Daily British Whig (1850), 14 Sep 1923, p. 15

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Je THE DAILY BRITISH waig 15 _ -- Read This Page F or The Bedi In Merchandise And The Most In Satisfaction | RE TRL TI Automobiles ------ ee LW ____|__, RealEstate For Rent' The Brifish Whig Hoe | Wanted--Rooms or Board 78, KINGSTON, ONT. : os SING G . it aker cover | HENS AND CHICKS--Pure bred White| BED SITTING ROOM -- Comfortably | COTTAGE --At Eastview Park, on: lot CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING. "truck, Co . 3 "hott. Wyandotte, Regal Dorcas Strain. Al-| furnished, with part board for gentle~! 44x90, Apply A. Ternent, rn 1 i opular- 0 7 Eg ' " S ; R dexed, standardized and popu an aby Grar p palm- . so 17 Barron White Leghorns. Extra| man, down-town distriet. State terms.| Market and King Streets. Phon 3ade . lized according to | r ) Salvage, ' + Bagot and [1 mproving our portunities | ®ood layers, 10 Thomas Street. Box J-12, Whig Office. 2498. . : » : SYSTEM | Queen Streets. . | erchand , se r HE BASIL L. SMITN SYSTE | | ROOM---Young lady desires ropm in ex- 3 m i light duties €bout the| FRAME BUNGALOW. . Pnilddelphia, Pa. { 4 cently overhauled 2 change for --6 rooms, 3 bed- Inc, Philddelphi Joi vk vy Why is it th#t one person under certain favorable house. Apply to Box L-13, Whig Of-| rooms, electrio lights, bath room, bed. ) cl Ap- : ; " pr TT PA J a pe - All ads. are restricted s their Ltd., corner Bagot conditions thinks and learns, 'while another individual Articles for Sale.s B51! fice. i Qecorated. Dewly painted, screWn and r classification, and Ta { i p rndar , a : 9 S rivate drivewa ood i Proper Dally Whig style of type Henn Hires under exactly the same conditions, does not? ANTIQUES--Walnut Chairs, Walnut! Apartments and Flats 74 | hen house. Fig property is Offered D RATES | Erincipally it is because the former takes advan- Buffets, Walnut Dintn Tales. Les- | &t a sacrifice. $2300. Terms "LASSIFIED RATE { class runni * aps * Autique Shop, 507 Princ treet. | ENT--F ; - . . Daily Stags: line or consecutive Tue con double tage of his opportunities. He is a utilitarian, as far as gen 2utigue Shap % 38, titres A EN Tot: ur toss; al) Pos. | FRAME BUNGALOW--5 rooms, 2 bed- tions: tire carrier," ete : . | etting ahea concerned. He seizes o rtuni \ eee | gesS1On September 1st. Apply White's| Tooms. all hardwood floors, electric i terms. Phone 1556J. getting ahead is concerned. He sels opportunity as AWNINGS -- Tents, Automobile Tents | Insurance Agency. roy lights. 3 plece bath, splendid cellar, mil Minimum charge, 25 cents. soon as he sights it, and he puts it to some practical *| "Peterborough Canoes, Life Saving | In frac class repair. = Price $3,000. Cushions, Flags. Tarpaulins. JF. W.! FLAT -- Three rooms, furnished| Terms. C Cash Daily rates per line. harge , i | use. | & 3 | Vee «4 3 | Cooke, 219 Bagot Street. Phone 4386. for light housekeeping, on bath room! 4 3 electric lights, | M. B. TRUMPOUR "6 a oe re 5 4 } = Such a man reads--and answers--the beneficial of- { liat, gas for cooking rieiiiaviz.e 8 3 Used Cars and Trucks For] fers in the A-B-C Classified Section of the Whig. He BARRELS--Oak, $1.25 each. Apply] 