BP Rr DAY, BEFTEMUEE 24, 1028. - OMAS COPLEY renter. Phone 987. ws for all kinds of Carpemtry| Estimates givea on mew floors Have your hardwood floors clean- ith our mew floor cleaning .ma-| 'fa Long Laundry s moved from 153 Wellington | : to 112 BROCK STREET. eo 818F. A TISFACTION GUARANTEED. PIANO TUNING Piano Tuning, Repairing and ayer Piano Adjusting. Norman "Butcher, 27 Pine Street. PHONE 1819%w. Real Estate General Insurance pliable Companies only represented. Guarantee Bonds. Victory Bonds bought and sold. R. H. Waddell homes 336-598. 56 R. A.W. WINNETT DENTAL SURGEON. ¢ Johnson and Wellingtun Qorner of Jo Ne nes ASK FOR BELL'S CUCUMBER' CREAM (Chapped Hands, etc.) Use It All Ways. Use Always 1 4 Sa a OA | y kd | | There is one sure and easy way to make your floors smile with & gleaming brilliance -- clean and polish them with an | | ! Polish | Mop | wie Ty, el Ye Polish linoleum floors, surfaces. Both in $1.25 Sm FOL MLR ---- --- - Were At Renfrew Fair. Clarendon, Sept, 20.--Among those who attended Renfrew fair were, Mr. and Mrs: W. E. Donnelly and Miss | Barbara Donnelly, Mr. and Mrs. T.| Kirkham, Jr, Mrs. Fred Hannah,| James Crain, A. Rhodes, John Kirk-| ham, Jr., Mrs. Appleby, Mrs. John | Macdonell and Miss May Burke mo- | | tored to Kingston over the week-end. | | Mrs. John Boles, Sr, is on the sick {1ist. William Frances and J. Burke] | spent a couple of days in Renfrew. 1 ---------------------- | Either do not attempt things at lan, or go tnrough with them. | mn FOFURNIT RE, SAVES FREIGHT, ¥F ly PIANOS, CARTAGE and STORAGE OF EVER 0 Kingston Transfer Co rhome . KB 23381. IA Wel TindToN PrnEeT. Dental Surgeon BR. 3. olw, BROOM Eatrance, Streets, x WATTS People's L.. Florist . 177 Wellington Street. Presh Flowers and Planta dally. WR MAu kG ~ Our Custgmers Never somplain, ey have athing 0 complain about. They the best coal there fis, delivered clean and dry. They pay but a fair price. Conse- quently every customer is a pleased: customer. ' BOOTH & CO. 'Phone 188. Grove Inn Yards TE -- | | The simplest way to end a corn is Blue- Stops the pain in- stantly. Then the corn loosens and comes out. Made in clear liquid and in thin plasters, The action is the same. 1 er at aa at wt at tt NN tl Phone -- Smith's ~1317 SOMETHING NEW Just arrived the first. shipment of "CHIPSO" P. and G. Soap Chips, 10 ounces heavi®r than others at the same price. "Quality First." We are offer- ing to introduce into the homes of the citizens a special offer with a MONEY BAOK guarantee, namely--- 1 package Chipso 1 bar Ivory 1barP. and G. .... * Regular value THIS LOT FOR Your bar P. & G. costs If you cannot come yourself phohe 1317 and we will promptly send it. S. J. SMITH Barrie and Colborne Streets Where you get honest weight and best quality every time. the Jury who try all adver- tised goods. § Your verdict and sentence mean business death to fraud 'and deceit; mean success to t quality and price. § The makers of clean, whole- She, well packed foods know thus. §¥ Manufacturers of season- sanitary and modern clothing know it well. Hot Water Furnaces, . Stoves and Quebec ~ Heaters for sale. al 867-278 ONTARIO STREET PHONES 836 and 887. W. H. Godvin Son sented. Lowest possible rates. oN 3 mal \ 1is to consider at the request of the comes into force on Jan. lst, 1924. obtained. THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG KINGSTON arp VICINITY Ptfective Sunday, Sept. 30th, | 1923, important changes will De | made. Full particulars from aay Canadian Pacific agent. . Had an Arm Broken. Whiie working in his garden a few days ago, Dr. H. G. Dawson, Caps Vincent, N.Y., had the misfortune to fall and break his left arm. Splendid Honey Year. Honey makers say this is the best vear since about 1908. The clover honey of this season is the whitest in the memory of the older produc- ers. If It Only Could! Gananoque Reporter: There is some class to the hotel it is proposed to build in Kingston. If it could only be seen erected instead of in tie picture presenteg by the papers! Boys' School Buits. We have received a big shipment of boys' school suits, which we will sell at a reduced price, dandy suits, at $6, $6.50, $7.50 and $9, all sizes, all colors. Prevost, Brock street. ------------------ Have Purchased New Lantern. At a meeting of the executive of Sydenham street Sunday school it was decided to purchase the new lantern which had been placed on approval in the school room. Work is Slow. Due to the delay in the arrival of the stone, the work on the new Bank of Montreal building is not progress- ing as relpidly as the contractors would ke. The stone is being cut at Hamilton. ---- \ Invited to Reception. J. B. Walkem, K.C] the represen- tative of Kingston as a bencher of the Law Society, has received an in- vitation from Government House, To- ronto, to attend a reception to Hon. Lloyd George, on Oct. 9th. Cheese Board Sales. Napanee, 935 at 23 1-4c. Picton, 795 at 23 9-16¢c. Iroquols, 756 at 23c¢. Perth, 800 at 23 3-8c. Danville, Que., 1,635 at 23c. Chdooutimi, Que., 500 at 22 9-1de, Is Your Coal Stored? Have you got your winter's coal stowed away? With the froet on the pumpkin