Daily British Whig (1850), 21 Sep 1923, p. 4

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i csi 4 n---- Vulcanite Roofing "Let us show you the new Doubletite Shingle. Vulcanite Doubletite Shingles build a double tight roof. We can also supply the Vulcanite Four- in-One Slab Shingle and Asphalt Roll Roof- ing. : ALLAN LUMBER C0. VICTORIA STREET. 'Phone 1042. Ey = a = CLEANEST SKIMMER EASIEST TO TURN EASIEST TO CLEAN GUARANTEED FOR 10 YEARS ~ Swienisn Separator Co. 12 170 M€Gill St Montreal Representative in Kingston, : W. F. ALARIE 311 Brock Street. Phone 1185w ------ SILVERWARE AND CHINAWARE TO RENT us anne. ARNIEL & me" HAMBROOK Phone 829. (CATERERS) F .C. HAMBROOK 115 Breck Street Phone 1935w, NO DINNER TOO LARGE--NO LUNCHEON TOO SMALL. "MAKE YOUR WORK EASY Have the Hotpoint Electric Goods in your home. We have everything you may need to bring comfort -- Irons, Toasters, Heaters, etc, This s National i Shoe Week 1 Wear good shoes, save your feet; wear new' shoes, rest your feet by having a change of ss. Our shoes will give you ease and THE DAILY ) JUDGNENT 1S RESERVED IN THE KNOWLTON CASE {Evidence Given Against Con=- | tention of Plaintiff That | 8he Was Married. | b Justice Orde, presiding at the ses- sions of the supreme court, reserved judgment in the cass of Mrs. Rosey | Knowlton, plaintift, and J. N. Knowl- ton, defendant, to determine who are | the heirs of the late Join Nelson | Knowlton, who died in Leeds town- | { ried and this was the reason for her { ship, and who left an estate valued | at approximately $46,000. The case Wednesday afternoon, and was not concluded until late Thursday after- { noon, and revolved itself into quite {a legal battle, with A. B. Cunaing- { 'ham, K.C., for the plaintiff, and J. A. Hutcheson, K.C., Brockville, for the defendant. A large muimber of wit- nesses were called on both sides. | ' Following the taking of evidence, | 6th Mr. Cunningham and Mr. Hut- | cheson addressed bis lordship. Mr. Cunningham referred to the fact that the law required al! minis- ters to have every marriage they per- formed properly registered. In this case it had been found that no record had been made of the marriage vita the registrar-gencral at Toronto or in a church registrar in Kingston. Mrs. Knowlton claimed the marriage took place at the General Hospital, and that the ceremony was performed hy | an old Baptist minister. It may | have been performed by Rev. Mr Grafty, who was a Baptist ninister here for a short time. "We have evidence that tHe couple lived together in a community tor upwards of forty vears,' added Mr Cunningham, "and they lived to- gether as man and wife. That was the general reputation throughout the country. The plaintiff was known as Mrs. Knowlton and her childrey were also known by the same name. I contend that thé onus is placed on my learned friend on the other side, to prove that there was no mar- riage." * Justice" Orde remarked that the case was a very strange one, in that there was no marriage certificate that could be produced, no record of the marrage could be secured from any source, and the people who it was alleged had witnessed the mar- riage, were dead. It had not been established whether a certain minis- ter, Rev. Mr. Grafty, had performed the ceremony, and sent the records on to Toronto. It was apparent that Knowlton never told any person out- gide of his own family, that he was married, and that the plaintiff was his wife. The fast that the couple lived together did not say they were married. His lordship also stated that in reading over the will of the deceas- ed, it appears to show that it was the will of a man who did not think he was married, as he had used the | word "heirs" instead of the names.of parties. : "He gave one the idea that he was not married," added his lordship, 'but this may be an indication of his peculiar mind." Mr. Cunningham pointed out that the man who had drawn up the wil: was not a lawyer. Mr. Hutcheson, in his argument stated that the outstanding feature of the case wes that the decease | never upheld the report of his mar. riage. If it had taken place, suraly he would have upheld ft, ---- No Oruréh