Daily British Whig (1850), 15 Sep 1923, p. 21

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SATURDAY, SEPTEMINER 15, 1928 RENE CASTLE WILL _ DRAW LARGE CROWDS Beautiful 8tar's Revue of Mu- sic, Dances and Fashions, Causes Sensation No announcement of the coming season holds promise of more bril- liant and unusual entertainment than that of (he forthcoming tour of tlhe Internationaily famous star, Irene Castle and her charming and unusual company in a glittering re- vue of 'music, dance and rafhrous. irene Castle herself; the rsonifi- cation of grace, charm an beauty, will be seen at the Gradd Opers Houpge on Thursday evening, Sept. 20th, in her most famous dance cre- ations, Decreed as ome of the twelve most beantiful women in Am- erica, indisputably recognized as the supreme arbiter of fashion and smartness, and the originator of the exquisite modern ballroom dances tkis favorite of Europe 2nd Amer- lea will be seen inher new and unijue musical and fashion revue for a limited tour opening Ssptem- ber 15th. With Mrs, Castle will appear the famous Duke Yellman Orchestra, Willam Reardon, her dancing part- ner, who this summer appeared with her in London. There will also be among the artists of the supporting compan Leo Beers, the distinguish- ed pianologist, one of the headliners dnd steller Hghts on the Keith circuit, Mrs. Castle spent the sum- mer in Europe selecting an astonish- ing array of gorgeous costumes, wraps, hats ang jewels which will be disclosed for the first time in Amer- lca on her coming tour, No more fitting environment could | be imagined for thi star fch has been des- igned and arranged for her Spec- | ial scenic and stage decorations, special electrical and lighting ef-| flects of fn absolutely / new and | unique mafmer wij he all blending into the most and diverting programm lon, dance and song, "USTEN T0 NE" BiG USCAL Hr Attraction .at -@rand . House Next Friday and Saturday a Favorite ------ Theatregoers who are alert to ap- Preciate merit in a musical score will quickly realize why LeComte and FlosNer's 'new extravaganza, 'List. en To Me," coming to the Grand | Opera House on Friday and Satur- day, Sept. 21st and 22nd, with a matinee on Saturday afternoon, was Successful from the opening per- lormance. Independent of the fact that "Listen To Me" carrjes an excellent cast supported by a youth. ful chorus that can dance and sing, an exquisite display of scenic splen. dor, marvelous novelties, gorgeous costumes, and an absorbing fan- tastic story beautifully unfurled, is the reality that its score of musical Rems is a theme of critical admira- tion. "Listen To Me" has been laud- ed, broadcast by al]. Some have adored its spectacular wonders, oth- ors have admired the lavish array of scenery and costumes, others highly praising the cast and chorus, while many have been thrown into ecstasy over the beautiful fantastic story, | ainous McNamara, Mitchell | the United States Marshall Vorhees, who owns allegiance to M instead of to the government; Ford Sterling is the Slapjack Simms: Ro- bert McKim, the unscrupulous law- yer: Struve; John Elliott, the Attor- ney Wheaton; and Sam de Grasse the Judge Stillman. Producer Hamp- ton decided to entrus the minor roles only to actors of long screen experience. Louis Fazenda appears briefly as Tilly Nelson; Kate Price as the landlady; Gordon Russell as Burke; Rockliffe Fellowes as Matt- hews; Tom McGuire as- Capt. Stev- ens, Albert Roscoe as Mexico. Mul- lins;and Jack Curtis as Bill Nolan, | |STRAND FEATURE OF IRENE CASTLE In a characteristic and fashions which comes Thursday next, Sept. 20th, "THE SPOLERS" 10 RETURN 10 SCREEN Under New and Improved Guise--S8tarts at Allen . Monday. "The Spoilers," the most famous and most exploited story by.. Rex Beach, has again been transferred to the screen, this time as a big super. feature, produced by Jesse D. Hamp- ton, directed by Lambert Hillyer The picture will be the attraction at the Allen theatre for three days, be. ginning Monday. "The Spoilers" fg the greatest story about the Klondike gold rush ever written, and one of the most widely read of novels, It establishea Mr. Beach's reputation as one of our most virile authors, and started the school of out-of-door writers who have been so popular in magazines and books in the past decade, a school in which no one has sSurpass- ed Mr. Beach. Then, too, "The Spoilers" ig a true picture of early Alaskan history. It's story of Alex- ander McNamara who attempted to jump the claims of men who discov- ered and worked the richest mine in the Klondike with the support of a corrupted court, is taken directly from life. It ys a true and wonder- fully dramatic presentation of one