19 a SATURDAY, SEPTEMUDER 15, 1928 'THE DAILY -- EE ---- ERITISH WHIG a oS | "The British Whig CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING. Indexed, standardized and popular~ ; ized aceording to THY BASIL L. SMITH SYSTEM Inc, Philadelphia, Pa. All ads. are restricted to thelr he classification, and to t Pa: Dally Whig style of type. CLASSIFIED RATES Automobiles Automobiles for Sale, | Used Cars | Ford Roadster. 11] é Improving Your Opportunities Why is it that one person under certain favorable conditions thinks and learns, while another individual under exactly the same conditions, does not? Princfbally it is because the former takes advan- FURNITURE--Den sett, kitchen cabi- = ll MANDOLIN, BANJOS--Walnut veneer- v Merchandise Articles for Sale. 51 net, buffet and bookcases, stovesand desks . Apply J. Thompasn, 333 Prin- Cess street, phone 1600W, HORSE HAY--Good, green, well cured. loose. $11.00 per ton, delivered. Phone 2325. 2 ed body, inlaid rim, mahogany neck, pear! position dots, combination tail Real Estate For Rent Houses For Rent 7" BUNGALOW'---§ rooms, furnished. Qwn- er would reserve twd rooms. Good roposition to right party. Apply 84 lan Road, cor. Sydenham. HOUSE--To rent or for sale. 4 rooms and bath, electric light. Rent $13.00. Apply 25 Macdonald St. HOUSES--Several to rent from $18.00 to $27.00 per month; Cherry Street; two apartments on Sixth Street, all im- provements; seven roomed house on Read This Page For The Best In Merchandise And The Most In Satisfaction --- Real Estate For Sale, iots For Sale 85 FARM--Wanted to hear from ow Kood tarm for sale. ua tate cash es . Bush, Mines fu D. F. » Mina: T---Desirabje corner buildin, 00d residential section and street, 562 Albert Street. Must Box C-24, W at best offer. & Street, near Gore, 'anada Maxotire & Rube 20., corner Ontario and lot, in piece and hand rest, complete in lea- ther cases with asp locks, latest type instruments at §25.00.--Eldet's. PRICES--Call and get ours, on Cream Separators, Gas kngines, Kxtension Pumps; two good second- hana riding riows. Frust & Wood 44% Ontario Street. " PIANO -- Newcombe Upright, ebony case, ivory keys and fuli 7 1-3 octave; in geod condition. Price $265. kasy terns arranged. C. W. Lind , Ltd. Bixth Street, all Improvements and furnace; one seven roomed house on Charles Street. Apply H. F. Norman, $9 Patrick Street. | HOUSE--8ix rooms; rent moderate. Ap- ply to T. R. Carnovsky, 670 Princess| Street. HOUSE--ALt once, new, seven rooms, with large lot and barn en North Al- fred. Apply J. D. Boyd, Eastview Park. Phone 1102 R4. HOUSE--8rick, 8 rooms, electric light, gas for cooking, 3 piece bath, hard- wvaod foots, in good cally, rent rea. sonable, rage. Apply Box N-14, co. Whig Office. Streets, or 194 King Street. § COUNT that: day lost whose low descending sun sees you neglecting the classified' columns. TELEPHONE TO-MORROW" lassie fled ad now! Wa sy ROOMS FOR RENT . tage of his opportunities. He is a utilitarian, as far as getting ahead is concerned. He seizes opportunity as soon as he sights it, and he puts it to some practical use. te | Ford Touring 1916. | Ford Touring 1917. rate r line or consecutive Pay Pasertions: Minimum chafge, 25 cents, Daily rates per line. Charge Cad $ days .. en ehe ed : 3 i Guys rhe a . $ --- One insertion, charged, ry Eossgements, Marriages, : bh, $1.00. of Thanks and Memoriam Not ves --harged. $1.50; casn, $1.00 rtiom. ay ordered for Irregular