* Jocated, the power (boats deliver car- | ) 'FOX LAKE LIQUOR RUNNER Opportunities That Fit Every Purse And Every Person Are Found THE DAILY BRITIS H 'WHIG Right Here hee Announcements The British Whiz _ KINGSTON, ONT. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING. fadexed, standardized and popular- ized according to pr --------------iii-- sar -------- SKIN BLEMISHES -- Halr, Moles Warts, frthmarks, - Skin Cancers, Scars, Pits, ete. removed permanent- ly. Satisfactory Giasses fitted and furnished after others have falled cured without operation. 38 * experience. Dr. Eimer J. Laks. Noge, Throat, Skin, 25% ot street. Phone 301w. House 1135J | { | | | | { ir All ads. are restricted to the proper classification, and to the fegular Daily Whig style of type. CLASSIFIED RATES Daily rate per.line or consecytive insertions: Goitre mo se me Lost aud Found | BASKET --Lost, at Fair Grounds Thursday, containing cutlery and! Finder kifidly advise Benson phone 2308-R-21. Minimum charge, 25 cents. er line. Charge Ci Pally Fates » . 8 a R30 dishes Coulter, BELT Thursday. Reward. BUCKLE~Lost, silver, on Finder please phone 1416F. day .... Déaths-- One Births, Engagements, .50; cash, $1.00. ard' of CRA, and Memoriam Notices harged, $1.89; casn, $1.00 each 'nsertiom. dvertising vrdered for irregular rtions takes the one-time inser- on rate; no ad. taken for less thas is of four lines. Céunt six average words to the e. Uharges ads. will be received by telepnone and if paid at The DBrit- ish Whig Office withiz § days from first day of insertion, cash rate wih be allowed. Ads. ordered for more than one day and stopped before expiration will only be charged for the number of times the ad. appeared and adjuet- eni wade at the rate earned. per line for white space is fie same as a line of type ine nas rate for yearly adv d, | Marriages, BUNCH OF KEYS Found, on a ring. | Owner may have same at Best's Drug| Store. BUNCH OF KEYS--Found, in front of British- American Hotel. Owner may same at Whig Office . 0st, Sept. 20th, Brindle ull with white breast. collar and tag, an- swering to "Jack Finder please phone Thomas O'Connor, 8329 Brock St., phone 1205J DOC EAR RING Found Owner may have same at Whig Office, man's, on \ Owner may have same at ertising st 200 Frontenac n request. _ y Be eserve the right to etiit or reject all classified advertising 4 Teélaphone 243, ask for a want ad. . GLOVE---Found, man's, brown kid, on| Wellington street Owner may same ar Whig Office KITTEN--Lost, pure white, on Thurs- day Finder please return to 100 Di- vision St | N SHORE HAVEN MIZPAH RING--Lost, gold. on Tuesday! night, corner Barrie and Princess Sts. Finder please return to Whig Office and receive reward 1 Owner | ONYX GOLD | may hive same at Mahood Bros Fast Craft Speed From Canada | | PENCIL Lost, ld sh | and Discharge Cargoes | PENCIL. Lost, gol oShurite. between] Into Automobiles. Finder please return to Whig| ( Whos Watertown, N.Y., Sept. 21.--The|(~ arrest last week near Charlotte of [== a motor boat laden with liquor re- vealed that the craft a few (ays De- fore had put into Sacket Haroor- to escape a storm and bas turned at- tention of federal prohibition agents to the Jefferson county shore as of- sed Cars fering a possible haven for bootleg craft. Liguor is being landed along the eastern coast of the lake, it has | McLAUGHLIN 1921 Spec sever passen been determined. . [Car all new Cord tires ew top an Some months ( ago a caravan of curtains, painted and varnished, in ex- I che ! hon. automobiles, heav loaded, -. was | ®¢!lent mechanical cond captured near Fox Creek, town fl DODGE COUPE 1923 ON Y 1] Lyme. A large yacht, waich had) Ferhat milipiied spate. tite. and) turned most of its cargo over to the] tube, front bumper. rear visioh mirror, | short