Sis 5 : : . THE DAILY BRITISH ------ BATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 22, 1928 'HIG ~ [Listen, -_ It's easy enough to achieve a good|sinner and fool herself. To young, who! complexion these days. A million ma. are not only my largest audience but] gazine ads tell you how to do it, Like-| my most understanding kin, I direct! wise they besiege you with talks on these words. And | advise you to pray. Exercise, Diet, Memory Aids, Bridge! "But nobody can hear you Hands, Mah Jongg Directions, 3839 you laugh. "Why go through all those Ways To Reduce Your Redundancy,| {ool motions?" | and tips on every other conceivable! You are entirely mistaken, Pal | | form of human interest and activity. Somebody does hear. With one exception. And that ex-! You, Yourself, hear ception seems to me more important! That is enough. in its influence' on our success than. Though you doubf and deny God anything else on earth. I refer to|and direct your plea and confession on- | Prayer. ly to your own ears, the fact that you, | Let me hasten to assure you that! yourself, hear, is enough to bring you this is not goffig to be a religious dis- | comfort and help. cussion. Church members do not need| Though the wisest man on earth can to be instructed in the exercise of give you no positive assurance of prayer, dnd I would not know how te| God's7identity, the fact that you, your- set about it if they did. Moreover, the! self, hear, is sufficient to sustain you, great number of people who need pray-! And even if it proven that World! & : - This Is a Talk About Prayer For People Who Don't Go to Church or Care for Religion. were er most have long since proven them- | here were no God, and no immorta- lity, and that we are but insignificant parts of a biological program, still it would be necessary and beneficial to pray. For they are not fool motions. They have as direct and potent an influence on your well-being as eating beefsteaks or punching a bag, or swimming, or hiking, or breathing. They are the best sort of a "daily dozen," and without them your powgr is immeasurably re- duced. Eliminate the spiritual element entirely and the physiological and psy- chological aspects are sufficiently con- vincing, selves to be indifferent to the relig- | fous argument. Therefore, why should I. try to force it on them, since that! isn't the angle from which I'm look- | ing at the question anyway? | So I'm not addressing religious peo- | ple, nor putting forth religious pro-| paganda. I'm not even limiting these] rémarks to those who believe in God. | I think it is well to believe in God, but | I alsq think that it is advisable to pray! whether you believe in God or not, | and that it does you a lot of good I'm going to talk to folks who need | help--to those who are hurt or dis- couraged--to those whom the world calls sinners and fools. I have found that great numbers of such people read these articles, per- chance because the one who writes it lays no claim to being anything but a; J YOUR "DRILY DOZEN" EXERCISE, OR (F YOU YOUR gE FRIENDS WOULD TAGCGER : 5, 500 A LIKE AN ADYO MAP, AAT sammar BLISS WOULD DE THE SOFTEST SNAP, First of all, the relaxation and frank- ness of confession involved in prayer, sort things out for you. It makes you know yourself as you have never known yourself before. You see your THATS FINE FOR AN ACHING DACK DOTY ee ee -- WRITTEN AND feu ILLUSTRATED BY ELSIE deeds and desires in a new and amaz- ing life. Of course this only happens if ygu're honest and orderly about the job. If pray!" | you can't stop raising a rumpus or| face, Pal striking a pose long enough to be real- ly frank with yourself, then prayer will do you no earthly good and yoy might as well stop reading this article at once ut if you are honest, it's a gteat ex- perience. It gives your character a Turkish bath. . You'll be thunderstruck at the amount of grime you've been packing | about with you--the layers of pretence and pettiness, pride and peevishness. You'll be so disgusted with your own condition that for a while at least, you'll stop picking on the other fellow. "Yes, that may all be true,' you agree, "and in that sense we all do give ourselves the once over now and then. But that's only seli-analysis-- that isn't prayer. Prayer means con- fession, but it also means asking for something And no one adopts prayer as a habit unless they believe they'll get what they ask for, And how can I ask if 1 don't believe there's anyone to ask--if I-dan't believe in God?" Well, how do people ask who DO believe in God? They've never had tangible proof of His presence. They just talk odt the| pressure in their hearts, the pressure of sin and suffer- ing. They take a chance on Someone hearing. And they accept the profits gratefully, evén if they can't deter- mine the source. That's how people pray when they DO believe in God. That's how you pray when you don't believe in God. oz VEY THE LOT OF MAN CONTINUES, FULL OF GRIEF AND G AND HE'S FROM THE CRADLE TO THE TOMB. SAGE ADVICE 1S SG ROWe HED ON US FREELY AS THE IR VET THERE'S SE OLD PLAN OF PRAYER. vis IF YOU THINK THE "DAILY DOZEN" WiLL WiLL DENEFIT YOUR SOUL? CLS1€ RoTiINSCH. ROBINSON You pray for results. And you do get [ them. I" Yes, you do. If a "religious guy" | | told you that you might laugh in his But I'm not a "religious | { guy." I'm a hard working human like! | yourself, grabbing fer anything that! | will help me, whether it be a better | brand of breakfast bacon or a new! kind of face powder, When [ find some | thing that produces the goods I'm sold on it--hard, That's why I'm sold on the idea of prayer as a beneficial exer-| cise for any kind of a human, regard- | less of race, profession or creed. | I repeat--Prayer