rtions takes the one-time inser. jan rate; no ad, taken for less thap four lines. i ot average words to: the Mne. » harged ads. will be received by nares | and If pald at The Brit- ish Whig Office withia 6 days from the first day of 1zsertion, cash rate A allowe Ads. De for more than one day 1 | Ladders, | Gray Dort. These are real good cars and ean] be bought on easy terms if Sonred. | Such a man reads--and answers--the beneficial of- fers in the A-B-C Classified Section of the Whig. He knows that to-day--or LO-mOrrow---or some to-morrow --he will meet most of the good fortune he is seeking. Te thinks and learns. He knows that if he improves oppertunity, oppor- tunity will improve him--and he reads the A-B-C Ads regularly! f FOR HOME COMFOR CONVENIENCE. AND "THEECHO"| D. J. FITZGIRBON | Phone 203im. 187 BROCK STRE RANGE--Happy Thought, and Singer Sewing macnine; both nearly new. Ap- Ply vo 18 Pine Street. STOVES-'Lawrenson's for Good Cheer Square Quebec Stoves and Heaters, Economy ready Mixed Paints and Var- Dishes. 337 Priucess Street.' Phone 339W., opposite Uranke Mall. | WOOD--Try a load of Bwain's good, | dry mixca wood for the cuol morn- King & Smythe, 71-73 Clarence Street, ings and evenings; two and tour dol- Kingston, Ont. lars. 140% York Street, corner York! and Division Streets. $18:00--212 Montreal Street, § rooms, bath, electric light, gas. E.. w. Mul- | VanLuven Bros. 34 PRINCESS STREET PRINCESS STREET--§ rooms, brick, gas and electric. Apply M. E. Ward, Canada Radio Stores. Phone 1207J. 104 BAGOT STREET Comfortable brick house, near City Park Apply SR ee Auto Accessories--1ires--Parts 13. TIRES AND TUBES--Come ours before buying. 1 please you. Neal's Vulcanizin Shop, | and stopped before expiration will Queen and Ontario streets. Phot] only be charged for the number of 2050. ' | times the ad. appesred and adjuct- | ment made at the rate earned. ; USED AUTO PARTS--For Ford, Me- Rate per line for white space is Laughlin "83, Maxw I, Overland 85| he same as a line of type. and 75 engine blocks" for Chevreélet, 1ate for yearly advertising ete. Palmer Auto Salvage, corner of] -------- = Bagot an u 8 | n requea the right to edit got d Queen Streets. | ? Legal Dlishiare 14 classinied advertising BD AT Re esteem -------- or reject SPARE PARTS--For most makes and| hoy AND REV models of cars. Your old broken and! want ad. 5 . : | Solicitors, : o 243, ask for a WOrR parts replaced. Write or wire ston. A. Day, Adrian I Revelle | \ a us describing what you want. Wel . a t Carry the largest and most complete | Money to loan. Phone 205. | Announcemen stock in Canada of slightly used and| TE i A--Ambrose, B.A, Barrister and| and automobile equipment. Solicitor. Law Office, corner of King | 'RIMONY--- Wealthy, pretty affec- ! ti = te girl, would marry. Write, Sys ¢ ng envelope. Doris Dawn, Sout - Ohio. ALWAYS THE SAME--IN SERVICE | THE A-B-C CLASSIFIED ADS 1 ALWAYS DIFFERENT--IN OPPORTUNITY and see We are sure to{* HOTELS Lakeview House - Corner Queen and Ontario Sts, UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT, First-class rooms and meals. J+~Good yards-and stables. Sbecial rates to Marine Mea. P. M. D or | WOOD--Mixed, $3.25 quarter cord; new and second hand lumber, matched lam- ber, cedar posts; soft slabs, $3.50 quar | ler cord; mixed slabs, $425. W. H.