Daily British Whig (1850), 22 Sep 1923, p. 19

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SATURDAY. skPTINRER , 1023 : _____ THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG -- -- : wi tee ee ------ eT Ee ---- - - TR | Opportunities That Fit Every Purse And Every Person Are Found Right Here [ ho ar British Whi Automobiles ; Merchandise. __Reai Estate For Rent ___Real Estate For Sale, The Sriia ONT. 8 ® Automobiles For Bale 11 ' { : Articles For Sale 51 Houses For Rent 77 Houses For Sale 84 | HOUSE--At once, new, seven rooms | y TISING. REO TOURING CAR Five pasgengsr, BARGAINS--In men's sweater goats, | am iv CLASSIFIED ADVER fo y one- te 1 : { pants,| With large lot and barn on North Al-| SCE---Bateman's large Real Esta in Al running order, new one-man P { all wool, $275; army -khaki pants, fred. Apply J. D. Boyd, Eastview vertisement, page 3, column au te ade ular oe Indexed, stapdardized and pop shock absorbers, bumper, spare tire 3 . BRIrTS, Whipeord tiling brn es Ti: 1204 acerding to | carrier, ete. Price $285. Easy terms mpro our portunities fr bi Doane. Toan8 Lrecches Man. | Park Panes ier Rs All ads. are restricted 10 theif Apply phone 1986J a | skin Seats, etc. at A. Shapiro, 45 Prin- | poo od good Jooality: | > . and to the j==-- = = } cess St | CO Aver ienoa he ; - heating | $3900.00 New Bungalow, Proper ciasslficRticn. Avie of type. | Auto Accessories--Tires--Parts 13 by is it that one person uider certain Iaverable | "ail conventences; hot water heating | $200.00 New Bungalow $ rooms, hard. SE a : : y conditions thinks and learns, while another individual | PURNITE RE Don act iitehen abl) APDIY Boz 0-15. Whig gmice. deep lot. $400 down and $30 per month CLASSIFIED RATES SPARE PARTB--For most makes and! ' = { net, buffet and bovkoases, stovesand| PRINCESS STREET--5 rooms, brick, | 8nd interest, consecutive models of cars. Your did broken and under exactly the same conditions, does not? | desks . Apply J. Thompson, 333 Prin- Y eetric ; 2 OW $4600.00--Clergy Street, Daily rate pes line OF son worn parts replaced. Write or wire y ; : a | cess street, phone 1600 as ang le APPL ME Wan) rooms, all conveniences agronick. ' nser ? us describing what you want We | Principally it is because thé former takes advan- | aT 2 | 1 oN ef 207 | $8000.00--Ear! Street. solid brick. 1 5 nts. carry the largest and most complete] ities. i tilitaria | FA BTOCK--Credit sale of imple- SAG STREE i | rooms, 3 fireplaces, al ' Minimum charge, 2 Seat Caah art cE of slightly used and | tage of his upportunities. He is a utilitarian, as far as | 'ments and machinery, at the residence | 184 BAGOT STREET - poop tontable $4700.00--Frontenac Street} sec all Daily rates per line. : "3 new parts and automobile equipment getting ahead is concerned. He seizes opportunity as i of RL Van Luven, Lake Shore Road. | King & Smythe, 11:13 Clarence Stidet | Jeonveniences. : oorme, . We ship C.O.D. where in Canada | on Vednesday, Sept: 26th, at 12.30] i 5 go : '1 $1500.00---Small h . 3 3 Satistaion or refund _in full Jour soon as he sights it, and he puts it to soms practical | sharp | Kingston, Ont | #800 00university Sve: 5p raceme hot .. . Shaw's Auto Salvage art use. jr---------------------- BARL- &1 oy water heating, al eo barged, Mette |G CE Sa T {818 EARL: ST.