Daily British Whig (1850), 20 Sep 1923, p. 9

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fa FHDRSDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 1023 - A LEBANON CEDAR MAN. The International 8unday School Lesson For Sept. 23rd Is, "Timothy: A Good Minister of Jesus Ohrist'-- Acts 16:1-3; Phil.: 19-22; Il Tim. 1: 1-6; 3:14, 15. By WILLIAM T. ELLIS. To reacl: the Bareuk group of the "eedars of Lebanon (there are only two, vital religion and you have a Timothy, | forests left in Syria) takes a long) stretch of automobiling; followed by| hours in the saddle and then a dezl of stiff climbing,' But the reward is worth| ient "tree of God", which have out!ast and remained beautiful in a stiff cli mate and an unpromising soil. They sccm 0 be rooted in the rocks. The bare high mountain sides they flourish produce no harvests of! any kind for man. All conditions seem | : 1 4 | hostile to development; yet the cedars' lived and Paul labored and the carly | of Labanon are the most famous trees| Church grew to greatness, all the | in the world. Some lives are like the Lebgnon ce-| ment of the Great Powers. Since the | dars. Amidst most unfavorable circum- | days when these first famous mission- | stances, despite the buifetings of fierce' aries planted the Cross in Asia Minor | storms, and from stormy and inhospit-' able soil, they grow to strength and majesty. Mushrooms spring up over- night in dark, dank hothouses: but woodenness. Given a free, full a man of God. A Clean Man In A Dirty Time. Thoughts of Timothy, this young | the trip, Sitting beneath these anc-| hero of the New Testament on whose ! | character there is not a smirch suggest ed famous cities and mighty empires, thoughts of the region in which he was | one draws many a homily of life. The! reared and in which he did his work | most obvious is that these centuries-| The cablegrams have thrust Asia Min- | defying evergreens have grown hardy|or upon the whole world's attention' this past Summer These have been historic days, wherein we have seen the Turk once more given complete on which| sovereignty over this ancient center of civilization and Christianity Today, in the land where Timothy Christians have been cast out, by agree until within a twelve-month, Christ- ianity has continued to live there, des- | pite 'all the tremendous political chan- | ges. Now the Christians are out, and flow of | { great trees need all the weathers of out their places have been taken by the! of doors, and the patient processes of the years, to come to maturity. Moslems from Thrace. Owing to the | perfidy of the Great Powers, Christ- | Timothy, toward whom everybody ianity has suffered one of the major | feels the special sympathy that is ever defeats of the past twenty centuries. | extended to the young, was a cedar of Even the American missionaries, after |. Lebanon saint; developing amidst con-/a hundred years" of labor in Asiatic | ~~ ditions that would seem fatal to spiri | tual growth. He was a city lad, sur- rounded by the unspeakable evils of Turkey, are now out. Wouldn't it be interesting to know what Paul and Timothy think of the an all-pervading heathendom, with its present situation in the land conse- | atmosphere of moral-death. glance, one would say that his environ and triumphs? Here is a wide open At first| crated by their toils and tribulations | | ment was not conducives:to charactet-| door through which to enter upon a| making; yet when we recall the cedars we know that hard circumstances Pro=; duce hardy souls. The Arabs of the Holy Land, whose harvest fields at the, best are poor and uhpromising, say | that the finest graih is garnered from! the stoniest fields. Perhaps it is the coddled youth, tenderly reared in soft' circumstances, who really deserves our commiseration, rather than the one whose lot has been difficulty and ad- versity. At least, we know that out of | the foul environment of the corrupt | city fife of Roman Asia, came that! noble character, young Timothy, the | protege of Paul. Sapless And Spineless. The secret of the cedars is that, as| the Psalmist says, they are "full of! sap"--the strong, resinous, preserva- tive life-juice that gives them abund- ant resisting and growing power. Cut| a cone from a'Lebanon cedar, and you! will quickly discover the richness of! the sap that saves the tree. As with t e| cedars, so with life. Timothy weather-| ed all c@ggraty and corrupting experien | ces because the juice of life, the real| vitality of spirituality, ran strongly in| the veins of his soul. Nurtured in the Scriptures from infancy by his mother Eunice, and by his grandmother, Lois, the things of the spirit were always real to him. It was the vitality of his own inner experience that made him strong to endure and to do. Instead of sheltering youth from stress and storm, the way of wisdom is to look well to the sources and sup- ply of strength. There is no fear for the