Leon Trotzky's red army is said to be one of the best drilled military organizations in the world. An infantry unit is shown passing in review before the Kremlin. A wide band of sliver metallic rhinestones, is the leading feature of this smart hat. His newspaper plant being de- stroyed in the Japanese dis aster, T. Uyema, hopped th: 'first boat for America to buy new equipment. Something's tickling Charlie Paddock, the world's cham- pion sprinter. cloth, trimmed 'with pearls and Prof. H. Diplock of Eastbourne has taught 10,500 persons how to swim. A nasty smash-up on the New Jersey coast. Both pilots were missing when the plane was discovered. Princess Juliana, and Prince Henry. The Earl and Countess of Strafford, with Lady Elizabeth and Mary Byng, were visitors in British Columbia this summer. v The "death is announced of Sir Treloar, a former lord mayor of London. William The royal party arrives at the annual Braemar gathering in Scotland. The King and Queen are descending from the carriage. Called the "American Pavlowa," 18-year-old Mary Corday has been dancing before royalty in London. Vice-Admiral B. Telley is commander of the Rock of Gibraltar, for which Spain is willing to give up her Af possessions to Great Britain. Ee an em---- FO ----