party, was lying off the docks | ind seid wiper and other convenient when the federal agents appeared. If you intend purchasing a car it The boat gained opem water of the | will be to your advantage .to inspect lake. This is the only capture in- [these cars volving lake transportation that has | ' been recorded in this county. | B yd ( g Two years ago federal agents be- | oO S ara e came convinced liquor was vem, | 129 Brock Stree Phone 201W. landed 'on the Ellisburg beaches. |: flares were observed along the sand | -dunes of this desolate coast and' o1- | ficers were detailed to watch, | Landing Places Kmown, . Either thé bootleggers became aWare of te ap : pais id 2 or | you should raise its arm upward and thém, or sucgesstully eluded {forward an® "pull on the: second ment men tan. | Sleeve instead of forcing the arm 1 Seoreg ut TE ee a" bagkward and down into the sleeva. ng whiskey, sca - : . oY | This twists the child's arm so that Sof' county shore line from 1 Ibhevis | iy effort in pushing it in the sleeve poiat to Mexico bay have given rise | nay throw the shoulder out of joint, to the theory that small boats were strain the ligament. or at least plying an filielt trade. It has be-| xa the ordeal a disagreeable ona. come known that recently officials | . shave procured information wirtich i8 {of the car and smadned the rear Meved to have idemtified the lights. The horse did not receive a landing places and signal system |scrateh, but the occupants of the car utilized in this traffic. | wera badly shaken up by their ex- Landing often in the open lake perience. shore, authough usually taking ad- | vantage of some dock remotely | RING---Found, pus. Off a _ Automobilps Automobiles For/Sale 11 " To-Day's Biunder Corrected / (See Illustration on Pagid.) When putting a coat on a child, Tidings from Oonsecon. Consecon, Sept. 20. --Mr ind Mrs. Fast, | James ,Delihunt have returned home after spending some davs noar Stir- ling where Mrs. Dellhunt attended 8088 to waiting conferedates. high powered automoodiies are neq in readiness, either at the scene of 8s. Delih landing or not far distant, and the [ during the last sickness and at the cargo js loaded immediately ang !death of her father, the late Mr. whisked off down state or to some | Wannamaker, who was ninetr-eight gcted depot. in June last. het, Li ------ 'Mr. and Mrs. A. Burr have return- Signal With Lights. have | . Y y .. mpgpving Your Opportunities Why is it that one person under certain favorable conditions thinks and learns, 'while another individual under exactly the same conditions, does not? Principally it is because the former takes advan- tage of. his opportunities. He is a utilitarian, as far as getting ahead is concerned. He seizes opportunity as soon as he sights it, and he puts it to some practical use. Buch a man reads--and answers--the beneficial of- fers in the A-B-C™(lassified Section of the Whig. He knows that to-day--or to-morrow--or some to-morrow --he will meet most of the good fortune he is seeking. Te thinks and learns. | He knows that if he improves opportunity, oppor- i tunity will improve himn--and he reads the A-B-C Ads regularly! THE A-B-C CLASSIFIED ADS ALWAYS THE SAME--IN SERVICE ALWAYS DIFFERENT--IN OPPORTUNITY Em Automebiles Automobiles Yor sale Business rvices BR TEEEIT SEomn eee = Dental DE. | SPARKS & SPAR Wellin Phone ra bis KS -- Dentists, 15 ARRANGE HUPMOBILE gion sireet, corner of Brook | MONSTRATION AT THE BLUE] 48. { : ' . | KNAPP--Dr, A. B, Dentist. Office: 258 GARAGE, LIMITED, COR.. BAGOT Princess Street. Phone 65zw. AND QUEEN STREETS. evenings by appeintment. FOR FORD SEDAN--$500 cash, starter, new | tires, motor just overhauled Phoney{ CUNNINGHAM & SMITH -- Barristers | 1708, 423 Johnson St. $ and Solicitors, 79 Clarence Street, nin Kingston. Cunningham, K.C.;| ONE , OVERLAND -- Qne Oldsmobile, | Studebaker light six sedan; in first | EY class condition. Apply Blue Garages,| DAY AND REVELLE---Barristerg and Ltd, Bagot and Queen Streets | solicitors, St Clarence treet, King- oN Revelle. | ston. A. Day, Adrian REO TOURING CAR--Five Money to loan. Phone 2085. in Al running order, hew one-man Lop, " shock absorbers, bumper, spare tire SHEA---Ambrose, B.A., Barrister and | carrier, etc. Price $385. Easy terms.