a o " rT TI Gn . ac " -_ ny . Y ' -~ 15 SRR Vulcanite Roofing - Let us show you the new Doubletite Shingle. Vulcanite Doubletite Shingles build a double tight roof. We can also supply the Vulcanite Four- in-One Slab Shingle and Asphalt Roll Roof- ing. 18 | ALLAN LUMBER CO. 042. "MAKE YOUR WORK EASY Have the Hotpoint Electric Goods in your home. We have everything you may need to bring comfort -- Irons, Toasters, Heaters, etc, Halliday Electric Co. CORNER KING AND PRINCESS STS. PHONE 94. HAVE DINNER DOWNTOWN Take it ead" this Summer. Have your Dinner with us, Good things well served. Prices reasonable. THE VICTORIA CAFE JEWLY LEB, Mel. King St. Telephone 962. The J. K. Carroll Agency 56 BROCK STREET. Phones @8. Res. 2240m. REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE BROKERS. West End--A real nice comfortable home, brick veneered, seven rooms, all modern conveniences, on the car line, easy terms, PIR Cy yr innin ri tes een ve . $4,100 Nelson St.--Brick bungalow, five rooms and bath, all modern, easy terms. Pree tr i ay eed Ves . $8,000 Quebec St.--Near Division St., frame, seven rooms, good sized lot. Price ... = TORTOISECOOK The Stove Women Are Buying ! ¢ Recent months have demonstrated that this new TORTOISE COOK STOVE possesses an attraction for women that they are almost Jower- icss to resist. < Graceful of line and clad in lustrous tiles, with here and there a contrast of silvery nickel, this perfected TORTOISE COOK is pro- nounced the handsomest creation of its kind. ' Lemmon & Sons 187 PRINCESS STREET THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG rr . have demonstrated as nothing else! | Sunday Services in Churches {has ever done, the importance of having a plan and a grogramme. We {have been charmed by Drummond's | | Pentecostal Church, 285 Qucen | street. -- Come and hear Miss Katie | Builder, missionary from India, 11 |a m., 3 and 7.30 p.m. Good singing. | St. Paul's. = Motniug Prayer, 11 o'clock. Preacher, Canon FitzGer- | ald, M.A. Sunday school, 3 p.m. | Evening prayer, 7 p.m. Preacher, M Canon FitzGerald, M.A. Svdenhami Street Methodist -- Missionary Sunday. The minister, R. H, Bell, will preach morning and i evening. Sunday school, 2.45 p.m.; class meeting, 9.45 p.m. Come and { worship. * St. Andrew's Presbyterian.--Rev. John W. Stephen, minister.. Bervices, 11 am. and 7 p.m. in St. Andrew's Hall, conducted by the minister. Sun- day school 3 p.m. Strangers cor- dially iuvited. Bt. George's Cathedral--Seven- teenth Sunday after Trinity. 8 am. boly communion; 11 am. morning prayer. Preacher, Rev. W. BE. Kida. $ p.m., Sunday school: 4 p.m., holy baptism; 7 p.m., evensong. Preacher, Rev. W. E. Kidd. First Baptist Charch, Sydenham and Johnston streets. -- Rev. J. 8. LaFlair, pastor. 11 -a.m., sermon thenfe, "Men of Like Pussions," 2.45 Bible school; 7 p.m.. wermon theme, "The Unwilling God." rvices cou- ducted by the pastor. ' Calvary Congregational Church-- Corner Oharles and Bagot streets. Pastor, Rev. A. F. Brown, 144 Bar- rie street. Phone 1806w, Sunday, 11 am.; 3 p.m. Sunday school; 7 Pp.m.; Monday, 8 p.m., Christian En- deavor; Wednesday, 8' p.m., prayef meeting. . Queen Street Methodist Church-- Rev. W. 8S. Lennon, B.A, D.D., min- ister. Morning class, 10 am.; Sun- day school and Bible classes, 3 p.m.; church services, 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. The pastor will preach at both ser- vices. Beats free. A cordial welcome to strangers. Chalmers Church--Rev. R. J. Wil- son, D.D., minister. Services at 11 am. and 7 p.m. The minister will preach. Prof. Maclement's Bible class will meet « at 2 p.m.; Sunday school at 3 p.m. This church extands a welcome to all, especially to strang- ers and visitors. \ Bethel Church, Corner Barrie and Johnson streets. --- Pastor, A. 8id- ney Duncan. Services, 11 a.m. and 7 p.m.; Sunday school, 2.45 p.m; Chris'izn Fndeavor, Monday, 