SATURDAY, SEPTEMBEK 22, 1028 THE DAILY BRITISH "WHIG a ------------ ET -- NEWS AND VIEWS FOR WOMEN READERS pas -- LL ---- Lg £ Laura A Kirkman : TOMORROW'S MENU the frosting get too hard before spread | Breakfast ing. One teaspoon of vanilla extract | Grap®fruit may be added to it just before spread- | Cereal ing on cake." : : Wholewheat Griddlecakes E. S.: Southern Corn. Pone: Mix to- | Coffees Maple Sirup gether one quart of sifted cornmeal, | - one teaspoon of salt, three teaspoons! of lard (melted) and enough water to | make"a soft dough. Mold this Jough} with the hands into oblong 'pones', | which are one inch wider in the middie | than at the ends, and rather flat. Bake | these pones on a well-greased pan in a 'geod, hot oven till they are a delicate | brown--about 15 minutes. Eat them | hot, breaking them with the fingers | {never cut them)." K. McC: "Frosted Cottage Pudding: Cream together one cup of sugar and a piece of butter the size of an egg; add three egg-yolks and one egg-white (keep the two left-over egg whites for , frosting), then add one cup of sweet Generous Reader Friends have con- milk and two cups of flour which have | tributed the following recipes for other been sifted with one heaping teaspoon ; women to, enjoy: . lof baking powder. Flavor with one- N. A.: "Divinity Frosting. Boil 10-| half teaspoon of lemon extract. Bake | gether two cups of sugar, one-half cup | 35 ype in a moderate oven in loaf| v = 1? Srystal White are Syrup ind ene |, While still hot, frost with the TAA Aen em. | half cup of hot wa! 1: : - arg » He is the greatest artist who has | cracks Toes a little of it is droppes | [olowing Beat ne oni Whites Sigand 'embodied in the sum of his works into cold water. Beat two egg-whites | cop & ¢ drop or two of lemon extract (dr van. the greatest number of the greatost | tiff and slowly add them to the SIrup | 11a). Put this uncooked meringue on eas. « 1 (off the stove). Be careful not to let | the cake very thickly as it is the dress. | { Dinner Celery Soup Leg of Lamb Mashed Potatoe | Spinach Diced Fruit with Whipped Cream (Qffee Supper Stuffed, Egg Salad Boston Brown Bread Cake [FINISHED in pink fey brocade, with fancy si elastic section running full len over the hips. For or sports wear. Offers freedom while pleasing conser- vative tastes, Write for free booklet of |atest Bins models and name of your district Bias Dealer. BIAS CORSETS LIMITED 41 Britain St., - Toronto BIAS FILLED CORSETS wm Tea RECIPES FROM READER FRIENDS -- 44d ~ ing for the pudding. Eat warm. We like this better than a liquid sauce." |/A Mother": "Fruit Cake Without Spices: Cream together one cup of su- gar and one cup of lard; add three eggs { well beaten, one cup of cream (or you may use canned cream diluted with cold water in equal parts), one cup of blackberry jam, one cup of seedless raisins, one cup of dates cut small and stoned, one cup of almonds broken small, and three and one-half cups of flour sifted with three and one-half teaspoons of baking powder, Turn the batter into a greased pan (this makes a large cake) and bake in a moderate oven for one hour and 20 minutes--or perhaps a little longer," t PBominion Linoleum Rugs, too, are highly sanitary and germi. cidal; they are waterproof, _Stainproof, germproof. Nowhere II 2 ks cookies will_you find more harmonious combinations of beauty and JAOQUETTE SWEATER, The multi-colored Jacquette sweat- ers are 'becoming more popular every day. There are many brands of Huulti-colored yarns sold--that is, yarns shot with different colors, to give a "'rain-bow," or Persian effect when knitted up. Te make the fol- lowing Sweater you 'wip need ergat balls of thig/multi-colored yarn and three balls'of any plain color you like (old rose or old blue is particularly effective with multi-colored yarn.) The plain color is used as a border for bottom of awegter, bottom of Mandarin sleeves and around edge of collar. Both kinds of yarns must be two-ply. Shetland floss is about the right weight yarn 'to use, but it may be substituted for Scotch worst. ed, Scotch heather, Spanish worsted or Radiant Byzantine, MULTI - COLORED JACQUETTE SWEATER, Size 36.--Pattern XK 1 row, P 1 row. BACK: Using a pair of rumber five bone needjes, cast on 90 stitoh: using. the muiltl- colored yarn. Work in pattern for 16 inches. Decrease one stitoh every other row on each end, four times, When armhole measures six inches, K 29 sts, bind off 24 sts, for back of neck, and on remaining 29 sts., work six rows.: Cast on toward fromt 35 sts. Work in pattern and when work measures five inches from Essay, Short Story or shoulder, increase one stitch toward a : armhole every other row, four times. Composition on the life of Cast ofl 2 sts. toward armbole (hav- this patriotic . Canadian 70 sts. on needle). Work in pattern woman, , DOMINION Linoleum by the Yard is also. made Announcing Laura Secord Historical Essay Contest The devotion and loyalty of Laura Secord, the ° heroine of 1812, is one of the brightest "spots in Canadian History. Her heroism shines out through' the