899d localitff Apply Box S-4, Whig| 237 Bagot Street) insertion, "charged, | { knows that to-day--or to-morrow---or some to-morrow Tarlington's, 216 Princess Street. Yitige. ~ Phones 704 or 1543F 7 h FLAT--5 rooms, including sunroom, Eh Marrisges, ; in touring, 192 : agcments, Marriage Mclaughlin, t 5 ! --he will meet most of the good fortune he is seeking. BY; © $1.00. Dodge 5 passenger touring. . «ks and Memoriam | ink ) > - ¥ i J Boi ear nara cd. $1.50; casa, $1.00 Columbia Light Six, five passenger] 7% thinks and leatyy, BE RE Tov AR £ood balcony. B. and C. separaté, Willl HOUSE--One of the best built houses otioas---. nar : = touring, 1921. He knows that if he improves opportunity, oppor- ook ave, Ta Fo - fens sgmplete or in DATE, acing ie. in the city. Large lot. Fruit and all ASvertsing ordered for , ifretial Reb Light Six, 5 passenger, 1921; tunity will improve him--and he reads the A-B-C Ads er. 37 Wellington Street. PT he acssly 4 a oyements. Avply personally, a: ine 0 g 1 1 ot i on rats; no ad. taken fur ess thas p McLaughlin, 5 passenger touring with| regularly! BRICK--Hara and soft, any quantity. ' * : of lo » . He * | E, E yalthem, corner rel J 3 DUSE-- ; RR 50 rds to the C 2 A-B.C' ' . pp A v SUMMER HOUSE--To be moved offl HOUSE--T vil 5 Leunt six average words The above cars are all reconditioned, | THE A-B-C CLASSIFIED ADS and Collingwood Streeis. Phone 618 or| premises. Aleo a quantity of lumber good Arak Hage oF [Sharda Take i Oherged ads. will be received by | hae ahd varuished, New rops and ALWAYS THE SAMB--IN-SERVICE i Robbe "oadow sash Apply Frank| to Mrs, S. Meélghen, Sharbot Lake at =i T - SUrtains here needed. Pires apd Robbs, barber, 185 Wellington St. telephone and If paid at The Brit Side curtains = her hes wi ; pe ) Fava ERR FOND 3 Db. TNE BARGAINS--In Men's Pants, regular : ish Whig Office withia 8 days from j Batiericn have Leen replaced where re ALWAYS DIFFERENT--IN QPPORTUNITY $4.50 for 3.50 and $1.75. Men's Suits, | UNIVERSITY APARTMENTS--261 Uni. 8 rs Ryo pi | Raincoats, all vercoats, etc, at| versity Avenue, 5 and 6 roomed, heat- i] ' ! Ta will be jlowed. sore than one day Chevrolet '1 Ten Truck.--The "Body | reasonabie prices. A. Shapiro, 45 Pria- ed FM well equipped. Po SER [hntumans lu i. Dual Estate ad- Ads. ye ore expiration will is JFiitabie for, passe ngers or freight] cess Street. Oct. 1st. Apply 337 Johnson 3 » 4 and in Al condition. { crm mp : 5 : iy be charged for the number of | | . 7 ISE : To - la the ph appeared and Be jue | Reo tan Truck--Engine just re-|: | Boat & as OR oA Buatuess Places For Rent 3 ew BitElow.s ems, pare. ent made at the rate earned. { built and in urst class condition ap-------------- ith . 8, 1 ! % ece W hy Joon] per hi for white 8p is | ct re : | iB Sia, convition b. vryam 39} LODGE ROOMS--Rooms on King stree ie down and $20 per month ¥ the same as a line of type. | , i ; | --formerly occupled by the LO.O.F. . 5 { Bpeciai rato for yearly advertising. | BOYD'S GARAGE, Ltd aS TNC SOIvioe a JINOI ac | PNGINE One 1s h.p. Waterloo Boy, | ARPlY to Cunningham & Smith. Yury Sil ova vemonens. "0d brick, » . 