Daily British Whig (1850), 22 Sep 1923, p. 12

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SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 23, 19023 MAKE CANADA PROSPEROUS DOUGLAS & PHONES 2267F--928W. BRICK, STONE, PLASTERING AND TILE SETTING CONTRACTORS JOBBING WORK A SPECIALTY. McILQUHAM 400 ALBERT STREET ~~ FRESH 227 ONTARIO ST. HONESTY OF WORKMANSHIP CYLINDERS @round on a Heald R. M. CAMPBELL 2325 Wellington St. Phone 12124. | Full line of Kitchenware Carried C. N. VEALE Plumbizg and Heating 8T/ RE--374 Princess St. Phone 308F Sl R ya York Street. Phone S854 | N nd Acetylene Welding, See Iron Castings, Patteras, General Machinery Repairs THOS. G. BISHOP XING AND QUEEN STREETS COR % PHONE 38. x . ~ PRICES MODERATE. SAVOY DAIRY LUNCH SANITARY. SERVICE. MEALS AT ALL HOUK} Ra Hd and Neh: Props. RA CALLA 107s 210 Princess. Street. | FOR BEST RESULTS USE OUR SEEDS---LOWEST MARKET PRICES FOR HIGHEST QUALITY GOODS. McFARLANE & WOOD. \ J : ) Electric Home Needs Moffatt Ranges, protected or open elements, Heaters, Grates, Washing ~ Machines, Vacuum Cleaners. Ask for our special terms. Public Utilities Hydro Shop 268 PRINCESS STREET Telephone 844. Rm --e-------- : \ | TELGMANN SCHOOL OF MUSIC 484 Brock St. Phone 2217J 7 4 462 MONTREAL STREET Phone 2147w. Jobbing Work a Specialty William Holder Carpenter and Builder. Estimates submitted. oo Cr BLUE GARAGE, LTD. Queen and Bagot Streets Phone 567. oe -- EXPERT SERVICE ON OPEN DAY AND Washing done at night. SEEDS PHONE 444. 7" NEW YORK HAT CLEANING CO. SHOE SHINE PARLOR 208 PRINCESS ST. PHONE 395. PETER LAMPROS. BAGGAGE TRANSFER AND ) GENERAL CARTING Theatrical Transfer Co. R. Buckley, Prop. York and Cherry Streets. Phones 291 and 2214J. LY ------ -- rm \ General Auto Repairing, Carbon Burning, Acetylene Welding Cars washed. R. C. CLARKE COR. KING and PRINCESS STREET PHONE 2857F. \ 5 STRAW HAT SEASON FOR LADIES NOW OPEN We clean and remodel all kimis of Straws. KINGSTON HAT CLEANERS 163 Princess Street, Upstairs. Phone 1488, Cor. 7 \ We Keep Simons' ~ SIMONIZ Have you used it? It's a real Polish. MARSHALL'S HARDWARE 193 PRINCESS ST. PHONE 150. i" \ BELMONT DINING ROOM © Open from 5 a.m. to 13 midnight. A. TIERNEY, Phone 881J. tor 7 \ GEORGE HUNTER CARPENTER CONTRACTOR Plans and estimates of all kinds ' submitted. "FOR BUILDING HOMES" 75 Pembroke Street. -' ALL CARS . NIGHT. J ; 3) R. H. TOYE & COMPANY WHOLESALE FRUIT AND . MISSION MERCHANTS. Distributors '8 CHOCOLATES and MOERISTIES BISCUITS PHONE 467. = rr PEERLESS HIGH TEST GAso.) LINE, OILS, TIRES, TUBES ATWOOD AND Di ACES IN VULCAN III Phong 902m. 277 Bagot Street. a Cartage-- Freight Move Anything Anywhere. fH. L. BRYANT Phone 1753J I. Phone 2198w. STEWART'S DAIRY 689 PRINCESS STREET | MILK and CREAM I TARLINGTON'S | DELICIOUS |DOUGHNUTS Something to eit that's a treat. AUTO PAINTING J. A. FOX PHONE 567. Third Floor Blue Garages. BAGOT and QUEEN STREETS ry , . TRY THE NEW ENGLAND LOAF NEW ENGLAND BAKERY 297 COLLINGWOOD PHONE 613, STREET RA > J. Y. Parkhill & Co, DISTRIBUTORS DAIRY SCHOOL BUTTER _ PHONES 9¢ and 113, OUR AIM IS SERVICE Kingston, Portsmouth and Oataraqui Electric R. RB, Milk and Cream ss BAKER'S DAIRY...) ds WEBER PIANO CW Manufactured In Kingston - ' Lindsay Company, Sole Agents SUCCEED TAKING UP OPPORTUNITIES The manufacturer or merchant who knows how to seize opportunities is the'man who is forging ahead all the time. apers.in western Canada ar with large a ron bd a fully prepared and manner p because. a great many manufacturers an the harvest time is nearing its close--that the farmer will commence reading more and more from now on--and still portant--that with the sending of his harve: markets he gains his highest buying capacity at any time dur- The newspa set forth in the most attractive more im ing the year. Therefore they are vertlising. The harvest will pacity will be at its peak. N