Daily British Whig (1850), 14 Sep 1923, p. 13

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THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG David Cox and 'children motored to { Smith and Ethel, Rev. Mr. Fhlndell Kingston last week-end. |= nd Enierdon Snider at John Ray- George Cox, Sr., met with a pain- | craft's on Sunday. Mrs. A. Foster | ful accident last week when the car {and Rabley Ball took tea with Mrs. in which he was riding, Inrohed in-| Wiliam Cousins. Mrs. MiMord Wa- [to the ditch, throwing him into th® gar and Mona are at Enterprise. Mr windshield, and severely cutting his |and Mrs. Wesley Youngs and family } wend, Dr. Moon, Sharbot Lake, was | at Milford Wagar's. {in attendance. - Little 'Miss &hioe | | Cox, who is seriously ill, in King | ston General Hospital, is not much | improved. { | School was re-opened "with the !- same teachers as last year. V. Pras- | key, Folger, made a flying trip to! Coxvale last week Messrs. Watkins, | Hamilton and Myers passed through | < here Wednesday. Charles Cox, SF., | Willy Earthworm's Search For Hap- and Charles Cox, Jr., returned from | | piness. spending a couple weeks at Fcho | Willy Earthworm stuck his head 1ske Mr and irs. Don Cox, David out of his doorway and stretching Cox, 3nd U. SF skey made a hasty | his neck-to its fullest, looked trip to Ardoch on Friday James | Cox made a business trip to Claren- around. ol A crowd of wee ants were very don last week. . | Lusy ing from the side of a A forest fire caused much alarm Lusy, moving fi WWRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 14, 1928. The Suporetaiions Who Work in the Semi-ready Tailor Shops are proud of Your Fall Overcoat 'With superb 'materials and at reasunable prices. -------- B.C. FIR CEILING Just unloaded a carload of No. | Clear Fir, V Joints for ceilings, Wainscoting, etc.' Excellent stock. Also have on hand a full assortment of Spruce, V Joints, Siding and Flooring. For prompt. service, telephone 1042. | their job. ° Mr. and "Mrs. Stephen ALLAN LUMBER CO. Hickey have gone to the hospital in VICTORIA STREET. 'Phone 1042. | | ingston. School has re-opened with / | Miss' Runnelis as teacher. Potatues { will be quite scarce this year. "mr . From the | |Countryside| Frontenac ] BUNKER'S HILL. Sept. 12, -- This district has had | some splendid rains and everything | | 18 now looking fine. The men en- {gaged in road work have finished - wr {rock near the roadway over to the We Are Ready an Sept. 10. -- Threshing has been | for any emergency in the machine shop line. What are your require- ments in the way of machinery re- pairs? With our complete equlp- ment of lathes, -drills, planers, saws, ste, we can take care of your needs. "Bishop Machine Shop the order of the day, but the recent rains have changod the programine A sad event took place on Monday, ¢rd lost, when Winston, only son of Zara Reynold, was drowned in an old mine pit. deceased was a bright little fellow of eleven years and a favorite of all who knew him. Mrs. Earl Martin, formerly of Verona, has taken charge of the Bell Rock school. Recent visitors: Gerald Timmins, Kingston, Wilkison; = and accidentally | The | here during the dry weather in Au- gust, but assistance , was from Tweed and Ardoch and it was finally controlled. Cattle buyers are already visiting this district. {Lennox & Addington MOSCOW. | they Earthworm looking at them. { ant. | that, { him. | api ee, brought | 190 of the maple tree, They just barely nodded when glanced up and saw Willy "Moving?" he asked the nearest "If I pulled things up like I'd move further away." The ants paid no attention They went on with work, and Willy Earthworm, j disgusted, crawled out of his door-| | way, grumbling and grunting to their much | to your own shape. Throw a Semi-ready Coat on your shoulders, and if it is your size and physique type, it fits vou as , though Great shoulder-fitling moulded * to, is backed by pep Sept. 10. -- Miss Mildred Towh- | send met with an accident on Sun- Patrick Timmins, Mrs. A. Till, Moscow, at J. Timmins', Mrs. KE. M. Yorke, Kingston, at