Daily British Whig (1850), 21 Sep 1923, p. 12

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1 12 \ FCZEMA " Defied Doctors & Specialists "For three years doctors treated me for a terrible attack of eczema," writes Madame Alphonse Lariviere, 671, Rod- man St. , Fall River, Mass. "Each in turn gave up the case as incurable. I then went to a specialist who charged $30 but did me absolutely no good. "Though one could hardly have been more discouraged at the time when I heard about Zant Buk, I detided to try it. I applied dressings of the balm larly and for bathing purposes used only Zam-Buk Medicinal Soap. Very soon there was such decided improve- ment that I was encouraged to continue. The combined use of Zam-Buk and Zam-Buk Soap soothed and thoroughly purified my skin of disease." Zam-Buk's SKIN-SOOTHING ESSENCES penetrate to the root of eczema, ulcers, ringworm, poisbned sores, etc. Zam-Buk not only c away unsightly surface eruptions like pimples, blotches and ei ie literally uproots eczema and other obstinate skin disease from the underlying tissues. . Thefirst dressing of Zam-Buk soothes and coals the skin and ends irritation. Then when it bas antiseptically purified the diseased parts, Zam-Buk promotes & new growth of clear healthy skin, All dealers 50c. box. am-Buk Skin Sufferers! Obtain a PREE TRIAL BOX by sending lc.8tamp to Zam- Buk Co.,Toronte LC. HEMSLEY from R. J. ROGER { WATCHES and CLOCKS REPAIRED at shortest notice 149 Sydenham St. Phone 20586J. RB pl g-- ~~ Chlorine Gas<Prevents Flu." Chlorine gas, used as a war weap- on now is being turned against the germs of influenza and is proving effective in preventing the disease. In experiments with students at the University of Arkansas, conducrea by Professor Harrison Hale, during a recent "flu" epidemic, the gas treatment reduced the sick rate 90 per cent. The gas was dreathed in very dilute quantity, preventing pois- onous effects. On Wednesday, the mariage took place of Ferol Gertrude Mason to Clifford Lorne McDonald, only son of Mr. end Mrs. Willlam Charles Mc- Donald, Thurlow. Scorn the proud man ashamed to weep. Remedies are slower than illnesses. that is lAPIPEora PIPELESS? | 2 f HUAN HALF SHEL THE DAILY BRITISH "WHIG La \ HE = By Joseph Van'Raalte TOO MUCH SOAP FOR REVOLUTION American People Like to Laugh and At Every Election Send Some Favorite Skidding on the Banana Peel of' Into Oblivion. ND OWNERS STANDSTILL SUBSTI ». Apparent Renewed 30R Minos The\newly elected Senator from Minnesgta, Magnus Johnson, stands on of his farmhouse, with a droop to' the seat of his overalls, predicting revolution if con- ditions are not changed. He finds that "65 per cent of the wealth of the country is in the hands of 2 per cent of the population" and '"inless there is a better distribution of this wealth the common people are going to revolt against it." A lot of people who mosey around eating peanuts, watching baseball games, lickigg ice cream cones and cranking Fords 'think the same thing that happened in Russia cannot hap- pen in this country." Magnus says. "But," he continues, "don't fool your- self. It could happen here" before you Krew what was going on. "The Czar had a big army, but he couldn't stop a revolution, We haven't hardly any army at all so what could our government do if there was a na- tionswide revolution? It couldn't do thing." . Magnus, old dear, we hate to say it to' you, especially when you're having such a good time, but you're looking through the wrong end of the opera glass, Your premise is marred by a varicose vein and your conclusion isn't what it ought to be because of a wart on its facade. VVEHLE we are pioneer pipeless furnace builders, we do not recommend their use in every house --nor do we always advocate the installation of a Pipe Furnace. The design of a house determines the type of furnace necessary to heat it thoroughly. We have definite concrete informa- tion and data on the installation of the proper furnace for every home. It is invaluable for every home-owner and home-builder. It is gladly sent free on request. Write for it to-day. PIPE AND PIPELESS FURNACES Lipo buildings. Sead for bookies "man useful informati as well as other GALT STOVE & FURNACE CO. LTD. "GALT - - MAGNUS JORNSON - FOR TAX REFORMS -_ Minnesota's Senator-Elect Says -Armed Revolution Is Pogo -. | sibility Here, ¥. 