THE DAILY BRITIS THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 3h 1008 -- ii id Grabam, (Alex. Sheldon special). | E. E. Johnstons special, calf raised | Rock chickens, white, H. E. Pyke, ONO AODOWNE PRIZE LIST Exhibits That Won Money and Specials on Sept. 13th and 14th. Horses. Colt, three years, general purpose, Joel 8. Webb, eral purpose, David Graham. One year, general elds. ebb. Colt, - two years, azricultur- jel, Thos. McRae, Joseph 'Shields. i mare, draft, colt by her side, | Woe! 8. Webb, Colt thres years, Xoadster, John S. Elliott, Coit, Fée years, carriage, Dav.y Gra- Bam. Colt under one year, carriage, IW. H. Cook, Merlin Harton, Brood mare, carriage, colt by her side, Merlin Harton, W. H. Cook. Agri- Cultural team, Arden Warren. Road- ster uiare or gelding in harness, Thos. Curtin, Ids: Peam, general ' pur- David Graham, Walter Has- 5, W. C. ShefMeld. Drar: team, W. C. Sheffield. Carriage team, ¥e Of gelding in harness over fif- m and one-half hands, bp. ¢ » Jos. Graham, Royden Bell. Carriage mare or gelding in harness t and one-half hands and un- Ff, Arthur McCready, D. B. John- Mi, Ray White. Carriage team, Rm and one-half hands and un. der, D. J. Lloyd. Specials on Horses, J. F. Fitzsimmons, special carriage inare or gelding, fifteen and one- : f hands or over, driven by a lady J. Lloyd, Gananoque. R. B. Or- 8pécial, carriage team, D. J. d, Gananoque. Ontario Wheel » Special, agricultura] team, Ar- Warren. St. Lawrence Oi] Co., tlal roadster on track first day, Hington Landon, Chas. Foley, xt. Allan Donaldson spec- lady auto driver, Miss Anna Ww, Mrs, Joel. 3. Webb, (W. D. sons special), Mrs. Gordon Sur- (C. W. Roots special). T. X. O'Connors apecial, halter en colt under one year, W, H. Wm. McAuleys speci suck- Colt, Joel S. Webb. Globe hing House special drafy coun, years old, Thos. McRae. Skin- Mfg. Co., exhibit of horses not than four years, Joel S. Webb. Recorder and Timeg special, gengral : e team, Arden Warren, Day- tailored It, _|anoque, special, farm team, W. ©. Colt, two years, Eo Shefeld, purpose; Joel S. becks special, single turnout, Roy Colt YEGor | Summers. ' Roaster, three Wo 7: Semeral purpose, Joo! S. lott. J. D. Boddy special, double |years 81d, Bradley Bros. Dr. | "| R. Smith, | | Beacocks Garage special, _ decorated | on Royal Purple Calf Meal, Bradley auto, Mrs. Gordon Surplus, Mrs. Joel S. Webb, (Neals Garage special) . |brll ealf raised on Roya Purple Wright Dry Goods special, lady driv-; Calf Meal, Jos. Sheilds. F. 0. er, D. J. Loyd, Jas. H. Grahim,|MclHrreens special, herd of five Hol- ; A, B.|stelns, Bradley Bros. Webb Motor Mrs. G. [Sales Co., special, herd of seven Greens | Holsteins, Bradley Bros, T. I. Ellis, reg. Holstein heifer, one year and under two, Bradley Bros. Dr. Frasers special, 'reg Holstein heffer Over two years and under three, W. R. Smith. Parmenter and Bullock, special, reg. Holstein heifer three Sin- or single turnout, David Graham. [clairs special, reg. Holstein heifer, one year old and under two, Bruce Cattle Grier. Spring and Axle Co., special, Bull, three years old and upwards (herd reg. Holsteins of three, Brag- with pedigree W. R. Smith and ley