J. Fomeroy's, "Oak Hill Farm." himself. Then he started off" across | easy' = \ {fect draping, and the Semi-ready | the ground. wear as it is to pay for. day last, when she had the mistor- | "Some folks are satisfied with tune to break her leg. A speedy re- | most everything," he sad to him- Buys a good 'Buys a better Overcoat covery is expected. Dr. grt Bell | get, "You'd better Hurry before | Overcoat KING AND QUEEN STREETS Top Coat is as to, MISSISSIPPI. Sept. 10. -- Mr. and Mrs. William Geddes and family motored to Ren- frew last Sunday. Miss Annie Olm- stead, Kingston, spent the week-end and family visited at J. 8. Bell's re- | 3; rains," he added aloud to Mrs. cently. Mr. and Mrs, Morn andd Ant. She nodded and laughed. two children at Arlie Benn's; also | "We're almost through, so det it | Mrs. 8. Benn is vigiticg her two | rain," she called back. Willy | sons here. G. A. Hawley, of the | Earthworm crawled out onto the big | Represents the something better' b D. {And folks who-come to see Semi-ready Clothes look for and § Non-skid, guaranteed first quality Tires The Central Garage Limited Phone 600. Brock and Montreal Streets. WE NEVER CLOSE. with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Building Blocks, Bricks and Sand MANUFACTURER OF HIGH GRADE CONCRETE BLOCKS, CE- MENT BRICKS, LINTELS, SILLS, BASE. POURSE, PIER CAPS, ETC. DEALER IN BREST QUALITY OF BUILDING AND PLASTERING SAND, AND GRAVEL, DELIVERED ON SHORT NOTICE, R..]. McCLELLAND CORNER ONTARIO AND WILLIAM STREETS F .C. HAMBROOK 115 Breck Street Phone 1026w. SILVERWARE AND CHINAWARE TO RENT WM. J. ARNIEL wari ad died ARRNIEL & res sn. HAMBROOK (CATERERS) NO DINNER TOO LARGE--NO LUNCHEON TOO SMALL. a MAKE YOUR WORK EASY Have the Hotpoint Electric Goods in your home. We have everything you may need to bring comfort -- Irons, Toasters, Heaters, etc. - Halliday Electric Co. PHONE 04. CORNER SING AND PRINCESS STS. READ THE ADVERTISEMENTS Wise Shoppers Do It The J. | K. Carroll | Agency 68. Res. 2240m. RROCRAL AL BSTATE AND INSURANCE 8 BROKERS, DOWN TOWN=-In good residential district, corner store and dwell- STREET, near Collegiate -- a handsome pair of solid brick houses; fully modern. Yearly rental $060. Price at -- KENSINGTON AVENUE LOT---S8ize 50x120. Owner is out of the, ' city, wants to sell. 'Make us an offer. ~ Ladies' Patent Leather Shoe Fashions For Fall Ladies' Log Cabin Suede Oxfords. fords. Ladies' Fine Kid Oxfords. - + Strap Shoes in Suede, Patent, Gunmetal, Satin and Brown Calf. - "The newest in Brogues. gs STICK CLEANERS for 'all Suede and Nappy Leather footwear. The Sawyer Shoe Store Phone 158, Olmstead. John Irwin, Toronto, Is visiting friends in the village. Wil- liam Scott, Carleton, is visiting with {his daughter, Miss Annie , Scott. | Charite Benedict returned to his | home last Friday having spent some | time at Muskoka. Joseph Steele spent a taw days with his brother, BY | oot + Stésle. Thomas Dowdell and Mastet Raymond Fournier spent Thursday with Mr. and Mrs. J. H Fair, Sharbot Lake, last week. Mrs. Robert Gibson and- two children spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Ansley Gibson, Sharbot Lake, last week. COLE LAKE. Sept. 11. -- Waesiey Shellington, Belleville, spent the week-end at home. Miss Eliza Judge is in Ro®:- wood Hospital training for a nurse. Miss Bessie Kennedy has returned to Murvale after spending her holidays at home. .Mrs. Alexander spent a few days at R, Jackson's. Thresh- ing is the order.of the day here. S. Martin, who%has been on the sick list Is able to be around again. James Mooney, who spent his holidays with Frederick Kennedy, has returned to his home at Portsmouth. Miss C. Freeman has been. engaged to teach ur sckool for the coming term. Ver- num Shellington has gore to Oshawa, where he has secured a position. Mrs. John Booth is visiting at Mrs. R. Jackson's for a few days. HARLOWE, fo Sept. 10. -- Mr. Edwards, Ston- dard preacher and family, are under quarantine for Scarlet Fever. Mr Mae, who has been in the hospital with blood poisoming in his knee. is back again greatly improved. Mrs. R. Gray, Selby, is visiting with Mrs. J. Hiller. Mr. and Mrs. W.