young man or woman through whose pulses flow the current of sin- 'cere godliness. It is the sapless trees that crash in the high winds, The one supreme preparation for life in the rough world is a. personal experience . of God; and a maintenance of the chan- nels of spirituality, Force of character is wholly a matter of sap. What we call "spinelessness" is really sapeless- ness. If real life floods the veins and arteries, then the storms of circum. stances can merely strengthen charac- "ter, A slang phrase describes a cer- tain type of ineffective person as "sap-headed"; what is really meant is directly the contrary-lack of sap; dead- discussion of the Near Eastern Ques- tion, from the standpoint of the re- creancy of Christian nations. It is not the Turk who is to be primarily blam- ed for what has happened, but the statesmanship of London and Paris and Athens and Rome and Washing. ton. A Study In Success. This is a young man's Lesson. It is a study in the ever-absorbing theme of success. For the subject is a young man who, amid adverse conditions, ach ieved greatness of character and im- mortality of service. Timothy's is one of the names not born to die. Frankly, he was handicapped by his youth. Evidently it troubled him. The old church members always called him "our young brother." They look- ed down upon his merits because of his immaturity. Every sensitive, ambi- tious youth has been galled by the same treatment. Wise old Paul wrote candidly to Timothy. "Let no man des- pise thy youth." That is to say, stand up for your personality in spite of the graybeards. Ask no odds because you are young, and accept no handicap, either. You are what you are, regard- less of the calendar. Youth"is the time for achievement; don't fet the ofd folks lay the paralysis of fear and self-dis- trust upon you. Be your best and do your utmost while the juices of life are sweeping victoriously through your spirit, No better counsel can be given .to a young man thay' to read through, at a single sitting, the two Letters writ- ten by Paul to his dear friend Timo- thy. The second of them is the last ut- terance that we have from the old hero's prison cell. It is an incitement to greatness of character and service: "Stir into flame the gift that is in thee." Be the best and do the most: God wants more of you than you ever dream of for yourself. Clarion calls sound again and again through these two great Epistles. Timothy's beginnings of greatness were that he linked his life to a great man and to a great cause. He cast in his lot with the persecuted pioneer. Paul the Apostle; and with the new Christian enterprise. Thus he was for- Make the Rinso liquid first Do not put Rinso direct from the package into the tub, Mix a package of Ringo in a little cool water until it is like cream. Then add two quarts of boiling water, and when the froth sub- sides, you will have a clean amber-coloured liquid. Add this liquid to the wash until you get the big lasting Rinso suds. en soak ie clothes clean. Well Mother! The children are settled down in school again but the old problem still faces you. It is up to you to provide everything for autumn and winter from boo to a bottle of cough mixture. § It's a busy time for you. New clothes are needed for growing boys and girls; more substantial food for cool days must be thought about; books and games for the approaching long hours of darkness are needed to keep home happy. § Let Jo newspaper help you. few minutes spent every day in reading the daily store news in the adver- tisements which the mer- chants have inserted for your information will save you many fatiguing hours of shop- ping. 9 Which stores can' suppl you, and mest economically Learn all this by reading t the daily store news com- fortably in your home -news- paper in your own easy chair. "READ THE ADVERTISEMENTS The Mothers' Time Savers - ever forced to measure himself by something bigger than himself. Thére was no room for deadly self-compla- cency in his experience. His goal was great and ever-receding, growing grea- ter with each advance toward it. What a career awaits the sap-filled young men' who in this day of decisions dare to invest their lives in the real great- ness of the cause of Christ. Strong Enough To Survive Success It has of late been my lot to meet many prelates of the old Eagtern churches, in and about the homeland of Timothy; and I am musing upon the contrast between them and him. Timothy became bishop of Ephesus (a fascinating ruin, the continued excava- tion of which awaits initiative from this side of the sea; and promises re- wards unique and startling), but he never ossified into a mere ecclesiastic. Of all the pretentious churchmen I have met on this journey, from the ecumenical patriarch down to the monks in the holy places, there is not one who has not excited my compas- sion, and sometimes my contempt. They are prelates petrified in their professionalism, Not