87. PAUL, July 26 (Associated Press), =Revolution--political, even a resort to arms--faces the United States "if conditions confronting the laboring man and the farmer are mot changed,", y the opinion of Magnus Sue Johnsops © " atly efectad Senator a) 7¢ Farmer-Labor tloket, \ the same thing ICLEW Coy R Brom Sav | industrial or le of op" In a country where eleven million people breakfast on bacon and eggs, buckwheat pancakes, stewed potatoes, ice water, hot coffee and cold pie there is as much chance of a Russian revo- lution as there is of Lydia Pinkham taking up Christian Science. What occurred in Russia will never happen here Er each the stage where Cal Coolidge F¥s to use a can opener, the way the Czar used to when he wants to change his underwear. We don't need an army in this coun- try to squash the eternal and everlast- ing daylight out of a revolution. If some. intellectual and scrofulous bird ever starts down Main Street at the head of an army of Tousled Ones, they'll get as far as Washington and Central Avenues, where Cornelius Mc- Gillicooley, the traffic cop, will elevate his great big, Sa. moist, earnest hand. "Gentlemen," he'll say, "the parade has heen postponed sine die." "What do you mean?" the gentle- man with the discouraged complexion will inquire. "I mean," Cornelius McGillicooley will answer, "that you're pinched for holding a revolution without a licen- se." Revolutions are nothing out of the ordinary in this country, Magnus, Ev- ery time we go to the polls on elec- tion day to request the present incum- bert to step on the banana skin of fate NATURE EY 3 6 Copyriohs," 1923, by ' [Phe JlcClare Xrmwpemer Syndioston Revolt and te Back and slide back into private life we're conducting a revolution. What was your elevation to the Se- nate, Magtus, old hairpin, but an early June revolution with ruffles on it? Revolution is our middle name, The nation was founded on it, and we've been revolting, at the least provoca- tion, ever since. The only thing is we're fussy about the brand we use. There's been many an attempt to introduce the Russian variety of revolution into this country, but it's never been popular. There's too nfuch soap in the United States and not enough whiskers. Just so long as the ninety and nine continue to use the amount of soap they're doing at present, there's no harm in the hundredth ecru abberant utilizing the soap box as a pulpit for Bolshevism, When he's doing that he's not stealing pennies from crippled babies. We're not talking this way to ap- pear smart, Magnus. We're merely saying it to reassure you. We want to || be able to pause in our daily toil and conjure up a picture of you irritating the soil of Minnesota with a happy heart. . No man can grasp the long, shiny, prosaic_hoe 'handle and persuade the timid succotash to bloom, when he's momentarily expecting a call from the President to hasten to Washington and hold a hot water bottle on the American Eagle's stomach. The American people like to laugh, Magnus. That's why there are so many comedians holding office. Look at Bryan. They wouldn't elect him President on a bet; but they like to have him around drinking grape juice and generally gumming up the works. It's the '"'good-bye, good luck, God bless you" stuff that keeps his act on the big time. They'll listen to "Hell Roarin' Hir- am" for the same reason that they used to turn out by the tens of thous- ands to hear Teddy. They like to see a man wave a big stick and make faces. Do you think Doc Copeland would ever have reached the Senate if it hadn't been for his prose poems in the daily papers on babies and corsets? Remember what Dave Harum said to his sister: "Polly, "you don't know how interestin' you be!" Don't make the mistake of taking your election too seriously, Magnus. X-ing a man into office just for the fun of razzing him back into the obli- vion of the cornfield at the next elec- tion is an old American indoor sport. It's more than likely that they look- ed at your Socratic phiz, listened to the brand of English you wrapped your ideas up in and said to themsel- ves: "Let's send this bird to Washington and watch old Hinnery Cabin Lodge throw a fit." It's been done before in this coun- try. We could name you half a dozen near statesmen who have been sent to the Senate for the same reason that a kid sends a comic valentine to his tea- cher. fuel. They furnace of RT" CANADA The American voter is a study worth any candidate's attention. We've seen many a mf retired to private life be- cause he thought the Village Black- smith had elected him to talk revolu- tion. If the representatives of the horny handed sons of toll cares anything about his jab it behooves him to spend as much time under the mazda at night in the library as he does under the sun- shine in the cornfield. It's the constituency with'¢ha_rotind hair cut and the calloused patms that look to its Senator to spout De Toc- queville and Bryce. Doc Copéland can get away with a dissertation on corsets, Magnus, where you'll have to quote Henry George, if you want to stick. And it's an unsatisfatory job, at best. Look what Minnesota did Volstead when he did an Oliver Twist. And did you ever hear of Jenny Van Ness, Noo Jersey's Grand Old Girl? It's a sad story, Magnus. She went to the Assembly along with eleven oth- er Republicans from Essex--that being the name of the county where she buys her groceries. ~.The Anti-Saloon League, looking around for somebody to frame an en- forcement law for J ersey, picked on Miss Jennie. She said she'd be tickled to death to do what she could to keep tht old Constitution from sagging in the middle like a clothesline on Mon- day afternoon. 