Daily British Whig (1850), 24 Sep 1923, p. 11

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12- 0 pportunities That Fit Every Purse A nd Every Person Are F The British Whig KINGSTON, ONT. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING. Indexed, stan 1zed dardized and popular~ acoording to their 11' ads. are restricted to All as classification, and to the regular Dally Whig style of type. CLASSIFIED RAT ES secutive i rate per line or consec my Rasertions: : u Mifiimum charge, 25 cents. . Dally rates per line Char Cash y Pv i arge Cas 6 days ocean 155 Deaths--v , Engagements, TT $1.00. 50; Lard' ot Thanks Notices--Charged. sertion, Bl ordered [for jrregular ibsertions takes the one-time inser- tion rate; no ad. taken for less than basis of four lines. Count six average words to Chee ed ads. will be tele Re and if paid ish Whig Office withia 6 the first day of insertion, will be allow 4 insertion, charged, Marriages, and Memoriam $1.50; cash, $1.00 the received by at The Brit- days from cash rate made at the rate earned. Rare per line for vile space is e same as & line © type. Pe au rate for yearly advertising upon request. Publishers reserve the right to edit or eject all classified advertising copy. Tolaphone 243, ask for a want ad. taker. Announcements Pers 9 Personals -------------- SKIN BLEMISHES - Halr, Warts, Birthmarks, Skin Scars, Pits, etc, removed permanent: , Satis tory Glasses fitted and furnished after others have tailed Goitre cured without operation. is experience. Dr. Eimer J. Lake, r, Nose, Throat, Skin, 25% ouse 1135] 4 ove asa 4 Bagot Street. Phone 301w H 5 Lost and Found 1 mt --------re -- BUCKLE---Lost, silver, on Finder please phone 1418F Moles, Cancers, 10 BRLT Thursday. Reward. 'Whig Office. ee eemsgstaiiiiuns «piesa BELT--Found, child's, cloth. Owner may have same at 32 Unjon St. W. er h---------------------------- Lost, Sept. 20th, * Brindle bull with white breast, collar and tag, an- awering to "Jack." Finder please hone Thomas--&Lonnor, 829 Brock ., phone 1205J. - By ave sam PEN--Found. Owner may have same by describing same at the GLOVES Found, pair of man's, on Princess St. Owner may have same at 200 Frontenac St. o RING--Found.' Owne Mahood Bros. r ONYX GOLD may have same at TICKET--¥Found, on King St, Thursday, for steamer Wolfe Islander. | Owner may have same at Whig Office --p------------------ ae ctor aioe stm $10.00--Lost, either on street car or on « Princesg Street, two and one dollar bills. Finder please return to this of- fice. Reward. Automobiles Automobiles For Sale 11 ARRANGE FOR HUPMOBILE DE- MONSTRATION AT THE BLUE GARAGE, LIMITED, COR.. BAGOT AND QUEEN STREETS. $500 cash, starter, new overhauled. Phone t. © FORD SEDAN-- tires, motor just oy 708J, 423 Johnson oF BO TOURING CAR--Five passenger, SF Tig AL running order, new one-man top, # hock absorbers, bimpes, carrier, etc. Price $285. Ei Apply phone 1986J. spare tire assy terms. Mr. Nickle is Urged to Appeal. Hamilton, Sept. 24 ~--8haring the same opinion as the Toronto Globe | Studebaker $ 4 on | Found Right Here Es Automobiles A ONE OVERLAND -- One Oldsmobile, light six sedan; in first class condition. Apply Blue Garages, | Ltd, Bagot and Queen Streets | omobiles For Sale | 1 HOME OF USED CARS Ford Coupe, late model. McLaughl six cylinder. Country Club, wire wheel Studebaker Covered Truc Many others. Prices righ PALMER AUTO SALVAGE Corner Bagot and Queen Streets. t getting ahead 1s concerned | | | mp -- ---- Used Cars McLAUGHLIN 1921 Special seven passenger Touring Car, all new Cord tires, new top and curtains, painted and varnished, in ex- cellent mechanical condition. DODGE COUPE, 1923 Almost new, with spare 'tire tube, front bumper, rear vision