Daily British Whig (1850), 22 Sep 1923, p. 2

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_ THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG TUBERCULOSIS EXHIBIT [FOUR HORSES RESCUED CREATES MUCH TEREST FROM BURNING STABLE | {At the Kingston Falr--Dr. The Mackey Bread Sompany | | Bruce Hopkins Gave Ad- | Suffered Severe Loss on | dress Friday Evening. Friday Night. September Tire Sale | Biggest Tire bargains ever offered in Kingston. SEE OUR WINDOWS All new stock. We need the room. Don't delay. Sizes and quantities are limited. MOORE'S | | ------ 3 | The officers and members of the| The stables of the Mackey Bread | Kingston Tuberculosis Association i Company, at the foot of C larence have reason to be pleased with the evi- | street, suffered serious damage in a | devce of intérest shown in their effort | fire which broke out at 9.15 o clock at public education at the Kingston { on Friday night. The cause of the fire | Industrial Exhibition. Hundreds of | is unknown. One ton of hay went up { visitors and citizens have availed them- | in smoke and four horses had a close | selves of the privilege of being pres- | call. Fireman Smith, with the. assist- ent at the evening lectures and daily | ance of Mr. Sinnott, taxi driver, got demonstrations in the large marque | the horses out of the stables. The loss neat the entrance to the grounds. This | is covered by insurance, : : group of citizens are to be congratul- The firemen used two lines of hose, {ated on what they have accomplished | one from the hydrant at the corner of in making it possible for the general Ontario and Clarence street, and an- public to acquire information on the other from the hydrant in front of the all-important matter of combating the | city buildings. ravages of tuberculosis, a -------------- i The object for which the associa- THE CLAN MACDONELL tion was established is to find ways | ------ and means whereby government legis. | Lieut.-Col: John Macdonell One of LAMB | The wonderful sheen and the luxurious richness of fine Persian Lamb earns for this peltry a place of supremacy. To-day the prices are at a most reasonable level. You will find in our show rooms a splendid col- lection of Coats to choose from. If you prefer a Coat made to special measure, you may choose your skins and silk lining. Al- aska Sable, Hudson Seal and Grey Squirrel are favorites for collar and cuffs. John McKay Limited » CANADA sure free sanatorium treatment for all those suffering ffom tuberculosis, and lation can be secured which will as-| Brock's Aides. Bystander in Toronto Globe. Another Macdonell is cited by a reader who is interested in the recent i T o \ : | disease can be prevented, and is cur-| ing buried at Queenston Heights with FOR THE ONLY PER- {| MANENT ROOF USE | RU-BER-0ID ._ Strip - Shingles SPECIAL ! WALL BOARD For All Purposes, Sold by 'The K. D. Mfg. Co. SATURDAY + BIG BALE OF PEACHES Granulated Sugar, 10 he ... ... .. $1.10 Creamery (Belleville) ...89¢ Extra (Fige Black Tea, Machine tliced Bacon . .88¢ New Pack Soda Biscuits, (b 14c 1 Campbell's Soup, 2 to- Ginger and Sugar Cakes, Stor... ... :.. RE Sieuy Fresh Eggs, dos.. .85¢ SAVE THE DIFFERENCE MONTREAL STREET PHONE 1681), THE ADVERTISEMENTS READ x Know What Is Best who, for some reason, are unable to : ! bear the entire cost of long sanatorium paragraphof Glengarry Jlouse sad Ae treatment. At present the provincial | early owners, now a ruin, marke is a lows $1.50 day for | week by a cairn erected by the Ottawa government allows $1.50 per day for | eda ids Ee a row each patient in 'a sanatorium, but the | authorities, is is Lieut.- elon sh | patient should be relieved of all finan- | Macdonell, who was one of ro s cial embarrassment. To bring this mat- {aides at the capture of Detroit an A at ter forcibly to the attention of the | the Battle of Queenston Heig i, government 'it is necessary to get|Where he was killed, in October, 1812. | large numbers deeply interested in this | Colonel John Macdonell was a Son one important step in preserving use- | of Lieut<Cok Alexander 'Macdoiiell, ful citizens | previously mentioned. When Brock ; hi | % » . an On Friday evening, Dr. Bruce. Hop- | Was organizing his expedition to De- kins, medical superintendent of Mowat | troit Mcdonel wai Acting Anoraey: sanatorium, gave what he termed an |General of Upper Canada, an mem- "informal talk" on the subject. His |ber for Glengarry, and was considered y | ve : Yoo #4 remarks culminated in an appeal for|"a young man of much promise. In more general education on the sub- | March, 1812, he had reported on the | ject of the prevention and cure of the | American fort at Detroit, from infor- ieee One of the points which Dr. |ation received during a residence of Hopkins emphasized was that of giv-|a few days in the vicinity. It was Mac- ing children early attention. Up to the | donell and Major Clegg, the other aide, age of 15 years between 60 per cent, | who