SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 15, 1923 THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG -- -- _ FROST'S CITY STORAGE Now | has vacant two clean, dry, private rooms. (Your own lock and key.) , PHONE 526. 299-805 QUEEN STREET. PIANO ~TUNING Piano Tuning, Repairing and Player Piano Adjusting. Norman H: Butcher, 37 Pine Street. PHONE 1819w. 'Real Estate 15 | | General Insurance Reliable Companies only represented. Guarantee Bonds. Victory Bonds bought and sold. R. H. Waddell Phones 326-596. 86 Broek St. DR. A.W. WINNETT : DENTAL SURGEON. | Corner of Johnson and Wellingte's Streets Phone 363 B ASK FOR BELL'S CUCUMBER CREAM (Cbapped Hands, etc.) Use Use It Always All Ways. pn or . YREIGHT, FURNITURE, SAFES, PIANOS, CARA GR IPTY and STORAGE oF Kingston Transfer Lo. 377 KE 153 WELLINGTO Dental Surgeon DR. 3G VW. BE BROOM rance, 100 Wellington St. Evening by SeSintment. PHONE #79. WATTS , eoples wedding to order. Phone 1768. Residence, 1187. WR Mehr & On ---- YOU DON'T BUY COAL for ornamental purposes. You buy it for the th there is concealed in It. Buy the kind that is fuller of heat than an egg is of meat. BOOTH & CO. Phone 188. Grove Inn Yards Hot Water Furnaces, ee Cholera Infantum A Fatal Disease Of Children Cholera Infantum or summer com- | | plaint of children is one of the most | dangerous bowel complaints during | the summer months. It begins with a profuse diarrhoea, the stomach becomes irritated, very often accompanied by vomiting and purging and the matter excreted from the stomach has a bilious appearance. The child rapidly loses flesh, is soon reduced to Tanguor and prostration, and in a great many cases death en- sues. Mothers, if any of your children be- come sick with cholera infantum do not endanger their health, perhaps their life, by experimenting with some new and untried remedy; get one that has stood the test of time; one that will quickly offset the vomit- {pg, purging aud the diarrhoea. This you will find in Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry, a remedy that has been on the market for the past 78 years. Mrs. W. A. Harrison, 10 Elevator Court, Halifax, N.S., writés:--"Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry saved the lives of three of my child- ren when all other remedies failed. It stopped the vomiting and terrible diarrhoea with which they were troubled. I always keep a bottle of it on hand in case of emergency." "Dr. Fowler's" is 50c. a bottle; put up only by The T. Milburn Co., Limit- ed, Toronto, Ont. - Flies, Fleas, Bu and Beetles gs Don't lose the * 'battle with the in- secs." Let us supply your "ammunition." No "duds" among these Bappho-Puffer packa aenve eating"s Powder... .10¢c. and 'Wilson's Poison Pads «.10c. pkg. Fly-8an and Fly-Fox. Tanglefoot, 3 double sheets, Je. Stic y-Colls Se. | "Kreso," the handy' rr and wash bottles, 25c. and up. International '"Fly-Way" for your stock--quarts and gallons at very special low prices. Useful Sprayers ....78¢. and 31:90. Fly Bwatters TELEPHONE 2018. PRINCESS PHARMACY The Convenient, Dependable Up-town Drug § "Where Princess and Division Crass" «+ -1Be. abe. 'Has moved from 155 Wellington Street to 112 BROCK STREET. Phone 818F. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. TRY BURNS' WHOLE WHEAT BREAD THE STAFF OF LIFE W. BURNS 61 Frontenac St., North Phone 1826... KINGSTON anp VICINITY Witnessed Prize John F. Sowards, Ki on, went down to New York to withess the Dempsey-Firpo prize fight. Sale of a Grocery Business. Mr. Goesens, Frankford, recent- ly purchased R. J. Austin's grocery business at Brighion and has moved to the latter place. ys' School Suits. 