THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 1923 Fall Colds QUICKLY YIELD TO DR. HICKEY'S TREATMENT Dr. Hickey's Speedy Mixture stops a Cough in a few doses.. Dr. Hickey's Cold Capsules dry up the head cold over night. Dr. Hickey's Chest Rub quickly removes the congestion and draws out the pain. This combination is the best obtainable. 25¢c each Farms For Sale 200 ACRES--100 under cultivation, 13 miles from Kingston; frame house, good condition; 2 large barns, newly shingled ~with or without implements--would exchange for city property, 190 ARES--8 miles from Kingston-- 116 acres under cultivatjon--sy acres! good bush; good, stone" house, barng and drive shed; wel] Watered, | running stream; well adapted for mar- ket gardening; 1 mile from church, school and factory, 126 ACRES--100 acres good soil; bal- &nce good pasture; &ood frame house; 2 barns; never-falling spring. 12 miles, 66 ACRES--Garden ana truck farm; double brick house; al] conveniences, close to city. 56 ACRES -- 325 &cres good garden land; frame house; hpi a cow house; cloge to factory, school and Snureh; 12 miles from Kingston; on easy terms or exchange. Crop on 8 terms for quick sale, v fae Bateman's Real Estate 136 Wellington St. {| extensive. They | 1 | Our showing of | | Silver and Pyrex | | Casseroles is very represent the fin- | ished work of | | Canada's great- | est silversmiths | | and make most | | useful gifts at any | | . | time, . ? | | MITH BROS JEWELERS L. CULE ' So you won't be burning Yes, we have a little Stove Coal, Also Egg and Chestnut and Pea, Now is the time to get itn, Soft Coal and Coke this winter, SOWARDS COAL CO. Uptown Office: McGall's Cigar Store. Phone 811. Phone 155 ELECTRIC M McKelvey & B SAVE YOUR COAL BY KEEPING THE FURNACE OUT PORTABLE BASKET GRATES HEATERS COAL OIL HEATERS GAS HEATERS FOR-FALL CLEANING OLD ENGLISH BRIGHTENER OLD ENGLISH FL -JOHNSON'S FLOOR WAX OPS MOP CLOTHS STEP LADDERS irch, Limit N FLOOR If 80. you should see our assortment--Rugs of all sises. Rugs all shades--Rugs all prices. In Axminster, Wilton, Brussels, Tapestry, Wool and Fibre. FURNITURE--PIANOS--VICTRQLAS LE. Harrison Co., Limited Phose 99 | daughter of James Sheridan, Tor a | n | Chapter 143--Another Great Thinker There was another great man ap | Athens whom I want to tell you about. | His name was Zeno. He ysed to walk {back and forth on a porch near the | city marketplace, The Greek word for porch was | "stoa." The men who liked the ideas | of Zeno were called 'men of the porch' |or Stoios. This name has been kept and many persons of the present time | call themselves Stoios, One ofyghe chief ideas of Zeno was | that we should not let our minds be troubled by unhappy events. "Always keep yourself free from worry," he said to his pupils "A calm spirit is worth more than silver and gold." A drawing of a statue of this noted thinker is shown. When the statue was made, he was advanced in years. His face contained creases which made him look a bit stern, but which also marked his strong character. There was a time when he looked very different from this. That was when he was a young man, trying to find what he should do in the world. His father was a merchant who lived on the island of Cyprus. From time to | time he visited Athens. One day he { brought some Greek books to his son. | If it had not been for that event, the world might never have heard of Zeno. The youth would doubtless have taken up the work of his, father, spending his life buying and selling goods. As it was, the books caught his inter- News off the Wires In Condensed Form Dr. Horace Porter, St. John, N.B, heads the Association of Canadian Clubs. Alleged mistreatment of prisoner awaiting trial in Hamilton jail may be subject of probe. President Cosgrave of the Irish Free State has refused to yield to a request for the release of de Valera. A new two-year wage contract agreed upon by Milford angghrasite miners and operators was signed on Wednesday afternoon. President Coolidge is giving ser- ious attention to the agricultural situation In the United States and is desircus of extending relief to the farmers. President Coolidge rexpacts to re- ceive David Lloyd George at the white house in Washingten during the forthcoming visit of the former Eritish premier to the United States. The German ministry of finance announces that a bill which is now ready provides. for completa sever- ance of the Reichsbank from: state finance and places it in a position to perform the function of a gold note bank. -------------------- To Decide Fate of Board. Campbellford Cheese Board had 'a narrow escape from dissolution when W. M. Stephens moved an ad- lournment until April next. Thers were seventeen factories affiliated with the beard at the beginning of the season, but only eight factories are now represented. The remain- der ship Independently to Belleville, where the price js always higher. One more meeting will be held this month to decide the fate of the board. - Grape Crop Injured. St. Catharines, Sept. 20.--The re- cent cold spell has had a bad ef- fect on the grape crop according to a statement made by J. R. Mont- gomery, manager of the Niagara District Grape Growers Limited, the selling organization of the grape growers, who stated that the crop will not now be more than fifty-five per cent. of the grape crop of last year, ! ee t-------------- A wedding took place at St. Mich- ael's cliurch, Belleville, on Monday when Miss Mary Margaret Flagler, daughter of the late ex-Alderman Phillip Flagler and of Mrs. Margaret Flager, became the bride of Wilfrid Callaghan, Belleville. Miss Violet Evelyn Sheridan, est.' He decided to go to Athens and talk with the men who had written them. He sailed there when he was about thirty years of age, and mét the authors. 