| $25.00--91 Chatham Street, Talbot. Yard: Concession strect, near | bath, electric lights! KE. W. Division. Phoye I3viw. | Son, Johnson and Division Pho 539w. WOOD AND COXE--New yard at 290 | Phone 539 eS ais ba Wellington, corner Or nance, dry y I mixed cordwood, sawed, split and de-| Wanted--To Heat livered, $2.69; 1-8 cord, fu. measure. | SE Hard Coal Coke from city gas works, HOUSE or 7 rooms, $10.00 ton up to September. Cinders, Office " $1.00. Load Clinkers ble - % ton. Phone 2440w. Buildings and Building Materials 54 SUMMER HOUSE--To be moved off premises. Also a quantity of lumber and window sash. Apply Frank Roobs, barber, 185 Wellington St. lin & Son, Johnson: and Division Sts. Phone 539w. = eee eres __ Business Service Employmen Help--Male or Female 3a $i-- Private Christ sample book, iree; reaay time Unt a a i Solicitors; Canvassers, Agents 385 AGENTS--If you want a line showin 6 rooms, Mullin & ELLE--Barristerg and Streets. 89 Clarence Street, King- nas Slteting Para} > i omen - making 35 up. daily, in spare Garretson Lamited, Brantrord, 81 all conveniences, Apply Box D-10, Whig Ww We ship C.0O.D. anywhere in Canada | And Brock, over Royal Bank. Money | Satisfaction or refund to loan. Phone 1999. motto. Shaw's Auto Usteopathy Bupply, 923-931 Duffer ronto, Ont. OSTEOPATHY--A. T. Mtill Drs. Iobert and Edna ash King Street. ment. - } ' t { . RISCOLL, good, steady Proprietor. By 2 profit of $60 weekly up, write for literature on our rub- ber specialties. Steady demand. B. & E. Mig. Co., Dept. 4, London, Ont. SALES AGENT--Rellabie, for unrepre- sented distriots. Good pay, free equip- ment. We are the largest growers f , 7 fruit and ornamental trees in Canada, | Wanted---1'0 Buy 60 Bell for a Nursery, not lor a jobwer | { Yuu witl ve successful. Write: vetaum | OLD GOLD---Silver, or False Teeth, for| Nursery Co. Toronto, | cash or exchange. G. W. lyons, | == Zde street, Kingston. | Rooms For Rent Rooms With Board |, 67 BUARD AND ROOMS--first class, by day or week. All conveniences. -Rea- Sonable rates. Apply 208 University Aveuue, near Brock Street. & in Street, 28g. graduates. croft,' 204 Phone 447 for appoint- 3 f HELP WANTED For counties of Frontenac eds. Previoug Insurance experi ence not essential. Libera] contract. State age and selling experience. THE NOUR ANENTAL FE C | MATRIMONY--Pretty girlie, wealthy, v br RT ae C. Box 66, Oxford; » MATRIMONY---Attractive young worth $33,000, will marry. Box 1022, Wichita, Kansas. RIMONY--dndependently wealthy | wer, 58, wall marry soon. E-Box | bys League, Toledo, Ohio. TRIMONY Catholics wishing to MATRI wanting introductions. Booklet free.' Write Catholle Correspondence Club, Grand flapide. Mich. MATRIMUNIAL -- Hundreds seeking marriage. If sincere enclose stamp. Mrs. F. Willard, 2925 Broadway, Chi- Illinols. BLACKSMITH STAND---One of the best in County of Frontenae, good shop, house, barn, garden. Good reason for selling. Appiy A. Donaldson, Brew- er's Mills, Ont. Farms and Land For Sale 83 300 ACRES--Farm, 3 miles from Alex- andria Bay. It isa money-maker. Can be bought with or without stock, on easy terms. . Declining years is own- er's reason for selling. Apply Charleg Kavanaugh, Alexandria bay, N.Y. or F. B. McNamee, 345 Alfred Street, Kingston, Ont. es Hol For Sale si ew Park, on lot nent, corner of] Streets. Phone es ee Repairing FURNITURE FINISILING--Of all kinds. | Call and see W. Dnscoll, 23 John streel. Phone 206F. | UPHOLSTERING--New or used furni-| ture; work guaranteed. Call cr drop a| card. W. J. Gavine, 216 Bagot Street. UPHOLSTERING-- ing. Leave