29 HOCK STREFE - 3 " F = a the y | ot Tre , 4 erms. Publisners reserve the right to edit 129 BROCK STREET, | 7 Painting, Papering, Decorating 26 Help Wanted--Female 32 BC ay Boy Sune ater, Jerri Farms For Res: 13000 96--Enrl Streer. solid brick, 7 . > i 5 9 ta 4 | ' * rooms, 3 fire h p ke of' reject all classified advertising PHONE 201w.| pA INTING--Papering, Decorating -- | EARN--$5.00 to $25.00 weekly, the| Munthe. Terms reasonable. Apply L. $4700.00 Frome es ll Sonvenlences, ' a t ad first class work and work guaranmed.| pleasant Home Work way maki M. Hughes & Son, Arden, Ont. MacRAE FARM---Walfe Island to let| "conveniences * | feoma 8 Sphone 545, 38k for wan : Call or phone A. Anderson, 155 Bagot| socks on the fast, easily learned Auto FURNITURE--Den sett, Klichen oobi on Fhares. Apply P. O. Box 30, Wolfe $1500.00--Smal] house, Bagot Street. > : p a S Be : : : -- ett, chen cabl.| Island. : --Untv ; am | | Street. Phone 1866, Knitter. Experience unnecessary; dis- | = to buffet and bookcases, stovesand 3608 ht heating, wi) coves 10 rooms, hot | == | tance immaterial; ositively no can- 33 Announcement _ : pi iy Part ioiary a stamp. Dept, desks . Apply J. Thompson, 333 Prin- Houses For Rent 77 | $4700.00--Alfred Street, deep lot and ---- - SIGN PAINTING--J. 8. Robinson, rear| 75C. Auto Knitter Co. 4 Cess street, phone 1600 garden, central, all conve nals 9 ea | 276 Bagot street. ! » Toronte. - BUNGALOW rooms, furnished. Own-| down, balance §30 per i ensea, 1610 sp. Se ars ae aL? HORSE FAT wdoea, Breen, wall Bred, er would reserve two rooms. Good| est and principal. LE 88 -- Halr, oles, YOUNG GIRL--For Mlght housework. * , 30 roposition to right party. Apply 84 We also have severa 4 BN A ee for Skin Cancers, | Architects 28b. | Apply to 15 Markland 8. " 23365. : Ragan Road, cor. 8 denham." parts of the city. ral others in WI Warts, Birth Ee | y H. B. WILSON, REAL Scars, Pits, etc, remove py | -- r - a - B. N, Ri TOR, ly. Satisfactory Glasses ftted and} I F d R d t | ARCHITECTS--Power, Sen and Drever, | HAD DANIUS-- Walnut venser. FURNISHED HOUSE -- Seven rooms | 318 Barrie Street, Phone 1088. furnished after others have failed | or oadster. Merchants Bank Chambers, corner of Help Wanted--Male BB 52, body. inlaia rim, oe ary eck | hot water heating. Rent reasonable, | ----=-- RETIN, Kova o Goltre goured without Sheration, 3 Brock, and Wellington. De He Sond na Soh ination lea Apply phone 1591m. "a " er . . J 3 vy ~ » - ar Nose, Throat, Skit, 33 | Ford Tolring 1916 Chiropractis 28c. | A ptvcinan to. oar Trae OW, arty FTPs Tatra ot 825.00 Eiders | MOuSE-To rent or for sale. 4 rooms| ToT on King street, near Gore. A t 01w. House 1135J | vi = | Ssliars Woskiy will our live of persl.'7De IRAUTWRSHIS Wi. 925.99. Flders.| fd bath, electric light. Rent $13.00. ply Eastern Canada: Mexotire & Rube "10! . MARCELIS--Win., A., D.C, Ph. C., cor-| son wp Cards. Whole or spare! pRICES--Call and get ours, on Creami- tree. Ov Corner Ontk ©, and Queen u | Ford Touring 1917 hed Princets urd Ratrle Sireots. 