Daily British Whig (1850), 11 Sep 1923, p. 14

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: THE DAILY BRITISH _WHIG AIT RSE Be a Ji : MELD LN ROAD » THE HORTICULTURE SHOW | TAXES, 1923 | AMUSEMENTS ARD ROBBED or s110 (Stock MARKETS] SPORTING NEWS | AFT, 3 What the Press Agents Say About i Yen ---- & ober ER15 SEPT. Coming Attractions Such Is the Complaint Made In Ourling "Rink -- Splendid (Reported by Johnston & Ward, 0 TAT or pat tars co ay bo made i By a Trenton Young. Display of Flowers, Fruits ss princess street, Members of the SYDENHAM'S LAST De enforced at once. ' 3 : : 4 Man. And Vegetables. Montreal and Toronto Stock Ex- Wa wwiome, uNEIES OF wouRN" Jan, -- oranges). OPPORTUNITY NOW ¥ WONDERFUL PHOTOPIAY] was heid up on the road| The nual exhibition of the King. Fores . about two miles east of N ee, | ston Horticultu ety opene . ' ---- or Enemies of Women Soguapol- | Ie Tobe oes on about 8 o'clock. | Tuesday in the Curling Rink where Sept. 11th 2 p.m. Ipioton Invaders Will Find tan Corporation's productin on Monday night, was the complaint | there 1s a marvelous display of beau- |Abitibi Power... see om ne 63% Stifr Opposition in the Vicente Blasco Ibamex story ot the Poll ASDEBIOB. v's. cv we i'w. .. 49 i made to Chief of Police Barrett, Na- | tiful flowers, fruit and vegetables, z Village. ll same title, with Lionel Barrymore banee, bua young man named Gucer, | the product of the skill, patience |Atlantic Sugar.... .. .. 17%A Frontenag ag jj and Alma Rubens featured in the who lives at Trenton. Guest was |and ability of the members residing (Bell Telephone.. .. .... . 1243 --r-- : | {| two leading roles, which opened at on his way home to Trenton after a | in Kingston and vicinity. Brasil... .. ... .. 43% When the Ploton {intermediate D TENDERS addressed to the || | the Allen theatre to a capacity house trip east and was travelling in an{ During the forenoon the exhibits |Brompton.... .. .. .. |. 43% | team arrives on the field at Syden- ed, and endorsed "Tender for || || last night is a wonderful] photoplay. auto. ; : were being allotted space by the sec. | British Empire Steel Com . 6% | ham today for the second game in Alan Crosland was the director, Jos- The case is being Investigated by | retary, A, W. McLean, while R. Lk. | British Empir> Steel 2nd Prd 11% | the second round of the O0.B.A.A. eph Urban designed the settings and Chief Barrett, Kent, for several years president, is | British Empire Steel 2nd Ptd 11% B playoff, Croft and his men will have John Lynch prepared the scenario. --_-- constantly on hand superintending Cus. Soman: Do, . a. 4 [ SUE opposition from the home squad, on an. en se et am am is n nown at Port Arthur. District = Wis chan Jin son's the. story | Chief Barrett of Napanee {Br asungesents tof tho: Prognsmme. Suu, Oooh PII. i =. |The Sydanbam pli ie sat knows 'end 'torme of 'contract oan be Blasco Ibanez's | fll; "one Caro. Nive ans Paris, and | Joined Chase for Convicts don rane tor urs ouaried au |G TAn Ba Suge Som. + 15 teams who have run up against it obtained a th Departmen, at fl | with a lavishness of production never ------ show and ali of the exhibitors are C20: S a ,. .. 38% can give testimony that it is a hard- offices of the District Engineers, 1Em ll | surpassed the film promises to excel | Chief of Police Barrett, Napanee, greatly pleased. There is abundant | Dom. Textile.. .... .. .. 651% working and heavy-hitting nine. s House. Build Pe || the average "super proauctton" wu'came to Kingston on business on Space for the exhibit to expand and |DOW. Bridge.. .. ., .. .,. ¢4 In the first game at Picton on Fri every way, Monday, and happened to pass the still leave plenty of room for the |Detroit United.. .. .. ,.. gs day the Sydenhamites were defeated De Blasco~dbanez proved in 'his bril- | Portsmouth penitentiary a few min- visitors attracted by the unique dis- G2. Electric... ., .. ... 101 by the low 4-2 score and if they did will not be lant 'Four Horsemen of the Apoc-|utes after the five convicts made play of flowers and fruit that always [Laurentide.... .. .. , .. 