Daily British Whig (1850), 20 Sep 1923, p. 5

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~ De * THDRSDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 1928 Fa THE DAILY BRITIS H WHIG FROST'S CITY STORAGE Now has vacant two clean, dry, private rooms. (Your own lock and key.) PHONE 526. 299-805 QUEEN STREET. -- on -- PIANO TUNING Piano Tuning, Repairing and Player Piano Adjusting. Norman H. Butcher, 27 Pine Btreet. PHONE 1819w. + The simplest way to.end a corn is Blue-jay. Stops the pain in- stantly. Then the corn loosens and comes out. Made in clear liquid and in thin plasters. The action is the same, At your druggist Bluejay | Real Estate General Insurance Reliable Comphnies only represented. | Guarantee Bonds. Victory Bonds bought and sold. R. H. Waddell | Phones 32¢-596. S68 Breck St. DR. A.W.WINNETT DENTAL SURGEON, Corner of Johnson and Wellingtun | Streets Phone 368 'ASK FOR BELL'S CUCUMBER CREAM (Chapped Hands, etc.) Use Use It Always All Ways. FREIGHT, SURNITURE: SAFES GHT, FU a . PIANOS, CARTAGE and STORAGE OF VERY DESCRIPTION Kingston Transfer Co. raome 377. Evenings 2231. 163 WELLINGTON STRERT. Dental Surgeon || DR. J..0. W.. BROOM | L.D.S,, D.D.S, Wellington and Brock Streets. Entrance, 150 Wellington St, Evening by appointment. 1 PHONE 679. | | WATTS | : People's Florist 177 Wellington Street. Dr. | Martel's Female Pills "THOMAS COPLEY Carpenter. Phone 987. See bs for all kinds of Carpentry work. Estimates given on new floors laid. Have your hardwood floors clean- ed with our new floor cleaning .ma- chine. we rh Thousands testify to beneficial ré- sults last half century, Delayed and Painful Menstruation, Nervousness. he, Dizziness, etc. Sold only in Sealed TIN BOX with our signatore, $2.00. All Drugwists or | DIRECT BY MAIL, plain package, Knicker. | bocker Remedy Co., 71 E. Front 8t., Toronta, | There is nothing else just as good. PAA rs ae A. AA Wah Long Laun Has moved from 155 Wellington Street to 112 BROCK STREET. Phone 818F. BATISFACTION GUARANTEED. CAPSULES LTT) Frame, 10 rooms, 5 bed- $4000 rooms, 3 P.B., verandah, electric and gas, hot air, 3 fireplaces, 2-car garage, garden. $4050 Frame, 9 rooms, 5 bed- rooms, 3 P.B., verandah, electric and gas, hot air, stable for 3 horses, drive house. $4800-2:»- frame, 7 rooms, 4 | bédrooms, 3 P.B., porch, electric and gas, garden. Brick veneer, 7 rooms, 3 $480 bedrooms, 3 P.B., verany dah, electric and gas, hot alr, imme- diate p Our Customers Never complain. They have nothing to complain about. They get the best coal there is, delivered clean apd dry. They pay but a fair price. Conse- quently every customer is a pleased customer, ! BOOTH & CO. A A ecco ing Hot Water Furnaces, Stoves and Quebec Heaters for sale. L Cohen & Co. 207-278 ONTARIO STREET PHONES 8386 and 887. re W. H. Godwin & Son FIRE INSURANCE First class companies repre. sented. Lowest possible rates. 4 89 BROCK STREET nd Brick, 7 rooms, 3 bed- rooms, 3 P.B., verandah, $5000 '| and sun porch, electric and gas, hot air, hardwood floors, good garden, $5200 Brick, 7 rooms, 4 bed- rooms, 3 P.B., verandah, electric and gas, hot air, garden. E. L. MARTIN 111% Breck Phone 320. ! Keeps the teeth clean and prevents decay. We sell French hand-grown bristle brushes and guarantee them. Buy your tooth brush and paste from M. R. McColl We are showing this week | ive hundred Ladies' and Misses' .| cheque for $14.70 was KINGSTON AND VICINITY Boys' School Suits. "We have received a big shipment | of boys' school suits, which we wll! | sell at a reduced price, dandy suits, | at $6, $6.50, $7.50 and $9, all sizes, all colors. Prevost, Brock street. | Dropped Dead. | W. J. Allen, Campbellford, drop- | ped dead in his shop while talking | | to friends. He was forty-five years | of age. His wife and son were in | Peterboro when death came. Deciding on Plans. Rev. J. W. Stephen is in Toro¥to attending a meeting of the Presby- terian church association deciding upon the course of action they will take to insure the continuance of the Presbyterian Church in Canada. Ladies' Millinery