Bros, W. R. Smith, (Bennett's sons, D. B. Johnston, Joseph Sheilds. | Hardware). Fairman and Edwards Bull, 1 year old with pedigree, Brad- | special, reg. Holstein bull, one year ley Bros., Bruce Grier, WwW. R. old and under two, Bradley Bros. Smith, Bull calt, Bradley Bros., | Ontario Wheel Co., special, reg. Hol- Joseph Shields, Alex. Chasmer. [stefn bull, one year old and under Milch Cow, pedigree, W. R. ator pu Bradley Bros. Clifford Sines, (A. E. Hafliles special), Haffles special, lady turnout, Surpilis, D, J. Lloyd, (David &pecial). Bank of Toronto, Gan- Arden Warren. Geo. Dinty Moore's special, years oid, J, 8. E- W. R. Smith, Bruce Grier. Heifer, special, herd reg. cattle, seven head, three years old, pedigree, Bradley |W. R. Smith, Bradley Bros. (W. E, Bros.,, F. Doak, Bradley Bros. Heif- | Austins special. Dr. Rogers spec- er, one year old, pedigree, Bruce ial, herd reg. Holsteins of two head, Grier, Bradley Bros. W. R. Smith. | Bradley Bros. Helfer calf, Bradley Bros., ¥. Doak. Milch cow, grade Holst. F. Doak, W. Heifer, three years old, Freeman Doak. Heir- er, two years old, grade Holst, Bradley Bros. Calf, Bradley Bros, Bull, three years and upwards, Ayr- shire, F. McDonalg. Bull, one year, Ayrshire, G. Graham. Helfer two years old, Ayrshire, G. Graham. Heifer calf, Ayrshire, G. Graham. Milch cow, grade, Ayrshire, F. Mec- Donald. Heifer, three years old, grade, Ayrshire, F.<McDonald, Gor- don Graham. Heifer, two years old Ayrshire, JF. McDonald, P. Ross Mec- Veigh. Heifer, one year old, grade, Ayrshire, Gorgon Graham. Heifer, calf, Ayrshire, F. McDonald. Milch Cow, grade Jersey, David Graham, Heifer calf, grade Jersey, P, Ross McVeigh, Sheep. Ram lamb, Robt. Sheilds. Pair of aged ewes raising lambs, Robt. Shields. Pair of yearling ewes, Robt. 8hjelds. Pair ewe lamws, Robt. Shéilgs. Pen sheep, sour. Shields. George Cheethalns speecta; palr lambs, Robt. Shields. Alex. Gordans special, Shropshire lambs, Robt. Shields. -- Swine Sow pig of 1923 with pedigree, Tamworth, Freeman Doak, Fresaman Doak. Breeding sow, {Freeman Doak. Boar, aged, with pedigree, Yorkshire, D. B. Johnston. Sow pig, 1923, with pedigree, Yorkshire, Alex. Chesamin, Alex. Chesamin, Breeding sow, with pedigree, York- shire, W. R. Smith and Sons, Alex. Chesamin, D. B. Johnston wy grade Holst., - Speclals in Cattle. Bank of Commerce( special, herd pure bred cattle, four or more, W. R. Smith ang Sons, Bradley Bros. (Bank of Montreal). Bank of Tor- onto, Lansdowne, special, bull one year old or under, Bradley Bros. J. H. Warrens special, two reg. Hol- stein cattle, W. R. Smith and Sons. Wm. Edwards special, best cow, Ww. R. Smith anq Sons. BE. BE. John- stons special, best herd of three, W. R. Smith and Sons, Bradley Bros. Specials, Leed's Farmers, special, palr ba- con hogs, Alex. Chesamin, B. D. Johnston. Ww. ¥. Hallidays spec- fal, aged boar, D. B. Johnston. Maccks, special, brood sow, D. B. Johnston. Movney and Phillips special, exhibit of Swine, D. B. Johnston, Poultry. Plymouth Rock, fowls; white, H. E. Pyke, H. E. Pyke. Plymowh ~ These are real nifty Suits that are excellently » and are especially adapted to hard col. lege wear. QUEEN'S STUDENTS, HERE