Daily British Whig (1850), 11 Sep 1923, p. 12

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12 { THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG CAnaniaN Nanos Ranways AGENCY FOR ALL OCEAN STEAMSHIP LINES Special attention given your family Or friends going to or returning from tho Old Country. Passports arranged T. For (nformation and rates apply tg J. P. HANLEY, C.P, and. T.A. C.N, Ry., Kingston, Ont. : Office: Canadian National Railway, corner Johnson and Ontario streets Kingston, Ontario. Open Day and Night. > PHONE 99 or 1433. Dry Mixed Slab Wood Best quality Summer fuel. Also Dry Body Hard Maple; cut to suit your stove. Prompt attention given to all Chas Bedore & Son 274 NELSON STREET ' Phone 1746J. J. Barrett : Plumbing and Heating Formerly of Davie & Barrett Pc 180 9 Mantrcal St. For Auto Repairs For all kinds of Automobile repair work, and where a real mechanic is needed, see us and - have it dome right. R. GREENLEES Angrove"s Auto Nales, 126 Sydenham Street Phone 1232. BURNS' IDEAL BAKERY TRY BURNS' WHOLR WHEAT BRZAD THE STAFF OF LIFE W. BURNS o1 Frontenac 8St., North Phone 1826... BRING into your home all of the electri- cal happiness that should be your por- tion. "We can tell you how much it will cost you if you ask us and figure out the price of the fixtures for you. It ay not cost nearly as much as you think, wb plata FY bow P.5, A441] WOMEN SAW KOREANS ROB PEOPLE AND CUT THROATS (Conditions In the Earthquake Zone In Japan Show Improvement. London, Sept. 10.--A despatch to the Dally Express from Shanghai says: 4 "Among the stories from passen- | gers on board the steamer Empress | of Australia, which has arrived here from Yokohama, is one obtained | from two women residents of Shan- ghai who were spedding their holi- day at Dzushl, twenty miles 'from Yokohama. They say they were rushing toward the outskirts of the city and saw Koreans rob people and then cut their throats. A party of Japanese firemen rounded up many of these ghouls and killed them. "A gruesome sight was witnessed in Yokohama. Passengers in a street car all were electrocuted and were sitting in the car in natural attitude. 'Many Koreans have. been: killed | by infuriated mobs since the earth- quake. It is said that C. E. Morse, of the International Banking Corpora- tion, and Manager Mollison of the Hong Kong-Shanghai bank, were murdered. Conditions Improve. Osaka, Sept. 10.--After 3' week of supreme effort, conditions in the '| earthqudke zone show remarkable mprovement. The food supply in Tokio has been virtually assured, but clothing 1s wanted, especially in view of the approaching autumn sea- son. The greatest problem is hous- ing millions of homeless who at the present time are facing the usual autumnal rainfall. The exodus from Tokio by rail and sea aggregates thousands of persons daily. Reports show that order is being maintain- ed in Toklo and kbhama. Tokio will remain the ¢ al of Japan, ac- cording to a formal statement, said to have been issued to-day by Pre- mier Yamamete, ' Shan, RESTORE "PEAK" WAGES, Of Train Railway Engineers, Firc- men, Switchmen. Chicago, Sept. 19---Uffictels of raflway firemen, engineers and switchmen announced they will open fegotiations for a twelve and a half to thirteen per cent. wage increase. General chairman of the union, re- presenting 132,000 men, voted at a meeting here to' demand the salary edvanice in renewing contracts with the railways. The proposed seale would restore 1921 "peak" wages. rn IN this painful malady 'nothing soothes and "healslike herbal Zam-Buk. It speedily relieves the dull- ing pain and intense irrit- uces swelling and in- ion and steps the bleeding. Read the fellewing proef! "Eight I was a victim to blind itching piles," says Mr. G. Lee, 85, Steiner St., Toronto, "I had tried almost everything in the way of ordinary pint- ments ore 1 » Zam-Buk. This super-balm speedily relisved the terrible itching, and caused the protrusions to completely disa Piles have not troubled me for six menths now." Mrs. E. Boxall, 95, Scott