oraer to F. W. Harold ,104 Clergy Street. ---- ---------------- SHOE RA INGA hand work. | FURNACES--Marr Rubber neeis a speclaity; efficient ser- | tend to turnace, ete, | vice. Adolf Kaminski, corner Mont-| free ving accommodation. poi real and Queen Streets. bOX M-14, Whig Office, eee | BY rea lady 4 JCTIONEER--- (EB). AUCTIONEER--For courtesy and hon | | est dealing, W. A. Twigg, 374 King | Street. Pnone 8:0J or 1i35w, | I Cleaning, Dyelie;, Renovating 20 Sieemrtt------------------ CARPET CLEANING--Let us handle yours, with our vacuum cleaner, We guarantee a good job, Furniture re- pairing o* ali kinas. Muller's Bicycle Works, +73 King Sireet. 'hone 1961w. Dressmaking--nsutinery =1 tmnt HEMSTITCHING--Picot edging, pleat- ing; work guaranteed. Mrs. EA, Card, le¢ Barrie Sireet. 1% blocks from Prince Street. - ! WO WOMAN-<With small ch sition as housekeeper | And gencral repair-| Apply Mrs. James Burr S AL Or drop a card | Sm ooo oa == | Bituations, Want 87 ild, desires po- nN small family, 18, Batn, Ont. | 13K STORN WINDOWS MADE T0 ORDER Get our. money savi showing cost of glazed complete, are bullding or repairin our free catalogue of bu terials. The Hallida y HAMILTON, « fed man would at- RUOMS -- Furnished, comfortably furnished, two. Also table board. Brock street. Phone $3m large bedroom, suitable for Apply 193 COTTAGE --At Eastvi 44x90. Apply A. Ter Market and King 2498. u , ask Yor ding ma- Co. Ltd, NTARIO, 2 SKIN BLEMISHES -- Halr, Moles, Warts! Birthmarks, Skin Cancers, | Boars, Pits, etc. removed permanent- Satisfactory) Glasses fitted and furnished after others have failed Goitre cured without operation. 38 ® experience. Dr. Eimer J. Lake, Eve. Ear, Nose, Throat, Skin, 25% Hagot Street. Phone 301w. House 1135J Lost and Found 10 BRASS JARDINERES -- Taken from yerandah at 230 Nelson Street. Rooms Without Board 68 UPHOLSTERING -- Covered buttons! Financial made same day as ordered. Upholster- i ---- et ing at reasonable prices. E. J. Good-! EE Money to Loan ridge, 244°'University Avenue. Phone phy | | FRONTENAC--Loan and Souiety, incorporated 1s61. WW, Jo, Nickle, KC; vice-pr B.-Cunningnam. Money iss and farm broperties; municipal and county aebentures; mortgages pur- Chased; investment bonds ror sale; de- Puuita iret nd interest atiowed. . C. Cartwry » lid Duger, : street, Kingston, es, 3] Yiareney Musical, Dancing Dramatic 4a PEARL A. NESBIT--L 7.0. ist and Choir Lirector, thodist Church, Teacaer of Singing, Plano and Urgan. Fuplls prepareq for Toronte Conservatory examination. Fall term commences Sept. 4ih. Studio: 400 Brock Street. Phone 1147J. DAISY JOHNSON---A. T. C. M., teacher of Violin and Plano. Pupils prepared fore Toronto Conservatory examina- tions. Studio: 307 Collingwoog St. (near Johnson). Phone 2329w. Ladics' har Farior, 2ta FRAME BUNGALOW--¢ rooms, electric lights, decorated, newly pain storm door, hen house. at a sacrifice, rooms, 3 bed- bath room, well ted, screen and ate driveway, good fared property is o $2300. Terma, FRAME BUNGALOW---§ rooms, - Joma, 5 hatdwood foors, ee) §, 3 plece bath, splendid cellar, all in first class repair, Price Terms. $3,090 APARTMENT---Three rooms furnish« ed, on bathroom flat; convenient to college or collegiate. Apply Box H-11, Whig Office. FRONT BEDROOM--One large, furnish- ed, suitable for two, opposite College gate, with hoard. Apply 63 George Street. Phone §73w. ROOMS--Two unfurnished, all conveni- ences. Apply by hone