Just Received. over ready-to-wear hats. We can sell you a hat at ' five and six dollars that could not be bought less ttah $8 to $12 elsewhere. --COFRRIGAN'S. Remove The Seats. The parks committee, now that 'baseball is over, should remove the seats, and posts that surround the top of the cricket, field diamond. This is desirable as soccer football and rugby will need all the space avail- able. The seats obstruot a clear dleld. Property Changed Hands. During the past week several pro- perties in Gananoque have changed hands. Thomas Field has purchased the frame hcuse and property on Market street at present occupied by R. Ferris; and J. Malette has pur- chased the frame house and proper- ty on Charles straet south, formerly cwned by the late William Phillips. Plans for Manatauk Foint. It is reported at Clayton, N. Y., that ertensive plans are being made for next year for Manantauk Point. One report is that all the land west of the road to Manantauk Point hes been purchased by Syracuse inta2res's and that a golf links will bs laid out. It is claimed that the hotel will be utilized and that the addition long ago planned will be built. ------ Burial of Alfred Wart, The funeral of the late Alfred Wart took place Tuesday afternoon trom the home of his sister, 10 Low- er Rideau street, and was attended by a large number of the deceased's friends. 'The service was conducted by Rev. Mr. Duncan and Rev. Mr. Boothman. The pall-bearers were C. Higgins, Thomas Smith, H. Shales, C. Shales and W. Hamilton. Bicycle Stolen. art, employed by the W. J. Crothers Company, informed the Whig, son Wednesday morning, that his bicycle had been stolen at the Fair Grounds last night. It was u girl's style wheel and as his home is in Ports- mouth he misses it very much and would like to hear something about it. ES -------------- Made Restitution and Paid Costs Police Constable Smith went to Charleston and on a warrant placed under arrest an American visitor who was charged with obtaining food for himself and others at the Grand Cafe, Brockville, for which a tendered, which was claimed to be worthless. The man made full restitution, be- sides paying the costs, amounting to $34 in all. ------------ Death of George Losee. George Losee, Picton, passed sway on Monday, after a long illness. Mr. A young lad, named William Ew- . Losee was in his sixty-ninth Year. For many years he was with A. Bris- ton & Son. A few years ago he went in 2 ue carpet and 'rug business w he continued until failing health compelled him to retire. He was a genial man, liked and respect- ed by everybody. His wife prede- ceased him. Several sisters survive, ------ Recovering from' Typhoid. |, After five weeks in the Oshawa hospital, the many: friends of Mrs. Edward Johnston, daughter Edna and son Harold, Whitby, formerly of this district, will be pleased to hear that they are improving from a se- vere 'attack of typhoid fever, but it will be some time yet before they will be able to return home. Mrs, Johnston's two sisters, trained nurs- es from New York City, are in at- tendance. : { K. of C. Officers Elected. Election of officers for the term 1923-24 took place Tuesday night at Frontenac Council No. 728, Knights of Soytus. The foliowing were elected: G.K., J. H. Welch, (re-elect- ed); DGK., E. E. Doolan; Chanc., F. Pllley; RS., W. J. Coyle; FS, W. G. Bailey; Walsh; Ward, : Trustees, Thomas Nicholson. John Hyland, Dr. R. P. Millan; Adv., P. J. Lawless; 1.G., W. J. O'Neill; 0. G. J. Kehoe. : fugitives from the "pen." but~they may have been immigrants, ---- Picton's Cheap Tomatoes. How would you like to live in the Pleton district where tomatoes are | selling at from 35 to 50 cents a bushell? The farmers in the Picton district who raise large .quantities of tomatoes have signed contracts to supply the canning factories at the rate of 35 cents a bushel. Se- veral Kingstonians who have visited Frince Edward county during the past couple of weeks have taken ad- vantage of the cheap tomatoes. ------------ , Will Oil the Roads. Tt-4€ the intention of