2 . So she drew up an enforcement law making it felonious, criminal, crooked, dolce far niente and a few other things for any one in Jersey to convey, have, drink, swap, transport, harbor, pos- sess, sell or otherwise monkey with Third Rail, Fermented, Damnation, Elephant's Breath, Distilled Hell or Liquid Sunstroke. Anyone caught or detected doing the things hereinbefore mentioned was to be jugged, jailed, imprisoned or sent to the hoos gow ot the formality of a trial by J The Noo Jersey Legislature passed be bill and a lot of the boys went to jail. We've seen Miss Jen walking down tate Street in Trenton with a little wiggle on her, as much as to say. "If it 'attended Delta and Lombardy fairs to Andy | is so glad to see such nice weather , iN THE BEST COATS IN TOWN AT '19,°20,°25,%30 SEE OUR SPECIAL AT $22.50 MEN'S & YOUNG: MEN'S Suits From $14.95 to $35. MEN'S AND BOYS' BOOTS In complete ranges of sizes always in stock. "We Sell For Less-- Make Us Prove It." SEE OUR VALUES In Men's and Boys' Underwear, Fine Shirts, Hosiery, Hats and Caps, etc. Our Prices Are Right. LOUI 336 Princess St. 7 5 ABRAMSON Phone 1454w - _"THE MEN'S AND BOYS' COMPLETE OUTFITTER." ET aap ~---- hadn't o' ben for me the lads in th' black satin"bicycle pants, who framed the Constitution, would have labored in vain." , At the next election Miss Jen signi- fied her willingness to accept another term. They put her 'on the ticket; but when they counted the votes election night all the other Republican candi- dates for the Assembly were elected 'ceptin' her; and she wasn't elected 'cause one lone Democrat--a colored gentleman whose name we can't at this moment recall had a few more votes than Miss Jem. You see what we mean, Magnus? Republics is ungrateful, old .dear. They've busted the heart of many a friend of the Peepul. Portland News Budget. Portland, Sept. 19. -- The cot- tages are about all closed for the season. Mr. Ogden has closed Nis cottage and gone to his home in Montreal. Many people from here last week. Joseph Lyons has moved his kitchen and woodshed and is put- ting on a fine tin root which will add to the appearance of his house. The saw mill is doing a big business this season on account of so much build- ing on the lake. Mr. and Mrs. Gal- lagher attended Ottawa fair last week. Mr. and Mrs, W. H. Bolton spent Tuesday in Lyn visiting their daughter, Mrs. Lyons. Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Carty and Mrs. Dowiey and daughter, Philipsville, spent Bunday visiting Mr. and Mrs. Kipley, Mali'- jand. Mr. Workman and family, who spent the summer at their cot- tage here, leave for their home fin Montreal 'on Friday. Every' person for Kingston fair as a large number from here are going to attend the exhibition. ; conciliate that, Cambiar anon, Banways AGENCY FOR ALL OCEAN STEAMSHIP LINES attention given your family going to or returning from the-Old Country. Passports arranged or. CANADIAN PACIFIC SAILINGS Cher bourg, Southampton, Antwerp. Sept. 27--Metagama Belfast, Glasgow, Liverpool Sept. 20--Empress of Britain °.. Cherbourg, Southamy- tom. S--Montlaurier * Liverpool - Ch Ant erp. 10--Melita ... Southam wi ll--Marburn.. Beifast, Glas- sow. 13--Montelare .., Lf mpress of France *, .. Ch » Seuthamp- tom, & 18--Marloch ..Belfast, Glas gow. 19---Montcalm ... o See cdona Special or friends Oct. Oct, For information and rates apply to J. P. HANLEY, C.P. and T.A. C.N. Ry., Kingston, Ont. Office: Canadian National Railway, corner Johnson and Ontario streets, Kingston, Ontario. Open Day and Night. PHONE 99 or 1433. A House With Regal History," King George and Queen Mary have been sojourning at Traquair House, visiting the Valley of the Tweed. It was to Traquair House that Queen Mary took the feather- brained Darley when she desired, to lover, and there members of the Stuart family went hunting in Ettrick Forest. Lord Rosebery conferred the title upon one of his best bred thoroughbred horses, and that animal, Traquail, come to the United States to earn fame. CASTORIA For Infants ané Children In Use For Over 30 Years EL Bt & TORTOISECOOK || The Stove Women Are Buying ! Recent months have demonstrated that this new TORTOISE COOK STOVE possesses an attraction for women that they are almost power- less to resist. .Graceful of line ahd clad in lustrous tiles, with here and there a contrast of silvery nickel. this perfected, TORTOISE COOK fs pro- Bounced he handsomest creation of its kind. Lemmon & Sons Oct. Oet. Oherbourg, South hampton, Nov. 3--Mountisurier® ..Liverpool * From Quebec only. FIVE MAGNIFICENT CRUISES NEXT YEAR AROUND THE WORLD AROUND AMERICA To the And Two to the West Indies Apply Local Agents. H. B. BEAUMONT, Gen. Agent, Passenger t. 1 King Street E., Toronto. Prized Prints of Canada. The public library of Toronto now possesses the largest and most valu- able collection of prints of early life in Canada in existence. The col- lection includes nearly four thous- and engravings, prints and paintings.

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