Gives Results. | How? I don't know: | Sometimes I imagine that when you | compose yourself in prayer, reaching out your mind, opening your heart, you tap a vast reservoir of strength | which is waiting there for your need. That seems a sane theory. You can't SEE air, but you breathe it, and you'd | die without it. You can't FEEL gra- vity, but it drags you down. You can't TOUCH the magnetic currents, but they yank the needle around in | your compass. You believe in these | forces and use them. Then why should | it seem absurd to believe in and use! the forces which prayer invokes? Call| them God or call them reflex action-- what does it matter as long as you get the results? Whether that's the solution or not, I do kiiow this -- Prayer calms and braces you. You come out of it stronger and cleaner than you, went in. And humbler! It's surely an unplea- sant experience to spread your spirit out in the silence and realiz€ that it is the spirit of a clown or a beast or a coward. For your own self-respect, you want to make a better showing than that, And that's why people who pray honestly, grow better in spite of themselves. , I realize that all this will seem very unorthodox to certain people. They feel that the spiritual side of life should be invested with a great deal of pomp and sanctity, But, somehow, 1 can't sce that the spiritual side of life is separate or distinct from any other side of life. My spiritual needs are one with my mental and physical needs. Being a busy'person, I usually have to think or eat ¢ * the run. And so; I also pray on the ru. And you can't invest that sort of a pro, vss with much pomp. Yet its very simplis 'ty may commend it to other hard presse. 'souls. Of course I'll have \\ confess that 1 don't always get what "ask for. But, just between you and mq, I'm one of the world's worst askers. My biggest misfortunes have come from getting what I asked for. So I've come to rea- lize that it isn't a calamity if some of my prayerful propositions are turned down. In fact, I seldom ask for any. thing definite any more. My prayers might be summarized into a formula which goes something like this-- "See! I've gone and been an idiot again! And I'm {rightfully hurt and puzzled about it all! Give me a hand won't you?" Just like that. And something always gives me a hand. Maybe it's the reserve strength within myself. Maybe it is somesmatural force without myself, as yet unclassified, Maybe it's God. 1 | don't know. And I don't care. All I know is that something always gives me a hand. And so I believe in prayer. Next Weew--This Talk Is About Free Speech. | ! i » 3 i" I | ' t p | | | | } A Great Economy Achieved When ¥ McClary's Discovered "Stored Heat" BY: you may ask, did Mc- Clary's discover it? Not exactly that--because the first "stored heat" cooking was probably with stones, heated in a fierce wood fire. And "fireless cookery" has been developed to some extent in this age. But for all practical purposes of cookery, in perfecting and applying the "stored heat" principle to the electric range--McClary's are the discoverers of the>fact that great cooking heat can be retained and "stored"--from electrical current-- long after the current has been turned '"'off". And so we hive embodied in Mc- Clary's Electric Range the 'stored heat" principle. (1) McClary's wonderful Oven that bakes or roasts for hours after the current is turned off, retaining heat at such even temperature that one may safely leave a roast or cake in the oven Electric >styles and terms. M<Cla Electric The only range with the "TOR-RED" Protected Element and spend an hour or two away from the kitchen. Or, after cooking a roast, the oven has stored" enough heat to bake Mela s Tor ad" Protected cClary's""Tor- Pro! Elements, which become so in- tensely hot that practically all cooking on top of the range may be done on "low" and water heated with current "off", These exclusive McClary's features effect such economies as to place Sinetilc cookery within the reach of ail. Save current and you save the cost of your range. X Consult Sart dealer as to e large illustrated is our latest a ae signed by a leading Canadian artist. Londen, Terento, Montreal, Winnipeg, Vancouver, St.Jokn, N. B., Hamilton, Calgary, Saskatoon, Edmenton Range McCLARY'S ELECTRIC RANGES Sold by McKELVEY & BIRCH Limited - A GOOD GOLD AREA. western Quebec, where the discovery |all the aspects of being such as will [values occur in big parallel fractur- 69 Brock St. $e Phone 237 Ry on the Chadbourne claim of the |attract attention from all parts of (es, ranging up to twenty feet in Discovery in Northwestern Quebec |Norada mines is declared to have [the world. Gold is visible in vary- width. Proves Very Important. the appearance of ome of the most|ing conditions, some times appear- Cobalt, Sept. 21.--All doubt as to [import ever madg in the dominion. |ing in quarts, some times associated the merit of the Rouyn gold area has The mineralized zone of four hun-|with cubes of pyrite, large and been cleared up In the opinion of [dred feet in width and close to .d[small, sometimes in the accompany- Ideals are Lhe ends of roads, and the roads are perfectly passable We can be busy without being "yrospéctors (returning from north-|quarter of a mile in length presents DOWN THE ROAD / ing altered rocks. Concentration of useful, By BECK AFTER DRIVING FOR HOURS, THRU A STORM, YOU ARRIVE TRAVEL-STAINED AND WEARY AT ONE OF THOSE EXCLUSIVE MITELEIORTS - W THE MIDST OF A an, SN NR N NN -- Ae pele ' rl EET anes frvested at the curvent rate of interest to produce an income: at least half as large as he ACTURERS LIFE Hea» Orrcx, rr A Hranch Oflice, 58 Brock St. Kingston, Un M. 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