A z SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 22, 1023 Fall Colds | QUICKLY YIELD TO DR. HICKEY'S TREATMENT Pr. Hickey's Speedy Mixture stops a Cough in a few doses.. Dr. Hickey's Cold Capsules dry up the head cold over night. Dr. Hickey's Chest Rub quickly removes the congestion and draws out the pain. This combination is the best obtainable. 25¢ each L. T. Best Druggist | FAMOUS WARES | | Our showing of | | Silver and Pyrex | | Casseroles is very | They | | represent the fin- | ished work of } great- | Mn -------- Farms For Sale 200 ACRES--100 under cultivation, 12| miles from Kingston; frame house, g00d condition; 3 large barns, newly shingled --with or without implements--would exchange for city property. 190 ARES--8 miles from Kingston-- 115 acres under cultivation--3§0 acres bush; good, stone house, large feed and drive shed; well watered, Rang stream; well adapted for mar- ket gardening; 1 mile from church, school and factory. 13§ ACRES<100 acres good soil; bal- ance good pasture; good frame house ; 3 barns: Jever- falling spring. 13 miles rom of [13 Se caracn and truck farm; double brick house; all conveniences; close to city. 66 ACRES -- 25 acres good garden land; frame house; barn and cow house; \close to factory, school and : churoh; 12 miles from Kingston; on easy terms or exchange. Crop on easy terms for quick sale. Bateman's Real Estate 136 Wellington St. extensive. Canada's est silversmiths | | and make most B | useful gifts atany | Sera OS JEWELERS LIN FEE. Yes, we have a little Stove Coal, Also Egg and Chestnut and Pea, Now is'the time to get it in, So you won't be burning Soft Coal and Coke this winter. SOWARDS COAL CO. Phoze 155 Uptown Office: McGall's Cigar Store. Phone 811. "(his place, but had a very hard time. Se -- SAVE YOUR COAL BY KEEPING THE FURNACE OUT PORTABLE BASKET GRATES ELECTRIC HEATERS COAL OIL HEATERS GAS HEATERS FOR FALL CLEANING OLD ENGLISH BRIGHTENER OLD ENGLISH FLOOR WAX JOHNSON'S KLEEN FLOOR JOHNSON"S FLOOR WAX MOPS MOP CLOTHS STEP. LADDERS | McKelvey & Birch, Limited General Contractors, Heating Specialists, Steam Fitters and Plumbers, of Plumbers' and Gas-Fitters' Supplies, A Stoves, Shelf, Heavy House Furnishing Hardware, Tools, Olls, est Supplies, Sheet Metal Tis» Werk; Electrie work; Painting Paper Hanging. Specia) of all kinda undertaken. 0 ga: Ju should sce ir ASSOrGMent~~TSags of all Shope: ! ' Rugs all shades--Rugs all prices. In Axminster, Wilton, Brussels, Tapestry, Wool and Fibre. FURNITURE--PIANOS--VICTROLAS LE Hain Gs Lined rer | i |. Chapter 144--Good-by, Old Greece. | Now comes the time for us to bid | farewell to ancient Greece. We shall | mention this little country how and | then during the rest of our history, | but no longer will it hold the center of | our stage. | What are some of the great things It » remember about Greece? {| First of all, the Greeks proved them- | selves the most bright-minded on earth | during a period of three or four hun- {dred years. In some ways no people | before or since have equaled them. The Greeks did not go far toward making power-machines, but they did | invent many things (such as a toty | steam engine and a pipe organ.) These inventions were usually treated as | playthings. | The story of mankind would have | been different if they had used their brains to make machines do useful work. There were scientists among the Greeks. They kept watch on nature ahd put down records which have been kept for us. They did, not know the shape of the earth, but some of them thought it must be round. Other 'Greek thinkers spent their time pondering on the Good, the Beautiful and the True. One was nam- ed Plato. He was a pupil of Socrates. His writings are still studied by thous- ands of college students. {Chapter 145--The Defeat of thee Gauls. To the north of Greece was a country called Macedon. Its most famous ruler was named Alexander. He became ruler of part of Greece. Then he led an army into Asia Min- or. There he beat the Persians. Egypt and _part of faraway India fell before his swort. This man is known In history as "Alexander the Great." After his death his generals quarreled about the way his empire should be divid- ed. It was finally split inte three parts--Nacedonia, Persia and Egypt. The man who got Nacedonia was kilh before he could take charge of th® country. His grandson filled At that time tribes of fierce people The i li put up at Athens are among the finest the world has ever known. A temple called the Parthenon (now in ruins) is the most famous. The Greeks made progress during times. of peace. It