Daily British Whig (1850), 11 Sep 1923, p. 5

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TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 11, THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG FROST'S CITY STORAGE Now has vacant two clean, dry, private rooms. (Your own lock and key.) . . PHONE 526. 299-305 QUEEN STREET. BE PIANO TUNING Piano Tuning, Repairmg ana Player Plano Adjusting. Norman H. Butcher, 27 Pine Street. PHONE 181%w. Real Estate General Insurance Reliable Companies only represented. Guarantee Bonds. Victory Bonds bought and sold. R. H. Waddell Phones 326-806. N86 Breck Nt. DRAW. WINNETT DENTAL SURGEON. and Wellingtun Corner of Johmson vs ASK FOR BELI'S CUCUMBER CREAM (Chapped Hands, etc.) Use It Use All Ways. Always 'or Moving o KRECATA FUNCAE S22, FARO eVieny B BD IRS ston Transfer Co. aan. hone TLINGTON STRERT Dental Surgeon DR. J. C. W. BROOM L.D.S., D.D.S. Wellington and Brock Streets. Entra 189 Wellington St. Eve! > a ayisintment. WATTS ficople's s : 177 Florist Street. | of Dr. Fowler's Extract When the baby starts to cut its teeth, especially during the hot wea~ ther, then is the time that the poor mother is under the stress and strain of great anxiety. There is no remedy so safe and ef- | fectual, for the teething complaints of infants, as is Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry, no remedy that has | bad the endorsation of «0 many Cana- | dian mothers during the past 78 years | it has been on the market. i { Mrs. C. W. Myers, Clanwilliam, {Man., writes:--'*My baby girl was | 'very sick with diarrhoea when she was cutting her teeth. I tried several | different remedies, but nothing did her any good. She was getting worse | when my mother sent me out a bottle of Wild | Strawberry. I gave her a few doses ' and the next day she was much bet- i; warded | ter, 'and in a couple more days she | was as well as ever. . Now, I always Keep 'Dr. Fowler's' In the house and recommend it to all | | those troubled with diarrhoea." Price 50c. a bottle; put up only by | The T. Milburn Co., Limited, Toronte, | '| clcudy sky prevented a' glimpse of Flies, Fleas, Bugs and Beetles Don't lose the "battle with the In- sects.' Let us supply your "ammunition." No "duds" among these! Sappho-Puffer packages eating's Powder... .10¢c. and Boe Wilson's Poison Pads +. 10c. pkg. * Fly-8an and'Fly-Fox. "Tanglefoot, 3 double sheets, Joe. Sticky- -Coils for Se. "Kreso," the handy dtiinfectant and wash bottles, 25c. and up. International "Fly-Way" for your stock----quarts and gallons at very special low prices. Useful Sprayers . Fly Swatters ... TELEPHONE 2018. PRINCESS PHARMACY The Convenient, Dependable Up-town Drug Store "Where Princess gnd Division Croas" { | | | | ---- FOR COLDS, CHIAL AriicTione. FOR REE MUSCLES, SPRAINS AND AND NUMEROUS. "OTHER AILMENTS COMMON TO MAN AND BEAST, THERE. 18 NOTHING SUPERIOR To THAT OLD AND RELIABLE REMEDY, TRIED AND THOMAS ECLECTRIC OlL PA i NAA PS Sr cr tly L. C. HEMSLEY from R. J. ROGER (WATCHES and OLOOKS\ REPAIRED ¢ '8 for oi purposes. You buy it for the warmth there is concealed in it. Buy the kind. that is fuller of heat than an . ogg is of meat. Te at shortest notice 149 8ydenham 8t. Phone 20564. KINGSTON ap VICINITY Boys' School Suits. "Ve have received a big shipment of boys' school suits, which we will sell at a reduced price, dandy suits, | at $6, $6.50, $7.50 and $9, all sizes, all colors. Prevost, Bréck street. | Awaited With Interest. The appearance of the one man | streetcars is awaited with interest by patrons of the®treet railway. It { will require another two weeks be- | fore the two cars are ready to start | Gperations. ~ Awarded Colonial Medal. Recent milifia orders state that { Cant. E. W. Skinner, Kingston, at- tached to the Queen's University Officers' Training Corps, has been the Colonial auxiliary i forces' long service medal. Eclipse Invisible. Many residents of Kingston de- | eired to see the part'al eclipse of tho | sun on Monday but although'it was scheduled to appear at 2.20 and | reach the maximum at 4.54 p.m..the the sun, during the whole of the afternoon. 3 Rummage Sale. Will friends of Hote! Dieu Hosp!