THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG NEWS OFF THE WIRES A LOCAL NEWS. | - IN CONDENSED FORM (Tidings From Places Far and Brief Items of Interest Picked 7 Near Are Briefly Founded 1847 : ram? Resume A PAGE 7 "He'd meke a darned goog cow- Mr. Swain, plano tuner. ONders| poy» ig the judgment of Alberta Yelch ) received at 100 Clergy street west ra . Margetson . ngers of the Prince of Wales. English Courtland Elliott, of A. E. Alnes| goores of Canadian motorists are FROM A | Shirts Hats Co., Litd., is In the city on a business [crossing the border to take advant- trip. : age of prevailing, low gasoline 9 r There were no cases for Magistrate | prices at Buffalo, N.Y. f Farrell in the police court on Fri- | Stanley Baldwin, British prime day-- morning. 8 minister, left for London by the noon Herman Vincent and Don- Me: | train Friday after a most cordial ; Crimmon, St. Thomas, are here to leave-taking with Premier Poincare. attend Queen's university. Because her husband had been on Weese allows Gc for good empty |a silence strike, for the last twenty baskets on fruit purchased. years, Mrs. Nettie F. Hammerly asks, i | Peterboro was aroused by a re- (divorce from Henry Hammerly, Spo- port that the escaped convicts had [ kane, Wash. broken into garages there and stole During the crop year, Sept. 1st. gas. 1922, to Aug. 31st, 1923, the total This has been a very quiet week | export of wheat from Canada was with the pelice, which epeaks well | 229,681,814 bushels, values at $262 ,- for the order during fair week. £19,430. Jamey Winters and Ernie Wotten,| The deputy attorney of New York Ottawa, are under arrest for steal- | state is asking the supreme court to ing a bicycle from a Deseronto|annul the charters of the Knights youth. of the Ku Klux Klan and its auxil- Kingston had a very heavy shower | iary, the Kamelia. of rain and some lightning and thun- The will of Franklin' Sargent. der between 7 and 8 o'clock on Fri- | founder of the American Academy of For the 1 1 1 : . That Extra Pair surely hel the bank ac- day morning. Dramatic Arts, N.Y., who committed Z bi . infant, little girl and the school girl. And our ' Y helps Mrs. W. Vanderburgh, Warburton. | suicide at Plattsburg, N.Y. lett his object is to please the children as well as the grown-ups, count when you consider the saving over a rpg Bed wepind lig ng I ree Sriewts, after work- year s time. While Economy is important, [flav ste is sromeatng wc. * linia row hows ox whi ma Quality gets First Place here--that's why [frre commiuoe on Thursiey. some oe on ity sores : ' these Suits are such good values at ee. Pai Samer. oa SL Sends, Bor nrants Coats . $25.00, $30.00, $35.00 CJ] rite ae ween rid viewers | Wan: wma" ceed R. Nase USERS sident af the Lite Tadowritere' Ae fn, Soverning fhe Soar Valley. - ttractive little coats--fine for baby during the EX] R/ mer Kingstonian. jterminal grain elevator as a means cool weather--made from Bearskin, Blanket $5.00, $6.50, $7.50 Mad a Second Accent. [Rupert for tho separation of re Cloth, Eiderdown, Chinchilla, Plush and Corduroy Miss Mary Nidd. Prescott, had the |adian grain is urged. . misfortune to fall at the residence Arrangements have been tomple- ---81Zes from 6 months to 3 years. Winter Overcoats ot J. 8. Elliott, Monday night, dis-[ted for triple presentation of the lceating her shoulder. A Mttle over | freedom of London on Oct. 12th at . pe a year ago Miss Nidd met with a [Guild Hall, to the premiers of Great There's no better place to come than right [J sinful accident when she fell and | Britain. Candy eos macrs, of 6 t / 50 At San Diego, Calif, thiifeen * (0) . fractured her hip, from the effects here for the Winter Overcoat you need-- of which she had not fully recover- | naval officers faced a court of inquiry ed. as defendants. The court is investi- extraordinary values, -- me gating the wreck of seven destroyers The New York Americans have off Point Honda, Sept. Sth. $25.00 up to $35.00 {won the American League champion- -------- . * {ship for the third consecutive year Wolfe Island