FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 14, 1023. THE DAILY Y BRITISH WHIG FROST'S CITY STORAGE Now has vacant two. clean, dry, private rooms. (Your own lock and key.) PHONE 526. 299-305 QUEEN STREET. PIANO TUNING Plano Tuning, Repairing and Player Piano Adjusting. Norman H. Butcher, 27 Pine Street. PHONE 1819w. No Corns | | | 'The simplest way to end a corn is Blue-jay. Stops the pain in- stantly. Then the corn loosens and comes out. Made in clear liquid and in thin plasters. The action 2 the same. At ycur Bluejay Sr ett Spaeth Real Estate General Insurance ' Reliable Companies only represented. Guarantee Bonds. Victory Bonds bought and sold. R. H. Waddell Phones 336-506. 86 Hreck St. + DR A.W. WINNETT DENTAL SURGEON. and W. AQornes -of Johnson Phone 563 Ll Wah Long Laundry, Has moved from 135 Wellington Street to 112 BROCK STREET. Phone 818F. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. Hardwood | ABSOLUTELY DRY [ | b --Algn--- SOFT WOOD AND SLABS PHONE 687. 187-141 CLERGY STREET Z | KENNY & FALLON ASK FOR pELL'S CUCUMBER CREAM (Chapped Hands, etc.) Use It Use Always All Ways. ¥ ' v SAFES, E OF For M of FURNITURE, FREIGHT, | ARTAGE and. STORAG PIANOS, VERY DESCRIPTION Kingston Transfer Co. venings 2231. 371. ow N STREET. WELLIN Dental Surgeon DR. J. C. W. BROOM L.D.S., D.D.S. Wellington and Brock Streets, Eatrance, 150 Wellington 8t, Bveslny by appointment. ONE @79. WATTS. People's Florist 177 Wellington Street. Fresh Flowers and Plants dally. Residence, 1187. YOU DON'T. BUY COAL for ornamental purposes. You buy it for the warmth there is concealed in it. Buy the kind that is fuller of heat than an egg is of meat. BOOTH & CO. 'Phone 138. Grove Inn Yards i Hot Water Furnaces, Stoves and . Quebec Heaters for 'sale. LL Cohen & Co. BVOT-275 VNITARIO STREET PHONES 836 and 837. SMITHS GROCERY Corner Bagot and Colborné Streets. Phone 1817. We will have for TUESDAY 100 bushels of Tomatoes, extra choice goods, to clear at .7.7¢ /$1.25 per bus. Phone your order and gét them de- livered early. RED PEPPERS free with each | bushel. If they are not the best you have seen yet you don't have to accept 'Smith's - Phone 1317 Barrie and Colborne, Sts. 7 LLERS 5_ WORM OW DER 2 Auto Tops Recovered PRICES RIGHT Make the old car look like new, Sinclair's Phone 1684 860 Barrie St. In Merrie England. Of two friends staying at an English 'hostelry where most keys fit most doors, one went off to bed, undressed, and turnéd in, mistaking undressed, and turne in, mistaking by friend's room for his own. Half an hour later the friend followed, saw his bed ,was occupied, and re- turned to the coffee room. "Did you see me go to my room just now?" he sald to the night porter, | "Yes, sir," was the reply. | "Well, then, why didn't you tell {me I'd gone to bed already?" he { grunted, and continued to finish the {night on a chair in front of the | fire. First American Coins. The first colis made in America were in Meiicn, in the mint es'ad- lished there ix 1535. The coin was tailed the rcal. 'They are now worth from "six sh ings to two pounds apiece. a | KINGSTON anp VICINITY Broke Arm Swatting Flies. While killing fille® with a broony, Mrs. W. Fall of Ferry street, Trenton fell from a chair and suffered) a com- pound fracture of the arm. Boys' School Suits, We have received a big shipment of boys' school suits, which we will | | i M sell at a reduced price, dandy suits, at $6, $6.50, $7.50 and $9, all sizes, sil _enlors. Prevost, Brock street. Harvest Thanksgiving Services. | At the special harvest 'thanks- | giving services in St. Luke's church, : Sunday, Miss Gussie Dempster (con- tralto), Gananoque, will sing at both fervices. » Returns from Toronto. M. P. Reid, well known local ca- terer, has returned from Toronto. Mr. Reid conducted a very popular | restaurant on the exhibition grounds during the two weeks' fair. Enjoyed the Chase. Several Toronto newspapermen who were in the city this week in con- | nection with 'the escape of the con- | victs from the penitentiary retprn- ed to the Queen