- tal kindly send donations of amy kind to the British American Hotel jon Wednesday, Sept. 12th, for the big rummage sale to be held there Thursday, Sept. 13th, 9:30 a.m., un- der the auspices of the Ladies' Aux- fliary of Hotel Dieu? The Rumors Flew. The bulletin boards were watchet with great interest on Monday owing to the many rumors flying around the | city concerning the escape of the | convicts at Portsmouth. Many and varied were the "stories" handed about and very few people knew t= facts of 'the affair until the news- papers were on the street. "Steamboat Schedules. Although the summer moonlight { excursions are over for this year, the vteamers Waubic and Brockville will { continue their regular trips across to Cape Vincent and up the Bay of 'Quinte respectively for another ! month or six weeks. Tho steamers Kingston and Toronto will close their schedules this week. . Motor Accidents Common. 'Auto aecidents are hecoming rather common in Kingston, and in this respect at least, the Limestone City is copying the fashion of her larger sister cities. There are many careful drivers who stil' exceed the safe limit as far as speed is concern- ed and even with the best of brakes, accidents may not alwavs be averted. eee we 1922 Pumpkin on Fxhibfiion. Andrew Bdwards had on exhibi- tion at the horticultural show in Gananoque last week a pumpkin grown in his garden in 192%, which is still perfectly sound Mr. Neff, ot the Ontario agricultural station for this district, will use some of the seed for experimental purposes in the hope of obtaining a new and hardy variety of pumpkin. Conferred With Premier. Dr. O. D. Skelton, dean and pro- fessor of eccnomics at Queen's uni- versity, was on Saturday in confer: ence with Premier Mackenzie King at the latter's summer residence at Kingsmere. Dr. Skelton will be in attendance at the forthcoming eco- comics conference Mm London in an advisory capacity on constitutional as well' as matters .of political eco- nomy. . Options Expired. The latest proposal for a big hotel appears to have been definitely aban- doned according to information ob- tained congerning the expiry on Mon- day of options on important proper- ties that were to have been purchas- ed for an hotel site. An effort was made some days ago to extend the options but in one case in particular an extension was declined and a con- siderable advance in price named. -™ Rotary Club Thanked. At the Rotary Club luncheon held on Monday noon, a letter was receiv- ed from the members of the King- ston Amputation Association, thank- ing the members of the club for the Invitation given them to attend the recent luncheon, which was address- ed by Rotarian "Tom" Bolger, EI- mira, NY. The members of the as \ ' sociaiipn enjoyed themselves to the limit, Delta Fair Opens. Delta Fair was offiefally openea on Monday. The day was given ov- er to the receiving of entries. Tues- day and Wednesday will be the big days and some excellent horse races will be staged. Delta Fair, which was originally the Leeds county fair, is one of the oldest in the prov- ince. R. E. Green, secretary-treas- urer, when speaking to the Whig, stated that until Monday morning the. entries were about as large as last year. Big Bags of Ducks. Since the duck season opened, many report; of big begs of wild ducks have Jeached us. W. H. Sod- win, Brock treet; recently had a sue- cessful day's shooting, bagging ten ducks at Wolfe Is'ani. Cnly black ducks are to be seen, and are so wary that only the'greafest caution can briag the hunter :jose to bis prey (;eorge O'Brien, Wolfe Island, Yas a Jaovel contrivance called a monitor. This outfit, shaped like a' boat, is flat bottomed and is propelled by cars In the centre of the monitor is dh enclosure surrounded by rushes where the hunter hides, Baseball at Inverary. Inverary baseball team played the final game for the season with Ar- den, on the 7th at Inverary. The day was ideal, and the crowd was large. Arden won by 7--3. Alter the game, tea was served to the visiting team' at the hotel. Satur- day, the 15th., Gananoque and Ar- den play for the trophy at Inverary. This promises to be an exciting game. will be held at Inverary. Every- one is glad to hear that Mrs. J. K. McKnight, and Miles Lake. who have been ill for so long, are improving. Mr. and Mrs. James Shepherd left for Blaine Lake, Sask., on Thurs- day last. Mrs. Shepherd will visit friends at Portage la Prairie. J. A. Bockwith and family visited friends in 'Belleville on Sunday. Miss Fred- ericka Ferguson is the JBuest of Miss Kathleen Campsall, Glenvale, Township Councils ownship Come vy * Pittsburgh. Sept. 3.