| Solicitor. Law Office, cormer of King Apply phone 1986J | @nd Brock, ever Royal Bank. Money ee to loan. Phone 1999. L passenger, | s--Tires--pParts 18 | ROYAL OAK TIRES---The best is the t. Cords and fabric. All siz in stock. At Neal's Vulcaniz- DH Queen and Ontaris, Sts. Auto Accessorie Usteopathy =A. T. 8till graduates. and Edna ashcroft, v4 Phone 447 for appoint cheapes OSTEOPATHY always brs. Hobert St King Street. ARTS --For most makes and ee models of cars.- Your old broken and! Repairing worn parts replaced. Write or wire eee us describing what you want. We | FURNITURE FINISHING--Of all kinds. carry the largest and most complete | Call and see W, Driscoll, - 23 John stock in Canada of slightly used and| street. Phone 296F. new parts and autemoufle equipment. | We ship C.O.D. anywhere in Canada. | UPHOLSTERING--New or used furni-| Satisfaction or refund in full our ture; work guaranteed. Cail or drop a motto. Shaw's Auto Salvage Part] W. J. Gavine, 216 Bagot Street. Supply, 923-531 Dufferin Street, To-| ronto, Ont. UPHOLSTERING--And general repair- Fx ing. Leave orders at or drop a card Business 8e to F. W. Harold ,104 Clergy street. | | card. ines Service : Business Services Offered 18 | SHOE REPAIRING--AIll hand work. | Rubber heels a Bpécialty; efficient ser- vice. Adolf Kan:inski, coiner Mont-| real and Queen®Sireets. | | UPHOLSTERING --- Covered ' buttons | made same day asjordered. Upholster- | at redsonabi: BE. Jiicua. J. Good- 8, 244 University Avenue. Phone AUCTIONEER-~For courtesy and hon- est dealing, W. A. Twigg, 374 King Street. Phone 820J or 17s6w. Cleaning, Dyeirg;, Renovating 20 CARPET CLEANING--Let us handle, yours, with our vacuum cleaner. We guarantees a good job. Furniture res pairing of ull kinds. Muller's Bicyclé Works, o73 King Street. Phone 1961w. rm Ladics' Hair Parior. 21a in ridg 2043 Pu - =, 33] Ap- King Employment Help Wanted--Female COOK GENERAL Experienced. ply Mrs. +H. Macnee, 143 Street, West. HAIR WORK---Of all kinds, made to order. Also Shampooing and Massag- ing. Children's alr cutting. Mrs. Charles Cunningham, 56 Bay Street, Kingston. COOK--Appl 115 Lower to Mrs. W, 'nion Street. H. Macnee, FIRE=Automoblle and Casualty Insure 'ance. KE. M. Crumley, 420 Ear] Street. Phone 1783M. INBURANCE---Only the "most reliable represented. Strange tablished in 1860. Oifice: 95 Clarence Street, opposite Post Office. INSURANCE--Our Health and Accident polley will protect your salary. Fire insurance at low rates. Fhome .H. Insurance COOR--Experienced, good wages. ply 207 William St. Phone 504. Ap- CHILDREN'S NURSE--Competent. Ap-| Ri Mrs. T. A. McGinnis, 2 Alwington| ve. COOK--- General, family of three, no laundry, highest wages, middle-aged woman preferr Apply Mrs. W. F. Casey, 213 KinghSitreet, corner Earl Phone 1345 for appointment. | NIGHT-MAN--Reliab GREETING CARD | SALES AGENT--Rellable, fo | MANDOLIN, BANJOS--Walnut veneer- Room$ For Rent ( Employment Rooms With Board Help Wanted--Male AN OPPORTUNITY-- From now Christmas to earn from ten to dolla reekly with our line of per- sonal greeting cards. Whole or spare Y Samples free. We pay week- | ly Get our proposition Dept." 123, | Cariton Publishing Co., Toronto, Ont. | en emer { : s BOYS Competition the Sunday! ROOMS World. See V mn, news deler, Clarenee St 67 | until! BOARD AND ROOMS---First class, by fifty] day or week. All convenjences Rea- | | sonable rates. Apply 298 University Avenue, near Brock Street. 