Daily British Whig (1850), 11 Sep 1923, p. 15

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__THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG Your Theorie: Dies Not Govern The Amount Of Interest This Page Affords i -- -- 31 Real Estate For Rent Real Estate For Sale. Britis in Automobiles 1 | | : : Live Stock | The British Whig |» Automobiles for Sale. Dogs, Cats, Pets 47 | Business Places For Reat 73 = Wanei--Resl Boute 38 PUPS-- Two, Pomerlan, black ana! LODGE ROOMS--Rooms on Kiag street | FARM--Small fruit and garden farm, § | CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING. white, male and female § weeks old. | --formerly occupied by the 0.0.F.| with (buildings r She city. Ade i 5 h : v - LAC-~New, HW . 8! Yann Smi Bo: Wh Indexed, siandandized and popuias. A A ou Bellevine. B NO EX | RA ( 'HARGE l Apply Detween 5 and 7 pm. at 21%! Apply to ingham & th. dress 'Box C-10, 1 ce. A ane agin Street. : 4 ized aceo : = 7 Houses For Pent 77 | HOUSE -- Or Semi-Bungalow, : 'STE Er aE ee six or THE BASIL L. SMITH BY STEM FORD CAR--Five passenger, in good | Poultry and Supplies 49 - eves Toms; Ing Sood locality. Neo J inc, Philadelphia, Pa condition, 1921 model, one man top, When you pay two cents and buy a. Whig it includes { FURNISHED HOUSE -- Seven rooms gents. Write to Box P-8, Whig Office. and four good tires. Price reason- | COCKERELS--Barred Rock, and Pul-| hot water heating. Rent reasonable. 2 » To-Day's Blunder All ads. are restricted to. theif able. Phone 955J or apply 335 Brock the A-B-C Classified Section. There is no extra charge | lets, also thirteen yearling hens, App phone 1591m. proper classification, and Street for these Opportunity Columns. cheap. Apply 297 Johnson Street. TSuiar Laliy Whig style of Lype. . T yi i d con- | : HOUSE--7 rooms, all conveniences, cen- CLASSIFIED RATES Ron aoe a i Tod Do you realize the big value you are receiving? o Merchandise trally located. Apply 155 Sydenimm t. . Articles for Sale. 81 Daily rate per line or consecutive Aspix Blue Garde Ltd. corner Ball On top of all the news gleanings, both lecal and™ . + sae . Ww 4 world-wide, you are getting a separate section of oppor- HOUSE--Well furnished. in good local (See Illustration on P 14 Minimum charge, 25 cents. McLAUGHLIN SIX---Studebaker cover- tun rw r ANTIQUES--Welnut Chairs, Walnut _ Appl W-5, Whig Office, ae 14.) 1 Dally rates per line. Charge Cast ed truck, Country Club, wirg wheels, . tunity news-- without extra charge. NTU 'Walnut Dining Tables. Lose S¥ice PPly Hox hs Where there are small children 5 Chevrolet, Palm- p . Flieger 3 | 3pa 1331 Baby Stand Chey Palm The A-B-C Classified Section fs made up of buying _ see' Autique Shop, 507 Princess Street care should be taken not ' to have «| Queen Streets. and selling offers which keep you informed of all the " HOUSE--Brick, 30 Quebec Street, 7|table covers that hang down low ; ements, Marrisges, | McLAUGHLIN--35, recently overhauled worth-while opportunities of this locality. It is as dir- A I ah" Bax Automoblls Tent fooms, Tal a uh, Jmproveinents. enough. for them to pull. Theres By as avn . teturiam and in first clase quonag order. Ap. ficult to estimate the value of this section to you as it is Conon "lags, Tarpeulips F. W.