--Furnished house, hot! ,~ 8. conveniences. Ld ne = 8 ly, 923-931 Dufferin Street, To- iy | GOODYEAR RAINCOATS For men, | ; - tl $4700.00--. a irths, Engagements, Marriages, | Bubply. 92 | Such a man reads--and answers--the beneficlal of- boys. women and children. All sizes. | Wafer healing. = Apply phone 2118w | Fiie800- Are vis lot 0000 | | 1.50; cash, $1.00. | fers in the A-B-C Classified Sectiog"0f the Whig. He Men's, $4.90; ladies', $7.75; satisfaction down. balance $30 per month on interes | iam n | rd of Thanks and Memor TUBES---Just a few of those large a -- gu nteed or money refunded. Ad- Eo . - est an r Notices--<harged, $1.60; casn, $1.00 tubes left. A big bargain if we have knows that to-day--or- to-morro or some to-morrow dress, G. CG. Dubois, 240 Albert St.,| $10--2 Vine St. 3 rooms and toilet. d principal. i We also ha 3 Sach insertion. = regular | YOUr size. Eastern Canada Maxotire| --he will meet most of the good fortune he is seeking. Sor. Bank and Albert, Ottawa, Ont. | #14=-332 Montreal St. fiat. 't roome, all] (> Slee have several others mn al} Be AE ors ae one-time inser. 2 Wiueen ang Ontario Sts, phons/ Te thinks and learns. HORSE HAY --Good green, wel cured,| $35--Colborne St. 7 rooms, all conveni-| 4 Bian LSON, REALTOR, on rate; no i taken fof 08a tnag ee | He knows that if he Improves opportunity, oppor- loose, $10.00 per ton, delivered. Phone $40 Styart St. 7 rooms. miasen Feet, Phone 1008 Count "six average words to the Business Service tunity will improve him--and he reads the A-B-C Ads | 2325. JES, Suan s. , médern, | mE regularly! {| MANDOLIN, BANJOS--Walnut veneer-| See Mullin for houses to rent. -- Hr) ed ads. will be Jogsiveq bY Business Services Offered 18 ed body, inlaid rim, mAnOgany peck. | Johns Phone Siw. Street lephone and If paid a e > -B-C 3 pearl position dots. combination taill Johnsen an division Streets. HA Wiis Office within ¢ days from THE A CLASSIFIED ADS piece and hand rest, complete in lea. | =-------------------- a mteesooamgean day of insertion, cash rate | AUCTIONEER For courtesy and hon- E--I) ther cases with clasp locks, latest | "Office and Desk Room 78 : ~ the Ara day of | est dealing, W. A. Twigg, 374 King ALWAYS THE SAME--IN SERVICE type instruments at $2.00. Elders. | akKeview dered for more than one day Street. Phone 820J or 1785w. ALWAYS DIFFERENT--IN OPPORTUNI moe | Fry stopped before expiration wiil a, 9 TUNITY PIANOS FOR RENT--We will rent you Offi T R only bé charged for the number of CERI SEI TI a new plano for six months, and In ices 0 ent times the ad. appeared and adjue'- Cleaning, yeti, Renovating 20 | the event of a purchase at the end of | ouse ment made at the rate earned. rere estate this period we will allow you all the | SUITABLE FOR INSURANCE. AP-| Rate per line for white space is CARPET CLE G--Let us handle money pald to apply theredn. C. W, { the same as & line of type. Yours, with our vacuum -cleaner. We Lindsay Limited, 121 | PLY JAMES RICHARDSON & BONS, | Corner Queen and Ontario Sta. Special rate for yearly advertising guarantee a good job. Furniture re- . -------- pee UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT. upon request. pairing of ull kinds. Muller's Bicycle| = ee ee -- PRICES--Call and get ours, on Cream| LIMITED, 243 KING ST., MR. DAVIS First-clas, : Publishers reserve the right to edit Works, »73 King Street. Fhone 1961w. i SW Separators, Gas