95 that in Picton they should be able gn printed forms Su || aiypse" and "Blooq and Sand" that |their sensational escape. Chief Bar- characterizes the anngia) exhibition of [MO0treal Power... .. .. . 122% to pull a/Wwin on their home grounds. Biained. ho Lis stories have particular screen |rett was travelling in his auto and the society. '|Mackay.. ..... $s oe ave M13 gpg pitching of Art. Lee has been fl | quality. Perhaps his ability in 'col- |took up the chase to the Spot where The entries are exceptionally National Breweries Com ... 51 missed /by Sydenham this year but ll | ortul description of characters and |the auto had been abandoned by the large this year and the central loca- |O8HUV#€.. cu wn oi. LL. .. 300 Young has made good on his job and | fl [scenes is responsible for the ease |convicts. tion of the Qurling Rink makes ft |FePMANS. «ee wou. .. oo. 142 , [Las wielded a heavy bat into the the Dominion will also be ac-|f il | With which his stories have been BE -- convenient for citizens of all classes |F 0® pros. ee fees ae 42% param, HE Pel ned oF a, Bonds a4 if| brought to the screen. In "Enemies His Skull Fractured. to visit the show which will conttnue [Quoc Rall.. .... .. _. | 13 Sydenham ' is becoming quite a if required to make up an t ravishing Jll| of Women," the drama of regenera- Alfred Wart, the victim of an on Wednesday afternbon and oYen- Spanish River Com we a am 88 baselall centre. This afternoon the a fhe _- j{ tion of man and woman, is laid in |automobile collision on Monday, is ing. Tuesday evening there will be |SP8Rish River Ptd .. .. . 191% | Iicton game will occupy the main ate beauty 1 all Eusape, ty plea- fff|the background of Russian society [In a serious condition at the Gen. a splendid musical programme, both | SReMers.... 4... .. L.. a7 tention and then there is another a he os P he [li] 1ite, shifting to Monte Carlo, and |eral Hospital. He was operated on Instrumental and vocal, and visitors Shawpsigea. . *ae en wees 119 vlagoff tomorrow when the Wilton we the Tow or ahs 1 tn to_Paris. Under the revels Tuesday morning for a fracture of are promised a great treat. Stoel af Canada. eee an 55 girls' team comes back looking. for } most notorious Prince. gourtesans, the tragedy [the skull. Hopes are entertained for Among the large exhinitots are on City. Beasnionsn se hb teyenge for Sydenham's victory on R. GC. DESROCHERS, | | of the gaming tables at Monte. Car- [his recovery. : "| such well known amateur and pro- Watiagso.... <. on 4 | fiarday, Secretary. OTHER ATTRACTIONS lo and the'jove of a man and wo- ng] fessional florists ana gardeners as Wayagamach Svs asus ° | Both games should be wel worth tment of - Public Works, : ast man, there is the constant rumbling THE Baiden Bros., C. C. Friendship, Mrs, "nee wie a eeing, and | Sydenham can usually a Laat yu, 1023. : of the cannons of war. The story Revells, F. Moxiey, R. E. Kent, Mrs. New York foglster a good crowd for any kind wi ES has practically every element fn ft ; G. Y. Ohown, Prof. John Macgilil- [, Loco. . T% Jot sporting 'contest. Uf [ESS required for a great screen drama. OWNERSHIP ENTERPRISE vray, Mrs. H. Fearn, James Grant, Amer Baie scares oe 951% MALE tlc Te. 0 ~~ Joseph big hag Sesigued Wagn)- i 1 Cataraqui; P. C. Lawson, F. Bailey, Baldwin Loc. . .... lat BROCKVILLE WINS OVER TWEED {a fient, settings for the Russian pal- | ---- F, K. Morton, John N. Watts, Major : ja ace of Prince Lubimoff, the French (Declared to be Public School Hamilton, W. T. Harkness, R. ot Bu ion Rrameaey 3 Island City Squad Trims Trent Vale villa' of. Alicia, a replica of the Cas- -- Ontario, Leads in reenlees, JI. H. Keyes, C. W. Neville, | calitornia Pete: seta 20M Jey Winners 13 to 8. ino, and the Mante Carlo home of Electrical En Samuel McCormack, Mrs. H. Webber, CPR. 143 The Tweed baseball team, winners the Prince. ectriocal nergy. - C. Bell, Portsmouth; P. Gedye, Crucible Stool; Ab Sas ¢7 | Of thefTrent Valley League and semis Alan Crosland, the director, has ---- Agnes Johnston, G. . Scott, Mrs. T. [cuban Cane Sugar Pra .... 