mirrg wind shield wiper and other conv enient | accessories If you intend purchasing a use, | Te thinks and learns. | He knows that if he | regularly! ALWAYS THE SA LLWAYS DIFFEREN car it Improving Your Opportunities Why is it that one person under certain favorable conditions thinks and learns, while anothe under exactly the same conditions, does not? Principally it is because the former takes advan- tage of his opportunities. He is a utilitarian, as far as soon as he sights it, and he puts it to some practical Such a man reads--and answers--the béneficial of- fers in the A-B-C Classified Section of the Whig. knows that to-day--oOr to-morrow---or some L(O-MOITOW --he will meet most of the good fortune he is seeking. tunity will improve him--and he rcads the A-B-C Ads THE A-B-C CLASSIFIED ADS dividual . He seizes opportunity as / He mproves opportunity, oppor- ME--IN SERVICE T--IN OFPORTUNITY Live Stock Horses, Cattle, Implements. 48 | BAY PONY---And buggy. Apply Mrs Burnett, Post Office Box 111, 5, Wanted--Live Stock must be quiet. Veterinary Sur- 300d to Dr driver; | Apply Bell, geork ~ Articles For Sale 51 walnut | Les- | ANTIQUES Walnut Chairs, Buffets, Walnut Dining Tables. ses' Autique Shop, 507 Princess Street. Phone 1046w. AWNINGS -- Tents, Automobile Tents Peterborough Canoes; Life Saving | Cushions, Flags, Tarpaulins. F. -| Cooke, 219 Bagot Street. Phone 436. BRICK---Harda and soft, any = Apply BE. E. Walthem, corner Birch | arr Collingwood Streeis. Phone 618 or | 1381) BARGAINS--In men's sweater coats, | all wool, $2.75; army khaki pants, shirts, whipcord riding breeches, blan-| gets, blue coats, leather vests, sheep- | skin coats, etc., at A. Shapiro, 456 Prin- cess St. | FURNITURE--Den sett, kitchen cabi-| net, buffet and bookcases, stovesand desks . Apply J. Thompson, 333 Prin- cess street, phone 1600W. | will be to your advantage to inspect these cars. Business Services | Employment a Legal 28e. Boyd's Garage Help Wanted--Male 33 CUNNINGHAM & SMITH -- Barristers and Solicitors, 79 Clarence Kingston. A. B. Cunningham, Cyril M. Smith. | 120 Brock Stree Phone 401W | 1 Street, | K.C.:| Auto Accessories--Tires--Parts 13 | TIRE--Slz0 31x4,| DAY AND REVELLE-Barristerg and| straight wall A bargain, at Neal's| solicitors, 89 Clarence Street, King- | Vulcanizing Shop, Queen and Ontario A. kK. Day, Adrian 1. Revelle streets. Phone 2050 | y to loan. Phone 205. SHEA GOODYEAR CORD ston. {SPARE PARTS For models of cars. Your worn parts replaced. most makes and old broken and! Solicitor. Write or wire| and Brock, uver } us describing: what you want. We| to loan. Phone 1 carry the largest and most complete | === stock in Canada of ijghtly used and new parts and automobile equipment Ve ship £.0.D. anywhere in Canada. | -Ambrose, Barrister and Law Office, corner of King| loyal Bauk. Money | 9. | + 28g. | OSTEOPATHY--A. T. Still graduates. | Satisfaction or Teluve Ip full our| prs. Robert and Edna Ashcroft, 204] Shaw's Auto Salvage Part] King Street. Phone 7 for app "} 923-931 Dufferin Street, To-, ment. 447 for appoint- | Usteopathy | | 'motto | Supply | ront Repairing 20 | 4 FURNITURE FINISHING--OTf all kinds. | Call and see W. Driscoll, 23 Jobhn| street. Phone 296K. | "Garages--Autos for Hire--Tax GARAGE--For rent, close to business | district. Apply Box M-6, Whig Office. | pn UPHOLSTERING--New or used furni- guaranteed. Cail or drop a| Je Gavine, 216 Bagot Street. | Business 18 Business Services Offered RING--AnNd general repair- | ing: LeXve orders at or drop a card to F. W. Harold ,104 Clergy Street. SHOE REPAIRING--AIll hand work. " Rubber heels a speciaity; efficient ser- vice. Adolf Kaminski, corner Mont- real and Queen Streets. Service | AUCTIONEER--For courtesy and hon- | est dealing, W. A. Twigg, 37¢ Kigs | Street. Phone 820J or 1785w, UPHOLSTERING -- Covered buttons made dame day as ordered. Upholster- ing at reasonable prices. . J. Good- ridge, 244 University Phone 2043F. | WELL DRILLING -- Sanitaryeswater | wells, the oldest, the largest, the only | sanitary well drillers in Frontenac) and Lennox and Addington. The] most modern equipment in America. For full information write to F. J garrison Co. 