and the chill in the evening air, the thoughts of all houssholders turn to the supply of heat between now anid next April. A Silent, Waiting Game. The search for the' escaped con- victs "becoming gradually a silent, waiting game. Pursuers and pur- sued are playing tag until the former obtain some definite information as to the whereabouts of the latter. Use Only Excise Stamps. We are asked to advise the public that on and after the 1st of October next, excise tax stamps only can. be used for the payment of stamp taxes. The stamps will not be gold at the post office but at banks and Inland Revenue office. | Had a Quiet Week. In spite of the fact that it was fair week and the city was crowded with visitors, the police report that it was one of the quietest weeks they have experienced in some time. were no serious cases reported dur- ing the week. . . To Consider The Retail Merchants Association federal government, suggestions on the Amended Sales Tax Act which This precedent is appreciated by the business interests. EL ---------- : Trains to Stay. The application made on July 10th to the public service commission, by drawn for the present. renewed when further information is { Canadian Pacific Change of Time. | to the electors at the coming muhi- cipal elections. It is said much of the opposition has changed its atti- tude. Daylight saving would begin in May. Contributed $500. The G.W.V.A,, of Carleton Plece, to show its appreciation of the as- sistance rendered by the town some years ago, and to assist in the work of the memorial park committee in erecting a suitable memorial to those who sacrificed - their Hves in the Great War, granted the sum of $500 to the work of that body. The Fair Growing. The Kingston fair continues to grow in popularity. This is shown by the fact that during last week quite a large number of farmers were not content with one day at the big show, but came in two and threes days and had a great time. The fact that they had the use of an automo- bile made it possible for them to make these trips. Asking for Assistapce. There has been no Methodist. par- sonage on the Vennachar circuit since the fire twenty-one years ago. Rev. P. A. Scott and Albert Lack- wood reported that they had building material and a fine lot purchased, and are prepared to erect at once, The Napanee district recommend- ed that the genéral board of missions make a grant of $5600 to assist in the project. Teachers Engaged. Miss Ash has been séoured to fill ist in Perth Collegiate Institute va- cated by the resignation of Miss Iickson until the first of January at the rate of $2,100 per annum. Miss inks will fill the position from New 'ears to the summer holidays at the | rate of $2,200 per year with the un- derstanding that she proceed next summer holiday's to secure full spec- iist standing. Passed Away At Snow Road. Mrs. died suddenly from heart trouble which developed sincé an attack of "flu" in the epping. Deceased was sixty-three years of age, a daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Alexander McDougall, North Sherbrooke. A husband, three sons and one daugh- ter survive--Alva and Delbert, Snow Road; Robert, North Battleford, Sabsk., and Miss Stella at home. Henry A. Wood, Kingston, attended the funeral. ue------l -------- / Ye T * DATES OF FALL FAIRS, | . 24-27 25-27 Arnprior Belleville a Demorsetville Frankville Inverary LMaberly Madoc Marmaro McDonald's Corners . 27-28 oct, 3 . .Sept." 25-26 Oct. 2-3 Sept. 24-25 2% Sept. 27-28 Sept. 26 ..Oct. 4-5 Sept. 25-26 the position of commencial special- Our Mothers Knew The makers tell you why our Mothers used Sunlight Soap. cause it is made from It is the best be- the pure oil of the Cocoanut and Palm. Cocoanut Qil gives you that soft easy lather that saves your clothes. '¥ bard so your nergy and saves The Palm Oil makes Sunlight firm and t it is the most economical Soap in the world to use. : Sunlight is the purest laundry soap in C a. "Our Mothers Knew' LEVER BROTHERS LIMITED T Thera; - Hersley Blend Tea 60c a Ib. Fresh stock of Cooked Meats. SILVERWARE AND CHINAWARE TO RENT . J. ARNIEL and Alfred Streets Phone 829. ARNIEL HAMBROOK ¥ .C. HANBROOK 115 Broek Street Phone 1925w. Delbert Wood, Snow Road, | BUILDING Residences, Bungalows, Cottages, Barns, Garages, Porticos, built to contract. Estimates cheerfully furnished. 'S. ANGLIN CO. LIMITED + Woodworking Factory, Lumber Yards. NEW PHONE NUMBER--1571. Bay and Wellington Streets, Kingston, Ont. 1 he open to a girl's heart NOTICE _. GOURDIER'S have removed to 86 PRINCESS STREET, next to Bibby's, Limited, while alterations are being made to Brock Street store, ~ GOURDIER"S 78-80 Brock Street \ For the Best Values in Young Men's Suits, | at . $20.00, $25.00, $28.00, $32.00, $35.00. SEE OUR SPORT MODEL SUITS | At $25.00 TWEDDELL'S \ ing House If You Are bh ; " ®_ Furnishing any extra tooms for the winter months we can supply you with Sheets, Pil- Towels, Bath Towels, Table Cloths, : Napkins, etc., at very attractive prices. We carry a very large variety of the best qualities in all these lines, both Canadian and imported. € ° N. Linton & 191, The Waldron Store.