1 gy | finalist winners over Trenton, wine had bis opportunities fn a number| Toronto, Sept. 11.--The public C. Watson, Mrs. W. W. White, Cook | cuban Cane Sugar Com .. ¢g1 |Der® Of the Northumberland Base. of fete, fight, fashion and emoton- [8¢Rool & stems of Canada and the Bros. and James Minnés. Gen. Asphalt. .. g4 [ball League, were defeated 12 to § by al scenes, as well as in big war epi. |URited States were enunciated as The officers of the Kingston Horti- G'S. T..... .. 2 --_-- iy 87% Brockville there Saturday in the firs§ o. Besides the two featured Anerica's Staaten public owner- cultural Society are: Honorary pre- Kelley Springfield .. RE of home and home games for the Ons iplayers the cast includes Pedro de gD snterprises, in an address by sidents, Dr. A. E. Ross, M.P., Hon. Imperial Oil.. .. ,, ..",]. gg |tario Baseball association interme. Cordoba, W. H. Thompson, Gareth |M158 Margaret Haley, of the Chic-| yw "p Nickle, K.C., M.P., A. M. Ran- Mack Motors... .. ,, .. . go | diate championship. Hughes, Gladys Hulitte, Wiljlam ago Teachers Federation, before the kin, M.P.P., Mayor T. Angrove, J. |Marland of, oo ot wr 285 Brockville's win was a hard earn. Collier, Jr., Mario Majeronl, . Paul ea » Sapterence With] Ponsford, Dr. E. Ryan, Mrs. F.|N, v, C.... we em ou jee a, 102% | 83 Victory. After Brockville had Panzer and Betty Bouton. ay pars o egon- Etherington; president, Col. BR. E.|New Haven.. hea inns au 13% falned a 5 to 0 lead, Tweed came tinent, here to-day. . Kent; first vice-president, P. C. Law. Pacific Oil | 34" |along in the third with four runs and Miss Haley's address presented |. <econd vice-president, Dr. G. W. | Pan, Amer. "Peta, ar 601 | In the sixth scored Two, giving them MEIGHANY IN KYNE STORY some of the stressful problems and Rell; directors, W. H Graham, James Pan Amer. Pete "B*. al bk 8 7 to 5 advantage. Wagar's home DRAWS CBOWDS TO STRAND | potent possibilities of public school Craig, T. A. Dunlop, A. D. Holton, Producers & Refinery... : 24 % run in the latter inning was a feature > "You can't beat Thomas Meighan," | work. Prof. A. C. Neish, Dr. D. A. Black. Studebaker. . |. ar 1 of thelr excellent work. Brockville's BACK AFTER FORTY YEARS, (ald & delighted fan on leaving the ler he opinion of Charles K. Moh. James A. Minnes, T. K. Morton, W. [Sou. Pac. .. .."" ** -.. 887 [heavy hitters worked in the sixth and Strand last night. He might have Tor; Chicago, in his address on "Some W. White, S. McCormack, R. F.|Sou. Ry.. .. .. +2071] ayy | crashed out five bits, including a a 1 10 Mrs. Ira Woods, Plevna, Met an Only |3dded, "And Meighan In a Peter re aude for Public Develop- Greenlees, R. J. Baiden; auditors, L. |Sinclats on; 213% | three-bagger by Lane, and counted ? am Brother, B. Kyne story is at bis best." For |™ - Sctrical Energy," the A. Guild, O. V. Bartels, Standard Oil ot calir.. ... 50% | Ive runs, giving them the lead again 148 Barvle Street. Plevna, Sept. 8. -- The farmers |Peter writes just the kind of a yarn he ea Outaste, up to the pres- ---------------- Standard Oil of N, J. .,... 328 | PY 10 to'7. Tweed was held score- neh Antique bed, bedroom suites. | rofoice at recent rains ag is {mproves Into which Tommy fits perfectly as 10 show" In mac SUstactory results) pw. gee it Kingston Fair, (Texas Of], .,.. .. wo oo 417% | loss after the fifth, while the Island Omarmon: and Hair) sofa, the pastures and makes fall plough- | hero. One of these is "The Light ow equate laws and ac- Parham, Sept. 10. -- Owing to Union Pacific,, ... 131 City nine got two runs across in the dining room suite (walnut), A " 5 complishments in the matter of pub- * ese %| / h o otarists, rugs.) ing easier. Rey. Mr. Herrington |t0 Leeward," trom which has been He wae the frequent showers gardens and |U. §. Steel.... .. uu . .. 