Engines, Extension | 8 rooms and meals. or 1eject all classified advertising | ----ee mployment Employment | Ladders, Pumps: two good second. sme rm | Good yards and stables. Ladics' Hair Parlor, la | === oa mn . FLITE ee | hand riding Plows. Frost & Wood | | Help Wanted--Female 32 Help--Male or Female 34 | 226 Ontario Street. - r---- ae 1 Special rates to Marine Men. APARTMENT OR FLAT--Furnished, 8| " FP. M. DRISCOLL, -- | HAIR WORK--Of all kinds, made to | by 3 ' COOK GENERAL Experienced. Ap- il "hri STOVES--Lawrenson's for Good Cheer y 0 1 order. Also Shampooing and M pe e hp BOLOIST--For Firet Church of Christ, | Square Quebec Stoves and Heaters, rooms, including kitchenette, for Unj- Proprietor. > + ply Mrs. F. H. Macnee, 143 Ki | 8 ist, CI . ; versity . Or ocd Announcements ing. Children's hair cutting rant clentist, Christian. Science. . Apply Economy Ready Mixed Paints and Var- Nem Ee Whix Office.' quit -- HOTELS copy. Telephone 243, ask for a want ad. taker. SSeS Charles Cunningham, 58 Bay BStreet,| Street, by letter to A. 8. Macrae, 95 Johnson nishes. 357 Princess Street. Phone | a # Personals $| Kingston. Street. 339w., opposite Orange Hall. -- "Bi INKSS SanvICK Ro Eh word Tarr, Wier: Tosaradcs =| EP Gain Bikol" Mere) _ Solictorn Canvaseers, Agente 38 3000 ices t328 guarie sere | mover = tionate girl, wo \ , = and second hand lumber, matched lum- > closing envelope. Dorfs Dawn, South! piRE.__ Automobile and Casualty Insur- AGENTS--~If you want a good, steady ber, cedar posts; soft slabs, $2. ar. T " ' 2 Euclid, Ohio. ne; z J. Crime. 420 Ear] Street. als : line Jaawing a Brot af $50 Weekly ter cord; po. od "slabs, 3s 52 50 ur, MEDIUM BIZED; CENTRALLY Bir : Kent Macnee one 17 3 COOK~ Experienced, good wages. Ap-| up, e for ure on our rub-| Talbot. Yard: Concewsion street, near CATED: p " nk of Commerce Buildi MATRIMUNIAL -- Hundreds seeking ply 207 William St. Phone 504. ber specialties. Steady demand. B. &| Division. Phone 3303w. JOONTRD] SMALL FAMILY; &nd King Streets. Phune 108 of Seek marriage If sincere enclose stamp. | INSURANCE--Only the most reliable E. Mfg. Co, Dept. 4, London, Ont. GOOD TENANT. APPLY BC General Insurance ney. Mrp. F. Willard, 2928 Broadway, Chl- | companies represented Strange & - | WOOD--Try a load of Swain's good, NT. A Y BOX T-21, Writing :--Automobile, Aocels ebgo, Illinols. Strange, established in 1860. Office: 93) CHILDREN'S NURSE Competent. Ap-| AGENT--An Intelligent man or Yearly| dry mixed wood for the cool morn:| WHIG OFFICE, OR PHONE 1801W dent, Sickness, Plate Glas "Burglary Clarence Street, opposite Post Office. ply Mrs. T. A. McGinnts, 2 Alwington|. to travel and appoint agents. Yearly | in and evenings; two and four dol- a Se cic. Representing oaly rellable com. MATRIMONY Pretty girlie, wealthy, | er 'Ave | contract, guaranteeing $1,092 and ex- | . 140% York Street, corner York panies. but oh 80 lonesome. -C. Box 55, Oxford, | INSURANCE--Our Health and Accident | penses, (321 weekly average); oom-| and Division Streets. -- a. nny | poMcy will protect your salary.~ Fire! COOK-- General, family of three, no| mission besides. Winston Co., Dept. | mmm 3 sta Insurance at low rates. Phdne E.| laundry, highest wages, Le a) W.U., Toronto. | Neen AND COKE---New yard at 290 |. _ Real Estate For Sale. MATRIMONY --Refined girl, 20, worth Wwijlja Couper Street. \ woman preferred. Apply Mrs. W. F. Wellington, corner Ordnance. = dr = . 