220] He Tr free. Wo poy oe Separators, Gas Engines, Extension | HOUSES--Several to rent from $18.00 to| co rieet®: OF 194 King Street. : - ' oor; BAF + Bes . : > Ion epl. *| Laddérs, Pumps; two good second-| $27.00 per month; Ch s : RR ariton Publishing 60, Toronto, Ont. | nd riding rlows. Frost & Wood 330.00 per iy Nixie Deresreeli wo Wanted--Real Estate 80 or 20 Pp Tel tak Lost and Found ; . all. | ont. Consultation free. Telephone| ; BICYCLE Lowt, from Whig Office hall | | (30) [yo «| VEE SOVIR Je SYR nnd laine. row Er" Ee | Wanted fom ais a0 I Kindly return to Whig Qffice. y . jee pp "fh -| FUR OPERATOR--Fo PE - Sixth Street, all improvements and| LIVING ROOM--Furnished, fireplace, T { ICY Pd. al a ied pred | chine. Ap ly Joh "Mek v. lta M4" | PIANO -- Newcombe Upright, ebony furnace; one seven roomed house on| Xitchenette, gas, ground floor; also These are real good cars and can| practic Specialists an egistered | : pply n McKay, Ltd. gase, Ivory keys and full 7 1-J octave;| Charles Street. Apply H, F. Norman,| 9"€ or two bedrooms on second floor. s - a : y ; ¢ ired.| Nurse, 239 Bagot Street. Phone 943y in good condition. Price $265. Ka '69 Pi S Apply 44 O'Kill } GLOVE--Found, on Clergy Street. Own- | be bought on easy terms if desired. | HHA oF PA os ana ToT in go 4, Sonditie oy Laie Ses [casy 69 Patrick Street. --2PPly 44 O'Kill Str Phone 1632m. 4 : i | ---- er may have same at Whig Office. p.m. Sunday #hd other hours by ap-| MAN-Wi IQ HELP W s > 1 ) _ MAN--With car or hor g HOUSE---At once, new, seven rooms, ANTED pointment. Consultation free. | 0 se for delivery. With laige lot and barn on North Al- pi -- sm --moo------mmm---- | Apply Tarlington's, 216 Princess St. Pe E r - ee pre ye OTATOES~While car lasts, at $1.75 fred. GLASSES --Lost. Child's tortoise shell VanlLuven Bros. Dental 28d. per 30 Ib. bag delivered. Orders taken| Park. 4bply J.D. Boyd, Eastview lasses on Tuesday night. Findet » | by W. HB. Lunn, at Kobert Purtell's hone 1102 Ri. | DISTRICT MANAGER WANTED ay * yy OV al vo voy > ! . ad . . . EF TC ------------------------------ please return to pos; Oran&nce above 34 PRINCESS STREET | SPARKS & SPARKS -- Dentists, 159 PANT MAKER--At once, Steady work oitice, corner barrack and Welling. HOUSE--Brick, 8 rooms, electric light, | For Barrie or phone 1464, | Wellington street, co ier of Brock "Apply Ralph Helm, Walkervilly Ont. | tom. Puone 3175. Bas for cooking, § piece bath, hard: | 1s ecuntiss of Frontenac Hl : Leeds, 'revious Insuran - GREEN LEATHER CUSHION -- Lost, | NA Phone 346. Sopil aren Sood . Ti NAT: Pete! | svar. not sesencinl, Libera? fontact i a wr == 5 . > ' 0 y¥ Box N-14, ¢ ibis 5. r Situ initials EB. R. Finder notify Whig| "gyro" scoensories--Tires-- Para 13, HE ncens Sirsst." Phone sim. "open | PLUMBER--First class. Highest wages | HANGE--Happy Thought, and Singer| Whig Omer 5c APPIY Box N-14, co if Pte 80e CONTINENTAL: Ling Oftice. | | Princess BI Phone Sspw. Open paid to competent mecnanics. Phone Sowing § Pine St hRs nearly Soy. ap- S85 .. SSiRASCR er: : : os card for ite| LARGE TUBES--Just a few left. A big) evenings Dy appuihtinent. at our expense. HoWe & Hagerman,| PY WW 16 Pine Street. FN BEE tory ama, byt | i TOON PET RACCOON--Lost. Reward for { 8 gas and electric. Apply M. k, Ward, Sx - . . ' bargain, if we have y size. Pa i Belleville, Ont, Re recovery or phone. particulars where D&rgaln Manoir cyour mize, Dasern Legal eleville, OF STOVES--Lawrenson's for Good Cheer| Canada