Record. When the case was resumed on Thursdaly morning, Rev. J. 8. La- Flair, pastor of the First Baptist church, was called by Mrs. Hutche- son, counsel for the defence. Wit- ness had a book, containing a record of marriages performed by_ Baptist ministers here in 1883. No entry was found of the marriage of John Nelson Knowlton and Rosey La. pointe. % Mrs. Eliza Paul, sister of the late John Nelson Knowlton, and one of the defendants, stated that she was seventy years of age, and that she lived at Newboro. Mr. Hutcheson asked the witness about the report that Rosey Lapointe had married John Nelson Knowlton. "I heard the report but paid no attention to it," said the witness. "It doeq not matter if you paid any attention to the report or not," said his lordship, 'what did you hear?" "I heard it once," said the wit- ness. . "And what did you hear?" asked the judge a second time. "I ®0 not know as I can tell you." Mr. Hutcheson: "When did you hear of the alleged marriage taking place in Kingston in 1883°" "I could not tell you that." "Was it before or after the death of John Nelson Knowiton." "It was before he died." Witness said she knew one of the men, who it was stated, had been a witness of the marriage. "This man was a neighbor of mine," added the witness, "and I be- wals commenced early | lieve he would have told me had he witnessed the marriage." "The alleged witness of the mar- riage was also a bosom friend of my husband," sald the witness. "Did you ever have any conversa tion witk your brother about the al- leged marriage?" Asked Her Brother. Witness provoked much amuse- ment over her answer to this ques- tion when she said: ""We never had any cdaversation at this time. I asked him about it and he faid 'no'." Wiiness remarked that she heard a' rumor that her brother wa; mar- asking him about it. "I guess he thought I was a little bit off when ! asked him the ques- tion." added the witness. "They lived together as man and wite for forty years?' "I don't believe it," witness. "And why do you not believe 1t°" asked Mr. Cunningham. "Because they used to Aght."", said the witness, wherawith there was a ripple of laughter throughout the courtroom. Mf. Cunningham remarkel that the plaintiff had given birth to four children, and that John Nelson Knowltor was the fatter, but the witness was not ready to balieve the truth of this statement. "Are you really gerious in this'mat- ter." asked his lordship of the wit ness. "Are" you suggesting that the four children are not the children of your brother" "I don't belleve .t," said the wit- nesy. 'Then 'you are makirg vour bro- ther out a iar," replied his lord- ehip. Mr. Cunningham produced a pho- tograpk of the late John Nelson Knowiten and after looking at it, witness said sharply, "lt esn't look like bim." / replied the Called Her Stupid Woman? His lordship remarked that the witness gave her evidence in such a Inanner as to make one believe that she was weak-minded. "I have all my senses all right," said the witness. "Well then, you are a very stupid woman," came from the bench." His iordship added that the de- ceased had acknowledged that he was the father of the children, but a8 to whether the couple had been legally married was another ques- tion. Why a sister should go on the stand and talk as the last witness had talked, he could not understand. Mr. 'Hutcheson called Mrs. Bella Stout, Crosby, sister of the late John Nelson Knowlton, and one of the de- fendants in the case. "What, was the general under standing as to whether or not your brother was married?" "We did not understand that he was married." i {Continued on page 7.) LANSDOWNE FAR AWARDS Those Who Won Prizes at the Exhibition of Last Week. Lansdowne, Sept. 19.