'Colebrook, Ont E. | Avenue. - Employment Help Wanted-- Female COOK GENERAL-- Experienced. ply Mrs. F. H. Macnee, 143 Street, West. 20 SISTENT -- i Se -- Cleaning, Web, Renovating CARPET CLEANING--Let us handle " yours, with our vacuum cleaner, We guarantee a good job. Furniture re- airing" o* ull kinds. Muller's Bicycle Works, «78 King Street. Phone 1961w. Ladics' Hair Fariov. 32 Ap- King 2la COOK-+Appl H. Macnee, 115 Lower to Mrs. Jnion Stre Ww. HAIR WORK--Of all kinds, made to - order. Also Shampooing and Massay- ing. 'Children's hair cutting. Mrs Charles Cunningham, §6 Bay Street, Kingston. : COOK---Experienced, good wages. Ap- ply 207 William St. Phone 504. Insurance 28 CHILDREN'S NURSE--Competent. Ap- FIRE--Automobile and Casualty Insur-<| ply Mrs. T. A. McGinnis, 2 Alwington ance. M. Crumley, 420 Ear] Street.| Ave. Phone 178:M. INSURANCE~--Only the most reliable| COOK--Good, general. Apply Mrs. H.| companies represented. Strange &| J. Steacy, 152 King Street Strange, established ia 1860. Office: 95 Clarence Street, opposite Post Office. DINING ROOM GIRL -- Experienced. Apply Prince George Hotel 1 INBURANCE--Our flealth and Accident poMey will protect your salary. Fire insurance at low rates. Phone BE. Williams, 2 Couper Street. Moving, Trucking, Storage 23 EXPERIENCED NURSE Por two : children. References required. Ap- regarding recent action respecting the Ontario Anti-betting Act, the Herald said editorially: "This jour- nal thinks that Attorney-General Nickle makes a mistake in deciding not to appeal the decision of the court in the case of the Betting In- formation Act. The highest judicial authority is desirable on the ques- tion whether a provincial legislature which desires to legislate comprehen- sively and effectively on a certain subject can be prevented from doing so by the fact that the federal gov- ernment has legislated partially and ineffectively on the same subject." Al -------- Brockville, Sept. 24.--Raymond Carpenter, Hamilton, arrested at Parry Sound for the theft of an auto- mobile here, was committed for trial upon this charge, as well as for fors- ing a cheque in the name of L."C. Murphy for $50, passed upon F. C. Curry, a local druggist. -- ------ 7 Milk Testing. Brockville, Sept. 24.--A resolu- / gion asking that the Dairy Standards Act be amended to make the testing of milk optional with factories choos- ing to pay by test or by the pooling system was adopted by the Dudry- men's Board of Trade. I a -- 2 Back After Thirty-One Years. Mr. and Mrs. Joel Read, Grand Forks, North Dakota, have been in Athens, renewing old friendships af- ter an absence of thirty-one years. Mrs. Read is a former Athens girl, having heen Mies Jennie Stafford and 'both she and her husband are gradu- ates of the Athens high school. F. Briese, Pembroke, died on after four months' {lfness. Her husband, two daughters and four sons survive. She had lived in ' Pembroke for forty years. / x daughter of Mrs. Nora Sul- became the bride of Leonard 1 , Flint, Mich. oi" ply Mrs A. Minnes, 148 University Ave. ; EARN--$5.00 to $25.00 weekly, the pleasant Home Work way making socks on the fast, easily" learned Auto Knitter. Experience unnecessary; dis- tance immaterial; positively no can. vassing. Particulars 3c. stamp. Dept. 