years as an emblem of patriotism and pluck that is a model for our lives to-day. : Yet how many boys and girls know that once Canada's fate hung on this dauntless woman's cour- -age--that this devoted woman braved almost cer- tain death to save her country: To develop a greater interest among the boys and gjels of our schools and to encourage them in -- a study of the history of our country, Laura Secord Candy Shops are offering $500.00 in gold for the best Here are three of the await- 1 eum Rugs so popular. Both pro- ing Your selection. ducts are easy to lay, pleasing to walk on and are satisfactory all around. They will please you well Look for the canvas back wh. buying, ou ca Dominion $d {eum and Linoleam Ruge have it." DOMINION LINOLEUM RUGS Jor all your floors See them in your local store WE CARRY A COMPLETE STOCK OF LINOLEUMS--ALL WIDTHS .. Pianos, Victrolos, Wall Paper, Furniture and till front is as long as back. Now i {Old 17 sta of the 35 tram besrar0 House Furnishings. ~~ 4 T. F . Harrison Co. Lid. and sew down. Work other side to . JAMES REID Collar; Pick up 69 stitches around 254 Princess Street 'pl Contest Open to Everyone The contest is open to everyone up to the age of eighteen, but to make it more fair, there are two classes, seven prizes. in each and gne special prize of $200.00 in gold or a free trip to New York for the boy or girl, and of course Sent pt neck, omitting five sts, at each end for border (59 sts.) and with the multi-colored yarn work pattern for three inches, thew pick up the sts. ou . | both siges, and with the single col- ored yarn XK 6 ribs, increasing 2 sts, at each corner every other row and bind off. Then sew the five ribs to the five sts. just omitted, Sleeves: With right side toward you and using the multi-colored yarn, pick up 72 sts. around arm- "See us for Dominion Linoleytn--all the different designs : in stock, ---- nr a4 small evaporator the drying of friuts is & simple matter. The dryer or eviporator, is of simple construc- tion and can be made by your near- + "~ furnace is started, it is quickly ac- complished by placing over a floor register. The trays are moved up and down as required. 'Peaches and Try Grandmother's Plan--Dry Fruit. Stray scraps of house-hold know- ledge are often the most valuable matter holds -- Mother must go along too. A fine chance for some bright Canadian youngster to treat his Mother to a trip t6 New York, , The Judges are as follows: R. W, Doan<Secretary, Ontario Educational Association. joka R. Bone Managing Editor, The Daily Star, Toronto. arry Anderson-- Assistant Editor, The Globe, Toronto. Geo. E. Scrog Advertising Manager, The Mail & '«- Empire Toronto. J. 8. Snider--News Editor, The Evening Telegram, Toronto. Fifteen ries amounting ia al to gd in gold will be awarded by the judges acc ing to the conditions and distributed not later ton December Ist. Contest closes Detdhes 31st, 1923--decisjon to be announced about Novem- ber 15th. izes are warth while The conditions are easy--the try for one. and we hope every boy and girl Additional information may be obtained at any of the . Laura Secord Shops, or by mail to-- aura Secord Historical Essay Contest 61 COLLEGE STREET, . TORONTO, CANADA hole Next row, P 52 sts., turn, K 34 sts, turn, P 36 sts, turn, K 38 Sts. turn, continue this way always taking up twe more sts. at each row till all sts. have been taken up (72 Sts.) Follow patern tH] sieeve measures 17 inches, or desireq length. . Then K I ribs with. doube- strand of the single colored yarn and bind off. Sew seams together. Border: Pick up both front and back sts. at bottom of sweater ang with double-strand of the single ool ored yara K § ribe and off. Place a button at left side and a 100p on the edge hand things our gi Practical bits & variety of things, such as the ed and preservation of fruit and gen- eral home administration, ~~ At fhis time of year when frujt is so tul 'that the house-kéeper is plan- ing and "to preserve it for winter uses, tiie unfortunate com- bination a4 very beautiful fruit impractical to try to boycott thel sugar dealers--by doing that we information about{est tinsmith. Have a box made of -| range, or if drying apples, after the Salvanized sheet iron about three feet in hefght and twenty inches or \lwo_ feet square without top or bet- tom. One side has openings tb ad- mit traps made of heavy gaivanized iron netting which slide in ang out on supports soldered on two sides. These smali evaporators can bo placed on: the back of the kitchen |etate of grace. But wait till I get out of it!" t apples dried in this way are equal in appearance and better in flavor than those done in factories. | -------- In a State of Grace, A priest once chanced to hear, un- perceived, a flerce verbal onslaught dry. one market-woman on another, in the course of which every effort of rhetoric was made to provoke pe- taliation, but without effect. "Go on, go on," at last sald the mat- ron attacked; "ye know I'll not an- swer ye, because I've been to con- fession this morning, and I'm in. a