IS A SNAP '15, 20, %22.50, 25, *30, 35 MEN'S OVER. ~~ COATS We have a very large stock of Man's and Young Men's Over- coats in all the wanted" | shades and styles, 'SPECIAL Men's Suits in dark Grey, Browns and Bros, E. E, Johnston special, Holst, | H. E. Pyke. Plymouth Rock fowls, mouth Rock chickens, barred, H. KE. Pyke, H. E. Pyke. Leghorn fowls, white, 8. Cy; Frank Foley. Leghorn chickens, white, 8. C., Frank Sticks, Walter Patience. Leghorn chickens, brown, S. C., H. E. Pyke. Plymouth Rock cockerel, white, H. BE, Pyke, H. E. Pyke. Ply- | mouth Rock cockerel, barred, H. £. { Pyke, H. E. Pyke. erel, white, Rev. Bechstead, H. BE. Pyke. Rhode Island Red cockerel, |S. C., F. Stick, Rev. Bechstead. | Rhode Island Red cockerel, R. C., Rev. Beckstead. Leghorn eockerel, white, 8. C., F. Stick, P. Ross Mc- fil Veigh. Leghorn cockerel, brown, §.C., H. E. Pyke. Minorca cogkerel, B.L.S. C., H. E. Pyke. Pair Ancona fowls, A. McOlary. Pair Anconda chickens, A, Ty. Best developed pullet, utility breed, H. E. Pyke, H. E._ Pyke, | Wyandette fowls, white, H. E. Pyke, F. Stick. Wyandotte chickens, white, H. B. Pyke, H. E. Pyke. White Orpington fowls, F. Stick, P. Ross McVeigh. White Orpington fowls, F. Stick, P. Ross McVeigh. Orpington chickens, P. Roses Me- Veigh. Bufr Orpington fowls, ». Stick, H. E. Pyke. Buff Orpington chickens, FP, Stick, H. E. Pyke. Rhode | Island Red fowls, R. C., F. Stick, PF. | Stick. Rhode Island Red fowls, S. [C., F. Stick, F. Stick. Rhode Island Red chickens, R. C., Ref. Beckstead, H. E. Pyke. Minorca fowls, black, H. E. Pyke. H. E. Pyke. Minorca chickens, black, H. E. Pyke. Leg- horn fowls, buff, 8 C., H. E. Pyke. Bronze turkeys, Thomas McRae, J. H. Donevan. Geese, Thomas K Me- | Rae, Joseph Shield. Roman ducks, | Alex. Chisamore, Wesley Foley. Pe- { kin ducks, Walter Patience. Dom- estic pets, Mrs. William Senn, H. | Guilds. Any other variety ducks, Alex. Chisamore. -- Specials, White leghorn cock, F. White leghorn hen, F. Stick. White Leghorn cockerel, F. Stick. White leghorn pullet, F. Stick. White Wy- andotte cock, H. E. Pyke. White Wyandotte hen, H. E. Pyke. White Wyandotte cockerel, Rev. Beckstead. White Wyandotte pullet, H. 8: Pyke. Barred Rock cock, H. E, Pyke. Barred Rock heny H. E. Pyke, Barred Rock cockerel, H. E. Pyke. Barred Rock pullet, H. E. Pyke. a, F. Johnston, 8. C., barred Rock chickens, H. E. Pyke. W. R. Kais- ers specials, April Fool, J. H. Done- van. . Thomas Tilton's special, Wesley Fo- ley. Daily British Whig, turkeys, Thomas McRae. F. L. Tookes, geese, Thomas McRae. F. Cross, special, prettiest cat, H. Guild. Miss Taylor, special, hound, E. J. Salter: Stick. Grain, Spring wheat, Keith Landon. Bar- iey, George Lee. Oats, (1) George Lee, W. H. Franklin; (2) Royden Bell. Peas, small, Joshua. Hum- phrey. flax sled, Alex. Chisamore, Gordon Sutton, y S------ Grain Specials. T. J. Ellis special, oats, George Lee. R. G. Harvey, special, wheat, Keith Landon. a -- Vegetables. barred, H. E. Pyke, H. E. Pyke. Ply. ||| Stick, Wesley. Wyandofte cock- || White | i Dominion of Canada Refunding Loan 1923 The new Dominion Government 5% five year and twenty vear bonds are of- ered to investors and