931 |¢ighth, clinching the game, J case, hall rack, plotures. curtains, | yy. Herrington and little Lucile |2d8pted the Paramount picture an contigens. on the North Ameri Pastures are looking fine. School | Wabash. A sa "98 Jimmy Whiting pitched his ninty Fay AG! Auctioncer. | spent a few days in Plevna. Mr. | "Homeward Bound," the current hes re-opened with Miss MeDonal as a consecutive victory for Brookville Phones $20 and 1785w. Herrington preached a very delight. [feature at the Strand. "Homewara LAW ADMIN teacher. A number from here at. GRAIN QUOTATIONS. Koen started the pitching for Tweel Oe fH ful sermon in the Methodist church | Bound'" has the very tang of open ISTRATION tended the school fair held at Plca- but was forced to retire in the sixth, 3 on Sale and received a great welcome, the |sea about it. It grips and braces IN THE PROVINCE | ailly on Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Chicago, being replaced by H. Blakeley. Tweed AEN ¢hurch being packed to the doors. |from the start, while the star him. -- Wagar were called to Oshawa lat Wheat-- played good ball all the way through Bee of 207 University Ave., | Mrs. C. Ohiman and the Misses Isa. | self seems to go one better in each Discussed by Attorney-Gen- week to be with their son. Everton, May .. veka. a, ~~ 111% [and kept Brockville on , the op. - Furniture at 1.30 on belly and Theresa recently visited [new scene. Talking of sea scenes, eral Nickle W. 'Who is seriously ill. Mr. Cronk is Sept.... .... «+ +. 102 | George Sullivan and Stanley Trotter, Sept. 13th, 1923 Mrs. John Cutchley, Mrs. Ohiman's [this pleture containg some of the © With His De- visiting his son at Point Anne. Dec.. ..Z.0. ,. .. l.l0 105% | Kingston, officiated as umpires. The RoAlnat sldcbors, carpets, | MOther, in Mongeith. Isabelle 1s MOSt vivid representations of a storm partment Officials. F. Clow and J. C. Hartman came | ' Corn-- teams were: y 5 tables, 'extension | attending the Academy there. Mr. |we have ever seen on the screen. i from Glen Bay and spent the week- MAF rae aueniniin val, «e B5Y Tweed---Houston, 3b; 'H. Blake. , Kdtche: i fable, Nalnut Jall leat and Mrs. John. Flake spent a few |Thers are the times when you can Toronto, Sept. 11. -- Hon. W. p.|end at their homes here. W. L.iSept..., ..,." . 7. sec. 85% {ley.ssandp; H. Cummins, ¢; Brown, i as dressers, stands, cota ool' | days in Toronto last week. Mr. Flake | almost hear the watchers stop their | Nickie, attorney-general, this morn. | Goodfellow is Baining nicely after a|Dec.... .... , . 0." + 68% 1b; B. Caimine, If arid c; Koen, p 4 eager hala bed ary ne oudsie| 18 shipping a car load of cattle this |breath. ' They are scenes of rare|ing would not confirm the report | severe attack of rheumatism. Dr Oats-- \ and If; Wagar, 2b; Baker, cf: Le. ' kitchen utensils, mahogany par.| Week. Mrs. John Hanes, Mr. and 'beauty, too, comjuring up thoughts | that following a conference with var. | T. 8. Goodfellow and family, Sara. MAY oii ovis «am seco #23 | Sage, rf; Patterson replaced Lesage ) chesterfield, wainut| Mrs, Gordon Hanes and Miss Mil- |of the weird, unfailing charm or the | lous officlals of nis department, it [toga Springs, N.Y., is spending some |Sept.... i... .., .. ++ +o 375 | In the eighth. able, Phone 1721 | dred Breen spent a day at John mighty deep. What's the story? | had been decided to reorganize - the [time with friends here. DOCrnrs » weiss wy od wine 39%) Brockville--Rellly, 1b; Taber, 2h; --=S | Breen's. Mr. and Mrs. George Daw- | well, it unfolds the doings of a man | Provineial police force or form a new Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Smith and x Simon, of; Oakley, If; Leaperance, son, Mrs. H. Dawson and children, |and a maid, he a rough and ready | Organization to administer the On- |daughter, also James Smith, Smith's Winnipeg. 