| Quebsc Street. . Phone 110sw rr" i Suge of heavy objects on the tT K an e - Cooke, 219 Bagot Street. hone $36. Rt or niu. 31.00; casn, ¥hLUY and Queen Street. to estimate the value of success. ; 1 . & HOUSES--Several to rent from $15.00 to ila DE upset and falling on the esca nseriion Read and profit from these little ads every day! BRICK---Hard and soft. any guantity.| $27.00 per month; Cherry Street: two © Advertsing urdered for Irregular App BE. Walthem, corner Birch| aparuments on Sixth Street, all im- . iy EB. = idsertiond cakes the one-time lusers : ud Collingwood Streeis. Phone 615 or] provements; seven roomed house on HELP WANTED tom rute; uu ua taken tor less thas | [ Jged Cars and Trucks-- ' a 1391) Sixth Street, all imprevements and basi lines. - furnace; one seven room ouse on Saat i verine words to the THE A-B-C CLASSIFIBL ADS BABY CARRIAGE--Cream wicker, re-| Charles Street. Apply H. ¥. Norman, i ine. . McLaughlin touring. 1921. > AV £ versible gear, redecorated, first class| gy Patrick Street % DISTRICT WANTED Charged ads. will be Foseived by Dudge 5 passenger touring. ALWAYS THE SAME--IN SERVICE condition; also students' table, marys For counties of F nae' and ona and if paid at The - # Y / 3 ou neckplece; reasonable. pply 2 HOUSE--At once, new, seven rooms, TT dae from | Columbia Light Six. five passenger ALWAYS DIFFERENT--IN OPPORTUNITY Alfred Street, Ruth lage lot wid bara on North Al-| |ience not taseptig) rs xbarks rion, © uring. Ln ed. . J : , Eastvie } Hy Baw . . BARGAINS--In Men's Pants, regular]! park. rie 102 Re TY - A E- And gelling experience. Ads. ordered lor more than gue day Reo Light Six, § passenger, 1921. Sol $4.50 for $1.50 and $1.75. Men's tts, INSURANCE 5 LIFE ed before expiration w cLaughlin, as t i » Ld Halncoals, Fall Overcoats, etc, at| pRINCESS STREET---5 rooms, brick, h 3 A S5r the number of rae saugh n. 5 passenger touring with > reasonabie prices. A. Shapiro, 46 Prin-| "gas and electric. Apply M. E. Ward, TORONTO, Ont, e times the ad. appesfid and adjuc'- 4 cess Street. - Canada Hadio Stores: Phone 1207J. ment made at Lhe rate carned. The above cars are all reconditioned, SS -- - . . a ROOMS FOR RE Hate per line for white space Is : I and varnished. New tops and ® == BOAT HOUSE ANiy MOTOR BOAT --| 104 BAGOT STREET ---- Comfortable NT the same as a line of type. 31 wrtalus Where needed. Tires and Business Service Employment 3 X58 Deam, 2 cyl 4 yc. engine.| 'brick house, near City. Park. Apply Special rate tor yearly auvertising 3 ries have Leen replaced where re- - EE a dy Be os rw rum msmeeenein.. | 380 ClASS CORdition D. Bryant 16! King & Smythe, il-13 Clarence Street, FOR HOME COMFORT AN » o Kingston, Unt. CONVENIENCE D 0 [quis hh oc 8b. | y Want arama Russell Bt. lishe reserve the right wo adit Chevrolet 1 Ton Truck.--The body Architens 28. Help Want Male 33 IGARS--O. ial box bargain. of . try - Sapy oct All classified advertising |, yuitabie for passengers or freight| ARCHITECTS--Power, Son and Drever,| AN OPPORTUNITY -- From now until AR Ae NE man new friends I a Fine EW aie oot 3 : "" Telephone 243, ask for & want ad. [0d in Al condition. Merchants Bank Chambers, corner of{ Christmas to earn from ten to Afty| and satisfied customers. Get acquaint- and Division Streets. Phone HO 39w, Res 23 ton Truck--Engine just re-| Brock and Wellington. a TS oskiy with our line of per-| oq with our brands and prices.