7 a Toy > THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG D-- | LATEST | LOCAL RM.C. PREPARES 10 DEFEND TITLE Beveral Good Men Lost to Them but Some Promising New Material for Gaps. «. The Royal Military College rugbyists. that never-say-die twelve who proudly bear the scarlet and white colors through strenuous casi: Paigns year after year. are out to SPOR there is little doubt but that they will lake the grade for the senior squad. Osler, who starred at Trinity Col- lege School, Port Hope, last fall, is among these arrivals, and being a crack wing man his appearance is doubly welcome. He is a splendidly proportioned athlete and the follog- ers of R. M. C. will be delighted with bis work this season, or we miss our guess. Osler was captain of the T. C. 8S. team and is a good field general on his own account, heady in a pinch and 2 bulwark on the defence. Next in order appears Mather, .ast year 'with Ridley College, for which defend the intermediate intercollegi- ate championship and like their fel- lew champions of Queen's University they intend to deliver the goods. Weakened to no small degree by the loss of such stars as Hughes, Norris, Price and Gil, the Point Frederick team will have a hard- . fight on {ts hands this season. * Queen's and Varsity intermediate will be much stronger than last Year, but the champs are not discour- #ged by any means and they will pe out fighting from the first blast of the referee's whistle in their initia; game which is scheduled for October i their opponents being Queen's Every cloud has a silver lining, 'tis sald, and the rugby, situation af Rg. M. C. is no exception to the rule. Beveral new recruits with real foot- ball experience and ability turned up pt the college on opening day and team he acquitted himself nobly as Quarter. He will be used as snap for the cadets and judging fronr the form displayed to date should make good with a vengeance. Last but by least we have Tremain, star booter of Ashbury College. Tre- main is a great running half and will probably be used in his familiar position this year. In practice he has been going great gums, booting them far and wide, and while carry- ing the ball surprising his mates with his elusive tactics. He should work well with Capt. Hamilton in the back field. Five members of the 1922 line ruskies are back at the college, these being Lane, Vokes, Burlie, Brown and B. G. Carr-Harris, They will be remembered by their all-round abil- 'ty last season, steadily holding the best plungers in the intermediate in- tercollegiate, The candidates for the Forty-nine years' experience with the best players make their name a by-word with anyone that knows anything about Footbal Togs of every kind to help your boy protect himself and be a winner, LET HIM GO other boys--it breeds and get in the game with the lowship, and will make a man SPO his work and be better for it. 'Sole distributor for this district. Treadgold Sporting Goods Co 88 PRINCESS ST. Get the Habit: "For Treadgold's T, A BUILDER OF YOUR BOY, good fel. of him, 80 he can ride through PHONE 529, Records Try : First." backfield will include, in addition to] Hamilton and Tremain, three Al men in Smith, of the Scarlet and White squad, Kirkpatrick and R. N. Carr-Harris. Matthew, the scrappy little quarter is also in harness. The intermediates are short an experienc- Pd outside wicg but this difficulty will be overcome before the season cpens. Major Greenwood is coaching the first team aspirants again this year, although, as usual, Wm great dea! of the grilling is left in the hands of the team captain. No better man at the college could have been selected for this all-important post than Ham- ilton; who is 'a réal field director, crafty, brainy, and a star on attacx or defence. , True to their traditions of silence' and aloofness as to advance publicity or prophesies the cadets are working doggedly away and are not worrying as to the reputed strength of their TING rivals. They are used to stiff opno- sition, and then some, but their re- cord of nine intermediate champion- ships in the twenty years of opera- tion of the intercollegiate union is enough to prove the ability of the Point! Frederick teams of the past, In passing it might be mentioned that the R.M.C. has never boasted more than its share of individual football stars, but has won the laurels simply by means of team play, condition and, a fighting spirit that is second to none on this or any other continent. The players are always young in years and experience, while exceedingly few have been giants in ! stature, but their loval attention to orders and their in-grown and al- ways uppermost ideas of submerging thelr personal thirst for individual laurels under the vastly more im- portant objective of