of the most picturesque epochs in our nate nal life, and an epoch whieh will never return. No more rugged picture of a sturdy people fighting against nature to wrest her treasures from her has been written. When Rex Beach's novel was first picturized, ten years ago by Colonel Selig, it was the most talked ahout and the biggest financial success but all have worshipped the score af etherial musical gems. Those who enjoy artistic grand- our in all its rapture can drink to their fil when "Listen To Me" with all its gorgeousness will be present. ed In this city. ---------------- Cheerfulness gives harmony to the soul and is a perpetual song without words, Tribulation wor patience hope. s patience, and Gnen that the films had ever known. But since that time, motion pictures have made gigantic strides forward In technique, in direction, in settings and acting, and this new screen ver. sion of "The Spoilers" is as far ahead of the original one as that production was ahead of the other features of that day. The cast of "The Spoilers" is as notable as is the production. It is headed by Milton Sills, one of the featured players, in the role of. Roy Re] Strand To-Nigh MINTER By JOHN JIMMY AUBREY | ------ Mo A GOLDWYN PICTURE From JOHN Which Charmed sons, LOOK! : Jail. 3 £9 ture is the Escape of in TRAIL OF THE the LONESOME - PINE FOX, Jr. in "FORW ARD, MARCH" ---- "Tues.,, Wed. _ 3 WISE FOOLS SS Sr, hop ri DIREC BY KING VIDOR ' Scene in This G Pies undreds of Convicts. from pose in her big revue of dances, to one night only, Cr a TT SE SRA music the Grand "Opera House on Glennister, which made Wm, Farn. um's reputation when it was first screened. Sills is one the most popular leading men on the screen and had achieved notable success on the stage before devoting his atten- tion to pictures Anna Q ilsson, featured ir the leading roles of many productions, is cast as Cherry Malotte Barbara Bedf rd, a brunotte beauty who has achieved a striking success in two years time on the screen, is seen in the role of Helen Chester, Wallace MeDonald plays the Broncho Kid; Robert Edeson, (he role of Joe Dextry, the partner of Glennister, Noah Beery is the v'II- Nn Sa ---------- of smart scene ir use, Friday an "A novel and Grand Opera Ho THE DELTA FAIR EXHIBITS As Large as Last Year--Arlie Marks Company An Attraction, Delta, Sept. i4.--At the Delta fair this week, the exhibits were qeclared to be equally as lange as those of last year and in the cases of poultry, cooking and ladies' fancy work even larger. The principal exhibitors were the following: Horses--W. Sheffield, Lyndhurst. G. Sheridan, Sopertcn: H. Morris, Delta; B. Bell, Toledo; H. Jeffrey, Oak 'Leaf; RK. J. Suffel, Delta; . Slack, Delta: 0. Jones, Chantry. . Cattle--B. Bell, Toledo; 8. Gile. Harlem; OC. Laforty, Soperton; Ww. Pearson, Elgin; G. Raison, Soperton:' Levi Raison, Harlem; a; A. Greenham, Oak Leaf. Sheep--B. Bell, Toledo; H. Miller, Rockspring: B. Johnston, Delta; C. Laforty, Soperton. : Swine--B. Bresce, Delta; C. forty, Soperton; G. Sheridan, Soper- : A. Slack, Poultry--B. Bell Carr, Philipsville; : Tin Cap; Ivan Moore, Athens; H. Pyke, Brogkville, F. Stick, Brock- ville. Grain--F. Bresee. Delta; J. Eaton, Delta; Morris, Delta; A. G: Philips. A. Slack, Del- BIG LOCAL INTEREST This evening, be it known uato all Kingston film fans and to all who would close the week with a good tiotion picture, '"The Trail of the Lonesome Pine," with Mary. Miles Minter as ster, will be shown for the last time at the Strend theatre Next Monday "Three Wise Fools" "will open at the Strand for a three days' ran , This is a Goldwyn picture. di- rected by King Vidor, one of the front-rank masters of filmeraft. The story tells of a bonnie lassie who act- ed as housekeeper to three old bach- lors. She touched their hearts and transformed their lives. There js comedy in rich measure in "Thre¢ Wise Fools," and wholesome laugi- 'er breaks forth at many scenes and savings. But there's tragedy, too i and of the serious scenes one has a | special local appeal--the escape of hundreds of convicts from jail. With the recent escape of the five Portsmouth conviets fr sh in their minds, Kingstonians will appreciate | @ picture portraying a get-away on | a large scale, which prison experts declare to be a masterpiece of ac- | curacy and realism. The H. Crane. Alee Francis and Claud» Gillingwater, . and the charming young hcusekeeper is played ny | 1ean0r Beardmass all four players with a sound reputation for -abilily in sereen acting. Claude Gilling- appeared 1,348 times in the had it | run of 'three seasons in New and in other cities of the conti water | stage play, when it famous York, | nent rr MEPHISTO AND His COURT. 