--The council met at 10.30 a.m. Members present, John 8S. Sib- bit, reeve; James Agnew, William Atkinson and Robert Barclay, coun- cillors. Minutes of last meeting adopted. Communications from J. L. ¥. Sproule, R. O., enclosing $28, for{ use of polling booths at last pro- vincial election; from W. L. Allinson, J.P., enclosing: $7.50, township's? share of fine under the Lord's Day Act. Dradden addressed the council, ask- ing for a township grant for the Kingston Industrial Exhibition. Ac- counts passed: A. Johnston, 76 loads Pickling Season Is Here! | We have fresh Spices, Corks, ll Wax and Parke's Catsup flavors. To get the best results buy your Spices here. > M. R. McColl Prescription Druggist, (Opp. St. Andrew's Church) Cor. Princess and Clergy Sts. Phone 82 P.S~Kodak Films and Supplies. gravel, $60.50; A. Carey, royalty on 50 loads stone, $5; Joseph ' Daffe. work, timber and drawing lumber, $21.55; utilities commission, light for hall, $1.58; treasurer, account salary, $50: clerk, account 'salary, $25; Anglin & Co., lumber and nails, $17.49. Trustees are requested to make application for their school rates." Adjourned until first Monday in October at 10.30 a.m. rr -------- AT CHAFFEY'S LOUKS. ---- Number of Tourists at This Popular Resort. Chaffey's. Locks, Sept. 10. -- The recemt showers of rain. have greatly improved vegetation. Dr. Berliner and family, New York, are occupy- ing "The Campbell Cottage." M. G. Henniger and family have re- turned to Smith's Falls, after spend- ing a pleasant holiday here in their cottage, "Kennet Cook." Mr. and Mrs. C. Thorburn, Ot- tawa, have returned home, after spending the summer in their cot- tage, "Larrymore" on Indian Lake. E. C. Acton and family have return. ed home. Some of the late arrivals at the Opinicon hotel are: M: L. Harris and party, L. Kramer, Irving Sampson, Mr. Durland, L. B. Miller, E. C. Miller, and party, New York City. H. E. Trevit, Mr. Olmstead, Mr. Moore and party, New Jersey; Mr. and' Mrs. Cross, Thomas Doyle and Sdward |. Utica, N.Y. | nnd wr? cies of banking. KINGSTON L A record of steady growth in capital and reserves Qi CE the inception of this Bank in 1855, the growth of its capital and reserves has con- sistently kept pace with the steady progress of Canada. --a record earned by adherence to sound poli- You will get a trievidly reception at any branch of TORONTO 3,838,983 Thursday the 13th, the school fair . COAL The United States and Canadian Fuel Controllers have advised consumers to lay "in their coal supply early, in anticipation of a hard coal strike on September 1st. We can now supply Scranton Anthra- cite in Pea, Chestnut and Egg sizes. S. ANGLIN & CO. Woodworking Factory and Lumber Yards, Bay and Wellington Streets, KINGSTON, Ont. Office Phone 66. Factory Phone 1413 306-8-10 KING STREET, KINGSTON, Ont, The British WhigP ublishing Co. Ltd. has a Department specially equipped to execute all classes of JOB PRINTING First-class service and fair prices, ~ ot PHONE 243. | NOTICE GOURDIER'S have removed to 86 PRINCESS STREET, next to Bibby's, Limited, while alterations are being made to Brock Street store. GOURDIER'S 78-80 Brock Street 5,193,128 11,176,578 11,555,306 1922 (12,061,241 LYNDHURST LL Rochester, N.Y.; Mr. and Mrs. Brackley, Coldwater, N.Y. are ending a teow days at Ww: Hu Flem- | tam a re Cleveland, Ohio, after EE eer cs es a et Ase Seria 'TWEDDE For the Best Values in. Young Men's Suits at $20.00, $25.00, $28.00, $32.00, $35.00, SEE OUR SPORT MODEL SUITS At $25.00 TWEDDELL'S _~~ Clothing House ssi on NEW HOSIERY For Fall and Winter Wear All the best Canadian and English makes for Men, Women and Children. Plain and Ribbed ii Black and all the popular colors. Pure Wool, Silk and Wool and Silk --a very large variety to choose from Stattractive prices.

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