one has breath- ed the fire of strong and sturdy man- hood. Leadership has been manifested by none of them. Concern over the | great issues of our day, which are pri. marily spiritual, has been displayed by never a one of them. They have missed the manly mark of ministry set by Paul for his virile young friend Timo- (thy. They have attained a certain mea- sure of success; but have not been strong enough to survive it. Their en- grossment in ancient controversial concerns is a warning, like that ad- ministered by the apostle to his com- rade, against being led into fruitless disputes the life and to do the deed is the suifi- cient answer to It is necessary to think of Timothy churchman, aa ministers. His life: is vocal with a over nom-essentials. To live entions and partis-| and as a model for PROPOSED NEW HOTEL FOR KINGSTON. the largeness of their mission to strai- ghten out this crooked. world, and to deliver a blind and bewildered era to the beauty -and peace 'and happiness and holiness of a life lived in disciple- ship to Him whom Timothy knew as his risen Redeemer and living Lord. TRENT DEVELOPMENT. Trenton Council and Business Men Assure Co-operation. Trenfos, Sept." 20.--Support and co-operation by the town of Trenton was assured by the Town Council, business men and Rotary Club, to the Trent Waterways Development Association, when visited by Presi- dent G. K. Fraser and dent FF. D. Kefr this week. Membership by the town was tak- en out and a local committee form ed with, Chairman or L. E. Roe- nig; secretary, L. ghier postmast-\ er; president of 'thé chamber of commerce and president of the Ro- tary Club, W. House. The first action of the committee will ba to appoint one person who will be, responsible for giving out full information to visitors regard- ing, We waterway and also keep on hand charts for the section from Trenton to Peterboro'. ' Trenton has been the only town on the waterway which has not join- ed with the aseoclation since fits organization in 1920. May a Pole Wed in Russia. Warsaw, Sept. 19.--The Polish government has announced that it will consider valid in Poland all mar- riages performed by Soviet elvil offices uniting Russian citizens, but Soviet marriages between Polish subjects originating from the former Russian part of Poland, where civil marriage did not exist, will not be considered valid. Soviet marriages between Poles from the former Austrian and Ger- man parts of Poland, where civil marriage existed, are valid and can be annulled only if a divorce is pro- nounced by a Polish court. rt ---- London Filled With Foreigners. London, Sept. 19.--Foreign visi- tors to London have arrived in such numbers this year that the transpcr- tation . companies have been forced to hire conductors for their buses and trams who are able to speak for- eign languages. Many of the new men are former army officers who are unable to find other employment. The British reply to U. 8. "secre- tary Hughes' proposal for a recipro- cal agreement on ship liquor and liquor smuggling was received at the state department, Washington, on Wednesday, and was described by officials as "in general, not sympath- etic to the proposals." There was nearly $160,000,000 in- crease in the total trade of Canada | tor the first five months of the cur- rent year. Hamilton Parks Board plans ta beautify the mountain. Alberta wants only good pure-bred cattle. Vice-Presi- ! { Dreco by people right in Kingston. biliousness, system. Never has such a tribute been paid to a medicine as that accorded to The corrective properties of this re- markable remedy have proved a re- velation to them. Disorders of many [vears' standing have responded to its influence and on evefy hand we hear its praises sounded. ' A reputation of this kind can only be built on sheer merit. When re- sponsible people, who can readily be interviewed, rally around a remedy in this way it means that they really have experienced remarkable bene- fits from its use. » People who have not eaten a hearty meal for years now enjoy good digestion and give all the credit to Dreco. Others who have been racked with rheumatic pains or suf- fered constant loss of sleep mow bless the day they started using Dreco. Backaches, headaches, dizzy spells and chronic constipation are frequently mentioned as having beén helped by this valuable remedy. Statements like this that are back- ed by published names and addresses within "easy reach for confirmation should do much to convince people of the true merits of Dreco. Dreco is safe and reliable because it is made only from roots, herbs, bark and leaves in scientifically cor- rect proportions. No mercury, pot- ash, habit-forming drugs or other harmful ingredients enters into its preparation. a good druggist everywhere. Stomach weakness, poor digestion, gastritis and other digestive complaints helped by this mei- cine. Dreco tones and regulates the vital organs and