'We have received a big shipment of boys' school suits, which we will sell at a reduced price, dandy suits, at $6, $6.50, $7.50 and $9, all sizes, all colors. 6 Prevost, Brock street. Liberal Nomination. A The Ldberals of Lennox will meet in Napanee on Saturday for the pur- pose of selecting a candidate to contest the riding in the coming elec- tion to fill the seat vacated by the death of the late Dr. J. P. Vrooman. Dividing Line Drawn. Archbishop Spratt was in Tweed to mark the dividing line of the parishes of Tweed and Stoco. His Grace was accompanied by Rev. Fa- ther who is populary known as pastor of St. Carthage church. Engagement Announced. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Kilbourn, Brockville, announce the engagement of their daughter, Margaret Edna, to Ralph E. Foster, Toronfo, the mar- fage to take place quietly the end of September. To Meet in Toronto. The twenty-fourth annual meet- ing of the National Chapter of the Daughtérs of the Empire will be held at the King Edward Hotel, To- ronto, during the week of June 2nd to 11th, 1924, Miss Gordon, King- ston, attended the recent executive meeting, . Presbyterians Attention. A meeting for those interested in retaining the church of their fathers, for which for centuries their fore- bears sacrificed much, will be held in St. Andrew's Hall on Monday, Sept. 17th, at 8 o'clock. The meet- ing will be addressed by the Rev. W. F. McConnell, Dominion organizer for the Presbyterian Church Associa- tion. Mr. McConnell will be glad to ------ -------------- Kingston Markets | Friday, Sept. 14th. + Plums are rather plentiful in the Jocal retail stores and are quoted at reasonable . prices. California peaches are off the market entirely. Sugar is up 'slightly and lard has also advanced a cent a pound. Eggs were quoted at 38c. Fruit, Bananas, doz. ..... Blueberries, qt. Oranges, doz. Lemons, doz. Melons, local, Pears, Cal. dog. «...-....:50 to 60 Plums, Greengage, liqt.........i0 Plums, Damsons, 11 qt. ...... $1.35 Plums, Reine Claude, 11 qt. ....80 Plums, Lombard, 11 qt «+65 Peaches, Crawford, 11qt..90 to $1.25 Peaches, St. John, 11 qt. $1.25 Dried Fruits-- Apricots, Cal. 1b. Prunes, Cal., 1b. Peaches, Evap. Ib. Garden Produce. t Cauliflower, each, ........ Celery, bunch, ... Corn, evergreen, dos .... Corn, bantam, doz. Cucumbers, local, each, ..,.5 to 10 Lettuce, head, ..........2 for. 25 Lettuce, leaf, ..... .3 for 25 Onion, green, bunch, .....<....b Onions, Spanish, 1b.........3 for 25 Potatoes, new, pk. ............08 Fresh vegetables-- 40 to 59 30 esssisss1D to 30 .28 crassa ames 25 15 .30 25 "ome + Beans, buttér, qt. Carrots, bunch Cabbage, each, ..10 and 2 for 25 Tomatoes, 11 qt. bk. vessnelh Beets, bunch ™. ...... was 8 Unclassified. : Sugar, granulated, 1b. ........11% Sugar, yellow, 1b. ............11 Sugar, icing, 1b. .. exons 18 Flour, standard, ewt....$4 to $4.10 Rolled Oats Ib, ........unceevs dB Honey, 6-1b pail .....co00n....80 Honey, comb, verennnaso30 Maple Sugar, I. ......c.00.0.35 Lard, Wb. weumanee raed seen vrs sme nell idea tne to BN |@innan Heddle, Ib. ..........12% Haddock fresh 1b. ..........12% Halibut, fresh, 1b. ........32 to 35 | Kippers, pair ............22 to 35 Perch 1B... cans 10 t0 12 Pike, ID.8..icrassvssrnssnesss 1B Salmon. 