8 p.m. At 6.45 Sunday evening Song, Ser- vice by the choir augmented by the "Male Quartette." | "Natural Law in the Spiritual Sslvation Army, Priicess street-- Wold," we talk apout the "plan of Special Harvest Home services: Sun- |salvation;™ we Kiiscuss the "laws day, 7 a.m. and 11 a.m, special har- [of prayer." vest programme in Citadel, at 3 p.m i 2.0 0. n Salvation meeting, 7 p.m. Monday, | ' If God thinks it worth while to E pm. sale of fruits, flowers and [adopt a system in his economy, does vegetables, £nsign and Mre. Bosher [it seem unreasonable to insist that in charge. Bverybody welcome. | He expects men to be scientific' in --- [carrying on His work? How dare St. James' Chureh, Corner,of Un-|we engage in His enterprise in a ion and Barrie streels -- T. W. Sa- |slipshod fashion when God gives so vary, rector, the rectory. 8 an. much attention to the minytest de- holy communion; 11 am., morning | talis of His own work? prayer and litany. Sermon subject, | When a radlroad company decides "Good Works." 3 pm, Sunday to open up a new territory it does school: 7 p.m.. evening praver and not depend merely upon insprra- sermon. Sermon subject, "Freedom | tion and enthusiasm. It sends out by the Truth." {a corps of engineers to study soils; -- and levels; a master workman that! St, Luke's Church, Nelson street-- (maps out the entire job; makes his Ycev.'s. dePencier Wright, M.A., B.D., | blue prints, and in his mind's eye he rector. Seventeenth Sunday after sees it completed before the first tie Trinity. 11 am. morbing prayer; (is laid or the first spike driven. =.45 p.m., Sunday school and Bible | Something like this should be the classes; 4 p.m... holy baptisnii 7 p.|programme of the Church, It should m., evening prayer. Music, anthem, |face all the facts. The Churches like "0. Give Thanks Unto the Lord." an organizations must not, be caught (Smart), Mrs. Hinks and choir. 5010 (napping when great social and re- for St. Matthew's Day, "Behold the |ligious problems present themselves. Mdster Passeth By," (Hammond) | The Church should be ready when Mr. D. Couper. Seats free. Visitors needs arise and not spend *0 much and strangers cordially invited. {time organizing its work that the occasion for the Church's opportun- ity will have passed hy. Street Methodist Chu +h | So RracvEe Sin ong B.A. ear] Reconsruction tasks are now of Services at 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. The |8reat Importance and the Church pastor will preach. Subject, 11 a.m., | Will undoubtedly put them acrqss. "Evidences of Christianity." 7 p.m., { But Just as formation is more im. "Obristianity and After the War |Portant than reformation, so con- Values." Sunday school at 2.45 p.m. |Struction is more importan than re- Junfor choir sings In the morning | construction. service. © Special musiq in the even- | ee -------- ing service Seats free. Visitors | SCHOOL FAIR AT CATARAQUI cordially invited. y | Christian Science, First Charch of And It WasaD edi SnocessThe Christ Science 95 Johnson Cataraqui, Sept. 20.--The school fair street--Services, 11 am. and 7. Doc held here last Wednesday after- m. Subject "Matter." Wed- | oon and was a decided success. The nesday 8 p.m. testimonial meeting. | ox hibits were good and did much cre- Public reading room open every af-| dit to the teachers and pupils of the| ternoon except Sundays and Boll-| different schools. The schools taking | days trom 3 to 5 p.m. and on Thurs- | prizes in the parade were: 1st Glenvale; day evenings Yrom 7.30 to 9.30 3n4 Sunnyside; .3rd Cataraqui. Pp. m. All are corgially in-| Mr. and Mrs. M. Bennington have vited to the services and to the read- { returned after a short visit with friends ing room. [at Prescott. C, Clark, of the Customs | office, has been out to Aultsville for a | short - time. F. A, Smith, Plevna, is | home for a few days before resuming { his studies at Toronto University. L. {Ryderfand H. Keyes attended Ottawa exhibition, W. Orser, wife and son, and Mr. and Mrs. E. Lawson, Kepler, were the guests at the home of E, Caverly on Sunday last. School reopened here for the fall term with Miss Evelyn Ed- wards in the senior room, and Miss Dorothy Cooke in the junior. Rev. Dr. Bell, Sydenham Street church, King- ston, preached in the Methodist church here on Sunday. Rev. G. A Sisco was in Gananoque. Mr. Kish ha finished the road work at Keelervill for this season. Cooke's' Presbyteriyn Church, Brock street. Rev. T. J. 8. Fergu- son, minister. 11 a.m., "Our Special Itusiness," 11 a.m, the Sunday kindergarten school. All the par- ents are welcome to bring their little ones for a bappy and helpful hotir and at the same time enjoy the church service themselves. 3 pm. Sunday school and Bible classes. 7 p.m., "Real Life --- Three Men on the Stage." There will be read at both services, 'The Statement as to the Assembly's- Action on Church Union." Hear the 'Presbyterian church speaking for itself through its appointed spokesmen, Let us know what i¢ being done. Everybody wel- come at both services. Steet By the Rev. Theres mo doubt that the church is on trial. Whenever it got to the point when it felt itself perfect and invulnerable, then it was most open to assault. It's doctrine's may have been infallible, so far as they went, but they were never final. It wouid be folly to say that we have no more epiritul knowledge than owes ha T Amos, or any other prophet of ol§ testament days. Special Prices on Rattan Furniture Chesterfields, Di- vanettes, Daven- lours, Mohairs and i Imitation Leather. 3 3 Thy revelation of God has been progressive. There is a great for- | ward step between the revelation of God to Moses through the burning bush, and the revelation of God to the. twelve apostles through His Son Jesus Christ. And' God hasn't stopped world. He is still speaking through modern phrophets, although few are recognized as such in their own day. : Usually, phrophets are first ostra- cized, and then they are canonized, and sometimes there's a long, long Stretch between the two processes. cateh up with its prophets--and the church is usually about as slow tn this respect ag the world is. One of the bitterest laments of Jesus about the Jewish Church was that it stoned the prophets and kill- ed those whom God had sent unto it. And 'there hasn't been much difference in this respect between the Jewish Church of old and the present-day Church, of any denomin- ation. The trial of the Church to- day consists largely in the extent to which it recognizes mew truth and honors ite messengers. * . * . . And yet, the Church has often been unjustly accused. There have always been within it a remnant that understood ang fought for the ruth. # [your opinions critica have imagined. tn. 0, THE CHURCH IN THE WORLD TO-DAY revealing Himself to the |sMining mark on [ot ~the Church among sensible acknowledge fas certain practices or methods ot It takes the world a long time to "=a jof the Church a rr SCHOOLS IN PARADE Recently. . Pittsferry, Sept. 20.--Cutting corn is the order of the day. from here are, attending the Kingston fair and report that it is the best ex- Charles Stelzle, | | At the School Fair Held at Joyceville. Large crowds It is popular sport to shy bricks at the oy = oy takes | hibition held in Kingston for many more or less exercise in this tash- | years." The Schoo) fair Reid at Joyee- fon. It is almost as ula as | ville, on Friday ast, was largely -at- knocking the boss. ae pular ola | tended both by the children and adults. bricks have been used so often that | The exhibits were good. The usual the: sbarp corners have been worn | Toutine of sports was put on. The off. Some of the bricks thrown b _{ schools made a fine appearance in the {the crities never did bother the | Parade, Jchinion séhod] taking frst Church, because they did not hit thet oo erm Tovou mark--the criticism was unjustifiable priee Mr. and Mrs. J. Edgar, Jr, and Jos. and therefore the Church did not | 1» 3 i take them seriously. : { Edgar, Sr., motored to Belleville on , Saturday and spent the week-end. Mr. No doubt the Church and Mrs. Rober Barclay have return- many of the bricks that came its | oq home from a ten days motor trip | way. It appears at times that the (to Toronto, Paris and Grey county. | Church deliberately invites brick- Mr. and Mrs. Stirling Orr, Simcoe Is. | bats because it makes itself such # land, spes the week-end with Mr. and | account of wesrvs- Mrs, B. Orr. Rev. Dr. Lennon, King- fastical stupidity or ndiRorepeet), 1: ston occupied the pulpit at St. Law- Would greatly strengthen the Position | rence church at the Sunday morning service, and sincere people if it were openly to itself in error 'regard- ------------ DISPOSED OF HIS FARM Herbert Buck, Kepler, Sold to John Lee, Cole Lake. Kepler, Sept. 19--Most of the farm- ers have threshed their grain and re- port a better yield than they expected. A fine young daughter has arrivéd to brighten the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. Donnell. W. F. Crawford, secretary of Ottawa' Bible Society, gave ah ilfus- trated lecture on Italy here, last Thurs- day evening. Herbert Buck, has dis- 'posed of his farm here. John Lee, Cole Lake, is the purchaser. 5 Miss Mabel Orser has gone to visit friends in New York State. F. Hansen, Detroit, is visiting friends here. Kepler will be well represented at Kingston fair this week. work. But the Church should make this confession before outsiders be- &in to charge it with failures, Such an attitude on the part of , the Church would certainly destroy most of the criticism one hears of it. . * * -. . The ability to discern one's error and the courage to confess that one has made mistakes are the indicators of a big soul. And, after all, the Church is" composed of many big- souled people. But they are just People--don't forget this, If you must throw bricks at Chureh, come in The Chlreh itself the and get a license. will give it to you. A laugh Is worth a hundred groans in any market. Men of Experience at Your Command Our officers will gladly give vou first-hand knowledge and unbiased judgment on money matters. STANDARD BANK Kingston Branch, Ts J.F Rowley Manager ---- Ir SMALL ACCOUNTS WILLINGLY HANDLED ]£ is the aim of the Bank of Montreal to serve willingly in little things as well as large--to be generally helpful to its cus- tomers regardless of the size and extent of their dealings with the Bank. For years the Bank of Montreal has co-operated with its customers, assisting in various ways in matters of finance and business, . If you require information or any other banking service, ybu have merely to write or call. BRANCHES IN KINGSTON King and Clarence Streets: P. DU MOULIN, Manager Brock and Wellington Streets: H. A. TOFIELD, Manager Ontario Street: R. R. F. HARVEY, Manager "BANK OF MONTREAL EE ---- Whatever f You may provide a secure in- come for the years when you are too old to work. How? By the purchase of a Dominion Government Annuity, Canada The Government of maintains the Annuities System for your benefit, and if you are Wise you will take advantage of it. No medical examination is required, and there are Plans of purchase to suit all, You every that your money earns, and your Investment be od For farther particulars send for this booklet. Fill out this immediately and mail it in unstamped enveion- a ly a" (State Whet When change itself can gave ne more, 'tis easy to be true. y Ww : SN © outside. , . 3 And maybe you'll change some of To begin with, you'll make the job great deal easier by elping on the inside rather than by knocking from the outside. - Le a My, S$ $$ » OB» ON & - ] . WN ito ;