30,000, would marry. H-Box 38, League | am meme | Casey, 313 King -Stréet, corner Earl | AGENTS--Get in a profitable all year| mixed A sawed, sp'tt and wy arms and Land For Sale 83 eerste ~ 19,00, would | Moving, Trucking, Storage = 23| Bhows 1315 tor Bpotrset. co | Gwamlssion business of your own. | livered, $2.50; 1:8 cord, ful measurs,| == OO STORM WINDOWS MADE TO tor] Every property gvuer needs some of | Hard Coal Coke from city gas works,| LAND -- Florida Orange, Grapefruit, ORDER MARTIMONY--Marry If lonely: for sgups Cleaned out of cellars and| EXPERIENCED NURSE -- For two! our nine hundred varieties of hardy | $10.00 ton up to September. Cinders,| (rucking lands, groves developed, easy | Get our money SAVING price list try me; best and most suc-|"yargg clean job done. A, MacGregor,| children References required. Ap-| Red Tag trees and plants. No capital| $1.00. -Load Clinkers 50c. W. C. Bru- terms, small farms. Free booklet.| | showing cost of storm windows, "Home Maker"; hundreds rich | 34 Russell Street. Phone 2256. ply Mrs. A. Minnes, 148 University needed. Complete equipment and in-| ton. Phone 2440w. East Orange Land Co., Dept. FD., Box | | glazed complete, any size. If you strictly confi- - Ave y | struction free. Write Dominfon Nurger- pr: zene mo Orlando, Fla, {| | are building or repairing, ask for most reliable; years of ex-|gTORAGE SPACE--For furniture, clean | les, Montreal. > Wanted--To Buy 068 eee | | OUF free catalogue of building ma~ Dri neTiptions free. pone Bue! a APPLE Bory em, Hi) CIR For hall or Whole uy, Buen | GREETING GARD CANVASSE T [ ARERD AD an ARMS miles! | (trials cessfu ub, rs. * »| Neilson street. one 11 or v rofessor, family of two. Apply Box-| GREETI} ANV. RS--To| < et A rom rockville--frame house--good . Oakland, California. . -- Foi Whig omce | handie an exclusive high grade line, | ol. sol ier or Frlse Reeth, for) out-butlaings--tive hundred enosocs | | The Halliday Co. Ltd | STORAGE--ior furniture, clean, dry, selling to business houses only, liberal | 244 Princess street Kingston *| hills--half acre of raspberries. - A ply || HAMILTON, ONTARI > SKIN BLEMISHES -- Halr, Moles,| airy rooms and spaces; your own lock| LADY REPRESENTATIVES-- Can earn| commissions, or salary and commis- | es o sme Nk Arthur Shields, Route 2, Brockville. ~ | a o. arts, Birthmarks, Skin Cancers.| and key. Frost's City Storage, 299-| from ten to forty dollars weekly | sion if preferred; permanent situation | | Scars, Pits, eto. removed permanent-| 305 Queen St. Phone 526. Res. 989w. with our line of Personal Christmas| If satisfactory. Apply by letter stat. | § ACRES--At Deseronto, good frame! ly. Satis aNd | ey Greeting Cards. Samples free. We | Ing experience if any, and age; refer- | =====| house and outbulldings. Win sell | tt" furnished Jailed | Painting, Papering, Decorating 26 | pay weekly, Write for particulars.| ences required. Loyflls Ltd, Toronto. | cheap to quick buyer. Apply Edgar] " Gcitre cured without operation. 