10... + «1s 10x10 35 10 40 answer questions and clear away difficulties. Schooners Idle, The schooners that early in the season made a start in the coal- carrying trade are in a state of en- forced idleness owing to the .lack of hard coal at Oswego. One schooner was tied up at Oswego for twenty- one days awaiting a cargo for a Kingston dealer, but was forced to return empty. An early ' improve- ment is looked for owing to the settlement of the strike. Circular Creating Interest . , A circular containing photog. ¥phs and a description of the escaped convicts was received by the Whig on Friday morning and placed in the bulletin window and it created much interest. The daring escape of the prisoners created a tremendous sensation, and everyone passing the Whig was eager to see the pictures of men who have been so much in the limelight this week. Long Distance Champion, Mrs. Augusta Mann; of New York City, is undoubtedly the long dis- tance lady fishing champion of the St. Lawrence River. Mrs. Mann has been coming to the Thousand Is- land section of the river for thirty- two years and is an expert on fish- ing. This year she set up a season's record for maskinonge catching dur- ing hor four months' stay. She claims that net fishing is spoiling a great deal of the sport on the St. Lawrence near Lake Ontario. A"Delightful Safi. Come and enjoy a delightful sail to Cape Vincent, N.Y., on 8S. Wau- bic, on- Saturday, Sept. 15th; Sun- (ay, Sept. 16th, leaving Kingston, 7 a.m. and 1.15 p.m. Passengers taking 7 a.m. boat and returning on evening boat will have an opportun- ity to spend three hours in Water- town, N.Y. The Sunday 1.15 p.m. boat gives a delightful trip through the Islands and to Cape Vincent. Fare, round trip to Cape Vincent ra- turning same day, 76c.. Music on board. Phone 2195. Died Quite Suddenly. The death of Cornellus P. Na han, Lonsdale, took place Wednesday ~~ after an illness of one week's dura- | | i tion. Deceased, fifty-nine years of | | age, worked on his farm up to Aug. 31st, when he was taken ill. Pneu- monia_ developed but: his family though he had a fair chance to re- cover. Wednesday he sank rapidly and passed to his last rest. Among | those surviving are a widow and] three children. Martin J., Kerrobert, | Sask.; Daniel, British Columbia; | Michael J., Deseronto; F. L. Na-| phan, Lonsdale; Mrs. Agnes Frasso, | Kingston; two brothers, John and James, of Deseronto; and two sis- ters, Mrs. E. Bruyea, Deseronto, and Mrs. Burns, Belleville. ------------ Clow-Trickey Wedding. The marriage was solemnized on Wednesday by Rev. Thomas Mere- dith at the Mallorytown Methodist parsonage of Luella Jean, youngest daughter of M. C. and the late Mrs. Trickey, Mallorytown, and Charles Wilton Clow. son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Henry Clow. The bride wore her travelling costume of navy poiret with paisley jacquette, and hat, and suede shoes to match, and "wore a corsage bouquet of sunset roses. Following the ceremony, wedding breakfast was se at the hom» of the bride's sister, Mrs. C. J. Phillips. The hguse -was beautifully decorated with /palms, gladioli and American Beauty roses. Shortly after the couplé left by motor for a short hon- eymoon. ra Old Home Week at Renfrew. An exodus of Kingstonians to Ren- frew will begin on Monday as an old home week is being set on. A great throng of former residents is expect: ed from all parts of Canada and the United States. The occasion has spurred the directors of the fair to excel all past exhibitions. Amn attrac- tion which occurs perhaps once in a lifetime will be the opening of the new $200,000 Collegiate. The coun- cil has voted a large sum of money and the street decorations will be in their hands. Merchants and manu- facturers are largely to the fore in garbing Renfrew with an attractive- ness surpassing anything she ever wore in the past. Amusements and entertainments are being planned, and, in the language of committee men, every hour of the six days will lend itself. to enjoyment of a kind to be long remembered. White fish, ve:.30 to 22 Produce. Butter creamery, '1b. Butter, dairy, Ib. Cheese, new, 1b. Cheese, old, 1b Eggs, fresh, doz. .. cence. 