-- FIREMEN AND BRAKEMEN--Begin-| built an tion rite Ratiway, Box. Dear Whig ' Get our propesition. Dept. 123, BURBAU--Lady's stained mahogany, 3 tion) Write ay, » Whis| BOYD'S GARAGE, Ltd] Narceris--wm, a. D.C, Pn. CG. cor.| Caritas Publishing Co. Toronto, Ont!| large drawers, Joking glass in Eood| Office. 29 BROCK STREET ner Princess and Marrie Streets. 2nd condition. $5.00. "Apply "Mes. Wilson, | HOUSES or 7 rooms, all Senvenighcés t 13 ' floor, Barrie St. entrance. Kingston, BOY-G Ly 36 Edgehill. Phone 1085). ok ™m. Apply x D-19, Announcemen PHONE 201w.| Ont. Consultation free. Telephone | BOY--Good, smart, with biéycle, for all ice. ---- $23J. Hours ¥ to 12 am. 1 to 6 p.m. day work. Apply College Book Store. ersonals ° DAVENPORT--In good order. Apply 25 Real Estate For Sale. £UCY--Drs. G. F. ana Jennie A., Chiro- King Street West. Phone 1577m. -- 8 -- Hair, Moles, Ee : ractic Specialists and Registered| EARN--$5.00 to $25.00 weekly, the gd Skin Cancers, Auto Accessories--Tires--PFarts 13 Nurse, 239 Bagot treet. Prone Jasw dd the To i N enrucy sins i 3 a ry = w removed permanent- a - - Hours: ¥-12 a\e., 1 to 5, and 6 to 7.3 OCKS ( St, easily learned Auto| DINING ROOM SUITE--Solld oak q ONT BN ta actary Glasses fitted and TIRES How would you like tp get| oy Sunday and otner hours by ap- Kaigter, lixperience unnecessary; dis-| piece, in goed condition. Can be FOR SALE orig Borge BOT furnished after others have tated ewan th og ut = pointment. Consultation free. Ln ow iy CU [a Doatively 10 Sai-] bought reasonably. Apply 'te' Box! mj wih Hygro mre power; cen- + Goltre sured without al tell you how it ean be done. Eastern|=------ Dental L IS-Auto Knitter Go. Toron: Dept.] A-3, wig ultice. : tral located in town of Picton; splen- 38tw' Sper ence. Tha Skin, 263 | Canada Maxotire Co., Queen and On- 2 -------- FUR ROBE--- Also Princess Dresser. 3 Chance for Hsyl man. Prine Ba . s » Stree = py X Nos r C - Bag Surat uous join Hous 10s) | Sah phy Shone How Baling tos BAR rma hilusy, 103 PANT MAKER---At onee. Steady work Pring SHS Mouiren;, Swi Paom pr Yo onger: hens Jour round, v USED AUTO PARTS--F , -| Wellington sireet, corner o CK 1 Apply Malph Helm, Y e 1 : Apply to owner. Allen's Sash & Door Lost and Found 10 | Laugniin "ba Maxwonl Overtind™ss| Phone $46. PY nti Dreiam, Weateerviig, Ont FURNITURE--Den sett. kitchen cabi.| pRSLOfy, Picton, Ont. Geo. W. Allen, UNDER Nw MANAGEMENTS 'n lea- Daishkine blucks for Chevrolet, | Tome gp penta Office: 288 | 4 | oN Calera =e | "nt, buftet afd DOUKCABES, StOVEEARd aa ¥ " CLUB BAG--Found, small brown le . Palmer Auto Salvage, corne KN4 . » SALESMEN---Calendar and advertising Tho PY in- ST irst-clasy rooms 'and meals. ther, containing clothing on street car. | ' y pCO Ot} "princess Street. " Phone $53w. Open specially salesmen. Big money made| SCSKS Apply J. ay, 433 Fria Farms and Land For Sale 83 Goud yards and stables. RY etapa and Queen Streets. , bs ™ Owner may have same at the Street] re ere cee | €Venings Ly &ppuintiuent. =| Win our commercial greeting caras, | _CoSS Stréel, paone 160 W. J Whole Sider' 2 n first class condition. Chiropractic 28c.