THE DAILY BRITISH | WHIG SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 28, 108( Founded 1847 LIVINGSTON'S New Fall Neckwear, Shirts THE RIGHT HAT The well dressed man is particular about his headwear--and rightfully so. Here's an interesting selection--replete with style, quality and value. BEST ENGLISH FELTS BORSALINO HATS VELOUR HATS LIVINGSTON'S sass 75-19 Brock St. ote Underwear Underw "If Off Your Route It Pays To Walk" { Musical | its. former excellence. ik Retail Marhet Phones 458-459. siness Office 865. Wholesale Department Saturday Night 6 to 10 p.m. 1,000 lbs. Stewing Cuts from choice Beef per Ib. 5¢ Fresh Dairy Butter Substantial Reduction Off These Basket Fruits Crawford and Elberta Peaches, Barlett Pears, Green Gage Plums, = Prune Plums, = Da:nson Plume, 15¢ off 11 quart size 10c off 6 quart size All fresh picked stock, pack guaranteed. 35¢ "UISTEN T0 ME" AT GRAND OPERA HOUSE Show Good One-- Final Presentation Will be Given Tonight. "Listen To Me", the Le Comte & Flesher production presented at the rand on Friday night is a musical | show, fanciful in construction,origin- al in make-up, gorgeous in staze set- tings, with a wealth of meritorious scng aumbers rendered Hy caoab'2 ertists ¢nd an abundance of humor | intermingled with the other featur- | es in a way that makes it satisfying in overy degree. "Listen To Me" opens with 1 scene in Hades, where J. Lucifer Devil re- leases his six temptations on man. It suddenly changes to Satan's re- ception room and thereafter follows a frolic af the North Pole, a trip to Kandy Land and finally to the stage of the Ritz Theatre, New York, where all immortals become mortals. Bach scene has its particular array of color and charm, its smiles and its tunes all interwoven in a subtle 'manner, which makes it a continual source of pleasure and entertainment 'until the final curtain. Marguerite Willlams fs in the leading feminine role in the present offering and her addition to the cast has elevated the show even beyond In the roles of Theda Bareback, Aurora Borealis, and Queen of Hearts, her perfor. mance was of unusual merit and her singing in duet roles with Ross Rob- ertson, the leading man, is indeed charming. For the latter it may be said that his einging is as equally meritorjous: as formerly. The duets, "Where's the Girl?", "Doctor Cu- pid," as sung by these two artists, were well received by the audience. Much may be said also for Gates Auetin and Valers True in comedy, song and dance numbers. Eddie Walker and Peggy Karle, the latter a reaMstic Mary Pickford. have con- siderable ability to their credit and Joe B. McGee, whose role of Snow- ball is the only one which remains constant throughout, contributes the bulk of the comedy in a natural and pleasing way. Among the scenes deserving of special mention is that presented during the singing of "Where's the Girl?" "Our Bungalow in Winter- time," "Doctor Cupid," and "Oh, You Kewpie Kandy Doll," while the sleigh bell ballet gave a rendition of marked charm. Specialties are many and enjoyable; in fact, the entire performance reeks with plea- sure and entertainment. For those desiring to see a really good show "Listen To Me" is recommended. "Listen To Me' will be given its final presentation at the Grand to- night. LORD RENFREW AT BANFF. Golf, Dancing and Swimming vo Oc- cupy Time, High River, Alta, Sept. 22, -- Lord Renfrew left this ranch on Friday to spend the week-end at Banff on the special train which brought the party west and which has been waiting In the Calgary yards. The trip to the Mountain re- sort was made after lunch, the party being due there in time for dinner. It {is expected that Lord Renfrew will divide his time there between goling, dancing and swim- ming. Thdrsday Lord Renfrew and his associates started again on the silo job, the contents of the previous filling having settled considerably. This labor being accomplished, the official party were lured to trap- shooting in which pastime a good many clay pigeons were broken. An incident showing the capabill- ties of the Indian in judging a ma, is told regarding David Bearspaw, one of the Indians posted at the plat- form steps on the arrival of Lord Renfrew. Asked what Lord Renfrew said to him when he, the Indian, ap- proached and shook his hand, he re- plied, "Morning Star, say nothing and didn't give me a damn cent," he went away quite disappointed. SATURDAY'S MARKET. Large One Again This Week---Little Price Variation. The market place was a busy centre again on Saturday morning and the square was as well filled as last Saturday. ~ The, covered area wae not quite so thickly populated, but was of average size. Prices did not change to any great extent and buying was brisk. Quotations were: Lamb, 25¢ to 30c per pound; chickens, from $1.50 to $2.50 a pair; fowls, $1.00 to $1.50 each; ducks, $2.00 a pair; eggs, 30c to 36¢c a dosen; butter 46¢c a pound; potatoes $1.75 a bushel; tomatoes, $1.00 to $2.00 'a bushel; cooking 25¢ to 40c a peck; table apples, 40c to 60c a peck; plums, 60 cto 75¢ a basket; peaches, 60c to $1.00 a basket; musk-melons, 5c each; ; ¢ green corn, 30c a dozen; apples, for LOCAL N NEWS. Brief toms of