2b; MeLean, ss; Singleton, rf; Whit« have left for Ottawa after spending (sailor, she a dainty heiress, who tell | tario Temperance Act. The attorney- [ Falls; Mrs. T. E. Wagar and Harold| Wheat-- ing, p; Lane, c. Hunter replaced the summer at Brute Lake, Jerry [in love and found "that the Course | 8eneral says thé conference was | Smith, Webster, N.Y.; and Miss loa |Mdy..., .. *t tt + oe... 99% Singleton In thy sixth. Anders, Natural Bridge, N. Y., the |of true love never did run smooth." | merely a meeting to talk over aij | Smith, Belleville, are visiting their [Oot.. .. .. ..... seores 96% ------e only living brother of Mrs. Ira 'Wood, (Indeed, it was a very rough course | features of law administration ip | parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Smith, [Det.... , .. ,, ,, 93% Dinghy Races. Plevna, recently visited Mrs. Wood | for them. But the best way fis to] the province. and other friends hero. Miss Car.| Oats-- ; At the yacht club Monday evening ¥hom he had mot seen for forty [ses 1 on the screen. Lila Lee js flo Darr has returned home after |Oct.... ... [, , ., 33% | the dinghy faces remitey oy follows: | Years. Mrs. Frank Wilkison and ja fine heroine, supporting Mr. Mel-| The wreck of the United States | Spending a month at Toronto and |Dec.... ...... Aro anes 00Y First race -- Prof. Jemmett, Ii, # | her sisters, Laura and Clara Albert, (ghan with her wonted ability. Don't | destroyers on the California coast | Orangeville. Her sister, Ila, ac- S-- Hill, H. Hora, B Cunningham Be are visiting friends in Plevna, Mr is th cp! fed her home. A number Cotton Quotations. ion ET To 2 - [forget the comedy---Bull Montana in Ought to have been caused by | compan m Hopkins. and Mrs. Joseph Brouse spent Sun. "Snowed Under," which keeps the | an earthquake movement which af- | from here will take In the Kingston [O0tw eo wou sive ou oy 27,65 Becond race -- '8. Hill, T. Rigney, / day afternoon at: the home of Mrs, | audience shaking with laughter al) | fected the compasses. far, a a en ABTAL (wy COE ae T-. ' . | Charles Ohman, * the time, John C. Tulloch, Ogdensburg -- Hares ausv ne vw ou wes3T.08 Third race -- M. Strange, T. Bishs -------- -- lawyer, has been selected by ' Con. Exhibits. Ion mcs Vow or 2.27.08 op. " AT PERTH ROAD, Chancellor Stresemann will make [gressman B. T. Snen for recom-| Flower show is aplendid success. ' x a -- an offer to France of a mortgage on |mendation to the president for ap- | Come to the New Curling Rink to- , Harvest Dinner Held on. the 5a, all German assets and cease resis [Dofntment to post to be vacated by [night and see the fine displays and ASEBAL Wednesday's Car Contatns. Was a Great Success. tance in the Ruhr. Captain Henry Holland. hear good music. B { Red Grapes, Blue Grapes, Green Perth Road, Sept. 8.--The tar -, 2 mt SCORES "| Gages, Blue Prune ang Red Prune vest dinner held in R Harris's grove : : Flunis, Crawford peaches, 'Bartlstt . ou Sept 5th yas & complete suc- Tyrol | L . ' pears, etc., for Carnovsky's. wr ess, © weather was perfect and = 3 4 ~~ & large crowd from far and near Y 3 - Foch neo aonal Jengue (first | Horticultural Exhibition fn New ) 2 attended. A sumptuous dinner was a > ne; 10 binge) Curling Rink now going on, Come served with races and baseball fol- - ame alo 6; Rochester 4; (second |and see it. ra lowing. burnie played Inver- L amin, os ; ' Don't be so over-anxious about ary, the being § to 6 tn ravor 8 -- your neighbor's affairs as to insist of he latter team. There was a . National League. upon his adopting your plan of cope total profit of $251 made, New York 10; Boston 4. ducting his business, 3 ¥ Witmur school opened on Th Pittsburg 8; Cinéinnati 0, : oy UD Miss Meger as teactlor. Brooklyn 7; Philadelphia 1. po erth Road school opens on the me' 3 : : J' | 10th, with Miss Howe as teacher.| : 3 £ risk has this child's moth- | Miss Blanche Raymond, who 15 en- 4 New York 8; Boston 1. t : 8aged as teacher at Pine : Grove, | p---- - suswer will be found among {Pent the week-end at home. Miss] 5 / The Cure y's want ads. Mildred Slack and Clarence Stonn. : A Yankee soldier while in England i ---- 8 Sydenham High = . was being shown over an old church a msa---- = ea Shales 4nd ------ © J / |beneath whose floor there w ve / 2 wid Cy 3 Bere, returned tof Q . "A great many people sleep with- a : A ¢ these walls," the guide sol-

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