| time. Samples free. We Pay Hook Elaers. Wanted--To Remt 81 : 3 Railway Office, King Street. ce - Free pocket sample. Write for infor | PRICES Call and get ours, on Cream | 300 ACRES--Farm, 3 miles from alex: Special rates to Marine Men. . Business Servic Lefia Be. | wmiion of this tag Seller, Dept. 122.| "Sepurators, Gas. Engines: Bitcuciinl andria Bay. It loa money-maker. Can ® . oo - Carlion rublshing Company, 1 be , y : . «| be bought with with P. M. DRI G--Found. on Sunday. on Bar- Business Services Uffered 18| CUNNINGHAM & SMITH -- Barristers| to. Ont 8, SUIRPAny, Yoroh Se ls, We good second, easy terms. - Dettinion wort ke on Propriétor, EAR RIN . % rie Street. Telephone 350F. and Bolicltors, 73 Clarence Street,).toeees elt |b er's.reason for selling. Apply Charlie ; : AUCTION BERg i ,E Kingston. A. B. Cunningham, K.C..| BALESMEN--We pay weekly and ames | 208 UBtario Street. KayAnaugh,. Alexandria bay. Nv. of = r a, containing bills, on| AUC ON oe oF ber esy > Ao Cyr M. Smith. steady employment selung our cbm-{ PIANO -- Newcombe Upright, ebony F..B. McNamee, 345 Alfred Street, > N. D BAG--Eound, may have seme | Steet bE: 2 EE. 374 King = orn g| Viele and cxciusive "Lines of whole- cage, ivory Keys and fuli i 1-4 octave;| Kingston, Ont. A BUSINESS SxBVICH 3 ohnson strech. Owner y reet. one 820J or 17s5w, DAY. AXD RE Partisters an spot fresh-dug-to-order trees and| ij, Bovd conaiaon. rice $265. Easy | = = = ---- at 18 m " tl mba 80] ors, . " > plants. Best s.ock And service. We terms arranged C ¥ a 4 rp A ged. CW. Lipasay, Ltd, = - ston. A. E. Day, Ads lan 1. Revelie ledcn and equip you Jree. A money - Ww Ken INDIAN. WHESL.Fopnd. OWier sp Cleaning, Dyelic;, Renovating 20| Money to loan. Phone 205. Montrag PPurtunity. Luke srotners,| FOTATORS--While car lasts, at $1.76 COTTAGE--AL Enstviéw Park, on lot! | poy of co sht. > ) ply at Midland Shoe Co., King Bt. CARPET CLEANING--Let us handle| SHEA--Ambrose, B.A. Barrister and ee ei | Ber WY h. pag delivered verdes laken patl-, Apply B. Ternent. corner of| | BS King Streets. Phone 10 or Sik 4 it Vac 1 Solielt Law Office, corner of King IRMAN DY ay unh, at Kober Mails Lt and King Streets. Phone 3 y yours, with our vacuum cleaner. We eitor. e, SALESMAN--To sell Pianos and Phono. oifice, corner marrsck and Welling-| 2495. General Insurance ney, - he in| SUArantee a good job. Furniture re-| and Brock, over Royal Bank. Money graphs, must have references; good| ton Phone 2173. Writing: --Automobil MAN'S SHIRT --Found, Sud, collars, 1h . pairing of ali kinas. Muller's Bicycle| to. loan. Phone 1999. ee | Proposition offered to rigat man. Ap- . i . dent, Sickness, Plate Oi arcel, on York Stree Butener Shop | Works. 373 King Street. Phone 1ysiw. = eras Li Mr. Gordon, Mgr. C. W. Lindsay,| STOV Es--Lawrenson's for God Cheer FRAME BUNGALOW--§ rooms, 3 bed- Pe ieLepresenting only relia} com. = stoop 2g. | 1 Square Quebec Stoves Buu riealers, |, rooms, electric lights, bath rep . 112 Clergy Street. Dressmaking--Mutinery 21 keoupmy Keady Mixed ~ains una var. | decorated, newly: patorig Joum, well - 3 OSTEOPATHY--A. T. Still graduates.