78C, Auto Knitter Co., Poronte. ASHES--Cleaned out of cellars and yards, clean job done." A, MacGregor, 24 Russel) Street. Phone 2256. eee eb tenor? STORAGE SPACE~---For furniture, ciean and dry. Appx E. E. Wathem, 143 Nelson street. Phone 1391J .or 618, STORAGE---For furniture, clean, dry, airy rooms and spaces; your own lock and key. Frost's City Storage, 299- 305 Queen St. Phone 536. Res. 989w. EI III TT Painting, Papering, Decorating 26 GIRL--Guod, smart, for housework and| assist in waiting on table. No wash-| ing. Apply 44 Frontenac Street, be- tween Earl and Union Streets. professor, family of two. W=-22, Whig Office. Se MIDDLE-AGED WOMAN---At once, for eneral housework. Apply Box U-22, hig Office. SIGN PAINTING--J. S. Robinson, rear Apply Box- 276 Bagot street. Architects 280. ARCHITECTS --Power, Son and Drever, Merchants Bank Chambers, corner o Brock and Wellington. / Chiropructie 28¢. MAID--Good, for Apply Mrs. Toflel neral housework. 79 Barrie St. GIRL--For half or whole day. Queen's|. AN OPPORTUNITY-- From now until Christmas . to earn from ten to fifty dollars weekly with ouf line of per- sonal greeting cards. Whole or spare time. Samples free. We pay week- ly. Get our proposition. Dept 122, Carlton Publishing Co., Toronto, Ont BOY--To learn printing trade. Han- son, Crozier & Edgar, Market Square. FIREMEN AND BRA ners $150-3260 monthly tion?) Write Railway, Box D-3, Office. PANT MAKER -- Steady whole year. Apply to J. Son, Napanee, Ont. work the L. Boyes & YOUNG MEN--A new book just out entitled "About Men and Their Work," | outlines opportunities. in a Railroad career through Traffic Department It's free. Mention this paper. Write Dominion School Railroading, Ltd, Toronto A Help--Mal e or Female oi BOYEB AND GIRLS---Age 15 or over, to distribute samples in town; good pay. Apply between 11.30 to 12.30, Miss Metcalfe, Frontenac Hotel, on Tues- day. Solicitors, Canvassers, Agents 85 FARM STOCK---Credit gale of imple ments and machinéry, at the residence of R. M. Van Luven, Lake 8hore Road, | on Wednesday, Bept. 26th, at 12.30 sharp. HALL HEATER-Large size, in very fine condition. Price low. Apply at 109% York St. HORSE HAY--Good green, well cured, | Famous, i very | MANDOLIN, BANJOS--Walnut veneer- ed bodyyiniaid rim, mahogany neck. pearl position dots, combination tail plece and hand rest, complete in lea- ther cases with clasp locks Lr type instruments at $25.00 latest Elder's. PIANOS FOR RENT--We will rent you a new plane for six months, Bnd in| the event of a purchase at the end of | | this period we will allow you all the money paid to apply thereon. C. Ww Lindsay Limited, 121 Princess St, HOUSES--Several to rent from $18.00 to | loose, $10.00 per ton, delivered. Phone 26. | 8 Real Estate For Rent T Dusiness Places For __Real Estate For Sale. Houses For Sale 84 DGE ROOMS-- Rooms on Kiog street| IG . LopaE erly Mccupied by the FO.O.F.| hie eg BL 3 bee RELY, I h | Oo e c lights, th room, wel Apply to Cunningham & Smith. decorated, newly painted, soreen vail = storm oor, private driveway, ood Houses For Rent hen house. This property is offsred at a sacrifice. $2300. Terms. FRAME BUNGALOW--5 rooms, 2 bed- rooms, all hardwoed floars, electrie lights. 3 piece bath, splendid cellar, all in first clase repair. Price Terms. E--Six rooms, 1 car line Rent Beverly, after (ISHED HOT rsity and sonable. Apply 81 , or 18556m. two $27.00 per month; Cherry Street; : m- apartments on Sixth Street, all provements; seven roomed house on Sixth Street, all improvements and furnace; one sevén roomed house on Charles Street. Apply H. F. Norman, '69 Patrick Street. M. B. TRUMPOUR 237 Bagot Street. Phones 704 or 1542F. 77 HOUSE--1 rooms, Lower Ear] St, 3- ulece bath, 2 fireplaces, one up and ones down, electric light and gt furnace, plumbing all Separate gatew phones: Res. Houses For Rent HOUSE--At once, new, seven rooms with large lot and barn on North Al- fred. Apply J. D. Boyd, Eastview Park. Phone 1102 R4. PRINCHSS STRE gas and electric Canada Radio Stores . Appl 842w, brick, Ward, - $ . 