tion before the farmer: money to secure them. Newspaper adverti farmer's trade. . He is time to stop and look into his home and rea Do not neglect opportunities, WITH REVIEW now over-flowing sible. Why? Simply putting their propositions before him now; telling him what they have that he needs'; throwing open their stock for his inspection by means of the newspaper ad- The same principle applies to our own 'corner of the world. soon be completed and farmers' ow is the time to now when those' things he should have had this summer are fresh in his mind and when he has the buying ca- put your proposi- ghly and with enjo Mr. Merchant! SAVOY RESTAURANT "1S WELL EQUIPPED Changes Made Big Improve- ment and-increased Patron- age Shows Benefit. When the Savoy Restaurant start- ed in Kingston some tire ago it started out as a Dairy Lunch and had all its fittings and equipment suited to those requirements. At first the patronage was good and it maintain- ed a fairly good level, but not so high as the service and cuisine me- rited. For some time the manage- ment -was' puzzled and then it ar- rived at a conchfSton. That conclusion was that King- ston people -- always appreciative of high class service and goods -- are yet very conservative and slow to pick up with the hurry-scurry that is so noticeable in many cities today. Kingstonians enjoy good food, but they like to take their 4 time about the enjoyment and do not like especially the hand-to- mouth business which it 1s hard for Dairy Lunch to avoid. S Therefore the Savoy, at an as- tounding expense, was cleared of all its Dairy Lunch equipment this sum- mer and turned into a restaurant that is up-to-date in every way and has, perhaps, just a little more than the other fellow. Party compartments made up of leather-covered, polished wood set- tees were installed, giving a clear viéw of the whole restaurant, but at the same time a pleasing privacy and absolute comfort. The clean mairble-topped tables add to the pleasing effect of the whole outlay and this is further heightened by the tled floor throughout and the de- corations and lighting system. Extra large compartments are in- stalled at one end for large parties, al! finished in thd same luxurious style which makes the time of wait- ing for an order a pleasure. And there is another feature of the Savoy service that is worthy of note. That is the extraordinarily quick service, It is doubtful if there is a restau- IN POVERTY, Out of 100 average white male adults, nine leave estates which will produce $50 a month or moze at 6 per cent. net; 3Y leave estates which will ce an average of $20 a month at 6 per cent. net; and 64 leave little or nothing. These figures were obtained as She Tosult of qu vey made rs Joseph J. Dewney, id is § f x A f i { 1 | i ir Ly hr i F i f Hr il H & : f i | ; + iT if i 8 i i ! ny rant in town with so speedy service --{from the time the patron enters until his food is set before him. Nick Rantis is the manager of this popular and up-to-date eating house, which is making so great an effort to please the people of this community. The change made in the. summer was done under great expense but the increased patronage resulting proved its wisdom, and the Savoy is now one of the highest in the number of patrons who pass through its doors daily. If you have not been there already, give it a trial. You'll like it. ---- WISE WORDS OF UNCLE JOHN ON "EYESIGHT" The Reason Why He Changed From Crabby Disposition to a Pleasant One, "You do not appear a bit olq, uncle," said Grace. "You are al- ways cheerful and crack jokes in- Stead of complaints," "Perfect vision is largely respon- sible for it," sald Uncle John, "I used to have a great deal of trouble with my eyesight; never could get the glasses to fit my eyes; my head ached most of the time, and I be- came discontented and grouchy. Fin- ally I went to Arthey"s