carried to Holt Brock's sum and 70-per cent, are infected with tu- mons to surrender, ot Tener u berculosis, and it is of utmost ifwpor. prefised iy see em, whereupon | tance that they be kept under, if pos- | roc Se due, a4 as ov Sint a | sible, professional observation , and | terwar etroit was taken, without the their bodies well nourished, in order'| 108s of a man, that the disease may be checked. He| When Brock was warned of the at-| : | went on to remind his hearers that be. | tack on Queenston he immediately { tween 75 per cent. and 95 per cent. of | dressed and hurriedly left Fort George, | the entire population of the | making the memorable ride of six| world contract guberculosis, and it is| Miles wp the road to Queenston | only by niinimizing the chances of in- | through the grey dawn of an October | fection, and by keeping up the general | Morning, leaving his aides to follow. | health that death in hundreds of thou- | Macdonell, like his leader, fell in the sands of cases can be prevented. The | battle, and had the distinction of be- abie. The medical profession is, for-|Brock, beneath the great shaft that tunately, becoming more enlightened [now adorns the Heights. \ on this subject, which for some years i did not receive the expert attention Derbyshire--Anger Wedding. which it is now accorded, and Dr. Hop. On Monday evening, September 10, kins, who has made a specialty of its at Trinity Methodist church, Toroafo, diagnosis and treatment, pressed home the marriage took place * of Annie | the necessity of educating all, fathers, | wa icing, youngest daughter of Mrs. mothers, brothers, sisters, uncles, | Annie K. Anger, Toronto, to Dr. Au- aunts, school. teachers, etc.f and, {po oO. Derbyshire, son of Mrs. S. A. through these, the children. Although | 1p, chive. Wes The ceremony a child may, from all outward appear- | ooo performed by Rev. WwW. H. Anger, ances, recover from an attack of this B.A. assisted by 'the pastor of the disease, it has been only, too often church, Rev. Basil Thompson, The been proven that the old trouble will bride was given away by hef brother. flare up, like a forest fire, int later years, in-law, Reginald W. Pyke and wore a and carry off the victim. ; beautiful gown of ivory flat crepe and The doctor stressed the point of the | ace. Her court train of satin hung | prevention and cure of tuberculosis in| from her shoulders, and her veil was of | the early stages, and explained the | op roidered tulle caught with a cause and progress of the infection. | © eath of orange blossoms. She car- | We were all shocked, and quite right- | tied 5 shower-bouquet of ophelia roses | ly so, at the appalling numbers ot and lilies-of-the-valley. Miss Frances | deaths in action of Canadians during | Anger, sister of the bride was brides- the war, but comparatively little | maid, and wore a gown of peach crepe thought was given to the fact that 32 | draped with figured georgette, a black | equal number of our fellow-countr ~ | picture hat and carried a bouquet of | men and women, and children, were | Columbia roses. J. W. Bennett was | carried off by the course of the dis- | pact man, and the ushers were J ease of tuberculosis. Surely it is time | Buchanan and Dr. Gordon Anger. Af-| that this subject was gvien Very | ter the ceremony, a reception was held | Serious attention. {at the home of the brides' mother, who | A number of slides were thrown On| received in a becoming gown of black the screen, and explained in detail, Te satin afd Spanish lace, with corsage lative to the points brought out bY | bouquet of Richmond roses. The Dr. Hopkins. groom's mother was in cocoa brow canton crepe with corsage of pink Found That Dead Letter roses, Mrs. R. W. Pyrke was in Peri- Was For His Sister | winkle crepe with corsage of pink A rather peculiar incident, took place | TO8¢8 and lilies. Dr. and Mr. Derby- at the post office exhibitio at the fair shire left later for a trip to the Rideau "grounds on Friday, when A man who Lakes and on their return will reside was making an inspection of the booth | if West View Court Apartments. read over the addresses on some of the id letters and post cards which jefe in the dead letter office, and to tM sur: prise of the clerk in ch ge, he remark. | ed, "Do you know oe of those post | cards is addressed to my sister, and if | you like I will give you the correct | We have just received another shipment of ese famous LUNCH KITS complete, which > are offering at the special price of .. $2.00 | SARGENT'S DRUG STORE Don't continue to overstrain | them and suffer from headache ! . We can, after carefully examin- Ang your eyes, supply glasses to Overcome any optical defect--and address." The address was given and the post card will be forwarded to the address in Toronto. There are letters on exhibition which were mailed in 1841 before stamps were in use. The Ing arrivals and departures of their 'due Quebec, Sept. 21st. We Are