| : uisnds. © 337 Priacess Street. Phone| storm door, privat re Torden and ee] ARL BAR-RING-- Found, Wednes-| HEMBTITCHING--Picot edging, pleat} Drs. lobert and Edna Ashcroft, 204 | TINSMITH--Apply Lemmon & Sons. Sis. orpIsine Oranke, Hail Tn a Bi Beopurts a oalieod MERCHANDISE = FY FE Ow? ly 687 Princess St. ing; work gueranteed. is. Kk A. | 'King Street. Pnone 447 for appoint- at a sacrifice. $2800. © Terms er etre Y y. Owner apply «Card, 266 Barrie Sireet. 1% biocks| ment. mE = | SQUARE PIANO--For sale or to rent, from Princess dtreet, Help--Male or Female #4 | in govd condition; price moderate. Al- | FRAME BUNGALOW---5 rooms, 2 bed- jy? URNITURE or Al Deseripts - SiL WATCH. Found. gentleman's. S50 iady's bicycle jor, safe. Phone! rooms.! all hardwood floors, electric 4th ons at Reaseas | 4 . Laaw's' Har Faror. 2la 1879m. ivenings. lights, 3 piece bath, splendi 3 rb ap ing to #7 Living. FURNITURE FINISHING--Of ali kinds. as Christmas resting cara ; in fret class repair. Price $5008 to de. shoul Seton, HAIR WORK---Of all kinds, made to] C8il sud see W. Driscoll, 33 John Jonay gh y en nd {meh Al- |, WOOD--Mixed. $3.55 quarter cord; new| Terms _ 8TO . ie. Phone pmmnns | order. Siu 8 ing aud Massag-| Street. Phone 398K. had) os Tonited. Baanihare and second nand lumper, matched Jum- = Well repaired, Pou! lady's, on Rideau | ing. Children's nair cutting. Mrs, Ont. *| Der, cedar posts; soit slabs, $2.50 guar. MB. TRUMPOUR at a rgihe price Owner may have same Charles Cunningham, 66 Bay Street, VEHOLSTERING --New. or. Used Sor : Eivoer iy itel sibs. i378. al" 337 Bagot Street. 4 < Y ure; wo ul © orc albot. Ard: Concession stree r Bag Tee & property at id John Street. Ringatn | card W. J. Gavioe, 316 Bagot Street.| Solicitors, Canvassers, Agents 35 | rion Lhe, oncouni onan ok ok Let J Turk's 7 . oa r Insurance #8 | UPHOLSTERING--And general repair. | SALES AGENT-- Reliable, for smrepres WOOD AND COKE--New yard at 390 2 ing. Leave orders at or drop a card| scuicd districts. Good pay, free equip. Wellington, corner Ordnance, dry| ten PHONE 706. FIRE--Automobile and Casualty Insur-| (08. (POE ONG 104 Clergy direet. ment. We are the largest growers of | mm : 0 v . " \ . » o . xed rdwouvd, saw 1H d de- » ance. I. M. Crumley, 420 Earl Street. Aiki LUI ANU OFUMMONTA] trees Th Canada From rad Bed, Splice and de-| ork Bateman's large Real Estate ad. | L " Phone 178:M. SHOE REPAIRING--AN hand work.| Sei fur 8 Nursery. not for a jobber | iura Coal Coke irom city gas works, | Vertisement, page 3, column FROM DUBIOUS SOURCES Rubber heels a specialty; efficient ser-| 1 itl be suscesstyl. Write: feibam| 3.0.00 ton up to September. Cinders, - A-- *f INSURANCE--Fire, Life, Accident and vice. Adolf Kaminski, corner Mont- ry Lo. lov. Load Clinkers doc. W. C. Bru- Sickness, in reliable companies. J. B. Streets. < d re u . Rens btw Gites: spp © holiest] So tos Susan BS ------ | wauations Wanted--p Ba hone Jb In the ity Tarks lor Sra asses AR1 ICI ES . 