Daily British Whig (1850), 27 Sep 1923, p. 2

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i ct THE LINING OF /THE: COAT When rightly chosen bears much the same relation. ship to the coat as does the flower to the plant. It sup- plies the final touch of beauty and attractiveness which . is admired and cherished by every woman. The work. manship of our Expert Furriers may not be excelled. These facts prove the value of our Fur House to you. We have a beautiful collection of the new designs in Fancy Silks, and Buaranteed Furriers Specials, now in and on order. We Invite inspection. Samples mailed to you on request. your John McKay Limited KINGSTON, CANADA Roman Meal TEN CENTS EXTRA You get your choice of Teddy Bear Cut-Out or a Dolly Dimples -- They're worth a Dollar, Strip - Shingles i» SPECIAL ! MAGIC BAKING POWDER Thursday, on sale, 16 oz. tin Cullen's CASH AND CARRY A ---- ------ -- READ THE ADVERTISEMENTS : Know What Is Best There 18° a mild epidemic prevalent in the city and district, it pays one to be on at rN and sore a hroats, can supply you with our IAL Ww! wi a sold in 2¢ hours, also PENSLAR WHITE PINE SPRUCE 0 8top that 3 POLE'S PA REINE LOZENGES will relieve a sore at in a few hours. , ; : | | ss SR i Jasper Park TRYING TO PLACE ALL BRITISH IMMIGRANTS ~~ | A night on board the Canadian Na- ! 3 tional train from Edmonton, or to be {Canadian Manufacturers A=] exact about eight hours, brings sociation Co-operating -- | n. western traveller to the beauty r Labor. | spot of the Canadian Rockies--Jasper Kingston Demand for Lal pot Situated in the greatest National THE DAILY BRITISH WHIC DAILY BRITISH WHI ' The Canadian Manufacturers Assoc- iation is co-operating with the immi- gration authorities in an endeavor to Park preserve in the Dominion it is a rest haven, cut out of the primeval for- est, 3,400 feet above sea level. Nowhere have we seen a quieter or S---- : " | place all British immigrants who cake to Canada as Rasvesters The associa- 1, restful spot; nowhere it would tion has issued a circular to the m- | en as ture Dien 0 Tomolcr sy | ployment offices for the purpose of | mn hi Nature oF feaont yRloyme : cilled and | ' making a great summ , { ascertaining what the labor, skilled and" February of this year the aoc had unskilled, requirements are. If these 10t Deets pat inte (he fresno uly | British immigrants are not taken care | of this year there wo SCCOmmOtin of now that harvesting is over it is| ; | ts, and the place feared that they will be shipped back for two hundred gous p to their homes, The circular says: Jasper Park YLodge is 2 large tog now working on fame are going 10] CID forming the Hoss] offices > ha , ounge, and dining room. e build- he om of work Whe the Cutting and | 08%, ant scores of them, are all of jLaresung of § Pps Hs Let, peeled logs with cement and mortar jit is known that practically all of them { between. The Beams are of the sums ¢ rant 10 stay in Canada 1 Bey al Aud) timbers and the braces are of artistic {Gotk., Among the 12000 w pr for | crooked sticks, The selection of these nada, as the result of an : is in i yi t and the whole harvest help, are both skilled and un. 11 1 self 3 ark of 1) its native sim- skilled workers. Altogether officials of | lichy variety and good taste, Aven. | the unmgration JepaTinens Jay Sey re cut out of the forest and lighted are a img pe Bud they could | with electric lanterns as the traveller og he 8 9% this country wends his way to the sleeping cabins. fot be kept in this con / These are one two or four room dim- 7 he machinery of the department Cons according to the size of the of immugration and Ihe rT aen | party or the taste and financial ability j services is going to be placed at the { sts. 2 he equipment | disposal of employers throughout the | ©f the guests. In each, the equip y | 15pOsa Pp od Dt the ret nis plain but thoroughly modern with { dominion to try and prevent 1e retur Felectric lights, baths, hot and cold wa. | of these young Britishers, Among the: 4 ..