Optical Shop. and had my eyes examined. They understood my case exactly, and when I jeft thetr office. with the pro- per glasses, I could read any kind of print, and I have suffered no head- ache since. Now I can laugh at oid father time and feel always young. They are masters of a delicate and difficult profession and possess all the modern appliances. to examine eye- sight accurately. They manufacture all prescriptions of complicated lenses on the premises, and give ex- cellent supervision, and' when they hand you a pair of glasses, they are absolutely correct." It 1s sensible to have the eyes examined every year. Then seri- ous eye-strain is avoided because the optometrist will find any ten- dency toward trouble hefore it has had time to develop to the point where it is a serfous affliction. It SIXTY FOUR PER CENT DIE SURVEY SHOWS By S. W. Straus, President American Society for Thrift more or, less dependent on others for financial succor, These facts should serve the purpose of a timely warning to the millions of Americans who today are in the full enjoyment of health and ity. itis § is i Fw 84] i t i g § i SE £5 F fr 1 Eel § i =5 EE fil § Fig i k 2 & ¥ 2 Er i | f i il merchants know that | | st to the 'Ashcroft announces a KINGSTON . is better to have a dozen examina- i tions' and find 'each time that your | eyes are doing al! right than to be | even a few months late in getting | the help you need. Follow Uncle John's advice and | consult R. Arthev, Princess street, one door below Bagot. / a CLINIC | Sete a In most cities of Canada and the United States Osteopathic Olinies have been established for children. Osteopathy is particularly sucocess- ful in 'the treatment of children. Thousands of delicate and children have been restored health by this rational method treatment. In order that no child in King- ston need suffer for lack of osteo- pathic treatment, Dr. Edna Earle free osteo- pathic clinic ever Thursday afternoon from 2 to 5 at No. 204 King street to of east, Afling children will be exam- ined free of charge and treatment given if necessary, DOES WORK OF TEN. The Motorized Prune Picker Used in California. A motorized prune picker with which one man can do the work of seven. to ten, has made its appesr- fornia, where 65,000 acres of pruues are harvested each year. A metal roller, operated by a one- horse-power gasoline moter, carries the machine from place to place. The engine likewise operates a drum cot- ered with steel pins that pick up the prunes from the ground as the drum rotates and deposits them on an ele- vator. There they are carried to a box above. Control of the roller and drum is from a handle resembling that of the ordinary lawn mower. The opera'or steers the device to any desircd spot. One man, working by hand, can gather about a ton of prunes a day. while the machine can pick between seven and ten tons at the same time. Very Irish. An Irish gentleman was astonish- ed to receive the following letter from his eon in London: "Dear Ftther--I am in a deuce of a hole. Kindly sent me £10, anda cblige.--Your loving son, Pat. "PS.--After 'writing his letter I was so stricken with remorse that I ran after the postman and tried to get it. back. I can only pray that it will not reach you." But who could be more astounded than the son when he received his reply: "Dear son.--Your prayers are an- swered. The letter did not reach me.--Father." Dog Day Dilemmas. Whether to send Junior 4o the prep school showing horseback rid- ing in #s magailne advertiseemat or the one showing a military pes ade. Whether to sign up for the apart- ment again and pay the increase or move somewhere else and pay it. Whether to try those water wings in the drug store window or make a spectacle of oneself unassisted. Whether to lay in coal af the present prices or awake at might.