5 Latest That - A . : 4 UPHOLSTERING -- Covered uttons ese -------------- Improvements. Apply personally, a: 4 The is Tr otzky INSURANCE --Only the lNabie| 'hade same day as ordered. Upholster-| GIRL Desires Position as semeoral in Wanted---To Buy oe 387 ye Bret ly \ Mas Been Assassinated e 1 resented. wire an a Jeasonabie Jrioes. EJ SUod-] 'omall family. "APply Box fob Whie| OLD GOLDS or ei Teeth, for . Strange, aptablianed in 1880. Off ike: 95| SI0ES: 344 University Avenue. Fhone| Sfice, : | Ash or exchange G. W. 1yook| ou a vi In Russia. Clarence Street, opposite Post Oftige | 0430: i & 344 Princess street, Kingston. -- { HOUSE Ih Millage ot + Sharbot Jake is INSURANCE--Our Health and Adeldent Employment nancial Rooms For Rent to Mrs. 8. Meighen, Saarbot Laké, Ont. Lite Boats, Rowing Skits, Er Lon gt. 11. Central | policy will protect your salary. Fire = Mune, Loan Sram - + News pi from Bertin says it Wiiliams, 3 Couper Surest. "00 ~5- Help Wanted--Female 32 : Hh so Rooms With Board 07 | IMMEDIATE SALE--In town of Nap.|| "mall Knock-about Boats, Gas- od J h ou, FRONTENAC---Loan and Investment : anee, house, including surge is rted from Moscow that Leon Moving. 'F COOR GENERAL -- Experienced. by| Socieiy, incorporated 1361. President.| BOARD AND ROOMS--First class, by| Iate-Dr. Vrooman. For Tht ane oline Engines, Evinrude Stern Tr y, Russian Soviet war minister. oving, 'trucking, Storage 25 September 1at. ghioly Rita. H. Mac- » Nickle, Xi yicespiesident, & "day or week. All Sone ansva. Reds ply Mrs. Vrooman, Napanee. Motors, small Pumping Units, - nee, n . . h n am, ne, ue nC ie ral 3 Univer has been assaysinated. No details ASHES---Cleaned out of cellars and s and Term propertios: ¥ municipal and Avenue, Boar Broa Stress. y Also the place to 2 are given. There is no confirmation | Yards, clean job done. A. MacGregor,| COOK--- General, family of three, no county debentures: mortgages pur- - $2900.00--New Bungalow, ¢ rooms, hard- Pp! get machis- | y 24 Hussell Stieei. Phone 2265. laundry, highest wages middle-aged| chased; Investment bonds tor sale. de. ROOMS -- Furnished, large bedroom,| Wood floors, furnace, 3 piece bath, ery repaired and oxy-acetylens & of the report. -* = woman preferred. Apply Mrs! W. F. ils received and interest alowed. comtortably furnished, suitable for| deep Jot. $400 down and $29 per month i STORAGE BA CE Yor lotaliure, clean| Casey, 213 King Street, corner Earl| RH C. artwrigat, manager, 37 Clarence| two. Also table board. Apply 193 Abd interest. welding and carbon burning, ° .* Reports of the death by violence, Neison Yirest" Phone 1391J or ors. Phone 1843 fof appeintment. Bute bau. ro hans th Yoon, ail co Yentooet jolla Sieh, ? : or otherwise, of Premier Lenine, oe CO0K-Appls to. 2 Ww. HM . + -- rs. . - - War Minister Trotzky and other pro- STORAGE--For furniture, clean, @ry.| 118 Lower Union Street PEARL A. NESBIT-- minent members of the Russian So-| airy rooms ang spaces; your ows lack it 8nd Choir Lirector, Queen St. Me-| ed, suitable for two, opposite College Soe Sylences, ---- er Ave., 10 d key. Jrost's Cit - ! ment, have already been | 2% -| thogist Church. Teacher of Singing: | gate, two girls preferred. Apply 53 3 05 Queen 8i: hone i COOK General, capibie and _sxperi-| Of CJIRIL, Fupils prepared for| George Street. Phone §1gw. PP Street. usually coming through Painting. Paper Deere" 50 enced, references required; willing te) -(iN00 Sd Crean. buy all oo \ rooms, hot ¥ examination. Ae, n 4 dublous channels. Serious reports ting, taj 8, Vecorating i yr oe for suliavie suplicant, Fail term commences Sept. ih.