Radio Stores Phone 1207J. |+ Sa : BUSIN seen to Miss Aldridge, 249 Queen St - Ris > o 20 | LJESMEN. , Square Quebec Stoves and Heaters, Phone 1327m. +p tate Stents Plone Y9i0 | CUNNINGHAM & SMITH -- Barristers oad poy sensY nt fer "Economy Heady Mixed Paints and Var-| 104 BAGOT STREET Comfortable of | USED AUTO PARTS--For Ford, Me | and Solicitors, 79 Clarence Street, plete and exciusive lines of what: njshes, 387 laces Siract. Phone| brick house, near City Park APDLY | fr eee Laughlin "65," Maxwell, Overland 85| Kingston. A. B. Cunningham, K.C.i| ror fresh-dug-to-ordér trees and __ 43YW- Obposite Orange Ha King & Smythe, 71-73 Clarence Street, WwW Ken and 75 engine blocks for Chevrolet, Cyril M. Smith. plants. Lest stock and service. We | SQUARE PIANO--For sale or fo rent. | Kingston, Ont. . . t Macnee et mer uto Salvage, corner o ~ a Hl - = teach and equip you tree. A money- 0 2 ] . " Bank of 'Commerce Bu! Bagot and Queen Streets DAY. AND RE ELLE--uafrisiely any making opportunity. Luke Brothers, | 3 oud Sondition; price oderate Al 3800113 Montreal Super, §,rooms.| | and King Streets, Phone Tor or sock - | ston. A, E. Day, Adrian lL Reveille. : 179m. Evenings. lin & Son, Johnson and Divina ak Writ a, surance Afency. of - hy cele | Business Services tok ay, Adri ae - : = Ewsinoss Beryice: Money to loun. Phone 205. | TELEGRAPH MESSENGER --Excellont WOOD--Try a load of Swain's good, | mone 838 dent, Sickness, Plate Glass, Burglary PURSE--Found, small, with sum money Saturday afternoon on Brock Street, between Division and Barrie Streets. Owner may have same by calling at 340 Brock Street and prov- ing identity. SILA HOSE--Found, lady's, on Rideau alan National Telegraphs, $4 Clarence panies, ~ Solicitor. Law Oftize, ner of King Street. ings a nines; two and Jour dol. 1 and Brock, over Roya an rs. 1 ork Street, corner Yor F AUCTIONEER--For courtesy and hon- y . nd Division Streets. ARM--By experienced man, good est dealing, W. A. Twigg." 374. Ring | conics. Phone 1999 = + Help~~Male or Female 3a | nd a . Ta suai, Werk. on 'shared or] re MERUBRANDISK Tra Bw. steopathy 28g. WOOD--Mixed, $5.25 quarter ord; new 8 and. imple- T 3 : $5-- Private Christmas Greeting card nd second hang lumber, matched jum- Fisher Maver os riculars te Joun - OSTEOPATHY--A. T. Still graduates. Sample Kk, tree; men and women al- r, cedar posts; soft slabs, $2.50 quar- " " y Cleaning, Dyeirg;, Renovating 20 Drs. Hobert and Edna Ashcroft, 204] TeAdy making $5 up, dally, in spare| ter cord; mixed slabs, #5.36. W. H. HOUSE~6 or 7 rooms, all convenience FURNITURE " 2 -| time. Garreison Lam e Talbot. Yard: Concession street, near King Street. Phone 447 for appoint-| time ited, Brantiord, Division, Phong oes . aun barn. Apply Box D-10, W of Al Puferiptions at Reason. proving mroperty at 79 John Street. wo SAL ARR, i : Automobiles - ; Automobiles For Sale 11 Street. Phone 820J or FORD TOURING---$85.00, in good cone dition. Must be sold within two days. Apply Blue Garage Ltd. corner Bagot an Ervin Queen Streets. CARPET GEEANING--Let us handle ription ment. yours, with our vacuum cleaner. We! _-- = STOVES - Sp guarantee a good job. Furniture re- Soli 3 WOOD AND COKE---New yard at 290 op