benefits the whole Dreco is being specially introduced In Kingston by M day and ask for Mir. Vaughan, the Dreco Expert, and let him explain the merits of this great remedy. There is no charge and he will tell you honestly If he believes Dreco will benefit you. -Dreco Is also sold in Napanee by Wallace & Oo., in Gananoque by W. E. Austin, Given Them by sluggish liver, chronic constipation, DRECO WINS ANOTHER FRIEND IN KINGSTON Mrs. Wesley Pultz Gets Splendid Re- sults From One Bottle of This New Herbal Remedy. "For a long time I have suffered with my stomach," says Mrs. Wesley Pultz, of 365 King Street, Kingston, Ontario. "Everything I ate would form a gas and give me dreadful pains. So great was my suffering that I would have to give up my work and lie down. Food would sour on my stomach and come up in my throat with a dreadful sickening feel- ing. I would lie and toss about for hours after going to bed. My liver was sluggish too and spots' would float before my eyes and I would of- ten have dizzy spells. I tried a lot of different medicines. but none of them did me any good. The fact is, most of them seemed to make me worse. "But----Dreco is different. only tien one bottle, bait is sur- prising the difference it ha¥made. 1 can eat almost anything without hav- inf any trouble afterwards. My food never sours now and the pains that bothered me so much have disappear- ed. I feel better in every way and that tired, worn out feeling I used to have, is gone with the result that I am able to go about my work with energy. "I am going to keep on taking Dreco for a while_as I am convinced it is a good medicine and I gladly Jecoin mend it to anyone suffering as There is no need for anyone to suf- fer the pangs of an ailing digestive system, when Dreco is available to tone and regulate each and every or- gan and put it in proper working or- der. The herb, root, bark and leaf Juices of this grand remedy aid di- gestion, arouse a sluggish liver, strengthen weak kidneys, relieve con- I have K REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE BROKERS, = : sever rooms, line, easy terms. Price "re segiaae sas Nelson St--Brick bungalow, "terms. "-~ Quebec St.--Near Division St., frame, sev sized lot. f - West End--A real nice comfortable home, brick veneered, all modern conveniences, on the car Sen aww wen «rs $4,100 five rooms and bath, all -+ $3,000 'en rooms, good YOUR FRIENDS AND NEIGHBORS PAY HEARTFELT TRIBUTE TO DRECO Men and Women Right in Kingston Tell of Won- derful Health-Building Help Dreco, the Famous Herbal Remedy. - | stipation and purify the blood. Drect is reliable and safe and is an ideal system-cleanser. SEVERE CRAMPS IN PIT OF STOMACH * These and Other Distressing Sympe toms Greatly Helped by Dreco and Kingston Lady - Enjoys Better Health Than for Years--Husband Is Also Taking Dreco. "For a long time," says Mrs. C. Newport, of 4 Alwington avenue, Kingston, Ont., "I have suffered from indigestion and gas formations in my stomach. What little food I ate would sour and form gas -that pressed up againsnt my heart, caus- ing terrible pains and a sort of smothéPing feeling. 'I would have severe cramps in the pit of my stomach and felt weak and miserable all the time. "I couldn't seem to get any sound sleep at all and was continually tak- ing strong laxatives. Nothing I took recently in the way of medicines or Wreatments did my general condition any good and I was rapidly becoming discouraged when I read of what Dreco was doing in cases similar to mine. 1 decided, therefore, to give it a trial. "I have énly taken one bottle and the results it has given me are very gratifying. My condition is wone derfully improved already. I can sleep better and eat better and for the past few days have not been troubled with gas and the pains ia my stomach have gone. "I am going to keep right on with Dreco, as I am fully convi that it is a good medicine that will fix me right up. My husband is pleased with the results it has given me so far and as he has not been feeling very well himself, has decid- ed to give it a trial." Thousands of people have proved the value of Dreco as a corrective for indigestion, gastritis, dyspepsia, heartburn, biliousness, diszy spells, rheumatic pains in back, muscles and limbs and other troubles. * It LI the ideal system cleanser and tonie, being made from Nature's own herbs, roots. hark and leaves. Let Dreco help you to = better health. Dreeco contains no mercury, potash or habit forming drugs. AHOOD'S DRUG STORE. Go there to= and by _-- | CARADIAN NaTIONAL RANNIYS AGENCY FOR ALL OCEAN STEAMSHIP } | LINES | ot Frvesae easution given your Smit the O14 ai paeiporte os Ani For information and rates prix J. P. HANLEY, C.P. and T.A. Ry., Kingston, Ont, Office: Canadian National Railway, corner Johnson and Ontario streets, Kingston, Ontario. 5 Open Day and Night. +3 PHONE 99 or 1438. wig

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