the Ontario Highway department to give the roads in the Kingston district an- other coat of oil. The roads are be- ing oiled twjce a year. Thanks to the good work of F. J. Gates, West- Ltrooke, who is roadmapgter on the provincial highway from Kingston for a distance of eight miles west- ward, the: surface is not being al- lowed to get filled with holes. It is safe to say that the roads in the Kingston district are the best kept in 'the province. Notes of Queen's, A. J. Wilson, pastor of St. An- drew's church, Napanee, has writ- ten to the athletic board of control AA Am. to say that he will be only too glad | to handle tickets for the coming rug- | by games. Napanee's allottment will | be thirty-five tickets for each game. Although Toronto has not been heard from yet, thelr probable al-| lottment will be three hundred 'paste boards." Ne | A young huskie named Bald yin, | an outstanding rugby player of St. Thomas, has arrived in the ofty to | report for practise and expects to "make" the team. By the outlook | material. An extra and extremely pleasing | feature was added to the Kingston | Fair on Wednesday afternoon by the | Watertown Citizens' band. which was | invited to the city and the fair by | Manager R. J. Bushell. It is need- less to mention that the members en- | Jjoyed the exhibition fully as much | als did the many patrons who heard | the music rendered by the clever or- | ganization of twemfy pleces. The | band marched to the fair grounds | and many citizens remarked upon | their splendid appearance and the | quality of the music played while. en route. The musiclans and excur- | sionists returned home, via Cape Vincent at 7 o'clock iast evening, the | steamer Waubic niaking a special trip for that purpose. J I TLL IIIT TWIN BEAVER WASH BOARDS made of £00Y'S famous INDURATED FIBREWARE outwear all others ONSALE BY GROCERS ANDO HAROWARE MERCHANTS 3 © 0 6 3 ddd LL LL TTTTITTITID Building 'Blocks, Bricks and Sand MANUFACTURER OF HIGH GRADE CONCRETE MENT BRICKS, LINTELS, SILLS, PIER CAPS, ETC. DEALER IN BEST QUALITY OF BUILDING AND PLASTERING SAND, AND GRAVEL, DELIVERED ON R. J. McCLELLAND CORNER ONTARIO AND WILLIAM STREETS BLOCKS, CE- BASE COURSE, wt SHORT NOTICE, We Are Ready for any emergency in the machine shop line. What are your require- ments in the way of machinery re- pairs? With our complete equlp- ment of lathes, drills, planers, saws, etc., we can take care of your needs. » Bishop Machine Shop KING AND QUEEN STREETS nn, up to date, Queen's will not lack good I\ ---- ee Enjoyed Watertown Rand Music. 4 BUILDING Residences, Bungalows, : Cottages, Barns, Garages, Porticos, built to contract. Estimates cheerfully furnished. S. ANGLIN CO. LIMITED Woodworking Factory, Lumber Yards. NEW PHONE NUMBER--1571. Bay and Wellington Streets, Kingston, Ont. has a Department specially equipped to : execute all classes of B First-class service and fair prices, 806-8-10 KING STREET, KINGSTON, Ont, PHONE 343. GOURDIER'S have removed to 86 PRINCESS STREET, next to Bibby's, Limited, while alterations are being made to Brock Street store, , GOURDIER'S 78-80 Brock Street For the Best Values in Young Men's Suits $20.00, $25.00, $28.00, $32.00, $35.00, SEE OUR SPORT MODEL SUITS, At $25.00 TWEDDELL'S Clothing House "Fletcher's Castoria a harmless Substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Teething Drops and Soothing Syrups, prepared to relieve Infants in arms and Children all'ages of Consti Diartheg ; promoting Cheerfulness, Rest, and Natural Sleep withou t Opiates look for the signature of package, Physicians Aids in the assimilation of Food, To avoid imitations, Proven direction on Wind Colic To Sweeten Stomach Regulate Bowels everywhere recommend it, j0 W.N. Zitz R Phove 191. \ t A very large asprtment of the popular colors in wool, camel hair, silk and wool, and silk, from 75¢ up to $15 each : AUTOMOBILE RUGS Pretty Scotch plaids and plain colors, at $4.50, $6.00, $8.00 and $10.00 Linton & Co. i The Waldron Store. if a ---- C ~

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