-Scott are visiting with Mr. and Mrs.. C. Hiller, Roblin. Miss Anna White. who has been spending her holidays with her parents, has gone te Rock- ester, N.Y. Miss Kathleen Gray, has. gone to Flinton to stay with Mrs. Tindal for a while, J. Gray has finished his road job for this summer. Rev. Mr. Ogden made his trip through to Harlowe, on Sun- day, and preached in the afternoon, although it rained and the roeds were sifppery. * FLORIDA, Sept. 1]. -- A number from here attended the re-opening and fiftieth Anniversary Services in the Metho- dist church, Wilton, on Sunday last and also the concert on Monday ev- eliing. School has re-opémed with Miss E. Glenn, Amherst Island, as teacher for the coming months. Visit- ers: O. C. Storms, Wilton, at Edward Maitin's; Hilton Jeffrey, Haran. ton, is visiting his brother, w. Jeffrey » Mr. and Mra. Bond Smith, Diath, Mr. and Mrs. 8. Martin, Cole Lake, and Mr. and Mrs. R. Martin and Httle son, also Miss Barr, Fer- moy, were Sunday visitors at John Peters'. Clinton Martin has gone to Watertown, N.Y. Miss Lottie Martin, Whitby, is visiting ker parents, Mr. and Mrs. Damon Martin. A nu ber from this place attended the school fair at Harrowsmith, on Mon- day. m------ { COXVALE., Sept. 10. -- Kain is greatly needed in this distfict, Farmers are draw- ing water several miles. The bay- ing season fs about over here. Mr. and Mrs. Don Cox and children and '| Sunday. William Rayeraft 4% Eank of Montreal staff, Yarker; spent Asselstine, Moscow. A number from Moscow expect to take in the King- ston fair next week v ---- SELBY.| -- Rev. and Mrs. Branch veek for his new fled of | voa. Miss M. Anderson Sept. 1 left last labor at P {attend Normal. M. Brady's barn | and was burned to the ground. Miss F. Abbott spent some time friends in Toronto and attended the | exhibition. Mr. and Mrs. J. Gonu and Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Amey and | daughter, spent Sunday at Amelias- burg with Dr. and Mrs. File. Miss friends here. spent Sunday at J. F. Hudgius'. at Belleville. Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Wood and family spent Sunday at E. Price's, Empey Hill. Lanark LAVANT STATION. Sept. 10. -- Mn apd Mrs. Thomas Sproule and family, "Canonto, spent Sunday at Willlam Me¢Dougall's. Mre. W. Boyd spent a few days last week with friends at North Bay. Bhe was accompanied home by her daugh- ter, Thelma, who has been spending the past month with her aunt, Mrs. Ross Alcorn. Miss Bessie Clarke, Smith's Falls, commenced her duties here as teacher on Sept. 4th. Mrs George Lashley, Watson's Corners, speut a few days recently at the home of her daughter, Mrs. J. EK. Lee. Mr. and Mrs. S. Lee visited the past 'week at the home of their daughter, Mrs. P. J. Wilson, Finch. iieses Inez Browning and Margu- erite Lee are attending collegiate in Perth. Mr. and Mrs. George Sproule and. family . visited at Robert Sproule's, Lantana, on Sunday. * THE GRINDER EXPLODED. And Hurléd Pieces About the Building. Verona, Sept. 12. -- What might have proven a very serious accident occurred in E. L. Amey's mill, on Tuesday morning, about eight o'clock. While the mill was runnbii the grinder broke into pieces, flying in every direction, one piece going right through a double floor. For- tunately no one was injured although Mr. Amey and W. Goodberry were both within a few fect of the grinder when the accident occurred. C. M. Reynolds bad the misfortune to fal on a cément floor and injure his arm. 8. B. Merrill is spending a few days visiting his sister at Rock Spring. © Mrs. Lucy, spending tha summer here, has gone to Toronto. E. Babcook had charge of the ser- vices on Sunday in the absence of Fev. H. J. Crowder. Rov, Dr. Lawson and Mrs. Lawson are spending the week with friends in Smith's Falls and Ottawa. Miss Lila Fallen and Luke Osborne sang a beautiful duet on Sunday night in the Methodist church, the choir join- ing in the chorus. G. W. Laking and family have re turned from Kingston. Quite a num- her 'took in the-school fair at Har- rowsmith Oswald and Henry Lead: ley have returned from Toronto Mrs. J. E. Walroth bas returned a'- ter visiting her daughter in BrocifS] ville. i. Enjoying Visiting. McLean, Sept. 11. -- The bee and | {dance at William Hare's was we'i attended. Earl Storms furnished the music. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Em- bury visited at James Bmbury's on at home for a few days from Oshawa. | Sunday>visitors: Mr. and Mrs; Char!-' the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. R. | along, {or know the reason why." [ert on Monday last for Toronto to | Blue-Bottle Fly was struck by lightning, on Sunday, | with | With tears rolling down her Anderzon spent Sunday with his son | | wings and hurried away. road. "I've often find the road to happiness," he | {grumbled to himself as he joggea "and I mean to do it today | Just then he heard. someone Ah » and turned toward the bushes to He found Mrs. fastened see who it was. | Spider's web "Oh, please, Mr. please heip me out," &he | "My children will starve if Willy Earthworm, looked fly and at the 'sky filleq threatening clouds. with Mrs She thanked him, spread Willy Earthworm trotted on a wee bit further, but he was this time by a dear little bush. wild rose She was waving back ang | { forth in the wind, sighing as if her heart would break. "I guess you would sigh, too, if you were in my place," she said as Willy Earthworm stopped to see the cause of her trouble. "All the toads who have been taking care of this part of the meadow have gone down for a swim in the pond. Here comes a rain. The earth is so hard under me that the water never 'will soak in and I'm famished for a drink." 3 ' Willy Earthworm never sald 'a word, but- he went right to boring down in the ground under Wild Rose-Bush. By the time the rain began to fall the earth around her ou use Dr, CZEMA 3 Dent for Eczema and Skin trvita tions. It relleves at once and grad heals the skin. Sample box Dr. Chase's: ntment free n you mention this ot, ox periment ing when thought I'd try and expect in Lazy i Earthworm, | begged, | face. | Lazy | | Swider returns and finds me here." at the Then .he ¢rawl- | Grace Storm®, Bongard's, is visiting |®d UD to the edge of the bush and Mr. and Mrs. 1. Jaynes | tore the spiders-web so that 1. | Blue-Bottle Fly could get out. i her | stoppeqa | couldn't praise enough. ( would. "something better" Geo. VanHorne always, 213 Princess St. Sm mit | oe ee a \s -- nr roots was nice and soft. - She had a wonderful drink of water. And she Willy Barthworm "] started out to find the. road to happiness," Willy - Earthworm laughed as the rain pattered harder and harder on him, "and I found it nearer home than 1 thought I It has made me happy to help them, 80 I believe I'm on the right road." Away he crawled in the pouring rain. , He had no umbrella or hat, but the worried, fretted look was gone from his face. Willy Earth- worm was really happy for the first time in his life. a tt. The prime condition for discover- ing the truth ic to be free from all prejudice, Teke away from our hearts the | and you take | 'ove~of the begutiful, away the charm of life. has a Department specially equipped to: execute all classes of JOB PRINTING First-class service and fair prices. 806-8-10 KING STREET, KINGSTON, Lat, p-- The Bish Whi Pubising Co. Lid. 332m. m. PHONE 243. -- eee The First Bicycios, The first ancéstof of the modern bicycle was invented in the early part of the nineteenth century, It wag nothing more than two woo wheels connected by a perch from which the rider propelled the thing by thrusting his feet on the ground. But what really started the devel- opment of the bicycle industry was the tall velocipede or "boneshaker, with its small prent wheel, invented in 1863. The first maker of the real American bicycles was Col. Al- bert A. Pope. The first American safety low bicycle was introduced in 1887. CASTORIA For Infants an' Children InUse ForOver 30 Years | Always beais the | Signature of : 7 yn Do for 15¢ » 35¢

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