33 a Se Rooms Without Board Se together, bed- rand sitting-| with fire-| e $31 Separately or h running wat bed sitting King St. Rooms For Hougbkeeping ap or two) electric, Ap-| h for garage. Must be a good washer and able to do §. Apply V | A Prinalre APply Van Luven Bros. | pono Furnished, one living-room and fireplace? kitchenette. gas plate and oven. ply 44 O'Kill 8 phone 1632m |____ Real Estate For Rent 74 YOUNG MEN---Plan your career now. | ° Raliroads in Canada and United States calling for Agent Telegraphers. Posi- tiong secured. Good wages Day and Mall Courses. Free Book 18 explains. Write Dominion Schoo] Raliroading, | Ltd., Toronto. | Ee | APARTMENT---Three rooms furnish- Solicitors, | ed, on bathroom flat; convenient to college or collegiate. Apply Bux H-11,/ Whig Office. > | ° Apartments and Flats -- -- CANVASSERS--To | Handle an exclusive high grade ling | selling to business houses only, liberal | commissions, or salary and commis- | sion if preferred; permanent situation | if satistactory 3 ly by letter stat- ing experience if any, and age; refers ences required. Lovells Ltd, Toronto. Four rooms; all cone water heating. Pos Apply White' APARTM venience hot session September 1st. Insurance Agency. FLAT Thres rooms, furnished for light housekeeping, on bath room flat, gas for cooking, electric lights, good locality. . Apply Box 8-4, Whig Office. I unfepre- | sented districts. Good pay, free equlp- | ment. We are the largest growers of | fruit and ornsmental trees in Canada. | Sell for a Nursery, not for a jobber | 3 You will be successful. Write Pelham FLAT--5 rooms, including sun room, N .» Toronto. | &ood balcony, B. and C. separate. Will ~ IT mpiete or in part. Facing Vie-| rk Possession at once. Ap-| Alfred Street. | | | 307 ef | amily Ont, pr t = ~2681 Uni- versity Avenue, 6 and 6 roomed, heat-| ed and wall equipped. Possession Oct. 1st Apply 837 Johnson Btreet Rent 178 | LODGE ROOMS--Rooms on King street | formerly occupied by the LO.O.F. i Bath, | Financial Money to Loan » 40 | t Rusi Investmen Roeseryy incorporated 1861. President W. F. Nickle, K.C.; vice-president, A. . B. Cunningham. "Money Issued on: cfty | _APPIY to Cunningham & Smith. and farm properties; municipal and | eg Kes ae rr ia county debentures; mort ages pur-| Houses For Rent chaged; investment bonds for sale; d posits received and interest allowed. R. C. Cartwright, manager, 37 Clarence Street, Kingston. 7 NISHED HOUSE-8iX rooms, neay University and car line Rent very reasonable. Apply 91 Beverly, after 7 | pom, or 1855m. =| pm Instruction Musical, Dancing Dramatic 44 | HOUSE--Small, furnished, near Uni- versity and car line, married couple preferred. Inquire 87 Karl Pine Street, barns, stabling for team of horses, two large lots and road at back, 8 rooms, hard- wood floors, good cellar, gas and elec tric lights, three-piece bath, no chil- dren for Pine 69 Quebec Street, hardw rooms andj shed App : | PEARL A. NESBIT--LT.C.M., Organ-| HOUSES--25 ist and Choir Director, Queen St. Me- | thodist Church. Teacher of Singing, | Piano and Organ. Pupils prepa for | Toronto Conservatory examination Fall term commence Sept h. | Studio: 400 Brock Street. Phone 114 JOHNSON of Violin and Piano fof Toronto Conservatory tions. Studio: 307 Callingwood (near Johnson). 'Phone 2329w. A. T. C."M., teacher Pupils prepared | HOUSES examina- | 8t., | eral to rent from $18.00 to $27.00 per month; Cherry Street; two apartments on Sixth Street, all im- provements; seven roomed house on Sixth Street, all improvements "and furnace; one seven roomed house on Charles Street. Apply H. F. Norman, 69 Patrick Street. pts ch on ome jROUSE-AL once, new, seven rooms, erc ndi | with large lot and barn on North Al. Mm a se. | fred, Apply J. D. Boyd astview | Park. Phone 1108 R4. 