a victory for the GENERAL REVIEWS TIMELY | COMMENT -- One more week until the openin Limestones meet R. M. C. in the first { Interprovincial opens in Montreal on but we hardly think so. kick, 2; safety touch, 2; rouge, 1. This man Baldwin, as, 1s no slouch at all and who can nab so many diffi But four more days of heavy pract hard session with his recruits Now that Lionel Conacher has athlete." Queen's senior squad port the whole four in Smith Brothers are putting the Wilton in the Frontenac Girls' Soft wants to meet Dempsey. The loser's looks good to them all. Our local contemporary states that next stones will count for the cadets in the intermediate intercollegiate series-- out with Queen's, and presumabl be presented to the winners of the Sydenham-{Wilton game Now a fellow called Erminio Spalla, FROM THE OUTSIDE--LOOKING IN. 3 g of the local rugby season when the game of the city league's series. The 3 the same date, So Here's the main thing for budding football players to keep In mind. Try, 5; goal from try, 1; goal from drop or Place kick, 3; goal from free no man ise is left for Limestones before their first test, for it they are wise they will 80 carefully on Friday next, and not work out at all uniess absolutely necessary. and deserves success, Coach Lawson has put in a lett Toronto we'll probably have to listen to the praises of "Dunc" Munro in forty-seven different keyes. It will not take long for Toronto scribes to d Look pretty, "Dune," and you'll : ~ : Te ------ Leadley, Thomas, McKelvey and Batstone are still to end all are expected on Monday. good shape for the start, -- him "Canada's Breatest ceed the great one. finishing touches to a fine trophy to today at ball League, / heavyweight mogul of Italy, end "team" has given them an enviable position in the annuls of Canadian rughy. Many far superior teams, on paper, at least, have bowed to them for this one redson, but in spite of many glorious and bitterly-fought victories for the scarlet and White their record of sportsmanship has retained for them the respect and admiration of opponents and fans alike on or off the field of battle. The cadets have always held a very Warm spot in the hearts of Kingston football followers and it is safe to prophesy that the interest of the fans In the career of the Intermediate champions this year will be a close second to that shown in that other great and glorious team of cham- pions, the Queen's University color bearers. On Saturday, September 29th, just one week from today, the R.M.C. cadets will stage their opening battle of the season, thus ushering in the 1923 football season in this neck of the woods. The party of the second part will be the hard-working Lime- Stones, the nucieous of what is hop- ed to be a champion O.R.F.U. team in Some year in tbe near future. The Limestones are building slowly, and time alone will tell it they are.build- ing surely, but the rail birds will be out in force anyway for whet prome ises to be an interesting battle, MANY NEN PLAYERS. ON WELL S00 Coach Shaughnessy's Team May Surprise Queen's and U. of T. -- Not since 1919 has there been such an air of optimism in the McGill Uni- versity football comp as that which prevails around the stadium and cam- pus at the present time. 'It is too early even for a mild conjecture as to what the R®1 and White squad might do this 'season in the intercol- leglate series, but there is no gain- saying the fact that Coach Frank Shaughnessy and his band of assist- ant coaches have more promising ma- terial to work with then has fallen on their lot since the first fall after the war period. i While the majority of'the regulars are up-in the mountains going through a hardening process under the direction of Captain Doug. Mc- Gregor and Graduate-Manager Stuart Forbes, Coach Shaughnessy and his assistants are working out at the stadium with the newcomers and as- piring materia! from last year's in- termediate and junior squads. Dr. Vee Heney, Dr. "Pu sich * Par- kine, George Draper and "Boo" An- derson were the assistant coaches who helped the McGill mentor put "THEM DAYS IS GONE FORE VER" x You not only read it, you sing it. Try it on your plano. Watch nightly for this big - "REQULATE THIS ON YOUR RATTLER." 