those now holding 1923 Victory 'Bonds on a basis Which establishes them as the most desirable Canadian Government secur- ity marketed for several years. The issue is available in two maturities; 5 Year Bonds due October 15, 1928 Price: 99 yielding 5.239, 20 Year Bonds due October 15, 1943 Price: 98.25 yielding 5.14% Holders of 1923 Victory Bonds are urged to take immediate advantage of the conversion privilege through which they obtain a bonus of fifteen days' interest in addition to a substantial cash payment for every $100 converted into bonds of the new lo:n. Bonds sold for cash or exchanges made at my office or by _. S. ROUGHTON TELEPHONE 610. phone free of DOMINION OF CANADA LOAN 1923 THE BANK OF MONTREAL subscriptions for the new Dominion exchange of Victory Loan Bonds due 1st new issue. Government Bonds, or effect the November, 1923, into bonds of the Full particulars will be gladly furnished at-any branch of the BANK OF MONTREAL PAA pssst patria Irish Cobbler potatoes, H. =. Pyke, PF. Stick. Green Mountain potatoes, Nelson Webster, Arthur Fortune. Any other kind, Alex. Steacy, Joshua Humphrey. Carrots, red, long, H. E. Pyke, Hurbert Mec- Nellly. Carrots, red, short, Her- bert McNeily. 'Carrots, white, H. FE. Pyke. Blood beets, long, H. EB. Pyke, Herbert McNeily. Turnip beets, H. E. Pyke, J. Humphrey, Sugar beets, Alex. Steacy, F. Doak. Mangolds globe, H. E. Pyke. Sweet corn, F. Cross. Silo corn, F. Doak, Keith Landon. Parsnips, R. Break- enridge, Rev. Beckstead. Celezy, Rev. Mr. Beckstead. Onions, white, H. E. Pyke. Onions, red, H. E. Pyke, F. Stick. Onions, yellow, H. E. Pyke. Beans, large, George Lee, Alex. Chi- samore. Beans, small, H.'B. Pyke. Cabbages, white, Hubert McNeily, H. B. Pyke. Cabbage, red, H. i. Pyke. Dozen apples, winter, Mrs. Ella Gray.: Dozen apples, fall, J. B. Wilson. Dozen apples, Harvest, J. B. Wilson, Roy : . Musk-melon, H. E. Pyke, F. Stick. Coll of vegeta bles, H. E. Pike, J. N. Beckstead. To the Untold Legion of 1923 Victory Bond holders What are you going to do--? Canada wants you to renew your investment for another 20 years, - 5 You know you've had a good investment, You know your security is right. _ You know your interest has been paid with unfailing regularity, Remember you get two weeks' interest as bonus, and to repeat--your security ranks equally with Victory Bonds. Will you renew your investment'--Will you exchange your Bonds? ¥ If so--do it Don't wait tll the last minute. The privilege may be with- drawn. Dominion of Canada Refunding Loan 1923 5% Bonds 20 Year Bonds due 15th October, 1943 Price: 20 Year Bonds 98.25 and interest. vielding 5.14%. »T. Orders may be telegraphed or telephoned (collect) and Jour usual Bond Dealer of Bank. exchanges made through SENNA NAA Satria RY | Mrs. William - Benn, Mrs. 8. C. E. Dixon; canned pears, Mrs. H. BE. Nunn, Mrs. Beckstead; preserved citron, Mrs. Lynd; presery~ ; Mrs. Nunn, Mrs. Senn; -j preserved plums, Mrs. Beckstead: Senn, Mrs. Nunn; Nunn, Mrs. Senn; currant Jelly, 8. C. E. Dixon, Mrs. W. ©. Landon; native fruit jelly, Mrs. 8. C. E. Dixon; sour pickles, Mrs. Beckstead, Mrs. Lynch: mustard pickles, Mrs. Beck~ ' Mrs. Lynch; catsup, Mpg.