to number 2387w. or 16 Sixth Street. ROOMS---Two, front, furnished or un-|' furnished, with use of three piece bath; all other conveniences; suitable for young couple, in good locality. Ap- piy Box F-11, Whig Office. Rooms For Housekeeping 69 FLAT---Three rooms, for light house- ke , on bath room flat, gag for ols: electric lights, hot water heating. Apply 10 Nelson Street. LIVING ROOM---Furnished, fireplace, kitchenette, gas, ground floor; aiso one or two bedrooms on second floor. Apply 44 O'Kill Street. Phone 1632m. ROOMS--Unfurnished, for Mght house- keeping. all conveniences. Apply to Studio 185 gari| 52 Willis m Street( near King St. Fall term be- | ROOMS--Three, furnished, 1 bedroom, | living room and kitchen, suitable for light housekeeping, for family of Apply 236 Barrie Street. two. Real Estate For Rent Wanted---Rooms or Board 73 BED BITTING ROOM -- Comfortably furnished, with part board for gentle- man, down-town district. State terms. Box J-12, Whig Office. ROOM---Young lady desires room in ex- change for light duties about the house. Apply to Box L-13, Whig Of- fice. Apartments and Flats APARTMENT--Five rooms, all con- venlences; hot water heating; elec- tric lights. 'Possession at once. Ap- Ply 261 Johnson Street. Phone 2268w. APARTMENT--Four rooms: all con- veniences; hot water heating. Pos session September lst. Apply White's Insurance Agency. -------- -- rooms, furnished Ing, on bath room electric hts, Box 5%. Whe FLAT-5 rooms, includin; 'room, Sova Daleony, B and SG. tal wi Tr mp. or par 0 jC toria Park. Possession at once. oo on ply 307 Alfred Street. h ra LAr, hand Croom nant. ADply 337 Jannson er son Stree: HAIR WORK--Of all kinds, order. Also Shampooing and ing. Childreu's Charies Cunningh Kingston. made to Massay- hair cutting. Mrs. am, §6 bay Street, Investment President, esident, A. ued or city Employment Help Wauted--Female 32 COOK GENERAL ply Mrs. F. H. Macnee, Street, West. W. Kent Macnee Bank of Commerce Builds and King Streets. Phone 701 or o nsurance writin Rey. nee able, dent, Sickn Plate etc. 'Representing only Fellapi MERCHANDISE AURNITURE _ criptions at able ioe Well repaired, at & rging ries J. Turk's PHONE 705. For Sale , : We still have a few Marine and Stationary Gasoline En- gines in stock. We also do en- gine, boat and automobile re- pairs. and oxy-acetylene weld- ing, etc. DAVIS DRY DOCK Co. Foot of Wellington Street Insurance Experienced. 143 Ap- Kind- | FIRE--Automoblie and Casualty Insur- King ly return same at once and save fur-| ance. ik. M. Crumley, ¢30 Ear] Street. ther trouble. Phone 178iM. i " INSURANCE--Fire, Life, 'CLE--Lost, from Whig Office hall.| Sickness, in reliable com i Indly return to Whig Office. Cooke, District Manager. Phenes: i Res.: 342w., Orntice: §03w. INSURANCE---Only the most reliable Companies represented strange & Btrange, established in 1860. Omice: 95 Clarence street, cpposite Post Office. INBURANCE--OQur Health and Accident poMey "WH protect your salary. Fire insurance at low rates. Phone EK. Williams, 2 Couper Str M. B. TRUMPOUR 237 Bagot Street. Phones 704 or 15425. Accident and H. Macnee, panies. J. B, COOK--Apply to Mrs. W. 115 Lower Union Street. M., Organ- Queen St. Me- COOK --Experienced, 800d wages. Ap- ply 207 William Street. Phone 504. GLOVE--Found, on Clergy Street. Own- or may have same at Wnig Office. HOUSE--One of the best built houses jn the city. SATE ot, Fruit and all im vements. PPly personaily, at 