42 «e400 sessssnsenses.30 cssencane © sass ses Meats and Poultry Beef: Steak, porterhouse Ib. Steak, round, Ib. Bolling cuts, 1b. Stewing cuts, lb. Beef, western, cwt, Beef, local, Veal, 1b. . Pork: Loin roasts, 1b, Shouder, roasts, Hogs, live weight, cwt. Chops, Ib, Hogs, dressed, cwt. ... Bacon, breakfast, ....... Ham, smoked, Spring lamb: Carcase, 1b, Fronts ,1b. Mutton, chops, 1b. Mutton, ecarcase ... Poultry Fowl, 1b; ~.:. Broilers, «.32 0 88 essssees20 to 25 sesenssed t0 13 sniassasB to 11 sevasessll todd en8 .18 to 20 ..22 to 25 vs2s9 10 10 ..25 to 35 .13 to 16 .35 to 40 35 sisessasinsnannees30 vie..20 to 25 1b. essesesdl -- Hay, Straw and Grains. Barley, bus. Bram, ton ........00. Buckwheat, bus. Corn, feed, car lots ........$1.10 Corn, feed, bus. ., .. .. .. .. $116 Hay, baled, ton ......$12 to $13 Hay, loose, ton ........$11 to $12 Oats, local, bus. srsasnsenssstl .$27 to $28 ve os se 0282 vases Shorts, ton .... .$29 to $30 Straw, baled, ton .. Wheat, local, bus. ..$1.05 to $1.10 . Egg Market Review. Ottawa, Sept. 15. -- Reports point to eggs that will grade specials and extras being insufficient to supply the demand. Storage oggs are be- ing taken out freely to fill part of the demand. Two cars of storage firsts are rolling in Toronto and North Bay, and one car of mixed fresh. Toronto, from Winnipeg. Toronto, unchanged. Montreal, steady; specials, 47¢ to 4R¢; extras, 40c to 4lc; firsts, 35¢; seconds, 30c. Winnipeg, firm and unchanged. Dealers quoting delivered extras, 22¢ to 34c; firsts, 27c; seconds, 22¢. Saskatchewan dealers quoting de- livered extras, 20¢ to 31c; firsts, 26c; seconds, 21c. Alberta" markets unchanged. Chicago, spot higher, 30 1-2 to %2e; refrigerators, Septembers, 28c; Novembers, 29c; Decembers, 29 G-8e. ns ha Morality was made for man, not man for morality. [Aang NATIOWAL RARWAYS AGENCY FOR ALL OCEAN STEAMSHIP LINES {al attention given your family or friends going to or returning from the Old Country. Passports arranged or. For information and rates apply to J. P. HANLEY, C.P. and T.A. C.N. Ry., Kingston, Ont. cor Hee Cauaian ational Railway, rner Johnson and Ontario streets, Kingston, Ontario. Open Day and: Night. PHONE 99 or 1433. Oct. (new) «s00t. 6. Oct. 27. Nov. n RED STAR LINE EYe-Plymanthothetbanigor A 5 Wednesdays. Having obtained a govermment charter we will in future be known as-- S. ANGLIN & CO., Limited In order to improve our telephone service, we have added a private branch exchange. Our two trunk lines have been eentred in a switchboard, con- necting with four departments:---- 1.--~Coal and Wood Sales Department. 2. Lumber Sales Department. 8.--F. R. and C. B. Anglin. 4.--~Factory and Building Department. When you call 1571, our Switchboard Clerk will give you the required department. ~S. ANGLIN & CO. Woodworking Factory and Lumber Yards, Bay and Wellington Streets, KINGSTON, Ont. Office Phone 66. SPECIAL VALUE fen Men's Brown Goodyear Welt Boots, solid leather, $6.00 value, all sizes. SALE PRICE $4.59 JACK JOHNSTON'S SHOE STORE Phone 231]. 70 Brock Street NOTICE GOURDIER'S have removed to 86 PRINCESS STREET, next to Bibby's, Limited, while alterations are being made to Broek Street store, GOURDIER'S 78-80 Brock Street and British Columbia | For the Best Values in Young Men's Suits $20.00, $25.00, $28.00, $32.00, $35.00. SEE OUR SPORT MODEL SUITS. At $25.00 TWEDDELL'S Clothing House re Srorsaleyus Sout avrin Fienn FOR TON Men's Pure Wool Cashmere Sox-- Morley's English make in Grey, Fawn, Black and Brown; all sizes. : Only ...oc cis + 2 5.000in: 1010.0 - 300s & PREF Colored Layndry Bags, full size, OF coitus sresees..T5¢ each ~ Women's Pure Linen Handker- chiefs--hemstitched--for . .10c. each Stockings and Underwear for the whole family--the best makes in all Styles at attractive prices,