3 | eta ------------------ Dept. 122 Carlton Publishing Company, » Burley, Deseronto, Ont. TORONTO ears' experience. Dr. Elmer J. Lake. | . Toronto, Ont. » | BALES AGENT--Reliable, for unrepre-| BOARD AND ROOMS--first class, by -- ee | ye, Ear, Nose, Throat, Skin, 18¥|gigN PAINTING. S. Kobinson, rear DIES To do Salm ars Torr ooo | ented districts. Good pay. free equip-| day or Week. All conveniences. Rea-| 50 ACRES--2% miles south Napanee, | SUNDA Y Wi Bagot Street. Phone 301w. House 1135J | "375 Bagot street. LADIES--To do plain and light sewing| ment. We are the largest growers of| sonable rates. Apply 208 University | on county .road. Good land, watered | ORLD | =i at home, whole or spare time, goo fruit and orntmental trees in Canada. Avenue, near Brock treet. by creek and never-failing well, new w Lost and Found 10 pay, work sent any distance, charges| Sell for a Nursery, not for & Jobber. | ==------=mmmmoe--rmmsammmam | brick veneer house, seven rooms, steel | hen you order for ten weeks we { Architects paid. Send stamp for particulars. Na-| You will be successful. Write: Pelham Rooms Without Board [oof, 34x26, two storey, good outbuild-| | Will deliver to your home early BELT BUC LE Los, Aliver, [30 tional Manufacturing Co., Montreal. Nursery Co., Toronto, Inga, Close to Jono, Ploughing be- | Sunday morning. Thursday. Finder please phone | ARCHITECTS--Power, Son and Drever, = | ROOMS--Separately or together, bed-| Ing done. Apply to John Fitsmartin, | 3 Reward. Merchants Bank Chambers, corner of : Situations Wanted--Female 88 | room with running water aad sitting-| R.R. 2, Napanee, Ont | Follow the rugby teams during -------- semen eee Brock and Wellington. MAID--ior general housework. Apply | room or bed sitting-room with fire-| TT oT this fall's games. First games are BUNCH OF KEYS--Found, on a ring. | x Mrs. Millan, $0 Earl St, phone 945. place. 138 King Bt. phone 931. 187 ACRES--Bullings in good condi-| | next Saturday." Owner may have same at Best's Drug | Chiropructic ; * | LADY CLERK---Experienced, seeks tion, 80 acres under cultivation, con-| Order now | Store. / 2 employment. Phone 1888, Rooms For Housekeeping 69 | 1° °Nt to school and cheese factory, | : / XN BUNCH OF KEYS Found, In front of| MARCELIS--Wm,, A., D.C, Ph. C MAD Good, tor general hhusework, ! Yel watered, § miles from Kingston, | 4 ' | ner Princess and Barrie Streets. +¥ply Mrs. Tofield, 70 Barrie St. 2D u ed, 9 wo, ' 4 vine ghway. | MORRISON'S NEWS ST h British-American Hotel. Owner may| no Barrie Bt. entrance. aston, Financial Bo oME mFurialed. Sn ire win del cheap. ' Apply C. O. Martin, A Westbrooke, Ont. | Clarence Street. Phone 3437w | | | | . | MunuHANDISK hoor | | | have same at Whig Ofice. | Unt Consultation free. Telephone kit » A . » v . henette, gas plate and oven. Ap- " ry | 822]. Hours 12am, 1t .m. | MIDDLE-AGED WOMAN--At once, for en jeter DOG Lost, Sepl. Joh, Brindle bull 822). H ¥ to m., 1to 6 p.m. general housework. Apply Box U-22 Money to Loan 40 LP 44 O'KIIL St., phone 1632m. cn 300 ACREs-Furm, 8 miles from Alex- y . G0 s 1 'Y---Drs. G. F. ana Jen . Chiro-|{ Whig Office. " . money- wering to "Jack." Finder pleass| Le Fh ents ACh, 8 : FRONTENAC. Loan and Investment Real Estate For Rent be bought with or withou phone Thomas O'Connor, 329 Brock| Nyurye 239 Bagot Street. Phone 943w.