of Interest Picked Up by the: "Whig Re- porters. Peaches, wholesale, at Weese's. Horace G. Lockett, M.A, Hamil- ton, will be the speaker Sunday ev- ening in Gospel Hall. Mr, Swain, piano tuner. Orders received at 100 Clergy street west, The street paving work undertak-| en by the board of works this sea- son will conclude next week. Weese allows 5c for good empty baskets on fruit purchased. Albert Anson and family, Perth, have removed to Kingston. Mr. An- son has secured a position here. Arthur Gardiner, Wellington street, will leave the city in a few days to accept a position in New York state. Wheeler and O'Connor's fall mill- inery display at H. J. Thomson & Company, Sharbot Lake, Sept. 25th, Sept. 29th. Thomas W. Mills, who recently underwent 'an operation in the Ge- neral Hospital, is making good pro- gress towards recovery. Mrs. A. J. Wheelock, Clayton, N. Y., was injured when the auto in which she was riding skidded, ran into a ditch and overturned. Peaches, wholesale, at Weese's. In 1903, just twenty years ago, citizens were told that a new hotel was forthcoming, and they are still wondering what it is all about. Captain Farley made his second balloon ascension from the fair grounds on Friday afternoon about six o'clock. The balloon travelled in a southwesterly direction, CHILD'S HAND CAUGHT IN A CORN MACHINE John Frink, Odessa, Stops Machine Quickly and Saves Son's Arm. Cecil, son of John Frink, had the misfortune to get his hand caught in one of the machines while men were cutting corn on his father's farm at Odessa, Friday afternoon. On hearing the child's cries, the fa- ther instantly stopped the machine and but for his promptness the whole right arm may have been lost .The child was rushed to Dr. Mun- ro's surgery where the injuries were attended to, and the. little fellow Is doing well. The parents report that the young lad has a perfect love of all forms of machinery and while at the former residence at Collin's Bay, he had some narrow escapes. Dog Show Prize Winners. Among the list of some of the prize winners at the dog show, In connection with the Kingston Indus trial exhibition, the name of J. Mc- Guire, Alwington avenwe, who won a number of prizes on his display of Boston bulls, was omitted. The Het of prize winners, which has appeared in the Whig during the past week, was by no means a complete list, but the Whig showed enterprise enough to visit the dif- ferent exhibits and announce them. The official list will be published in the very near future. Mr. Mec- Guire won the following prizes: Bos- ton terriers, seniors first, second and third; finals under 15 pounds, sec- ond. . Mrs. Aldridge, 249 Queen street, won first prize for her Dalmatian puppy. Mrs. James Norris, 158 Bagot street, received first prize for her female French fox tdghler, Beauty, and her pup, Teddy. The pup was sold to B. Noble Steacy of Steacy & Steacy. Lower DAILY MEMORANDUM. Remember Chalmers Church Tea and Sale Nov. 23rd. Mother's Council, Y.M.CA., rum- mage sale, Sept. 28th. Euchre, House of Providence, Mon- an ghent. 24th, under auspices of W.L., In aid of bazaar. PRINTING AND OFFICE SUPPLIES HANSON, CROZIER & EDGAR MARKET SQUARE BORN, BRUCE--On Sept. 21st, to Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Bruce, 40 Victoria St., Kings- ton, & gon. DG Edn Kingston, on Se t 14th, 1923, to Mr. and Mrs. 8. Sma ridge, a son (Keith Gordon). DIED. HEANEY--At Joyceville, on Sept. 21st, 1923, John Heaney, aged seveniy- six years. Funeral will take ince from his late residence on' aay merning at nine o'clock, 7g rnaby"s Church, Brewer's Mills, San 80l- emn requiem mass will be sung at 9.30 'for the happy repose of his soul. Friends and uaintances respectful nvited to atte nd. hy = { CHAN. SATURDAY Shoppers will find items of great interest here-- merchandise that reflects quality and satisfaction. It is a splendid thing to be able to secure just what you want, and to feel assured that you will get the service from it that you expect. NIGHT |(GILOVIES Chamoisette Gloves Suede finish--well gloves--2 button 59¢ pr. made style-- colors, black, grey, beaver, white, mastic,covert,brown and natural--sizes 6 to 81. Stylish Gloves Made from fine quality suede-finished chamoisette --2 button style--shades are fawn, sand, beaver and grey--sizes, 64 to 8, /5c pr. beaver--sizes 6 to 71. Chamoisette Gauntlets Very attractive style--well made and quite ser- viceable--suede finish--trimmed with and have wrist strap--colors are fawn, grey and Price 90c pr. stitching black and white. $1.50 pair SILK and WOOL HOSE Fine quality--sizes 84 to |10--colors fawn and white, brown and white, LADIES' HOSE Silk and wool--clocked style--grey and white, black and white, beige and white, fawn and white--sizes 81 to 10. _~$2.00 pair quality and --sizes 8} to 10. SILK AND WOOL LADIES' HOSE Stylish hose-squlte popular for Fall wear--good prove very satisfactory--all shades $2.00 pair -~ Wool Hose For Fall wear--good weight and come in fawn, silver, brown and lovat--sizes 84 to 10. $1.25 pair Ladies' Hose Pure wool--good weight | --colors are fawn, camel and brown--sizes 8} to 10. $1.50 pair THE BEST PLACE FOR THE SATURDAY NIGHT SHOPPER.