17. SEMI-BUNGALOW----Good locality, west side, 6 rooms and 3 plece bathroom; very modern with every convenience; all in good condition, including lar, garden. Apply Box K-29, Whig Of« fice. Princess Street, SMALL SHOP -- On above Barrie; one 6 room apartment | with modern conveniences, heated; | one 3 room dwelling over Anderson's, | 282 Princess. Inunediate possession. Apply I. Cohen & Company. TRIE Te. SEE--Bateman's large Real Est G a Con table | "0 state ad 10 RAO RE rep oahle | vertisement, page §, column 1. King & Smythe, 71-73 Clarence Street, | Kingston, Ont. - | §3500--Barrie Street, brick, 7 rooms. 318 EARL ST.--Furnished house, A hot| §5500---10 rooms, solid brick, 'Tasge lot. water heating. Apply phone 2{16W| §4000Store, Division Street. Rental in evenings. x | income $48 per month on § year lease. = = more | $3600--8ix room semi-bungalow, all -155 Bagot St, i rooms. | improvements $30.00--200 William St. 7 rooms, elec- g13y0-- Bagot Street, frame trig, gas, furnace. | $350 y Y b $40.00 213 Stuart Street, 7 rooms, mod- 000-- ey, Soule Be ern, all conveniences. Stock, ; 3 ee Diiuic, rooms, | ueck. Sstures and goodwill, Well bath, gas, electric, furna Several Bungalows on easy terms on sep our listings. No in= jee sMullin for houses to rent south side 5 formation given over phone. I 9w, Johnson and Division Come in and i. B. WILSON, KEALTOR, | 316 Barrie S x $17.00 33 $1 Phone ooh "Office and Desk Room Offices To Rent SUITABLE 4 treet. 9s. Em zoe = Wanted---Real Estate 89 AP-| SMALL: HOUSE -- Centrally located, with garage and yard, electric lights, Apply Box Z-24, Whig Office. BUSINESS SARVICE Phone 10 FOR INSURANCE. PLY JAMES RICHARDSON & SONS,| | LIMITED, 243 KING ST, MR. DAVIS/{ | AM | PRICES--Call and get ours, on Cream Separators, Gas Engines, Extension | Ladders, Pumps; two good second- | hand riding Plows. Frost & Wood ! 236 Ontario Street. | STOVES--Lawrenson's for Good Cheer Square Quebec Stoves and Heaters, Economy Ready Mixed Paints and Var- nishes. 387 Princess Street. Phone | 339w., opposite Orange Hall | | WOOD--MIixed, $3.25 quarter cord; new and second hand lumber, matched lum- ber, cedar posts; soft slabs, $2.50 quar- ter Cord; mixed slabs, $3.26. W. H Talbot. Yard: Loncession street, near Division. Phone 2302w. AGENTS---Get in a profitable all year commission business of your own Every property owner needs some of our nine hundred varieties of hardy Red Tag trees and plants. No capital needed: Complete equipment and in- struction free. Write Dominion Nurser- ies, Montreal. GREETING CARD CANVASSERS--To handle an exclusive high grade line, selling to business houses only, liberal commissions, or salary and commis~ sion if preferred; permanent situation if satisfactory. Apply by letter stat- ing experience if any, and age; refer- ences required. Lovells Ltd, Toronto. SALES AGENT---Reliable, for unrepre- sented districts. Good pay. free equip- ment. We are the largest growers of fruit and ornamental trees in Canada. Sell for & Nursery, not for a jobber. You will be successful. Write: Pelham Nursery Co. Toronto. WOOD---Try a load of Swain's good, dry mixed wood for the cool morn- ings and evenings; two and four dol. jars. 140% York Street, corner York and Division Streets. WOOD AND COKE---New yard at 290 Wellington, corner Ordnance, dry mixed cordwood, sawed, sp'it and de- livered, $2.50; 1-8 cord, fuil measure. Hard Coal Coke from city gas works, 10.00 ton up to September. Cinders, 1.00. Load Clinkers 50c. W. C. Bru- ton. Phone 2440w. 