1 the musical comedy success d Saturday nights, with matinee ville; M. Willows, Philipsville. Roots and vegetables--J. Eaton. Delta; H. Morris, Delta; H. E. Pyke, Brockville; Roy Wood, Philipsville. Dairy _produce--p, Gifford, Delta; F. Wiise, Lyndhurst; B. Bresee, Lie]- ta; J. Baker, RBigin; G. Roartree, Morton. Home baking--B. Bresce, Delta; Mrs. 8. Carr, Philipsville; Mrs. W. J. Campbell, Delta; Mrs. L. DeWolfe, Flgin; A. Slack, Delta; 4. Stevens, Harlem. Fruits--- E. Bresee, Delta; 'Mrs. 0. Erown, Delta; Mrs. W. F, Campbell, Delta; Stevens, Delta; Mrs. §. Whaley, Del- ta. needlework Mrs. J. | Mr "Three | Wise Fools" are played by William | | given by the We | : | to be disa EMME rrr wren Avr r---------- "Listen To Me," T. Moulton, Harlem; Mrs. A. y Lewis, ; ¢Namara | | | __Eleanor Boardman in "THREE WISE FOOLS" A Goldwyn Picture Distributed by Goldwyn-C. { f At the Strand, Monday Tuesday and | Wednesday, | | | » Gillingwater has also written several successful one-act plays, in some of which he appeared himself. | For the latter half of the week the | Strand management announces Gloria Swanson in "Bluebeard's iLighth Wife," 5 Paramount picture | in which "glamorous Gloria" appears | | in her most bewitching moods, and | wrrayed in more gorgeous gowns than ever. -------- Glee Singers at Grant Hall, | , Grant Hall is bound t {£0 the doors on Ot, { zens will be given an of hearing the famous Welsh Male Glee Singers visiting the city under the auspices of the-Kiwanis Club. On the occas- [ fon of the visit of the Mendelssohn Cholr of Toronto all tickets for the event were sold long before the day, and similar circumstances are bound to prevail for the coneert Ishmen. Citizens | will do well to buy their tickets for | this concert on the very first op- otherwise they are liabel ppointed 5th, when citi- opportunity Rhondda who are i portunity, N Inn nl coming to the ept.' 21st and 22nd, 1 Saturday, S Winnie Hal. R, W. Joynt, Smith's Falls bos Brino, C. Eyre, Delta. . Monday Morning, K. Polk, Portland / Little Paddy, Toangdnwne Billy Eyre, wy BOOUrSL Classified Race. Slippery Dan, J. K. Polk, rortiand Ripple Audubon, 8. Hol- Hpgsworth, Athens .... Queen Forest, H. Caldwell, Cardinal ........ canna 3 Daisy Patch, G. Peck, Lans- Domestic Dutfied, Lombardy: Mrs. L. De Wolfe, Elgin: Mrs. R E. Green, Del. ta; Mrs. E. J. Buffel, Delta; Mrs. 8. Ww v, a. Ladies' work--Mrs. 0. Brown, fa; Mrs. J Duffield, Lombardy; Mrs. H Imerson, Harlem; Mrs. L. Jones Elgin; Mrs. F. 8, Lawson, Delta; Mrs. G Three-minute Race. per} | SY 4 Daisy Doll, B. Ready, Port- apd ..........0:.. 6 5dr Weanesday's results were as follows: - - ---- Free-for-all. Slippery Dan, J. K. Polk, . Poruand "Ortarsesan li 1} Ripple Audubon, 8. Hol lngsworth, Athens .... Shy Brino, C. Eyre Harlem 3 3 3 Time: 2.25 1.4, 2.25 1.4, 2.25, ARAN 2.35 Class. Gueen Forest, H, Caldwell, Cardinal aaad 310 Lom- 12237 0 be packed | Hal, 8. Coville, Lom. 4 Daisy Patch, G. Peck, Lans- donne emersnneciinss 33233 Ansigted by WILLIAM REARDON Ina Glittering Revue of Dance--Musio--Fashions-- With a brilliant company Including AN and His Orchestra. THE BEST DR ED WOMAN IN THE Wi $1.00, 50c. Seats now on sale, PRICES: $3.00, $4.50, $2.00, $1.50, [-- GRAND-. le An Event in Picture History! ihe photoplay epic of brave Yukon days Rex Beach's7powerful novel of the Alaskan gold rush--pioneer days in the lawless North -- the conquest of a Tand of romance and wealth, With this great cast: Milton Bills, Anna Q. Nilsson, Barbara Beery, Mitchell Lewis, Ford Sterling, Wallace MacDonalq, Rockliffe Fellow R Bedford, Robert Louise Fazenda, es, Edeson, Noah Sam de Grasse, THE SEASON'S MUSICAL SENSATION THE WORLD RENOWNED | UNDER THE AUSPICES OF KIWANIS cLUuB oF KINGRTON MALE CHORUS GRANT HALL, FRIDAY, OCT. 5th TICKETS NOW ON SALE AT JACK McGALL'S CIGAR STORE Roddick in i --_-- second place and "Jim Halladay third. Charles Roddick finished first in the one-third mile race, with Harrison Russel] second and Arthur Todd third. The vaudeville attraction wag | furnished by Shook and Lipton, late of Pantage's cireus, with trained canaries, dogs and a pony. In the evening the Arlle Marks Was seen on the same stage, Teuhony Citizens' band 1 Time: 2.49 1-4, 2.49 1-4, 2.49. The officials were: Btarter, Bert sullard. Plum Hollow; juliges, John Dillon; Seeley's Bay: David French, Smith's Falls; J. Gainford, Seeley's lay; timer, 8. Whaley, Delta. he officers of the Fair Association i: President, E. V, vice-presid FT A ------------------ Comparison, more thag y- [makes men happy. and can' them miserable, LTRS 1] A wise man scorns noting, be ever so small or homely, Sn 8

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