City on Th ! Fall Oarrying Ahead. | - The life of the mariner on Lake | Gntario is hardly a pleasant one just | now owing to the cold weather. Many of the coal carrying vessels will be running between Kingston and Os- wego for six weeks yet. Fewer Tourists Now, The tourist traffic on the steamer Waubic has been lessened comsid- erably since the cooler weather set in. Many American visitors are ex- pected from New York State, how- ever, for the Kingston fair. Able to Go Home, Mrs. 8. Robbie, Ottawa, in the General Hospital here for some time following an auto accident at Storms Corners, whereby her thigh was fractured, has recoverod sufficiently to be removed to her home in Ot- tawa. What Might Be Revealed. The Toronto Mail and Empire says: An investigation of affairs at | Kingston would probably reveal the | fact that the penitentiary is a place from which many of the inmates i to escape. Back Froni" Toronto." Mr. and Mrs. D. Pictou and two | a Florence and Margaret, and grandson, Kenneth, have re- | turned home after visiting the Toron- | to Exhibition, also their daughters, | Mrs. K. Merrfam and EMzabeth and Alberta, and their son, Albert, ------------ 5 The Tamworth School. The high and public schools of Tamworth are well staffed. The teachers are Mr. Fletcher, Miss Mil- ligan, Miss Alexander, Miss Mallory, and Miss Patterson. There are a number of new scholars, making the total enrollment 250. a ------------ Cootes Goes to Detroit. George M. Cootes, who for the past year has been a member of the advertising department of the Bor- der Shien Bar. has resigned his po- sition witli that paper to join the staff of the Detroit Times in a simi- lar capacity. Mr. Cootes was formerly on the Kingston Whig stafy. Mallory-Putnam Wedding. At the Metropolitan church, To- ronto, the marriage was solemnized of Eleanor Jeanne, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. T. M. Putnam, Toronto, to Dr. Dwight H. Mallory, son of Omar Mallory, Lyn. Dr. and Mrs. Mallory will make their home in Dundas. To Reside in Kingston. On Aug. 7th, at the home of the bride's parents. Nelson street, Fisie Pearl, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Martin, and Walter Flemming, Burgess, Victoria, B.C., were wed- dod. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. W. 8. Lennon, D.D. Al- will reside at 185 Nelson street, hingston. District Meeting. A meeting of 'the Methodist churches of the Napanee will be held in Napanee on Sept. 18th Morning session at 10 a.m., and af- ternoon session at 2 p.m. Rev. G. I. Campbell, of the department of Ev- A dress the session. Rotarians at Battersea. Members of the Rotary Club are pholding their weekly luncheon at the Van Luven Hotel, night. The event was arranged as ladies' night, and a special pro- gramme has been arranged. The members will meet at the British- American Hotel at 6.30 p.m. and drive to Battersea in autos. Farmer Broke Leg. Robert N. Sampson. Deseronto farmer, injured on Monday iast by falling from his waggon, is doing pital. Mr. Sampson's leg was bro- ken in three places. The injured | man ig about fiftv-five years of age and is fortunate in escaping as 'well as he did. Was Formerly of Enterprise. Milo J. Baker, St. Thomas, of the best known business men died on Monday after a lengthy illness, aged sixty-four years. Mr. Baker was born in Enterprise, Addington county, and went to St. Thomas thir- tv-five years ago as city Grand Trunk ticket agent. . He also was ticket agent Yor the Wabash railroad umship lines. and many st A Coming Windsor Wedding. The marriage of Miss Charlotte Mann, danghter of the late F. H. Mann and Mrs. Mann, Windsor, and R. H. Whittaker, son of the late Rev. John Geddes-Whittaker, and Mrs. Whittaker, Belfast, Ireland, will be! solemnized in All Saints' church, Windsor, on Sept. 12th, Miss Mann will have as her attendants, her sis-| ter, Mrs. A. N. Lee, Kingston, and Miss Janet Laing, Windsor, Cheese Factory Burned. Bengill cheese factory, fifteen mil- gene Vandusen, and his wife . were absent in Picton. The loss