Selling the Best L At the Always CHAMOISETTE GLOVES, 50c ette gloves for fall, perfect sha A real bargain to-night . . SILK AND WOOL HOSE, $1.25 * and wool hose, plain drop stitch, HEATHER HOSE, 85c--Women shades to show you, all sizes . . CHILDREN'S SERGE SKIRTS, . skirts, made on waist, sizes 6 to CHILDREN'S PLAID SKIRTS, skirts, plaids and checks, sizes APRONS, $1.50 Bungalow Aprons, O.S. size, good quality navy print, with square neck, short sleeves, trimmed with braid . .. $1.50 WE SELL GRANNY'S OWN KN First Prize at Toronto Exhibiti Money Saving Values To-Night Newman & Shaw The Big House F urnishing Store, $25.00 Coat in the Trade. Busy Store. --Women's fine quality chamois- ,' des of grey, mode, black. iat ieiel (aie tetas niet reo SOC PI ~--New arrivals in ladies' fine silk and with clocks, all sizes $1.25 pr 's fine heather hose, all the new $2.98--Navy blue pleated 14 years, priced $2.98 and $3. $4.95--Children's knife pleated 6 to 14 years, extra value $4.95 .. CORSETS, $1.00 Ask to see our special Corset at $1.00. Sizes 19/to 26, in flesh and white, A good buy. ITTING WoolS -- Winner on, of * Mullin's Real Estate New Lowe v~ tache Millinery Opening Parisian Shop 822 BROCK STREET $1 $20 recom 800d yard and Earl $400 ate, brick dwelling, Piece bath, ho Canadien Pacltic Railway Company. | The Canadian Pacific Railway, 150 Wellington street, report the follow- steamships: Empress of Britain, from 3outh- ampton, due Quebec, Sapt. 22nd. Mont Laurier, from Quebec, rived Liverpool. Sept. 14th. Montclaire, due Liverpool, let. Montrose, from Liverpool, Quebec, Sept. 21st. Minnedosa, from Southampton, ar- Bept due Metagama, from Glasgow, due Guebec, Sept. 22nd. -' Empress of Australia, trom Yoka- haima, dus Vancouver, Sept. 28rd. Empress of Aste, from Hong King, due Vancouver, Sept. 23rd. Empress of Russia, from Vanhcuu- ver, due Hong Kong, Sept. 24th. vided with winter wear, booth is in charge of James Kane. Church Services. ! S. D. A. Gospel Tent, Barrie street, near York Street, Sunday, Sept. 23rd, 8 p.m. The evangelist will give a stirr. ing lecture on "The Perils 6f The Last Days," Subjects for the week, Monday, "Spirit of Prophecy"; Tues- day, "Why I am not a Mormon"; Wednesday, "Why 1 am a Seventh Day Adventist." Beginning Friday, Sept. 28th, these lectures will be con. tinued in the building known as the Union Street Baptist church. All cor- dially invited to attend. - ---------- Dogs Returned To Fair, Even the dogs like R. J. Bushell's fair. Although the dog show at the turned to the fair grounds on and made their way to the tent housed the shaw. --------. To Repair Roundhouse, The building belonging to the Canadian Pucific Railway situated in the township of EMzabethtown on the fécond concession in the rear of % Drockville and occupied for maenv Years as a roundhouse is to be re- paired shortly by the company. The turntable. which has been in a state of disuse for some years, is to be removed amd new tracks installe~, As well as repairs effected to the building proper. tn chests C.N.R. Earnings. The gross earnings the Can:- dian National Railways the week ending Sept. 14th, 1923, were §4,- 649.749, being a decrease of $177 .- G22, as compared with the corre- sponding week of 19232. - The gross dian National Rallways from Jan. 1st to Sept. 14th, 1923, have been $169, £10,470.90, being an increase of $17,497,671.80, as compared with the corresponding period of 1982. Shabby self respect are in style the street. well-dressed 4 ing, 4 rooms and toilet. Brock St., central, §. slectrie light and gas. good y«rd Money to loan Rents collected. No woman who claims to that clash with the rest of r Bagot 8t., de- d frame dwell. Chatham §t., detached $5 frame dwelling, 3 rooms, tollet, good yard. e $225 Miller's Lan doubly frame "dwelling, and one detached frame dwelling, yearly rental $336, in good con- dition, ed cottage, toilet, righit-ot-way, $8 Lower Albert 8t., new detached sclid brick dwelling, 3 bedrooms, 8 rooms in all, 3-plece bath, fireplace; hot water heating, spacious veran- dah, modern in every detail, EASY TERMS IF DESIRED, . INSURANCE ' St, near Collegi- semi-detached 8 rooms ana 3- t water 'furnace, National Shoe Week Sept. 17th to 22nd Save the feet and you save all. secret of good health. A good "wnderstanding" is the See that the children espedplly are pro- sound, well made, comfortable Shoes for fall and Shoes bespeak the careless man. Maintain yous, and good opinion of others by wearing Shoes that 48 well as in season. LET THE SUMMER BHOES Go THE WAY OF THE STRAW HAT be discriminating wii] wear. 8hoes her apparel. Street Shoes are for and evening Shoes for the drawing or ball recom. A woman's Bhoes correspond with the surroundings. THIS WEEK BUY NEW SHOES. GILMOUR'S BIBLE HISTORY, ROMAN CATHOLIC CATECHISM an al ther Public, High snd Separate Schoot Tes Books a0 The College Book Store Open Nights,

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