FORD CAR--Five passenger, in good | 80). =, 0 SoOd Job. Lirniture re. Repairing 29 citors, Canvassers, Agents 35 Wellington, corner Ordnance, dry Well. repaired. at a rgiht price condition, 1821 model, one man top, , 4 > - o > . and four good tires. Price reason- Ww orks, $73 King Street. Phone 1961w. FURNITURE FINISHING-LOf all kinds. | SALES AGENT---Rellable, for ubrepre- Dixed sorawdod, sawed, pit and ge. : y J. Turk's able. Phone 956J or apply 335 Brock | =m ery a1] Call and see W. Driscoll, 23 John| sented districts; Good PAY, free equip-| Lard Coal Coke from city gas works, Street. : fruit and ornamental trees n Canada, $1.00. Load Clinkers 50c. W, C. Bru- ullnery 211 street. Phone 256F. Trate ang Sars the largest growers ufl- 510/00 ton Lp 10. Buntembes Cinders, MAXWELL--Touring, 1920 model, \in| HEMSTITCHING--Picot edging, pleat-| UPHOLSTERING--New or used furni-| Sell for a Nursery, not for & Jobber. . BLACKSMITH STAND --One of the best PHONE 1708. good running order. Must be sold at| Ing; work guaranteed: Mrs. EK. A. ture; work guaranteed. Call or drop-a| You will be successfyl. Write: J'eiham | to" Fhone 2440w. n County of Frontenac, good shop, ! . once. Apply T. J, Munroe, corner On. | Card, S66 Barrie Street. 134 blocks! card = W. J. Gavine, 216 Bagot Street.| Nursery Co., Toronto Want To Buy Ouse, barn, garden. Good reason for ' tario and Clarence Streets: | from Princess Street. Sr a i : iv ia ed---To Buy EE ITY A. Donaldson, Brew. pee = JPHOLSTERING-- general repair- tuacions \vanted---f'emal : Wnt. -- Ladics' Haw Fanor: 2ta UPI ETERS orders at or drop Ta i e da oLD GOLD--S1ver. or False Teeth, for |= to F. W. Harold ,104 Clergy Street. WOMAN--With small child, desires po.| 258 Or exchange. G. W. Lyons, Farms and Land For Sale 83 | IAIR WORK---Of all kinds, made to sition as housekeeper in small family, ait Princess street, Kingston. { «| 1 . order. Alsg 8hampooing and Massag-| SHOE REPAIRING--AIl' hand work.| Apply Mrs, James Burns, Bath, 300 ACRES--Farm, 3 miles from Alex. | IN MARINE CIRCLES i | ing Children's hair outting'espen| Rubber heels a speciaity; efficient ser- | arsly Mrs. James Burns, Bath, Ont. Rooms For Rent andria Bay, 1t is & money-merr So | or ale | Stree\, OWner may have same | Business Services Offered 18 | SHEA Ambrose, B.A. Barrister ana| CPPOTtunity to learn telegraphy. Cana- dry mixed wood for the cool morn- Wem Reet vic. Jepresanting enly reliable come | od { | Charles Cunningham, 56 Bay Street,| vice. Adolf Kaminski, corner Mont- Situs be bought with or HY A pd { " Kingston. ¥ Breet! real ane Queen Streets, tions Wanted--Male 37 Rooms With Board 07| easy terms Declining years ia owns | > = pion "URNACE. SON Tor selling. Apply Charles | he steamer Clinton passed up on | FURNACES--Married man would at. - Eaeaton | 4 Amd night from Montreal to Insurance UPHOLSTERING -- Covered buttons jend 12. furnace, etc, In return for BOARD ans ROOT class, by F. B. Mc Vimeo wig 1% jaar, Nee] s t made same day as ordered. Upholster- . Fhe, accommodation. Apply! (OY BI WARE Apply 298 University | Kingston, Ont. . | rt tte ersten . ' : FIRE--Automobile and C . a x M- We still have N . Port Colborne. ance. Be MN Cru Grey Jasur Ing at