51 Chairs, Walnut | J terete nent tem emeesn HOUSE--Well furnished; good locality; all conveniences; hot Tables. Les-| rincess Street { PRINCESS STREET--§ rooms, brick, water heating. Apply Box 0-15 Whig Office. gas and electric Apply M. E. Ward, Canada Radio Stores Phone 1207J. ete eee © 104 BAGOT STREET -- Comfortable ick use, near City Park. Apply ing & Bmythe, 71-73 Clarence Street, Kingston, Ont. 10--2 Vine St, § 12-249 Lower Pp totlet. OLIVE M, WOODMAN -- Teacher of] singing and theory Studio 185 Earl] Street Phone 857m. Fall term be- gins Sept. 10th. Articles For Sale ANTIQUES--Walnut Buffets, Walnut Dinin ses' Antique Shop, 507 Phone 1043w. AWNINGS -- Tents, Automobile Thnts, | Peterborough Canoes, Life Saving Cushions, Flags, Tarpaulins. F. W. Cooke, 219 Bagot Street. Phone 438. BRICK---Hard and soft, any quantity. Apply E. E. Walthem, corner Birch an Feniagwoud Streeds. Phone 618 or } 139 ~ . rooms, toilet. | atrick St, 4 rooms, - repre-- -- | BARGAINS nN men's sweater coats, | $256---91 Chatham St, 7 all wool, $2.75; army khaki pants, | eléctrie. shirts, whipeord riding breeches, bla $5698 Bagot St. gets, blue coats, leather vests, sheep-| furnace, electric skin coats, ete, at A. Shapiro, 45 Prin- See Mullin cess St. | Phone 539w. Jo FURNITURE --Den sett. kitchen oabi. | Office and Desk Roo | net. buffet and bookcases, stovesand | 4 Room vg desks . Apply J. Thompson, 333 Prin- | | | rooms, bath, 8 rooms, 3-p. bath, lights, gas | for houses to rent. | | hneon and Division Sts cess street, phone 1600W. Offices To Rent ed body, inlaid rim, mahogany neck. | Su pearl position dots, combination tati| SUITABLE piece and hand rest, complete in lea-| ther cases with clasp locks, latest! type lristruments at $25.00,--Elder's. FOR INSURANCE. APpP.! PLY JAMES RICHARDSON g& BONS, LIMITED, 243 KING. ST., MR. DAVIS. | PIANOS FOR RENT---We will rent you| & new plane for six menths, and in| the event of a purchase at the end of this period we will allow you all the money paid to apply theron. C. ,W Lindsay Limited, 121 Princess St. 5 Real Estate For Sale. | Farms and Land For Sale 83 EXPERIENCED NURSE For two children. References required. Ap ty Mrs. A. Minnes, 148 University | ve, EARN---$5.00 to 25.00 weekly, the pleasant Honve rk way making socks on the fast, easily learned Auto Knittér. Experience unnecessary; dis- tance immaterial; positively no can- vassing. Particulars 3c. stamp.' Dept. 78C, Auto Knitter Co., Toronto. LADY REPRESENTATIVES -- Can earn from ten to forty dollars weekly with our line of Personal Christmas Greeting Cards... Samples free. We pay weekly. Write for particulars. Dept. 122 Carlton Publishing Company, Toronto, Ont. - Williams, 2 Couper Street. -- "Moving, Trucking Storage 23 v p---------- ASHES--Cleaned out of cellars an yards, clean job done. A. MacGrego? 24 Russell Street. Phone 2255. STORAGE SPACE---For furniture, clean and dry, ARply B. Wathem, 143 Nelson street." Phone 1391J .or 618. STORAGE--For furnitur clean, dry, airy roomy and spaces; ybur own lock and key. Frost's City Storage, 299- 805 Queen St. Phone $26. Res. 989w. ee Ss eee = Painting, Papering, Decorating 26 ed from their motor trip to Montreal. The boats avoid harbors and bays, | Rev. Mr. and Mrs. Wolfrain return- | SIGN PAINTING--J. 8. Robinson, rear PRICES--Call 'and get ours, on Cream, MARKET GARDEN FARM i Separators, Gas Engines. Extension! from Brockvilie--frame Ea. Tales] Ladders. Pumps; . two good second-| out-buildings--tive hundred rhubarb 'hand riding Plows. Frost & Wood| hills--half acre of raspberries, Apply | 236 Ontario Street. Arthur Shields, Route 