| MAKE MONEY AT HOME--$15 to $60 Ww PN orp Ko Ase § t op easy terms. Declining years {s own- Ht, phone 1205J. Hours; 9-12 am. 1 to 6, and 6 to 7.30| paid weekly for your spare time writ- B. Cunningham. Mx vice-president, A. Apartments and Flats 74 | ors reason for selling. Apply Charles FURNITURE p.m. Sunday and other hours by ap-| Ing shéw-cards for us. No canvassing. Id na 8 am, ,, oney lasued on city Kavanaugh, Alexandria Hay, N.Y. o pointment. Consultation a We instructiand supply you with work, FR aroperties; municipal and | J pi porary es rooms furnish-| F. B. McNamee, 346 Alfred Seratt] or Al Peaciiptions at Reason = 0 | | BAR BING--Found Owner may have 8 In 4 county debentures; mortgages pur- : " Kingston, Ont. BAR BI) Ce IB or rost-Angoy Shey Lin Service. 17] chased; investment bonds Ro aale rust he Sathreom Jan Sopvenient 0 --_-- re STOVES Dental 28d. - d posits received and interest allowed. Whig Office APY : Houses For Sale 84 well GLOVES Found, Tadys b nam- | SPARKS & SPARKS Cartwright, manager, 31 Clarence . snes *ll repaired. at 4 rine orion /ES--Found, lady's brown cham-| SPARK » -- Dentists, - 188 | NURSE HOUSEMAID--Apply 1 - | Street, Ringston, --Fou ; . ISB~-O [ : losette, on Johneon St. Owner may | Nelliagton sireet, corner of Brock. RE HouSEMAID- oP ¥ Mrs, Du A TN Tot. ve, St) Pos. ET 51h, bent PL on al | J k' : . I UurK s PHONE 708. ---- have same at Whig Office. Phone 346. 1 i veniences: ; . | nstruct on ptember 1st. Apply White's! improvements, Apply persona, :| Insurance Agency. 357 Johnson Street. P ally, a | {4 | | Reeser ee G ES--Found, pair of man's, on| KNAPP--D\r. 'A. BE, Dentist. Office: 258 STENOGRAPHER--And assist ncess St. Qwner may have same *} Princess Street. Phone §53w. Open| ant. state experience Je us ists Musical, Dancing Dramatic 44 FEAT Tote mm 200 Frontenac gt. Svenings by appointment. =" | pected. Apply Box §-20, Whig Office.| PEARL A. NESBIT--L.T.C.M., Organ- for light Jousekeeping, on bath room| FRAME BUNGALOW--$ rooms 3 bed-| VE y 's, bro kid, on . . Pp NE AE aE ---- heistian] 18t and Cholr Director, Queen Bt. Me- at, gas r cooking, electric lights,| rooms, electric lights, bath > ato E--Found, man's wn 9) Legal 280. | WOMAN--An intelligent. Christian thodist Church. Teacher of Singin good locality. Apply Box S-4, Whig| decorated, newly painted, Phi well | Ilington street. Owner may ha woman to interview mothers in the r | a rgan. Office. stor | ame 41 Whi OMe on CUNNINGHAM & SMITH -- Barristers! interest of religious education in the Roronto Cusmurvareniis Examination hen hose" his provarty tered | MIZPAH RING Lost. go T 2 and Solicitors, 19 . Clarence Street,| home, and distribute religious litera-| Fall term commences Bept. 4th. Bt a sacrifice. $2350 sty 8 offe d | ® DIRNL corner Barris Seo ay Kingston. A. B. Cunningham, K.C.:| ture. $225 paid for 90 days' work. Studio: 400 Brock Street. Phone 1147J | FLAT--6 rooms, including sun room, . y. { , Fi ts pas arnie 4 a r 3-4 3. ( Cyril M. Smith. May work spare time. No experience - "| ood balcony, B. and C. sep rate. Will| FRAME BUNGALOW --§ rod m \ of pisase & . aren rn necessary, State age and church con-| DAISY JOHNSON--A, T. C. M. teacher| fent complete or in part. Factg Vic-| rooms, all hardwood flog 4 3 bed. | or AND REVELLE--Barristers and| nection. For particulars write Mr. of Violin and Plano. Pupils prepared | toria Park. Possession at once. Ap- lights, 3 piece bath, Jblend a' cellar. ali| clce $3,000. | and recelve reward. D solicitors, 69 Clarence Street, King-| Conrad, 118 Spadina' Building, Toronto.