kingston district is the best on the whole trip. The roadway fiom Kingston to Belleville is in wonder- ful condition. From Kingston to Napanee it is as smooth as a billiard Sealed Wrigley's But itis ~keeps teeth white -- helps pure chicle and other ingredients of highest quality obtainable. make WRIGLEY'S 100% in quality and then reach you in poor condition. So we put it In the wax- ! . | ball and there is a great tendency for the tour'sts to 'step on the gas." | There appears to be no doubt that | the road work which was done in the | Kingston district by McGinnis & O'Connor contractors is the best in | the province. Many miles of the road west of Belleville, which was | built by other companies, is break- | ing up and tons of gravel has been | thrown on the tap of the'siirface to | fill up~the holes. The roadway in | Odessa, which -for years has been | rather rough, has been rebuilt by Me- | Gihnis & O'Connor and is very smooth. ! i Realized Good Sum. | The ladies who had charge of the chicken supper held at the Methodist | church at Cushendall on Thursday | wvvening, are being warmly congratu- | lated on the success of their under- | taking. It was announced on Satur- | day that the net proceeds amounted | to $119. The committee of manage- | ment are loud in their praise for those who tock part in the pro-| gramme, especially the members of | the male and mixed -quartettes who | | gave their services free and also ar- { | | ranged for their own transportation. | Their selections were greatly ap-| preciated and won for them warm | applause. The programme also in-| cluded timely addresses by Rev. Mr. | Ware, of the Anglican church at Cushendall. Rev. Mr. McMath, Perth | Road, and Rev. Mr. Calvert; solos | by. Mrs. Treneer, songs by "Billy" Laird, recitations by Miss Lorraine Votter, and solos by Allen Lemmon. Miss Rogers and also arranged for the splendid concert which consisted of talent from Cooke's church. for You is made of no use to was the accompanist, | COAL . The United States and Canadian F uel Controllers have advised consumers to lay in their coal supply early, in anticipatiodl of a hard coal strike on September Ist. We can now supply Scranton' Anthra- : cite in Pea, Chestnut and Egg sizes, S. ANGLIN & CO. Woodworking Factory and Lumber Yards, Bay and Wellington Streets, KINGSTON, Ont. - . Factory Phone 1413 Office Phone 66. --- The Brish WhigP ublshing Co. Li. 'a has a Department specially equipped to ~~ || execute all classes of PRINTING ' First-class service and fair prices. 306-8-10 KING STREET, KINGSTON, Ont, PHONE 243, rr NOTICE, GOURDIER'S have removed "5 86 PRINCESS STREET, next to Bibby's, Limited, while alterations are being made to Brock Street store. . GOURDIER'S 78-80 Brock Street For the Best Values in Young Men's Suits at $20.00, $25.00, $28.00, $32.00, $35.00, - : SEE OUR SPORT MODEL SUITS ' | : At $25.00 . TWEDDELL'S Clothing House FOR FALL Colored Flannels, all pure wool, in the new shades for Fall wear, suitable for Dresses, Middies and Skirts for $1.25 yard. Homespun for Suits, Skirts and Dresses --pretty colors and combinations at $1.45, $1.75 and $1.95 a yard. : Wool Blankets in checks and plain col- ors, suitable for bed covers, warm and light. Very special at ......... ss ....$4.95 each New Fall Underwear in all the best ~ makes, the right weights and styles in sep- : and union suits for women 'and children, *