2, Brockville ~ STOVES Lawrenson's for Good Cheer | § ACRES A( Deseronto, Square Quebec Staves and Heaters,| house and Economy Ready Mixed Paints and Var- cheap to.qui ood me | outbuildings frames ck buyer Deseronto, Ont Real Estate For Sale, Houses For Sale -- HOUSE--Oné of the best Bullt he in S38, sity. 2 lot. Fruit spd mprovéements. ly 357 Jehnson Street © Do ronally, FRAME BUNGALOW --g rooms, 3 bed, rooms, electric Nights, bath room, we decorated, newly painted, screen ap storm door, private driveway, hen house. This property is offs &t a sacrifice. $2300. FRAME BUNGALOW -- rooms, ail hardwood floors, lights, 3 plece bath, splendid ce in first class repair. Price Terms. Terms. . 2 bed- electtis liar, a1 $3 5 rooms, i r hv MB TRUMPOUR 237 Bagot Street Phones 704 or 15425. - HOUSE---7 rooms, Lewer Ear! St, 8s. ulece bath, 2 fireplaces, one up and : down, electric light and &as. furnace, plumbing al} 135x33. Separate gatew Apply . Cooke, phones: Res. mee Foaw. S42w, of SEE--Bateman's large Rea vertisement, 5 1 Zstats Sls page 3, column 1. BEMI-BUNGALOW-Good locality, west side, 8 rooms And 3 piece throne very modern with every convenienté all in good condition, including la Warden: Apply Box K-29, wits Of ce T ABERDEEN AVE --Brick and gas, hot air furnace, Po immediately. Part quired. Apply ph tlectrie sseasion payment only pe- one 23732 $2900.00--New Bun galow, § rooms, - wood floors, a, hal furnace, 3 piece bat deep Jot. $400 down and and interest. . $59 por mond $4600.00 Clergy Street, solid' brick, § rooms, all conveniences. Terms. $8000.00--Karl Street, soNd brick, ¥ rooms, 3 fireplaces, all convenien 1 $4700.00--Frontenac Street, 7 rooms, oe chiences, - 1500.00--Small house, B Street. $8000.00--University Ave 30 roa not Water heating, all conveniences. $4700.00--Alfred Street, deep lot garden, central, all conveniences. §i per month on inter down, balande §30 est and principal, ave several oth e city; ore 1 Nn REALTOR, oe als parts of t . WILSON, Street. Phone 1008. H. 316 Barrie re -- BUSINESS SCRVICE WW. Kent Macnee Bank of Commerce Build; Broek or 36m. ney. and King Streets. Phone 70 TS or Mocks bis 'out neéral Insurance 2 utomobile, Plate G ete. Representing only re panies. MERCHANDISE FURNITURE Of All Descriptions at Rea - able Prices on STOVES Well repaired. at & rgint orice J. Turk's PHONE 706. For Sale We still have a few Marine and Stationary Gasoline En- gines in stock. We also do en- gine, boat and automobile re- pairs. and oxy-avetylene weld: ing, ete. DAVIS DRY DOCK Co. Foot of Wellington Street » nishes. 387 Princess Street. Phone Burley, 339w., opposite Orange Hall. WOOD--Mixed. $3.85 quarter cord: new and second hand lumber, matched lum- ber, cedar posts; soft slabs, $2.50 quar- ter cord; mixed slabs, 33.25. W. H. Talbot. Yard: Concession street, near Division. Phone 3302w. 2 300 ACRES--Farm, 8 miles from Alex- andria Bay. It (sa money-maker, Can be ught with or without stock, on easy terms. Declining Years ig owne ers reason for selling Apply Kavanaugn, Alexandria Bay, N.Y., or . Ba CNamee, 345 Al re Kingsten, Ont, 25. Mr Bue, SOME READERS ing ads in to-day's cia. WOOD AND COKE--New yard a Wellington, corner Ordnance. mixed cordwood, sawed, 90 ry Emo ready answer- COUNT that 4 lost whose low Sescending sun sees you heglecting the classified columns. THE MAN who has ambition e 0 &, "Situation Wanted" ad serves ap interyjew. ADVERTISERS ARE people. And Nel im" oan profitably ues clagsh ned ads. and for this reason calm nights are | chosen for landings. With engine exhaust murfled and lights extin- guished, ihe fast crafts speed over the lake, their crews scanning the shore for the signal Slashes that will indicate their por} and tell them that the coast is clear. An auomobile, parked facing