| for Toronto Conservato mi ply 307 Alfred Street. in first class repal : ton. A. EK. Day, Adrian' I. Revelle |= __ == : ' IH AL ged i | epalr, ONYX GOLD RING--Found. Owner| * / a ; tions. Studio: 307 Collingwood St. Terms. may have same at Mahood Bros. | Money to loan. Phone 208. Help Wanted--Male 88| (near Johnson). Phone 235re UNIVCRSITY APARTMENTS 261 Uni- | M BT - versity Avenue, § and 8 roomed, heat- | - B. TRUMP' UR | We still hav Bo are, A Basriace; ud AN OPPORTUNITY-- From now until! OLIVE M. WOODMAN -- Teacher of ed and well equipped. Possession | - e a few Marine TICKETFound, on King St. on| SaiChes. Law Oftice. coruer "Money| Christmas to earn from ten to fifty| singing and theory. Studio 186 Easl| Oot. let Apply 337 Johnson Street. | + 237 Bay pt Street. and Stationary Gasoline En- hursday. for steamer Wolfé Islander. | to joan. Phone 1950 We FOReY|. dollars weekly with our line of per-| Street. Phone $3im. Fall term be- | Pn 7 #1 er may have same 3t Whis Oey, | to loan. Phone 1999. sonal greeting cards. Whole or spare| £1ns Sept. 10th. Business Places For Rent 70 | Oney 194 or 15425 &ines in stock. We also do en< A, time. Samples free. Wesply week- | =--= i | ( gine, boat and automobile re- ulece bath, 2 fireplaces, one u pairs. and oxy-acvetylene weld- Tp n= Osteopathy 2 §-Hme. | : Automobiles 28K rian Pabidnosoaitiond Dept dn, Live Stock LORGE ROOMS. Rooms on Kiag atroet | HOUSE--T rooms, Lower Bar] St. Ses | OSTEOPATHY --A. T. Still gradubtes. 4 , -- 10.0. ] Automobiles For Sale 11 | Drs. Robert and Edna Ashcroft, 204| EARN--$5.00 to $25.00 weekly, the Horses, Cattle, Implements. 48 | Apply to Cunningham & Smith. down, electric light and gas. : Y furnace, plumbing all new. ing, etc, King Street. Phone 447 fur appoint-| pleasant Home Work way makin mens. socks on the fast, easily learned ik ag BAY PONY--And buggy. Apply Mrs Houses For Rent 7 136x33. Separate gateway. Apply J. | ARRANGE FOR HUPMOBILE DE. | === Knitter. Experience unnecessary; dis-| George Burnett, Post OMece Box 111, " Cooke, phones: Res. $42w, office! Repairing 29 | tance Immaterial; positively no can-| Odessa. FURNISHED HOUBE--8ix rooms, near w. { MONSTRATION AT THE BLUE Tago Rrticulara 3c. stamp." Dept. Morchand reasonable. "Apply $1 Beverly, after 7 --|| DAVIS DRY DOCK Co i FURNITURE FINISHING--Of all kinds.| 78C, Auto Knitter Co., Toronto. 3 rly, p fan GARAGE. LMITED. COR. BAGOT! Cail wud ses Wo Drisectl "i Joba REME AND B jso Bot 185m. Ban 8 roomy ava" Food locality, com} | Foot of Welington Street : . 2 N--] - : 4 room; 8 AND QUEEN STREETS. stresi, Phone fur, FIRE -ina TEM EN Begin. Articles For Sale 51 | HOUSE--8mall, furnished, near Uni-| very modern with every convenience. | : UPHOLSTERING--New or used furni-| tion?) Write Rallway, Box Ded, hig versity and car line, married couple| all Ja &ood condition, including lar ture; work guaranteed. Call or drop a| Office. ABHES -- An Heavy Clinkers.| preferred. Inquire 87 Earl St. garden. Apply Box K.29, FORD SEDAN---§§00 cash, starter, new | card Ww. J. Gavine, 216 Bagot Street. Especially sulted for road work. - nice. tires, motor just overhauled. Phone MACHINE RUNNERS--Experienced,| To be had for i, Apply | HOUSES 25 Pine Street, barns, 1706J. 423 Johnson St. UPHOLSTERING--AnNd general repair-| for underground. work at Kingdon| to Angrove's. Foundry, ng and| Stabling for team of horses, two large Ing. Leave orders at or drop a card| Mine, Galetta, Ont. (35 miles west of| Queen Streets. Jots and road at back. § rooms, hard- ONE OVERLAND -- One Oldsmobile, | to §'. W, Harold ,104 Clergy Street. Ottawa). Wages, $4.25 and bonus per| ~-- wo oors, good cellar, gas and elec. . Studebaker light six sedan; in first eight-hour shift. "Apply Superinten- ANTIQUES--Wainut Chars, Walnut| tric lights, three-piece bath, no chil. glass condition. Apply Blue Garages, | gop REPAIRING--AIl hand work.