1. comic hit. { _| er at the snapback position. the recruits through their paces this afternoon, and it was a fast workout that was meted out to the 30 odd candidates. The newcomers are a husky lot of yougsters, averaging around 160 pounds, who have had a fair amount of experience in tfe "prep" schools and colleges and from them the Red and White should be able to fill up the gaps left vacant by the graduation of stars during the past three seasons. Hughes from the Royal Military College and Hannah from Sarnia fit- ted in nicely today on the backfield with "Bones" Little and Philpotts, the former two appearing the most | promising recruits to tho MoGill squad in several seasons. For the wing line positions there is a galaxy of Scrappy young players, | who tear into their work with a! vigor that promises well. Brown, a big husky Western product, was con- spicious today in smashing through the temporary "first" line to nail Some of Coach Shaughnessy's new Plays before they could be started suficiently to judge of their effective- ness. Claus is a big Ontario lad who showed nicely ag outside wing, be- ing paired with Chalmers, with the sub teams last year. Chalmers has piled up considerable weight, "and should make a bid for a regular berth. The indomitable Campbell Cope was working at his 0M place at fying wing, while Norris, a new- comer from the Royal Mil Col- lege, performed in a promi man- Sm SQUAD TO STRENGTH FOR MONDAYS WORK All Queen's Regulars Will be ge More New Ones. id "When the Queen's rugby squad takes the field on Monday afternoon the regulars will all be back in their | Dlaces and then the serious race for berths will start. , Batstone, Leadiey and Thomas will arrive over Kelvey may have some difficulty get- ting here. It is understood that he will try to make it but he may be delayed until later in the week. How- ever, he fe not a hard man to get in shape, and few worries will be caus- ed by his absence for the present. He'll be on the job when needed. On Friday afternoon the squad did not do very much in the line of hard work as the afternoon practise--- both practises of the day for that matter--were held up somewhat during the medical examination of rlayers by Dr. Ourrie, who has taken over the duties of the university phy- siclan. | Coach Hughes took a keen inter- est in the proceedings and was wisely on hand to look all his men over as they passed under the pro- fessional eve, ear and hand. Rughy is a game in which one should take nochances. Kicking, running and catching [were served up to the gang in hot doses by Captain "Doc" Campbell until Coach Hughes arrived at the stadium and then the regular prac- tise of the day. started, with a few line formations and general instruc- tions. i ' "Arch" Abernethy was the only newcomer at yesterday's praociise. Baldwin, the 'new man from St. Thomas, did some fine catching for #8 while and then Campbell chased him to the showers that he might not overdo until he gets in perfect trim. Muirheeid showed up in uniform and proved hi and general shape by rough-and-tumble wreetling matches, "Art" Lewis and *'Press" McLeod bo- ing among the victims. McLeod, by the way, is punting them for a row this year, Those on hand yesterday were: McLeod, Bond, Delehay, Grondin, Baldwin, Muirh A McKelvey, Lewis, Abernethy, Hanna, Gillespie, McNeil, Campbell, Walker, Brown, Stringer, King, Miss Rosa Grosse, Toronto, broke world's record for 100-yard dash for women at HaMfax. -- Shocker, of St Louis, struck out the greatest number of men im the American league last year--149, Ruth pitched for Boston during the world series of 1915, 1916, and 1918, against the Phillies, Brooklyn and Chicago, Sunday and all report themselves in &ood shape and business. The three be on hand for sure but "Red" Mc- ready to get down to The last-named will [yards (1.10 4-5 Dermott, Saturday's game with Lime- y from St. Thom- at the present stage of events there is ult catches on the team. and candidates for that position will have some job eliminating him. He acts like a quarter appear on the Last advices re- of the purse in a Dempsey fight ' SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 28, 1023 simi. ---- There is a great feeling of satisfaction from driving on Firestone Cords, WR is tire buyer knows at the end of of miles that he has made a wise investment --obtained the most miles for his The car owner to sideration but who .. Buy A Monarch Battery! It's as good as the best on the market, Made here by Kingston workmen. Boost your home town--buy the Monarch Battery and en- courage home industry. This Battery has the power, reliability, durability, The Monarch Battery Co. Limited 275 ONTARIO STREET, KINGSTON, ONT, PHONES 836-887, SoN__ For Auto Repairs For all kinds of Automobile repair work, and where a real mechanic is needed, see us and have it done right. R. GREENLEES "Angrove's Auto Sales, 146 Sydenham Street { Phone 1282. Re Sesame . , Auctioneer Aucitoneer! wAERVICE Anes ta ACTION PRICES RIGHT Make the old car 160k like new. LOOK! BARGAINS IN USED CARS ' Eight aivtesaernie tae claioimeiaivie . $800 vieimleieie. ale. mies ss einininial . $275. $250 ses 'mieio o aivisin) oie so u's eine G MO- REPAIRED tesersnens OF STORAGE BATTERIES, OUR PRICE FOR CHARGING BATTERIES Be. 113 BROCK ST. '