he Jake, serves a8 a beacon. At a dis- tance its two lights blend into one, and may be Seen over the water for several miles. It is said a tele- graphic signal system has been . perfected, and the beams of the twin lamps flash dots and dashes out over the lake. z There is no mistaking the dghts and their signals. On the Ii boat the pilot puts his prow land- ward and silently the craft slips into ita haven, deposits its cargo and glides away. HORSE COMES BEST IN CONTEST WITH AUTO Objects to Being interfered - With While Enjoying- Stolen Liberty. Niagara Fails, Sept. 21.--In a caplest between a horse and e& mot- or tar late Wednesday night the horse came off the best. Charles: Cummings and George Stewart werd went to the side and mudguard into scrap iron, sat a "lll 0 the back | ed recently from their holiday trip to Maine and Vermont by motor. They camped along the road during their journey. The apron social held by the La- dies' "Ad! on Friday evening wes largely attended and an enjoyable time spent. Miss t. Fox, B.A, is visiting in Kingston where she is exhibiting at the Industrial Exhibition. Wallie Fox, Jackson, Mich., paid a flying visit 40 his uncle, Charles (i. Fox, and family recently. Mms. I. Morrison made a trip to Trenton on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. William Motrrison have returned from their 275 Bagot street Architects ARCHITECTS~Power, Son and Drever, Merchants Bank Chambers, corner of Brock and Wellington. Chiropractic = 28c. MARCELL Wm, A., D.C, Pa. C., cor- ner Prine and Barrie Streets. 2nd floor, Barrié St. entrance. Kingston, Ont. Consultation free. Telephone $23). Hours 9 to 12am, 1to 6 pm. LUCY--Drs. Gu F. anu Jennie A., Chiro- ractic Svacialists and Registered urse, 239 Bagot Btreet. Phone %3w. Hours: §-12 am., 1 to 5, and § to 7.30 p.m. Sunday and other hours by ap- pointment. Consultation free. 28b. wedding trip. - Mrd. A. N. Maboe is expected home from Toronto shortly. CLASSIFIED ads 'are milestones on the Highway of Success. p'it and de- livered. $2350; I-§ cord, fuil measure. Hard Coal Coke from oity gas wor $10.00 ton up to September. Cinders, $1.00. Load Clinkers 50c. W. C. Bru- ton. Phone 2440w. Buildings and Building Materials 54 SUMMER HOUSE--To bs moved off premises. Also a quantity of lumber and' window sash. Apply Frank Robbs, barber, 185 Wellington St. Wanted---To Buy OLD QOLp--S8ilver, o cash or exdéhange. " 244 Princess street, Kingston. MAID--For genéral houséw Mrs. Millan, 80 Earl St, MAKE MONEY AT HOME---$15 to $60 ald weekly for your spare time writ- Ng show cards for us.. No canvassing. We Instruct and supply you with or West-Angus Show Card Service, 17 Colborne Bid., Toronto. ork. Apply phone 948. ID--ApDly Mrs. Due 28 Sydenham ar y . NURSE HOUSEMA Moulin, r False Teeth, for| QW Lyons, | =) | YOUR FRIENDS, ard friends of! your friends, have profited by reading | STENOGRAPHER--ANd office ant; state ex pected. Appl EVERY individual n something he doesn't want and wants something be doesn't have. The classified ads straighten out difficulties POLIO a § ah aaiate @! and s ry exs y Box 8-20, Whig Sttice. SOMETHING? Let a classi. | ¢lassifiva"ads--and so have friends of | your friends' friends. fled ad section, What We Have and he A What We Are Doing Been pril 1st we have taken ord em as quickly as possible, TEE Doing-- ers for Anthracite coal Now-- Stil taking orders and guaranteeing delivery. What We Expect To We expect to take care of al the season. James Swift & Do-- I orders received throughout Co., Limited - | Foot of Johnson Street BRINGING UP. FATHER 33 23 fied ad find it. HH 2 Te -- BY GEORGE McMANUS ' MOST a EAE oOoNT 'ZE WORLD 1S EMPEY 2 WIZ YOU NOT AH MIDS IGS - YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL - 1 BRING IN SOME MORE WOR -~