1 | For some years he listened and learn | ed. Then he decided to become a tea-| cher himself. His figure became famil- | iar on the porch near the marketplace. | Zeno wrote many books, but almost | all his works have been lost. In most | cases, we have just the names of the | volumes, but the main things he taught | have come down to us through the | Stoics who have lived since his time | | | | Next--Good-by, O1d Greece. | PRODUCE MARKETS, --d | Toronto, Sept. 20. --Steers, $7 to] $7.75. Cattle, $6 to $6.50. Lambs, $13 to $13.25, Sheep, $6.50 to $7. : Hens, 20¢ to 23c. Chickens, 22¢ to 27a. Turkeys, 20¢ to 25c. irain dealers' quotations: Manitoba wheat No. 1 northern, bay ports, $1.13 1-4. Ontario wheat, nominal. Corn, No. 2, yellow, $1.08 track, Toronto. Oats: Ontario, No. 2, white, nominal, Hay: Extra No. 2 timothy, per ton, $14. Track, Tcronto, No. 2, $13.50, No. 2, $12.30. Mediums, $11 to $12, Straw carlots, $9. Dairy and produce, wholesale, anq | retail: Eggs: Firsts, 37¢ to 38¢. \ Extras, 42¢ to43ec. Cartons, 44c to 45e, \ Eggs: . : : Delievers! Toroato, extra, 36¢ te 7c. Firsts, 33¢ to 34c. Seconds, 23c to 24c. Splits, 22¢ to 23c. Butter to retail trader Creamery, extra fancy, 40c to 41ec. No. 1, 39¢ to 40c. No. 2, 37¢ to 38e. Dairy, 31c¢ te 22. Delivered Toronto: Creamery special solids, 36¢ to 36 1-2¢. No. 1, 35¢ to 35 1-20." No. 2, 33¢c to 33 1-2. Cheese, new large, 26¢c to 26 '1-2¢. New twins 26 1-2¢ to 27e¢. New triplets, 27¢ to 27 1-2¢. New stiltons, 29¢ to 30c. ------------ Careless Motorists. Some motorists think that, because | they own a car, they have first right of way before pedestrians, cyelists and horsemen. Many accidents have been happening lately which could be avorded it proper precautions Were taken. Only yesterday a oyelist was knocked down and his wheel badly smashed up by & motorist sud- denly turning without any warning. Bank Clearings Advance. The total Bank clearings at King- ston for the week ending Sept. 20th, wero $930,729.96; previous week, $764,641.62. Te ------ PROBS: Friday, south and south-east winds, local showers, but partly fair. St." Francie de. Sales church, | onto, formerly of Brockville, and Willlam Charles Peterson, Detroit, Mich., son of Mr. and ve. William Prescott, were married in Tescott on Saturday. Miss Gretta McNamara, eldest Smith's Falls, was the scene of al pretty wedding on Sept. 18th, when Florence, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. | Matthew Ryan was united in mar- riage to John Joseph Gleeson, Mont- real. The Church of St. Agthony of daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Oharles McNamara, and William Rusland, son of Mr. and Mrs, Alex, Rusland, Brockville, were married on Mon- day, TO RID STREETS Scientists have discovered by automobiles into the streets of the buildings, has become health. z shows he Padua, Centreville was the scene of a quiet wedding om Sept. 15th; when Jeanne, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John O'Meara, Yarker, became the bride of John Mooney, Detroit. : OF MONOXIDE GAS. that the monoxide gas, ejected in big cities, between the walls | public | In the Popular Science monthly the above illustration a serious menace. to Friday at Steacy' Great Fare Refund Sale The greatest event of the early Fall season offers unprecedented values for all thrifty shoppers--take full advantage of its many economies to-morrow and Saturday, Novelty Pleated Skirts Reg. $5.50 Values | Sale Rh ° 9 5 100 fine wool serge skirts in navy blue and black--in the fashionable new pleated effects--shown . right in town as special values at $5.00 and $5.50 ea. TRICOTINE CLOTH DRESSES $9.95, $10.95, $12.95 100 pure wool tricotine cloth dresses, smartly trimmed with braid, buttons and steel beads with tie belts and straight-line ef- fects--these are splendid values regularly from $12.50 on up to $17.50. The sizes range from 16 up to 42, | FUR-TRIMMED VELOUR COATS $19.95, $21.50, $23.50, $25.00 150 handsome new styled all wool velour and duvetyn coats --in all the new makes of brown with fur collars and collars and cuffs--smart in straight tube- like styles with side fastenings and with self-pleated effects with all-ardund belts--a full range of sizes from 16 to 48, ~~ House Furnishings + Here is an opportunity for all thrifty householders to take advantage of--below are enumerated a few in our basement department: "FLOOR OILCLOTHS Sale Price, 55¢ sq. yd. 1,200 yards of heavy floor oil- cloth in a broad range of new tile, block and floral patterns--,, in widths 1, 14 and 2 yds, of the many special values on sale BEDROOM MATS Sale Price, $1.39 ea. 300 new washable mats in pret- ty combination color effects-- especially suitable for bedrooms --size 24x48--reg. $1.75 values, Bed Comforters ~ Sale price $2.98 ea. We have just received 100 cotton filled bed comforters ~ Reg. $3.75 values, FLANNELETTE BLANKETS Sale Price, $2.89 White 12x4 size--first quality-- reg. $3.50 pr. (same quality as previously advertised) in a host of attractive chintz coverings, WINDOW SCRIM Sale Price, 15¢ yd. Novelty bordered in colors white, ivory and ecru--reg. 20c yd.