| teT In every room and all the conveu- harvesters are men belonging to prac |iences of a modern up-to-date hostelry tically every trade. They will be on the The whole place, so new, so modern, i lookout for work at their trade here hodundhayt ; is : ; so complete, ingi into being al- and failing to secure it will doubtless |®® omplete, springing & 3 >| most overnight, is set in a perfect pic- fetuses haine. Do yOu seed skificd help? | ure. A small lake stretches on two so make wn y $ : : yi 8 . oy sides of it, winding roads lead up the Ee aaloyriaie office. los valleys, trails innumerable struggle up : : the mountain sides to famous can- | $ | , 3 p superin- : fal Sytavon toe smjloyment a good | YON to vast glaciers od Ayamed $ : yuntains. / 1s is the single in- | demand for labor of nearly every kind | nouns pri i Yast Rory of in Kingston. It could not be predicted the National Park -- much of which must remain unexplored for years to come, how long this demand would last. There has been no particular action on the part of employers as a result of the | | |above circular. The close of the sum- | This place has fortunately none of mer season as a rule throws consider- | the marks, as yet, of a conventional able numbers of unskilled laborers out) summer resort. True the cuisne is un- of work when construction ceases and | surpassed anywhere in the country, the these seck indoor employment of any | service unobstructive but marvellously kind. | effective, the rates extremely moderate, The employment offices are doing | but there is the absence of the Swiss splendid work in placiag labor and the | Chalet effect, the avoidance of what | exact situation may be learned by re-| one constantly, meets in the mountain ference to the records kept in them. [resorts of Europe, the constant re- ------ {minder that"in this place there is no | een) | attempt 10 ape the fashions of the old- | | LETTERS | er and staler areas of tourist travel. To The Editor | It is a thing quite apart from any- -- thing to be found anywhere else. The scenery is not so rugged as Banff for example--but it is much more restful-- | not so Italian on its coloring as Lake x Louise but more thoroughly Canad Thanks of Humane Society. ian--and the distinctly lower altitude Kingston, Sept. 26.--(To the Editor) | | : 3 . { . 1 more soothing to tired nerves. On behalf of the. Kingston Humane The Canadian National has shown Saciety 1 Nish pe xtend > you ny commendable enterprise in establish. nate thanks, fil a ih ing this resort.on the site of the Hud- Hy oral medium of your valu. | ©" Bay Post of more than a hundred able c6lumns for several weeks pre. | Y5378 ago. ceding our tag day of the 15th inst, It is a long train trip from Winnipeg We consider that the success of ourito Prince Rupert or Vancouver. enterprise was in no small degree the western tourist even if he spends a day result of the kindly and approving no-|or two in Saskatoon and Edmonton tices of our work, disseminated by the needs to break his journey at some Kingston press, previous to this, our point in the mountains. Besides, one first experiment in "tagging," and we | gets no proper introduction to moun- assure you of the heartiest apprecia- | tain scenery from the window of an tion of your considerate and liberal at- | observation car. Jasper Park meets titude towards us and our work, [this need. Passengers travel on the Faithfully yours, {same ticket either west to Prince Ru- --J. R. C DOBBS, pert and down the coast by steamer or President Kingston Humane Society. | direct from "Jasper south west to en Stm---- Vancouver over the C. N. Lines. In either case the scenery is much more ETY interesting, and the beauties of moun- tain lake river and sky much more ap- parent for the few days spent at this Has Re-organized for the 8ea- mountain resort, son: -- Prof. Qummer Did I forget to mention that next Elected President. year there will be a golf course for travellers to "keep fit" and from the A Dusiness meeting of the King- look of the country it will not be dif- ston Choral Society gvas held in St. ficult to make matural hazards on ev- James' Hall Wednceday evening for | *Y fareway. X the 'purpose of re-organizing fo the ; fall and winter season. A large at- a? fonson pe. wa a. Dyde will tendance of members was present, | oo, sireet. mpby's - on and a quantity of necessary business og - was transacted. A further business meeting 13 to be held on - Monday to which prospective members are "The Hat Store™ invited for the purpose of receiving the report of the executive committes ® ' On several matters referred 10 it. Children Ss Officers of the society and execu- | tive committeee were elected as fol- lows: --President, Prof. C. Gummer; . We Have Them. in * * - Big Variety vice-presideat, Miss I. G. Bureau; Secretary-treasurer, E. Warburton; executive