'Wanted---To Buy OLD GOLD--SIlver, or False Teqll, for cash or exchange. G. Lyons, 244 Princess street, Kingston. oo Rooms For Rent = Rooms With Board 67 Situations Wanted--Female 36 HOUSEKEBPER--Desires position. Ap- ply Box X-22, Whig Office. LADY CLERK---Experienced, employment. Phone 1888. seeks Financial Money to Loam FRONTENAC--Loan and Investment Society, Incorporated 1861. President, W. F. Nickle, K.C.; vice-president, A. B. Cunningham. Money issled on city and farm properties; municipal and county debentures; morigages pur- chased; Investment bonds ior sale; de- posits received and interest allowed. R. C. Cartwright, manager, 37 Clarence street, Kingston. Instruotion 40 BOARD AND ROOMS--first class. by day or week. All"eonvenijences. Rea- sonable rates. Apply 298 University Avenue, near Brock Street. Rooms Without Board a8 ROOMS--Separately or together, bed- room -with running water and sitting- room or bed sitting-room with fire- place. 138 King 8t, phone 931. ROOMS--Furnished, on bathroom flat, warm and comfortable, electric lights: location central. Apply 248 Earl Street, corner Division, TWO ROOMS--Well furnished bedroom and separate study, in warm, modern house; suitable for Professor or senior student. Apply Box B-24, Whig Office. | 69 | Rooms For Housekeeping or two { electric, | Ap-| BEDROOMS--Furnished, one living-roém and fireplace, kitchenette, gas plate and oven. ply 44 O'Kill 8t., phone 1632m. Musical, Dancing Dramatic 44 Wanted--Rooms or Board 73 PEARL A. NESBIT--LT.CM, Organ- ist and Choir Director, Queen Bt. Me- thodist Church. Teacher of Singing, Plano and Organ. Pupils prepared for Toronto Conservatory examination. Fall term commerices Sept. 4th. Studio: 400 Brock Street." Phone 1147J. DAISY JOHNSON--A. T, C. M., teacher of Violin and Piano. Pupils prepared for Toronto Conservator examina- tions. Sudier 307 Collin wood St. (near Jo! n). Phone 2329%w. MAKE MONEY AT HOME--$§15 to $60 aid weekly for your spare time writ- ng show cards for us. No canvassing. We instruct and supply you with work. West-Angus Show Card Service, 17 Colborne Bid, Toronto. MARCELIS--Wm., A, D.C, Ph. C,, eor- ner Princess and Barrie Streets. 2nd Moor, Barrie St. entrahce. Kingston, Ont. Consultation free. Telephone $33J. Hours 9 to 12 am, 1to 6 p.m. LUCY--Drs. G. F. anu Jennie A., Chiro- raetic Specialist and R tered 289 t Str NURSE HOUSEMAID--Apply Mrs. Du- og eet. Phone 943W.| "joylin, 28 Sydenham St. 9-12 am. 1 to §,7and § to 7.30 unday and other hours by ap- ent. Consultation free. Dental 28d. KS & SPARKS -- Dentists, 3 Aan tom street, corner of or Phone 346. KNAPP--Dr. AB. YOUNG GIRL --To assist with house- work. Apply 248 Barrie Street. p.m. pointm; EVERY Individual has something he doesn't want and wants something he doesn't have. The classified ads out @ifticulties Dentist. Offige: 268 Phone 653w. Open OLIVE M. WOODMAN -- Teacher of singing and theory. Studio 185 Earl Street. Phone 857m. Fall term be- gins Sept. 10th. i : To-Day's Blunder Corrected (See Illustralion on Page 10.) When the left elbow is held high at the top of a swing, a faulty wrist action will cause pulling or hooking. The elbow should be raised only high enough to bring the forearm ROOM --Young lady desires room in ex- c¢hange for light duties about the house. Apply to Box Y-22, Whig Of- fice. : Real Estate For Rent Apartments and Flats APARTMENT--Four rooms; -all con- veniences; hot water heating. Pos- session September 1st. Apply White's Insurance Agency. 