reasonable prices. E. J. Good. _MWox M-44, Whig Office, vane TA rh 3 28 | 3 few Marine The tug Waddell cleared on Fri-| Phone 178:5M. ridge, 244 University Avenue. on Es RS 3 - 8 ; - ming, with the bi M 043F. Financial ROOMS -- Furnished, large bedroom, ' and Stationary Gasoline En day morning, with the barge Mon- INSURANCE---Fire, Life. Accld comfortably furnished, suitable for | . {| sines In stock. We also do en- . | | K and r= ¥ v in tow, for Trenton, Sickness, In reliable ¢ i Employment Money to Loan two. Also table board. Apply 193 : | treal Canes District Sidnapor oh, J. 2. Loy SR 40 Brock Street. Phene 83m. { Co { gine, boat and automobile re- -- The steamer Cayuga cleared on Res.: 343W., Olfice: Son i 32! FRONTENAC : : . anted--Femal --Loan and Thursday afternoon for Toronto af-| ooo OTC 5 Help. W ¥ Society, incorporated "1861. Brasiqent Rooms Without Board 68) (See Illustration ou Page 14.) puirs. ang oay-aweiyiens, welds pe ---------------- " airs Fu NBUHR E~-Only W. ¥. Niekl hs ter receiving minor repairs ju the| INSURANCE--Only the most reliable! Cook GENERAL Experienced. Ap- J nt, A. ing, etc 5 P ih «| companies represented. Strange & a ngh on eit ENT---Three rodms farnish- ' » s Collingwood Shipbuilding Company's | Strange, established in 1860. Ofive: 43 Biter, West. ncnee 13 KIN| Lid tarm properties; ipal and | "ed. on bathroom Rat. convenient (of A man should always wait unti] drytiock. / Clarence Street, opposite Post Office. Sout, Sevaniurés: pony » Sollege or collegiate. Apply Box H-11,/a! woman offers to shake hands se A} ' The steamer Brantford is unload- INSURANCE ~Qus Health and Accident COOK--Apply to Mrs. W. H. Macnee, Joatts Tecaived and interest allowed. hig ce. A fore extending his hand to her DAVIS DRY DOCK Co Eh bc ES -.| poMoy will protect your salary. Fire at . C. Cai mana, 3 - : Ing: coal at Crawlerds, having ar.| Io, CI BrOtont Jour salsey. Fire! S00 Tower Cnion Street. 35 81 Clarence | rONT BEDROOM--One large, furgish.|Ofte0 the lady is not prepared 10, Foot of Wellington Sgree K rived on Thursday from Oswego. Williams, 2 Couper Street. . =| ed auitable Jor Sor Opnonite College or is not desirous of shaking hands id ggton t The steamer Phunder Bay. arrived Ee es | EXPERIENCED NURSE -- For two gate, With board. _APPly 63 Georgeland there is a contus froin Montreal on. Friday morn! ucking, Storage ps Ly References required. Ap- Street. Phone §73w. PTs wi 4 fon or an em ol 1 y morning |__ - ply Box K-13, Whig Office. PEARL A. NESBIT--LT.C.M., Organ Tarot : awal. and cleared for- the head of the C8----Cleaned out of cellars and ist and Choir Director, Queen St. Me.| ROOMS--Two unfurnished, all conveni- J nt yards, clean job done. A. MacGregor, thodist Church. Teacher of Singing,| SNCS: Apply by phone. to number ee you ges, Cataract amiived + 24 Russell Street.. Phone 2285. GIRL--Apply Mrs. Forrest, 318 Earl Tlano and Organ. Pupils prepared for| 2237W. or 16 Sixth Street. ---- hin - he steamer aract arrived from | - Street. orofito Conservatory examination. y 3 STORAGE SPACE--For furniture, clean Fall term' commen ,ROOMB--~Two, front, furnished or un. WwW . cleared for the end of the akon. | Seiscn Sire? Fane Spot) Bry 100 oo