committee, Mrs. C. Gum. mer, Mrs. J. Macdon&ld, Mr. a. Vv Dredge, and Mr. H. C. Clarke. Capt. A. Light, musical director, R.C.H.A., who conducted the produc- tion of the "EMjah" last season, and to whom, in co-operation with Mrs, A. R. B. Williamson, much of the Success attained by the society is due, is to be invited to conduct the society again this winter, while Mrs. Williamson 'is to be invited to assist as co-director in the capacity of ac- companist. x ' The executive committes, CO-Oper-. ating with Capt. Light and Mrs. Wil- mn, are to make a selection of music, «ther secular or _ religious, collection of Hats 'suitable to the sea- son. They all sensible, prac- tical Hate--the kind that will NOW INyL1. SWING! ij Biggest Tire bargains, , offered in Kingston. SEE OURyINDOWS All new stock. We Nthe room. Don't delay. Sizes and quantities are ligeg. - MOORES --_------ See our window for a bargain in Reversible Hear Rugs -- pretty colorings. Size 27x54. Special $2.5 _BiG VALUES FOR THE HOUSKEEPER : Turkish Towels, 50c. Large Turkish Towels-- size 22x45 in- ches; good, heavy weight. Special cae- eae... 50c. each Table Damask, 65¢. yd. Fine Bleached Table Damask, 3 pretty patterns. 56 inches wide. Special ......... 68. yard Bedroom Towels, 25¢. Fine Huck Bedroom Towels. Size 17x 36 inches. Special . ......... 25 ouch Curtain Scrim, 15¢. Yd. Fine Curtain Scrim with double border, in White or Cream. Spécial .......... 15¢. yard Turkish Towel 75. pair Good size, Turkish To lored. SPECIAD™ °olor 39c¢. each or 7Scper pair Pure Linen Daask Pure Linen Bleached Tablpamagk; 56 to 70 inches wide. $1.35 to $3.00 y,q er Linen Towelling, 20c,ard Pure Linen Towelling with Te or blue border--suitable for Rollers, Hand; Gags Towels. nn Sheeting, 50c. yard Fine Bleached or Unbleached Sheeygs, full 72 inches wide. Speeial ........ 50c. yad FLANNELETTE BLANKETS Best heavy quality Flannelette Sheets 3 le dooble and extra large sizes. with Pink or Blue borders. Sin in White or Grey A . $2.25 PE Newman & THE ALWAYS BUSY STORE Shaw ~~ Inspect Our Millinery before buying $1650 wore . P isian Shop jooms, totlet, electric lights, cel- 822 BROCK STREET 000 --crasnam Street, de. tached frame dwelling, 5 rooms, electric lights, bat foun, hardwood floors, good rd. Street, 4 ENGAGEMENT ANNOUNCED ya Of ie Vers Beamacombe sd Dr. || 39100 1150 si ope a Picfon, Sept. 27.--Mr. and Mrs, M. A. Branscombe annéunce the engage- ment of their daughter Vera, to Dr. Gerald Allison, son of Mr. and Mrs. . B. Allison, all of Picton. The mar- riage is to take place the middle of October. ; Miss Violet McLean returns to Pic: ton next Friday, after several months visit in Ottawa and Montreal. She will be the guest of her brother, Judge Evan H. McLean, for the winter. Mrs, Rogers returns to Toronto, Wednesday morning, having spent the summer with Judge McLean and her two grandsons, Hamilton and Beer. ord. : Rents collected. oney to loan. Phone 539%w. ES ------ Mullin's Real Estate News $2100 storrtamouth, : Yetactnd electric lights. $5100 --cueen Street, detach. ed brick dwelli EE ------ elling, 8, ng, ning rooms; three piece bath, elec. tric light, gas, furnace, cellar. --Johnson Street) do ® $6000. brick dwelling, rf rooms each, bath electric light, cellar, room, gas, Government bonds bought ana 4. Johnson and Divisidn Streets Men Will Wear Oxfords This Fall HERE I8 ONE OF THE NEWEST Was Born In ; Col. George Arthur French, C.M.G, Newbay, Wexford, Ireland, distin- guished imperial army officer and son of the late Major-General Sir George A. French, who foutided the Royal North West Mounted Police, is in Ot- tawa from a six months' trip in Can- ada. Col. French was born ston, Ont. He left Canada when thir- teen years of age though he has made eral trips i 'smartness to pert there." "THE HOLLYWOOD" supreme in qual. if ity and style, is one fl snappy Oxfords tor Fall wear, This Shoe comes in the new shade of Tan; also in Black with Winter Calfskin Uppers, new shield 'tions on same, full rubber heel--it interprets the vogme of our best bets in Caps, neat perfora- ble sole to heel and ection, "and the wear fs Other smart, new styles ....$5 to gs S.J. SHOES OF MERIT AND DISTINCTION SCIENCE STUDENTS IMPORTANT NOTICE ON DRAUGHTING INSTRUMENTS $8.00. By $7.50 and The finest sets suitable for any architect or and used exclusively at MeGil] University. Other makes of ietipe 800ds cost double these prices.

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