Street, St. Thomas, Ont., writes :--*I am ghd to endorse the remarkable pain-soothing and healing qualities of Zam-Buk. Being for month} a comstant sufferer from bleeding Piles, I derived no t relief until I got Zam-Buk. All other iles sufferers should try this wenderfal bal balm." $i ation ; a AT LEE VALLEY, Rain is Interfering with the Harvest- ing of Crops. Lee Valley, Sept. 8. ~-- Miss Ceclle Bell is spending three weeks holi- days 'at- her home here. Miss Violet Kring.is visiting Miss Helen Andress. Miss Ethel Dowsley spent a few days at .D. Andress' before going to teach in Sudbury. Syle Took also made a short visit there. Miss Della Capes is again teach- ing at West Lake, Miss Muriel Spencer is teaching in Dean Lake another term. Miss Gertrude Spen- cer 'has gone to teach at Montreal River. Miss Radia Rowse is teach- ing in Lee Valley. Mr. Gordon Bu- ell has returned home from Killar- ney. 'W. McKnight has completed roadwork. Mrs Fenney is very ill with fever. ¢ Errol Patterson, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Patterson, Mrs. Russell and Alida motored to Alexandria Bay in Errol's car. Clifford Patterson and family, also Fred and Marilda Root, went with them as far as Romford. The party had dinner on the beach at Madasche Lake. Miss Marie Pat- terson Is going to school in Webh- wood. ' Chfford and Harvey Patter- son aresdrawing lumber to Moose Lake dam where the Hawker com- pany is going to build a camp to lum- ber the burnt limit. Miss Emma Hammond is working at D. McMillan's. Miss Cecilia Mc- Millan spent a few days in Sudbury, haying motored down with Busbys. whaogmere in Lee Valley Sunday. A chic supper and dance is to be held in the hall on Oct. 4th, with Espanola music, under the auspices of the Rural Telephone Company. Mr. and Mrs. Dave Stevens are the proud possessors of a fine baby boy. 2 It 1s very 'poor harvest weather as it rains nearly every other day. Born on Thursday to Mr. and Mrs. George Kelsey, a daughter. A small party in the hall last night for the young people was enjoyed. Rev. Sister Marie De Laferre, a member of the nursing staff of Hotel Dieu, Windsor, for fifteen years, has heen' appointed Superior of the in- stitution. The new superior is a niece of Albert Walker, appraiser of the Windsor Customs. L. A. Clifford, M.P.,, for South Ontario, received word from B. J. Kinzer, secretary of the American Hereford Cattle Breeders' Associa- tion, that he had been selected as a judge of Hereford cattle at the in-| ternational live stock show te be held at Chicago. Greece bas sent Albania an ulti- { matum demanding delivery within five days of the murderers of the Italian mission. LO Quebec, the Old World Province SIR DONALD MANN BACK FROM RUSSIA He Says Russia Will Be First to Recover From the ' War. ' Quebec, Sept 10. -- Sir Donald Mann, Toronto, returned from Rus- 'sia on the steamship Montelare from Liverpool, said that he had been in Hussia to get business, but did not get any. He could not.say what the prospects for the future might be. He said of the railroads in Russia that the roads beds were good and if the THE DUTCH CELEBRATE ROYAL ANNIVERSARY Queen Wilheimina Has : Been Their Ruler Twenty five Years. Amsterdam, Sept. 10.--The whole of Holland is singing and cheering and dancing in celebration of the twenty-fifth anniversary of Queen Wilhelmina"s accession to the'throne. The celebration now is at its height, and Amsterdam is crowded with foreigners and Netherianders from all parts of the country. Visit- service was not fast it was punctual. He predicts that Russia will be the first country to recover from the war. He travelled through a thousand miles of grain fields, mostly wheat, Los Angeles Is Shocked By a Bedroom Comedy Los Angeles, Cal, Sept. 10. --Los Angeles, capital of the screen, has been shocked by a New York bed- room farce. ¥ Members of the cast of "Gétting Gertie's Garter" and the manager of the theatre where the show is ran- ning, will appear in' Police Court to answer charges of City "Prosecptor Jack Friedland that the show is "In- decent and obscene." The cast includes Marjorie Pen- fett, a sister of Enid Bennett, titm slar, and many other motion picturs ore have been charmed by the natur- al enthusiasm of the Dutch people in their expressions of love for their queen--the only woman of the world who is actually rubing over an inde- rendent people. 