74 APARTMENT--8 rooms, furnished, on ground floor, for light housekeeping: also three unfurnished rooms, bath- room floor. Apply 168 Division St, t corner Garsgtt reet. Three rooms, furnished ht housekeeping, on bath room FLAT -~ for lig flat, gas for cooking, electric lights, Sood locality. Apply Box 8-4, hig ce. UNIVERSITY APARTMENTS--261 Uni- versity Avenue, 5 and 6 roomed, heat- ed and well uipped. Possession Oct, 1st. Apply 337 Johnsan Street. in offices = NY girls workin their jobs the haasifiea ad oI ap marl Wanted---To Reut W. Kent Macnee Bank of Commerce Building, and King Streets. Phune HE or eek General Insurance Agency. Writing: --Automobile, Fire, Accl- dent, Sickness, Plate Glass, Burglary fete, Representing only reliable come panies. | 81] | HOUSE-- MEDIUM SIZED; CENTRABLY | "FAMILY; APPLY BOX T-21, WHIG OFFICE, OR PHONE 1801W. LOCATED; SMALL GOOD TENANT MERCHANDISE ___ Real Estate For Sale. Business Property 82 | GROCERY STORE---And dwelling, good | paying business, on easy terms. Ap-| ply Box A-24, Whig Office 1 Farms and Land For Sale TORONTO SUNDAY WORLD When you order for ten weeks we will deliver to your home early Sunday morning. Follow the rugby this fall's games next Saturday, Order now. MORRISON'S NEWS STAND Clarence Street Phone 2487Tw teams during a -------- | First ga MARKET ( DE} AR) miles | Eames re from Brockville--frame house---good| out-bulldings--five hundred rhubarb | hills--half acre of raspberries: Apply| Arthur Shields, Route 2, Brockville. 6 ACRES--At Degeronto, good frame house and outbuildings. Will sell cheap to quick buyer. Apply Edgar Burley, Deseronto, Ont - ere ---------------------- --] 50 ACRES--2% miles south Napanee, | on county road. Good land, watered | by creek and never-failing well, new | brick veneer house, seven rogms, steel roof, 24x26, two storey, good outbuiid- | ings. Close to school. Pleoughing be- ing done, Apply to John Fitzmartin, R.R. 2, Napanee, Ont { 157 ACRES--Building®? In good condl- tion, 80 acres under cultivation, con- venient to school and cheese factory, well watered, 8 miles from Kingston, half | mile from provincial: highway Will sell cheap. Apply C. O. Martin, | Westbrooke, Ont. 300 ACRES--Farm, 3 miles from Alex- | andria Bay. It is a money-maker. Can | be bought with or without stock, on} easy terms. Declining years is own-| er's reason for selling Apply Charleg Kavanaugh, Alexandria Bay, N.Y. or F. B. McNamee, 345 Alfred Street, | Kingston, Ont. . em ee ppt: -- FURNITURE Of All Descriptions at Re » ble Prices STOVES ¥ Well repaired. at a rgiht rica J. Turk's PHONE 705. For Sale ' We still have a few Marine .and Stationary Gasoline En- gines in stock, We also do en- by gine, boat and automobile re- pairs. and oxy-acetylene weld: ing, etc, ' DAVIS, DRY DOCK C0. Foot of Wellington Street cultivation, barns, new 200 ACRES frame house, two large cow and horse stable, lots of water 60 acres hardwood bush, 12 miles from Kingston, 1 mile to school, cheese fac- tory and railway station. Apply R W. Townsend, Elginburg, Ont R. R $7.500. 100 under Houses For Sale HOUSE--One of the best buflt houses | in the city. Large lot. Fruit and all| improvements. Apply personail : 357 Johnson Street. i hed COUNT that day lost @escendihg sun sees you the classified columns. THE MAN who has ambition enou to use a "Situation Wanted" serves An Interview. whose low | neglecting gh | ad de- What We Have Beep Doing-- Since April 1st we have en orders for Anthracite coal and filled them as quickly as possible. ! What We Are Doing Now-- 3 Still taking orders and guaranteeing delivery, What We Expect To Do-- We expect to taxe care of all orders received through the season. y ut lames Swilt & Co., Limited 3 Foot of Johnson Street bs. on a straight line with the ball. irr

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