--The follow- ing is a Hst of the prize-winners at Lansdowne Fair last week: Horses--Merlin R. Horton, Mal- lorytown; Fred McDonald, Laus- downe; Arden Warren, Mallorytown; D. W. Latimer, David Graham, W. R. Smith & Sons, Robert Shields, James H. Graham, Wildam H. Cook, Joel S. : Webb, Joseph Shields, Lansdowne; D. J. Lloyd, Gananoque; Harold Landen, Wellington Landen, W. C. Sheffield, Arthur McCready, John 8. Elliott, Lansdowne. Cattle--Fred McDonald, Bruce Grier, Freeman Doak, Bradley Bros., W. R. Smith & Sons, Alex. Chisa- faore, Joseph Shields, Gordon Gra- ham, D. B. Johnston & Sons, P. Ross McVeigh, David Graham, Lansdowne. Sheep--Robert Shields, Lans- downe. Swine--Freeman Doak, W. Sith, Alex. Chisamore, D. B. Joha- ston & Sons, Lansdowne. Poultry--W. E. Pyke, Fairfield East; Wesley Foley, Lansdowne; Rev. I. N. Beckstead, Olix Chesamin, Joseph L. Shields, H. E. Nunn, Wal- ter Patience, F. D. Warren, Henry Guilds, Joseph McCormick, J. A. Humphrey, Thomas McRae, John H. Donevan, P. Ross McVeigh, A. J. Sly, 8. P. Moore, Frank Stick, Alex Me- Clary. Grain---Gordon Surplis, Keith Lan- don, Alex. Chisamere, George W. Lee, W. H. Franklin, Joséph McCormiock, Royden Bel, J. A. Humphrey, Lans- downe. * Vegetables H. E. Pyke, Fairfield: Freeman Doak, Wesloy Foley, James P. Iynch, Rev. I. N. Beckstead, George W. Lee, W. H. Franklin, Hu- bert McNeely, Alex. Steacy, Byron Stringer, Joseph McCormick, J. A. Humphrey, Thomas McRee, Arthur E. Fortune, P. Ross McVeigh, J. B. Wilson, Nelson Webster, Roy Break- enridge, Frank Stock, Miss Elie | Gray, Lansdowne. 3 Farm Implements--Firman Cross, George R. Peck, Lansdowne. Domestic Manufactures--Firman Cross, Haig & Burns, A. J. Sly, George RN. Pick, Lansdowne. ~ Dairy and other products--Wes- ley Foley, James P. Lynch, W. H. Franklin, J. B. Wilson, Harold Lan- don, Harold Bradiey, Joseph MoCor- mick, J. A. Humphrey, W. R. Kaiser, J. H. Fawcett, Myron Keyes, _ Domestic selence--Mrs. Fred Mc- Donald. Mrs. Gordon :Surplis, Mrs. : James P. Lynch, Mrs. (Rev.) I N. BRITISH WHI A supreme achievement! Immortal Caruso, Un. rivalled Galli Curcl, Incomparable McCormack, "twa selections of these and the other world famed Victor artists on each "Hs Seal record, instead of one Master's Voice" Red as formerly, And while now you receive twice the music-- the price of each selection is practically cut in half--for 10-inch Red Seal records with two selections «one on each additional. Thus the gears of the world's is placed within the reach of every side--are only 25¢ test artists e. Yours ts the opportunity to scquire~quickly and econ- omically --an unrivalled library of music --3 possession to treasure for years to come. Start nowl Today is the time! Any "His hear these great artists perf of the records you like collection regularly / Your dealer hes « new cstalogue sided Red Seal Records. Master's Voice" dealer is She place Go and Sélect a few best--~then add to.your Hating alt the Double. & Ask for a copy. It ia free, HIS MASTER'S VOICE. LIMITED "His Masters Voice-Victor Red Seal Records Princess Street | Mahood Bros. : Kingston nt M. Donevan, Mrs. Urban Warren, Mrs. 8. C. F. Dixon, Lansdowne. Ladies' work (useful)---Mrs, Wil. liam Rotters. Mrs. S. Pennosk, Mrs. J. A. Webster. Mrs. F. 0. Malnscen, Mrs. J. P. Lynch, Mrs. Beckstead, Mrs. W. C. Landon, Miss Cosgrove, Miss Janette Robertson, Mrs. J. B. Wilson, Miss Maymee E. Shields, Wellington Landon. Mrs. P. Ross Me- Veigh, Mrs. John S$. Elliott. Ladies' work (fancy)----Mrs. Wil- liam Rotters, Mrs. 8 Ponnock, Mrs. J. A. Webster, Mrs. F. 0. Mcliseen, AAA A tc smn, . Mrs W. C Landon, Mrs. H. E. Nunn, Miss Janette" "Hobertson, Miss A Shaw, Mrs. J. B. Wilson, Mrs. Hu- Lert McNeely, Aliss M. E. shields. Mrs. Wellington Landon, Mrs. Byron Stringer, Mrs. P. Koss McVeigh, Mrs. John 8. Elliott, Mrs. Urban Warren, Mrs. 8. C. BE. Dixon, Mrs. J. H. Done- van. Mrs. Herbert Leacock. Art and flowers--Mnms. 8. Pennock. Gananoque; Mrs. Walter Patience, Mrs. 8. C. E. Dixon, Lansdowne; Mrs. J. B. Wilson, H. E. Pyke; Fairfield; Mrs. Hubert MeNeely, Mrs. Shaw, ---- Mrs. Alex. -Steacy, Miss A. Shaw, John ick, Mme. J. A. Web- ster, Mrs. ny Donevan, Mrs. F. 0, Mellseen, ichard Willams, Mrs. Urban Warren, Mrs. J. P. Lynch, Miss Congrove, Mss. H. BE. Nuna, Lansdowne; Miss M, E. Shields, Gin Anoque; Mrs. Byron Stringer, Mrs. Archle Tedford, Mrs. Herbert Lea cook, Mrs. P, Ross McVeigh, Mrs. (Rev.) I. N. Beckstead, Haig & Burns, Mrs. J. A. Humphrey, Mrs. Wesley, Mrs. Firman Cross, Lange downe, PNA [A Nt A NIA ANI 10 for 15¢ 25 © 35¢

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