'The Netherlands- American Chamber of Commerce sent to the palate a delegation which presented the queen with a book of memoirs relating the history of the Dutch settlements in America. The Amsterdam festivities are of a really brilliant character, the whole city--being splendidly decorated and illuminated, Demonstrations follow each other in great ' variety. The culmination will be a canticle sung by a choir of twelve thousand per- sons in front of the Royal Palace. ---------- Finished Threshing. -Elginburg, Sept. 10.--The farmers have nearly completed their harvest- ing and very good yields of grain actors who work nights here onthe legitimate stage. The show had long runs in York and other eastern cities. -------------- Vain Hunt For Gold. Victoria, B.C., Sept. 10.--Archle Myre, Montreal, and five fellow min- ers, sailing from Seattle, returned from the Orient Saturday night on the Iyo Maru, after a vain gold hunt In Siberia, which cost Mr. Myre and his friends approximately $60,000. -------------- New are reported but there is practically no corn. The Stover Bros. have finished their threshing. It will be remembered the first attempt to thresh resulted in the loss of their barn by fire. They greatly apprec- lated the loan of hose by the King- ston firemen which saved a large quantity of grain and helped save a few surrounding buildings. Miss Edna Fitzpatrick, Russell, is visiting friends here. John Porter s ill, suf- fering from high bleod pressure. Mrs. Daugherty's sale, on Friaay, was well attended and very good MAA AEE EE EE EER » ® - | > | » | # TO GUARD AGAINST { INCREASED PRICES + | * LJ »| -- »| Harrisburg, Pa., Sept. 10.-- * | Governor Pinchot, in a letter * to President Coolidge last « night, suggested that with an ? anthracite coal supply assured % for the coming winter, as the & result of the agreement reached *| by representatives of the opera- + tors and miners Saturday night, + | steps be taken to safe-guard the *| consumer, against increased prices. | le lg | | ir + | | * + * * " [tesse0ese00 000004 prices were realized for the goods. The Methodist church shed is being | [shingled with corrugated shingles. The bfidge on the cross roaa uw tween Shannon's corners ang Kigin- burg has been repaired. ~ ------ een Mayor G: A. Wenige, of London, announced that savings effected in the management of the fire depart- |" ment will make possible the com-' pletion of the motorization of all equipment before the end of the year. You and I have no moral right to repeat street gossip and by doing so lead people who have faith in our integrity to accept what we say as truth. a NENA AN Ng i nt my | | Beftieh o¢ Dusker Hill, rests mear the Quebec Great War, ox as beast of burden in the back country. AT it by. PJ « him the simple and the boas skin, UGUST SALE OF Furniture See this Special Suite, Walnut, Marshall Cushions,~ Mohair Upholstering Chester- field, 2 Arm Chairs, Table and Lamp, $200. Worth $250.00. Robt. J. Reid Director of Funeral Servives Ambulance Phone 577. WE OFFER Ottawa and Hull Power Co. 6% First Mortgage 25-Year Sinking Fund Gold Bonds Price 98%-and Interest to Yield 6% % JOHNSTON ~»WARD Bibby's Block, Princess st. Kingston ~ DINE OUT DURING THE HOT WEATHER HAVE YOUR MEALS AT OUR CAFE DURING THE SUM- MER -- GOOD 'THINGS SERVED AS YOU LIKE THEM -- _DAINTY CAFE _ Non-skid, guaranteed first quality Tires The Central Garage Limited Phone 600. . Brock and Moptreal Streets. WE NEVER CLOSE. Kingston Battery Service W. MILNE, PROPRIETOR. ALL MAKES OF STORAGE BATTERIES, STARTING MO. TORS, GENERATORS AND MAGNETOS REPAIRED OUR PRICE FOR CHARGING BATTERIES PHONE 10257, BE ET fe = The total attendance for the Can-

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