--Life. "Othello" in Five Lines, We think that the gentleman who has limericked the Bible has gone a ttle too far. = Shakespeare, though, offers a legitimate subject and we recall the following neat condensa- tion of "Othello" in limerick form: There once was a guy named Othel- lo, A dark, disagreeable fellow; After croacking his wife {He then took his own life-- That bird wasn't black, he was yellow Ite Might Be Worse. A movie actor noticed a couple having a discussion in front of a picture theatre. The film being one in which he appeared, he paused, as many a great man has dome before, to hear what the populace thought of Mm. ; "Wife, what's this picture?" "Os sified Hearts." » i "H'm. Who's tae star?" "Hercules Handsome." "Well, let's go In. It might be worse." g FREE OSTEOPATHIC | ; ailing | 7 ance in the Santa Clara Valley, Cali- ; : THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG ; WEEKLY BUY CANADIAN PRODUCTS Your Children Will Tell You How Good It Is, Doyle's Milk Maid Bread Phone 1369, POWER AND LIGHTING H. W. NEWMAN PHONE 441. Perfumery, Toilet Preparations Dr. Bell WONDER MEDICINE ©O. \ 110 Clarence Street. Phones Fi4.384 } GEO. A. BATEMAN REAL ESTATE \ Phone 396w, 150 Wellington, - J r -- F. H. HAMILTON Plumbing and Steam Fitting, Is your Furance ready for Winter? Now {3s the time to have It tuned up. We will examine your Furn and estimate the cost of needed repairs. Phone 1420w. 131 Alfred St 7 \ ASK FOR MASOUD's ICE OREAM ALWAYS THE samp \ 28 Princess Street. Phone 980. (SEE E. L. MARTIN FOR REAL ESTATE 1113 BROCK ST, J \ + ELECTRICAL JOBBERS AND CONTRACTO BEAUTIFUL ELECTRIC FIXTURES = PLANTS INSTALLED ELECTRICAL co. PRINCESS STRERT, me r JOBBING WORK A SPECIALTY HURD 2 gon GENERAL CONTRACTORS PHONE 1458J. 38g V TEPHEN ST. -- ST. R. ARTHEY REGISTERED OPTOMET AND OPTICIAN 148 Princens St. Phone 2108, J TO HAVE A PERFECT MEAL GQ. K. KRA ' BAKERUSE SE A PERFECT BREAD FRONT ST. 1 ST. PHONE 1153, -- BRITISH AMERIOAN HotEL pon Special Sunday Df 110 2.30. Price gored from M. BOM Price 70e. + BOHAN, riet KINDO on. N ESTIMATES SUBMITTED THOS. ANDRE CONTRACTOR 36 Sixth ; Street Phone 1400. | ICE This year's crop is exceptionally high grade Phone 1307 Our Motto: PROMPT SERVICE KINGSTON ICE CO., LTD. -- ff 0 ITE, RANDOLPH | Dyer "My Valet" - N\ Soward Keeps Coal Coal Keeps Soward PHONE 188 ---------- Branch Office: McQall's Cigar Store PHONE 811. bore 7 [4 Clearing Things and Dying Things | Saves a Lot of Buying COLLIER'S (leaner Phone 650. Street. the winter's | TIRES GASOLINE TUBES OI1Ls Distiiled PICKLING VINEGAR Best for pickling. L Factory: Bagot Street, Kingston ® (HOTEL PLAZA Corner Montreal and Queen Sts. Tourists' Popular Stopover Where comfort and em t and excellent cuisine ment of all discriminating guests. J WE N RVER CLOSE~---- THE CENTRAL GARAGE, LIMITED Brock and Montreal Streets. STUDEBAKER AND CHEVROLET DISTRIBUTORS McGinnis & O'Connor \ Phone 600. REPAIRS ACCESSORIES 7 Highway Engineers and Contractosy | ESTIMATES suBMITTED H. ! l HORTON PAINTER AND DECORATOR Phone 1891w, 205 ALFRED STREET -- HOW TO BE A CENTENARIAN, Japanese Newspaper Gives Tew Rules for Longevity. to Ori- ental philosophy will make most men centenarians: Live in the opem air as much as Eat meat but once a day. Take a warm beth daily. Never wear anything but woollen Dominion Textile (Limited) MANUFACTURERS "PRUE COTTON" ~MONTREAL--TORONTO-- WINNIPEG Company ra Sm mar- 4 Eh} 2 widow or widower should again ry . Work with moderation, Don't talk too much, ---------- A Light Meal, Heo was of the ecoentrief- tes to be ¢ in the wid west when he entered what 'seemed to' be the only hotel in the place. After ushering him to a table and giving the stranger a glass of ice water, the } waiter inquired: "No, I never eat 'em.," the "In that case," said the vita replied. "dinner is over." - What passion cannot music raise: {and quell?

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