will be heavy. Provincial road workmen fought the fire, bit were unable to save the structure. There is in- surance of $3,300 on building ana contents. A boy helper discovered the flames above the curing room. ------------------ After a School Nurse. A school purse for certain | Lennox 'ed when Deseronto district | angelism and social service will ad- | Battersaa, to- | nicely at the Kingston General Hos- | one | | : Vegetable Compound. es south of Belleville, was burned : Tuesday while the cheesemaker, Eu- | and Hastings schools was abandon- dropped out. This left not enough to warrant go- ing on with the scheme and the mat- | ter remains in abeyance uatil the | required number of schools are se- | cured. Deseronto resigned over the | appointment of a nurse. 'The Napan- | ! ee board recommended to meet again and apply to the Department of .Ed- ucation for a nurse, at a salary | which the unit can afford to pay. Newly-Weds Congratulated. { Fifty years ago last Monday George A. Blewitt, Napanee, then a | rising merchant, and 2 daughter of Feter Minaker, Greenbush, county of | Prince Edward, were married. - Mr. and Mrs. Blewitt were surpised oh | | Monday last when a crowd of friends | stormed their dove nest and had an | evening of congratulations. Napanee Lodge, No." 86, 1.0.0.F., came like | the wise men of the past, bearing | gifts and redd an address. Underwent an Operation. Dr. J. J. Henna, dean and diyec- | tor of the French Hospital, New | York, who has been spending the | summer at his summer home, '"Bor- | iqua," at the head of Howe Island, | underwent an operation at the Gen- | eral Hospital. The operation was performed by Drs. Bogart and Mylks, with Dr. Stanley Keyes assisting. | The operation was most successful, {and Dn,_ Henna's many friends will | be pL learn that be is doing nice- | ly. He is.still confined to the Gen- | eral Hospital. ASK YOUR NEIGHBOR There is hardly a neighborhood in the United States where women cannot be found who have derived benefit from Lydia E. Pinkham's For nearly fifty years this botanic medicine has been overcoming some of the worst forms of female ills. As'one 'woman { has been benefited by its use she has told others who have used it with {the 'same good results; so the use of this great medicine has spread from shore to shore by the recommenda- Ie of those who have found it good. herefore, ask your neighbor; - let | {her tell you from experience the benefit which ailin§ women derive from its use. | RY L017) wWfT Take FULL STRENCTH IO di lide Les 10¢ THE | LUMBER Large stocks of rough Pine, Hemlock and Spruce in pile. A varied assortment of Soft and Hard Woods, native and imported, in Shed. Order by phone, wire or mail. S. ANGLIN & CO. Woodworking Factory and Lumber Yards, Bay. and Wellington Streets, KINGSTON, Ont. Office Phone 66. 1 4 Factory Phone 1410 rg We are now showing the latest in Men's Footwear for Fall. It will pay you to see our Brown Business Boot, medium wide toe, med- ium weight Goodyear Welted Sole, Calf Up- PETAL... coiniteie waiteisivinites isin nies se $00 WATCH OUR WINDOW| JACK . JOHNSTON'S SHOE STORE 'Phone 23 1]. 70 Brock Street NOTICE GOURDIER'S have removed to 86 PRINCESS STREET, next to Bibby's, Limited, while alterations are being made to Brock Street store, GOURDIER'S 78-80 Brock Street TWEDDELL'S For the Best Values in § | Young Men's Suits $20.00, $25.00, $28.00, $32.00, $35.00. . SEE OUR SPORT MODEL SUITS At $25.00 TWEDDELL'S Clothing House o Fritz: ter Oct. Ist, Mr. and Mrs. Burgess "Look there, how could you be hard on a poor; starving shail like that?"--From Lendon Opinion. AP For Saturday Women's White Flannelette Night Dresses--made from good, strong ma- | terials with short and long sleeves -- extra sizes, at $1.00, $1.25, $1.50, and $1.75. Pure Linen Huck Towels -- hem- med ends, full sizes, for 75c¢. a pair. Wool Blankets in plaids and plain colors, very dainty, warm and light, BOF eicivinininiin ns viv 1 vinnie +3495 cach Flannelette Blankets, best quality, White and Grey, all sizes, at mill prices