often happened, how ever, that cities fought against each other. A long war between Athens and Sparta helped end the greatness of poth. . \ This is a statue of Perioles, the high- | est official in Athens when some of its | finest buildings were erected. from western Europe were sweeping eastward, burning and kilNng. These tribes were called '"'Gauls," They overran Nacedonia, dnd a part | of northern Greece. People every- where feared them. In time, oe] forced ther way into Asia Minor, | spreading terror there. It happened that there was a city in Asia Minor whose people were mostly Greeks. This city was called Perga mum. It soldiers fought the Gauls and drove them back. After the defeat of the flerce in- vaders, several splendid statues were made by the sculptors of) Perga mum. One of these shows a Gaflic chief killing his wife and himself to prevent their capture. Another shows a Gallic trumpeter falling - dead as the result of a wound, Here we see a photograph of 'the RA RA oy | PRODUCE MARKETS. } Sr GAeEsceemmemeeseess Toronto, Sept. 22.--Steers, 4 75 to $8. Cattle, $8.75 to $7.28. Lambs, $18 to $13.25 Chickens, 23 to 27c. Hens, 25 to 27c. Turkeys, 25 to 35c¢. Dairy and produce, wholesale and retall: Eggs: Firsts, 37 to 38c. Bxtras, 42 to 43c. Cartons, 4» to 46¢. Eggs delivered Toronto: Extras, 36 to 37c. Firsts, 33 to 34e. Seconds 23 to 24c. Spiits, 22 to 23c. Butter to retail trade: Creamery, extra fancy, dle No. 1, 39 to 40c. No. 2, 37 to 38c. #. Dairy, 31 to 32c. Delivered, Toronto: Creamery, special solids, 36 to 36%ec. No. 1, 35 to 35%e¢. No. 2, 33 to 33%¢c. Cheese, .New large, 26 to 26%0, Twins, 26% to 27c. 3 40¢ to « Triplets, 27 to 27% statue of a dying Galic trumpeter. Stlltons, 29 to 30ec. Grain, dealers' quotations: Manitobo wheat. No. 1 northern, bay ports, $1.11%, Ontario wheat, nominal. Corn, No. 2 yellow, $1.08, track, Toronto. Oats, Ontario, No 2 white, inal. Millfeed bran, $28 per ton, Shorts, $31 per ton. Flour, per bag, $2.10, Middlings, $37 per ton, Rye, No. 2, nominal, Buckwheat, nominal. Manitoba' flodir, first patent, $6.90 Teronto. Second patent, $6.40, Flour: Ontario, $4.50 to $5.50, in jute bags. Montreal, $4.40 to $4.50. Toronto, $4.40, bulk, seaboard. Peas No. 2, nominal. Hay, etxra No, 2, timothy, per ton, $14 track, Toronto. No. 2, $13.50. No. 3, $12.50: Mediums, $11 to $12. Straw, car lots, $9. nom- Lh Let him desire nothing further whom a sufficiency has befallen. Solitude dulls the thought, too much company dissipates It None wants judgment to confirm his will. X PROBS: --Sunday, fine and warmer, | pee 0] | TONIGHT ST A eI EE AT STEACY A GRAND FINALE TO OUR GREATEST FALL FARE-REFUND AND MAIL-ORDER COMPARISON SALE All previously advertised bargains, with following added attractions, will be on sale: MEN'S ENGLISH PERCALE Negligee Shirts Reg. $2.00 and $2.25 values 180 only--all we could secure--of heavy English striped percale shirts--a splendid wearing shirt cut in full body sizes--all sizes from 144 to 161. . - : NOVELTY PLEATED SKIRTS-- , To-night .... ....; vv. wo $3.95 36 all wool serge skirts in novel- ty pleats--colors navy blue and black--ggg. $5.00 and $5.50. PLEATED CREPE SKIRTS-- | Tonight -v.: =. vs: ~ $1.75 42 all wool crepe pleated skirts, in colors navy, black, brown, sand and grey --reg. $10.00 values. COTTON HUCK TOWELS-- Sale Price teiel (ele [ole] Meloios 25¢ 300 extra large sized white huck towels--reg. 35c each. x 'PURE LINEN TOWELS-- Sale Price ..... vireo vue 49¢ 180 pure lihen huck towels-- sizes 18x36--special values at 65c ea. WHITE TERRY TOWELS-- ~ Sale Price .. .. .... 59c ea. 200 extra heavy white terry towels--sizes 22x45 (seconds) ~--reg, price 85c ea, . ~ heel--sizes 8} CASHMERETTE HOSE-- To-night wie: fe e) leiainie 49¢ pr. 300 pair Penman's full fashion- ed black cashmerette hose--all sizes from 8} to |10--reg. 65¢ values. -- BLACK SILK HOSE-- Tonight .. ... .. .. 98¢c pr. 150 pair full black silk hose with silk lisle garter tops, toes and to ' 10--worth $1.50 a pair. CHAMOISETTE GLOVES-- Sale Price .. .. ..... 59¢ pr. 300 pair French chamoisette gloves--two domes--in colors fawn, brown, sand, grey . and black--sizes 6 to 7j--reg. 75¢ values. FLANNELETTE - BLANKETS-- : Sale Price .. .. wv. -.. $2.89 60 pair only first quality white flannelette blankets--large dou- ble-bed size--worth $3.50 a pr. BED COMFORTERS-- Sale Price .: .. .. ... $2.90 19 only--all we have left of 300 weight and size in fancy silkoline coverings--reg. $3.75 values. SEE WINDOW DISPLAY AND POSTERS .FOR ADDED BARGAINS. b STEACY'S - Limit "Kingston's Shopping Coir