NTA Studio" 408 rock Bree phos dts | faite ri eof or%e pitts | What We Have Been Doing wlegsed Joe the haw of the yes. x - ne .or 618. ADY REPRESENTAT yng Can east DAISY JOHNBON--A, T. C, M.. teacher| OT Young couple, in good locality. Ap- and filleg Ap 1st we have taken orders for Anthracite éoal The steamer Kingston id with our line of Personal Christmas| of Violin and, Piano, Pupils ply Box F-11, Whig Office. em as quickly as possibi. down from Toronte and Rochester | STORAGE--For furniture, clean, dry,| Greeting Cards. Sample free. © Weo| for Coin an Conservat xaminas on Friday morning and cleared for| 2 oma Ang spaces: Your ows lock pay weekly. Write ton partioulars.| tions. sdugle 307 Coll ngwaod ge Rooms For Housekeeping 69 What We Are Doing Now--- 2 205 . r " . dept. 122 Cariton Pu ng Company,| (near Johnson). Phone 2 p 3 ' Prescott. ~ ree '} 305 Queen St. Phone tae. Res. 989w. | Toronto, Ont. ir A FLAT --Three rooms, for light. house- Bull taking orders and guaranteeing deliver, The, steamer Britannic arrived [= = 5 FEE keeping. on bath room flat, gas for Wha Ww. : . cooking, electric lights, hot Water t We To Do-- Monty ol Pride Ww - THE MORE you read them the D--Apply 146 Wellington Str : Ison reet. of Hm Monissal on Prilay With. pas more they help you; the more they| "AT PRY Hon Suen. - : heating. Apply 10 Ne Bia We expect to take care of all orders received througosut season, J sengers and freight, help you the more you read them S ie : y h ROOMS Unfurnished, f t h - the The stoamer Brockville arrived | Meanins, of course, the classified ads. OMS alu eeiencen ® Apply to t : Ev i MAKE M AT HOM to $80 OLIVE M. WOODMAN -- Tea: 52 William Street( near Kin - : SE i ack rg RE BLE oe HOSA oe are MSA | Crete yed Sm ooo 0 Wile on we ined James Swift & Co., Limited . - A . ree, roo 3 right up to your expectations. Work] Sina Sept Tome living room and kitchen, sultable fo} 9 mite of AN, Ww t and supply you wi 4 THERE'S MONEY in It for you -- the rt Ao Show Bory a ork. lias Juom ane : eh ng, for fami t ; FE Air Got. Into Gas Mabe: classified section. Colborage Toronto, : CLASSIFIED ads simplify seliing. | two. Apply 35 Barrie Street. "ola "oot of Johnson Street - ya i The gas in the homies . of many ~ Consumers was of vory poor quality : Tr ---- . Thursday evening and Friday morn y Bi ' : > - :. BY GEORGE ing, and there were numerous com- 7S plaints. In some cases it was impos- ; ' : . " : TH : siblo to get hbat enough to make ! f ; : ; £E J AH | WELL -1T'S DEEN breakfast, so low was the pressure. | BEAOTIFOL swe THAT. THA - FANDLED THE The complaints were referred to the ~ 3 " \ f . BUTTER ¢ Ww " : LAST manager of the eity utilities com: . x ) | ' e " mission, who stated that there was '&ir in the gas. ASked how this hap- figned he stated that it was necessary | to open a main in thé upper part of | the city on Thursday in' order. to . make a connection and the aif got into the pipe. It would not long, however. Air pockets form in | Pipes in Sieh a case and didute or.re- tard the flow of gas. f { The Small Blue Damsons. The gennine article; a few bas- et now coming daily at Caraov- ky en co Fn ---- dn

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