| ROOMS--Two, front, furnished or une Bred rest. Jtep lot and regarding the condition of Trotzky's | AINTING Papering." eorsiing ~1 rely btudig: 400 Brock Street. Phone 1147J. fuThianed, with use of thres piece lance §30 por month oo i Rb 'were current early this year, | first class work and work guaranteed, "ut Vioiln saa Plans. T. C. M., teacher! for young couple, in Sood locality. Ap- oat and Principal, . EVERY individual hss some health ¢ : : but news despatches since , have Street. Phone Tbe ron. 188 Bagot GIRL--Chiefly for kitchen work. Ap-| gf YRRUS 88d Plano. Pupils Jrepared| ply Box F-11, Whig Om es city. "SVT others in alll yy doesn't walt and wants seme sbown his pursping his usual' acti- | - Ply 181 Division Street. tions: Stadio: 307 Collingwood St.) Wanted--Rooms or Board H R, | ne doesn't have. The classified Ri SIGN PAINTING--J. 8. Robi rem : (near Johnson). Phone 3329w. Street. ." straighten out difficulties, ir ---------------- 176 Bagot stree. LADY REPRESENTATIVES -- Can eérp KORRINNE A. MADDEN---Teach 1 ROOM AND BOARD---In 8 private fam- » dol kl > . easher 9 b; , . NO MORE POSTAGE STAMPS. Trg A og We Ld Cinho: (Pupils prepared for Taronlo|, slyly Brice' se ped, hr opty : Paid Visit ta' R, M, ©. Pay ele "wilte or pareiouiara| 80 Ear) Sires Phone 1836 Jules Y corte Bransby Williams, the English| eR 132 carlton Publishing Company,| Sree HELEN PATERSON--Amoc. of "Ottawa, Sept. 11. -- After Ogto- |2¢!0T. who was here on Monday and MONEY AT HOME--318 to $60 Ta Tease of Fiano' an Theory of ber played "David Copperfield" at the weekly for your spare tine writ-| Music. Pupils prepared for Toronto ist, postage stamps will not bo wekly lor Your spa Conservatory exeminatio Iso 1 accepted tor the war duty on cheques, | 07204, With his wife, son and daugh- rrr A IRN LT eg BU LR Tecelpts and bank drafts. Further- ['¢" Paid a visit to the Royal Mili- we -Angus Show Card Service, 17| Phone ig6eF. = , tary College om Monday afternoon rs Bid., to. OLIVE M. WOODMAN -- Teacher lig through the kindness of members WOMAN--To wash blankets, one with Sasion a a heory. Studie 185 Bari fink, gas of the Rotary Club and General Mac- lyons Brcterred. Apply Box '867m. term 'pe- | So0d donell and the party greatly enjoyed 1. Wh . --. thelr tour of inspection at the ecol- Ang M 9] pL AT ro neluding Youu lege. Afterwards they were taken| A. E. Bryan, Canadian trade com- kaming, is in the Hospital at Cobalt, | good bateary 5. ena C. separate. Wii for a drive around the city and the{ missioner to Yokohama fe reported | huving been ordered a complete rest | rent com 3 In part, ng Vie. Rockwood hospital grounds. --j sate. .He lost all his belongings. {by Ms doctor. 3 oT Asien Assasion at once. i. Ap: Ls i 3 Jovy rooms, all conveniences. Musica, Danclag Dramatic 34 | Rooms Wikhout Board 08) Wares Lert Brett ole Tor 1 DAVIS DRY DOCK C0. Foot of Wellington Street LTCM, Organ-| FRONT BEDROOM--One large, furnish. | $4100.06 Frontenac Street | sooerctan te ------ " - . R------------ : =

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