357 Johnson Street. P » BRHY, & COOK--- General, family of three, no laundry, highest wages, middle-aged woman preterred. Apply Mrs. W. F. Casey, 211 King Street, corner Earl. Phone 1345 for appointment. EXPERIENCED NURSE For children. References required. ply Box K-13, Whig Office. EARN---$5,00 to- $25.00 weekly, the pleasant Home Work way making socks on the fast, easily learned Auto Knitter. Experience unnecessary; dis tance immaterial; positively no can- vassi Particulars 3c. stamp. Dept. 78C, Auto K LADIES --To do plain and light sewing at home, whole or spare time, good pay, work sent any distance, charges paid. Send stamp for particulars. Na- tiopdl Manufacturing Co., Montreal. LADY REPRESENTATIVES -- Can earn from ten to forty dollars weekly With our line or Personal Christmas Greeting Cards. Samples free. We pay weekly. Write for particulars. Dept. 122 Cariton Publishing Company, Toronto, t. MAID--Experienced, for general house- work; small family; good wages. Ap- ply Mrs. Oliver Chown, 162 University Avenue. Phone 375. PURSE--Found, small, with sum of money Saturday afternoon on Brock Street, between Division and Barrie Streets. Owner may have same by calling at 340 Brock Street and prov- ing identity, > slLA HOSE--PFound, lady's, on Rideau reel Owner may have same by proving property at 79 John Street. ! Automobiles Automobiles For Sale 11 FORD CAR--Five passenger, in good Raion 1931 model, one man top, four good tires. Price reason- le. Phone 955J or apply 335 Brock HOUSE---In village of Sharbot Lake good garden, an ideal location. Apply to Mrs. 8. Meighen, Sharbot Lake, Ont. Moving, Trucking, Storage 25 ASHES--Cleaned out of yards, clean job done. 34 Russell Street, STORAGE S8PACE- and dry. Apply Neilson streei. Phone 139 two Ap~- KORRINNE, A. MADDEN--Teacher of * Piano; pupils prepared for Toronto Conservatory examinations, Studio: 50 Ear] Street. Phone 1838. tpt s---- OLIVE M. WOODMAN singing and theory. Street. Phone 857m. gins Sept, 10th. = Merchandise. Articles For Sale 81 x And Heavy Clinkers. suited for road work. for drawing. Apply ing Sod ANTIQUES-- Walnut Foundry, Chairs, Wal Buffets, Walnut Dinin Tables, Jn ses' Antique Shop, 507 Princess Street. Phone 1045w. s AWNINGS -- Tents, Aut le Tenta, Peterborough Canoes, fe Savin, Cushions, Flags, Tarpaulins. F. Ww Cooke, 219 Bagot Street. Phone 436. BASKET GRATE Heater, kitchen cook ' stove, pipes, bed chalr, cup- rds, floor covering and lawn mow. 37 Wellington Street. BRICK---Hard and soft, a. uantity, vey E. E Walthe Cerne, Birch I ollingwood cellars A. MacG Phone 2255. ~For furniture, clean E. Wathem, 143 iJ .or 618. and regor, SEE---Bateman's lar, Vertisement, page Real Estate ad. » column 1, -- Teacher of SEMI1-BUNGALOW---Good all side, § Joealsl ce bat n with every 1 in good comdition garden. Apply Box fice. 4 west roqm; convenience; +» including large K-29, Whig Of. nitter Co., Toronto. STORAGE---For furnityre, alry rooms and spaces your own lock and key. Frost's City Storage, 299- 308 Queen St. Phone 536. Res. 989w, Painting, Papering, Decorating 20 Bf NTN G--Papering, first class work ana wor Call or phone A. Anderson Street. Phone 1986. clean, dry, $2800.00--New Bungalow, ASHES Especially To be had to Angrove's Queen Streets. MAX WELL---Touring, 1920 model, in #vod running order. Must be sold at Ohoe. Apply T. J. Munroe, corner On- tarto ang. Clarence Streets. ecorating --- guaranteed. ,-165 Bagot Mi UGHLIN---38, recently overhauled in first class running order. Ap- Sus Garage Ltd, corner Bagct and Queen Street. Architects OVERLAND --- One Oldsmobile, 5 or light six sedan; in first olan Saniitian, "Apply Blue Garages, . and Queen Streets. ARCHITECTS--Power, Son and Drever, . Merchants Bank Chambers, corner of 4 Cars and Tru Brook and Wellington. Chiropructio 2c. Mot hin touring, 1921. MARCELIS--Wm., A, 1.C., Ph. C., cor. Dédge § passenger touring. ner Princess and Barrie Streets. 