| dent. - « Buffets, Walnut Dinin ables. Leé-| dren for Pine St. house; 69 Quebeéd ., Bagot and Queen Streets Rubber heols a speciaity; efticlent ser " Ses' Autlque Shop, 507 Princess Street.| Btrest, hardwood floors, 7 rooms and . Bince April 1st we have takes orders for Anthracite coal vi Adolf Kaminski, corner Mont-| NIGHT-MAN--Reliable, for garage.| Phone 1046w. shed. Apply 25 Pine Street. and filled them as 'quickly as po : real and Queen Streets. Must be a good washer and able to do A INGS ts, A 7 A WN ~-- Ten utomonile Tenta, | HOUSES--Several to rent from $18.00 to Fall Fepairs. Apply Van.Luven Bros. Peterborough Canoes, Life Saving| $27.00 per month: Cherry Street: two UPHOLSTERING « "Covered buttons| 34 Princess Jags. Te i rt ts Sixth Street, ali § . made same day as ordered. Uphol - rpaulins. . .| apartmen _on x treet, a me Used Cars FdEs, $04 Univers dvence. host] to warm Ponto vain ening] oooh TIE Dusen Phems da. | Be ee nh, ose 08 ridge, 244 University Avenue. one o rn. ons waiting paying ame | : hi a ptisironts ual of Mion eg? QrARel, aay sweguiy| fimhice: Doe seven fecmed Rebus 2h Al E E Walthem, gent Telegraphers. Ofclals say our £28 Collingwood Streels. Phone 618 or| 69 Patrick Street. McLAUGHLIN 1921 UNT that day 1 n 1 Day and Mail Goursee ® wilte 'plains COUN a Ay lost whose low y an 'ourses. rite min. EL : descending sun sees you neglecting | fon School Rallroading. Ltd. Toronto. YOUR FRIENDS, arc friends of EW dsb bnatod Bist tmnt. Jima is. Special seven passenger Tourin your friends, have profited by reading . . . . Pe all new Cord tires, new top and|the classified columns. "EVERYTHING FOR re-- om EVERY Individual has something lassified ads--and have frignds of S eurtains, painted and varnished, in ex: : EVERYTHING the automobile ng goesn't want and wants something | © ¥ ne 59 have Iriends vo alnes Wi O m + Cellent achanie: condition. THE MAN who has ambition encugh| is sold by advertisers who use clastl-1o, aoesn't have. The classified ne yeur friends' friends. *9 ite "DODGE COUPE. 1923 |Site wii wont: 30°00 iii 1.8 Freire on Giioies CLASSIFIED 13s are mitones on Foot of Johnson Street : ran imost new. with Spare tire MMM "Re 5 = " pe r == -- ---- znd shila wiper apa over convenieni| BRINGING UP FATHER 2 : F BY GEORGE McMANUS Si, ane puss 3 ex an ® to inspec u Ir nd . cars, " YOU BIT OUT HERE AN iF Any THING YOU GO WN THAT . : . BFORTANT HASEENS QR ANY IMPORTANT OFFICE - Thi. BIT Boyd's Garage OO baTuAre Orta [LIN NY 1 Brock Stree. g Phone #01 W. ) VERY well me Sms MR eS! a, o-Day's Biunder Corrected = (See Hiustsation on Page 18.) { Long-handled saucepans should be placed on the back burners of the #love or the handles shoud be turned toward the back when the front burnérs must be used. When Hlowed to stick out beyond the ve there is danger of their ostek- in the clothing and being pulled ral

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