Fair. Coats of and the right to play-off in the To be held on Tuesday and Wed- | world's series, nesday, Sept. 25th and 26th. Come 9 In a four<ornered fight at the | and have a good day's outing. Boat primaries, William E. Button, Water- | leaves the city, foot Brock street, al 1 ce O A town, N.Y., received the Republican |Loth days, 9 and 11.30 a.m., and nomination for sheriff of Jefferson |1.30 and 3 p.m. Dance to be hely : . ' Very well made--lined with flannelette. Chl. Agents : 75-79 Brock St. Foy sranaeld county. in the C.M.B.A. Hall on Wednesday Inderwear "Underwear Baron Hikokichi Ijuin 'had been | night. Boat leaves foot Brock street ors 1 : Un appointed foreign minister in the| 8 o'clock. . Sand, Navy, Copen, Sizes 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 yrs. "If Off Your Route It Pays To Walk Jewamots shiver ia J ov. teh Done Shelton Teneo. Price $ 4 7 5 ° at Edmonton on Thursday morning. Dr. O. D. Skelton, dean of the i Many would be cowards if they had | Faculty of Arts, Queen's University, courage enough. left Thursday night for Quebec City, Sy . there to take the steamer Montcalm Same with fur collar, $8.25. - for England. Dr. Skelton will Join Premier King, the minister of mili- tia, and others. The Canadian dele- gation will put up at the Ritz hotel, WANTED--SPRINGCHICKENS, FOWL London, where al communications yy es Velour Coats Plums 50c to 75e¢ per basket; hes 60 ; { » 'A ee 60c; grapes Bo, ot they \ Fur collars--well lined--pockets trim- . ) last at Carnovsky's, 9) med with stiitching--color reindeer-- A ------------ QUALITY LARGER MARKET SERVICE Dr. 3. X,. Currie the mew medical rr sizes 6 to 14 yrs. Prices officer of Queen's University, was . Young farm fed Shoulder Roasts, Ib. .18¢ Tanta busy Friday Sxatmining tho rug- p14 $8 25 l 3 8 v t . Pork Butt Roasts, Ib. *eties Te ule esi le 0 oe .22¢ oa ee ov a / 1 : ° to ° 5 Leg, whole or half, Ib. ..... \\ .... ...25¢ TT MRO Cl A.O.H. dance, Friday evening, from 10 to 1 a.m., In their hall, corner of Loin, special trim, Ib. ... .. Hocks, Ib., 123¢; Spare Ribs, 12}c.; Pork Chops, 25¢ _ []|Hefani oy um Pickled Hocks, medium size, mildcured, per lb. .. .. .... .. . 8¢ PRINTING: <u} Coats of P olo Cloth SPECIAL : : is plai SPRING LAM SELECTION HANSON, CROZIER & EDGAR - Donde midst f Blaid Chops, loin or rib 35¢ | Short cut legs, Ib 35¢ | Lean Loin Roasts MARKEY SQUARE 14 yrs. ; Thick Meaty Fronts, | Shoulder Chops, Ib. asia. 308 POVED Ie EY mr. un See All : re 8 i hi OL I eR RE TR BE NN Se I: very reasonably priced. POTATOES--White mealy cookers, Peck (full 151bs.) ... ....... 33¢ RUTTAN---CRo AD, stethodiat Lg Parsonage, Battersea, on Sept. 19th, ~i 1923, by Rev. C. A. Adair, kna Mae -- e BEE SPECIAL SELECTION, Ar ua Mr Als Crowe: Bitters TENDER EATIN RR SE G pT COATS OF tersea. Prime Ribs, Ib. .25¢ Rump Roasts, Ib. 20c Meaty Oven Roasts, rnc cc. PDD. : Blade Roasts .. 18¢ Thick Meaty Pot eda re. 180 oun 10Fs. aie" Ens Sido oe \ Lean Flat Rib Boil, . y 1. | Select Lean Stew- Punta Tie ar pe Shed sullivan rico 100. | Roasts, Ib, ., 124 | "47% Lean Stew. adaes 10 Ca SS ll €lour an 800 Ibs. Special Stewjng Cuts, per Ib. Mra! (Wiel tale! fale. Telai fais: fore! rare OC Priends sad scduainianies respectfully D . : V t bl By the peck--Carrots, 35¢.; Beets, 35¢c.;/ We cam Jr ans, : uve tine | Vegetables o,... co. Tomi, 25. gate riled on Bd hE a % - floral ferings. » © ve pom icely trimmed--well lined--sizes 12 to 14 yrs.-- Medium Smoked Rolled Bacon .... wa. 23¢ nt rn W, Newman colors fawn, navy and brown--stylish coats for the 4 J Mild Cured Breakfast Bacon oint aie: nee. SOC he GAMES : : Miss ur éd (By the Piece) : 2 : Medium Weight Short Cut Pork, 1b. .22¢ : ! -Tasty Meaty Sausage Homemade 123¢| New England 22¢ Seasoned to a Nicety : Windsor wre: 19¢ Little Tan .25¢ : - Sausage Meat to Fry in Patties, per Ib. ... ru. wi. nie... . 25 COLBORNS STREET ~~ OUR KEYNOTE IS SATISFACTION . ELBERTA PEACHES, GRAPES, PEARS of Ww ; Splendid values--Quality guaranteed, uniform pack. ar |. : ] c SON ne | Butter =p 00 38ch. [=== 10 PRINCESS StREET