3nd floor, Barrie St. entrance. Kingston, Columbia Light Six, five passenger . touring, 1911. Unt, © Consultation free. Telephone Reo Light Six, 5 passenger, 1921. $33J. Hours ¥ to 13am, 1te 6 p.m. LUCY--Drs. G. F. anu Jennie A., Chiro- >. jughlin, § passenger touring with and dajored Rex pops 8 pe recondition. practic Speclalisty a ara a WwW tops an v e Ps Tire SIGN PAINTING], 275 Bagot street. 8. Robinson, rear Te ih 74 MAID --Apply 146 Wellington Street. : 8 rooms, hard- wood Rooms, furnace, 3 Plocasy Jars down an 0 rt Su o d $20 per month $4600.00--Clergy Street, solid brick, 9 rooms, all conveniences Terms, V3000 00-siinr) Sireer, i solid brick, 7 ooms, replaces, all convenignces. $4700.00--Frontenac Str t, JSonveniencen eet, 7 rooms, all .00--8mall house, Ba ot St. $0000.00--University Aver 30 roma hot Water heating, all conveniences. $4700.00--Alfred Street, deep lot and preg BOLL conveniences. $609 own, nee m - ww tnd prin : Per month on inter © also have several ot parts of the i) others In ay J ILSON, RE 316 Barrie Street. ALOR. 1098. MAKE MONEY AT H id weekly fdr your spare time writ- show cards for us. No canvassing. We instruct and supply you with wor West-Angus Show Card Service, 17 Colborne Bld. Toronto. Help Wanted--Male OME---$15 to $60) er. FORTUNE favors the classified readers. od aa. mn, Streels. Phone 615 or BABY CARRIAGE-- White Wicker, re- Jersible Bear ise hall Stove, both n con mn; will sell reason- - able. Apply 361 Brock t. BARGAINS--In Men's Pants, 4.50 for $1.50 and $1.75. Mons Suter Shoonabis prices. A. Boasire, oC brint r nabie pr! - cess Street. "3a FLAT -- Three for light houseke fiat, for oo locality. Apply Sitice. p.m. Sunday and other hours by ap- pointment. Consultation free. Dental SPARKS & SPARKS -- 1 Fallington sireet, a ot Brot Phone 346. KENAPP--Dr. A. B, Dentist. Office: 258 Princess Street. Phone 653w. Open evenings by appointment. Nurse, 239 Bagot Street. Phone $43w. ns where needed. and Hours: 9-12 aim, 1 to £, and 6 to 7.30 our 3 . teries have been replaced where re- awd. position. 123, & Ce.. Toronto, Ont. BOY---A# messenger and to learn print. e. Hanson, Crozier & Edgar, Eh Square. r 7 FIREMEN AND BRAKEMEN. ners $150-3350 m ly (whi - ont) Weis Ramonthiy, (w D2 Wie Office. ] | rum OPERATOR--For f ma chine. Apply Jonn MeKer Tog ™* Che 1 Ton Truck--The body is SuliADle for passengers or freight and in Al condition. k ton Truck--Engh t re- EE penta In frst ine conten" Ts rN - ~ BOYD'S GARAGE, Ltd 5 129 BROCK STREET, PHONE 201w. BOAT HOUSE AND MOTOR BOAT -- 26 x 5° 6" beam, 2 cyl 4 cyc. engine. ist cl condition. Rust con eition x Bryant le ENGINE--One 14 Rp." Waterloo Winder, uty thn Ey the. T o ME erms reasonable. M. Hughes & Son, Arden, Ont, . CUNNIN: »» Limi ut twe ted James Foot of Johnson en [1 DOAD I BAY- IF THE, | 8 COUNT. BED YO SOUS 1 WANT YOU TO "o efficient operation of a type- Ir thé operator should sit in a the right height so that her will be on a line with the of the