Daily British Whig (1850), 27 Sep 1923, p. 8

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THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG . NEWS AND VIEWS FOR WOMEN READERS | EG 0" MUTTON GAT | SLEVE 5 FAVORED § It's Seen in Suits and Coats "8 RAEN NEE RNE NER ER NAR NARNRRE MacKey's ee TO-MORROW'S HOROSCOPE BY GENEVIEVE KEMBLE C. Ward, William street west. Beis is visiting her sister, Mrs. R. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Court Hyde, | Montreal, who have been spending LIFE'S SOCIAL SIDE Editor of Women's Page, Tele round being won by Miss Maud| 3897 Mes: George Hyde , Rr ra phone 248. Private 'phome 857w.|Betts. A great deal of interest is, for the win bE ' ss» £r., will reside in Montreal. being shown in the contests and the| A EnLIoN, iain. Among those who attended the ladies, are pleased with the success | Mrs. A. Mote iy tea and dance at the Royal Military [of the tournament. The next round 'ng today to Mon sal. panied i Ot College on Wednesday, following will be played on Friday, weather DY her sister, Miss Perce } + the sports, were Prof. and Mrs. Day, | permitting, it being necessary to win 251 University avenue, whom She Major and Mrs. Cock, Major | has been visiting. From Montrea and [two rounds before the champion is Mrs. Turner, Major and Mrs. Tre- Jodie - {they will take a motor trip to the ~anatw, Lt.-Col. Svoggle, Mrs. Barr, | " 8s a Adirondacks, - or, Major and Mrs. Greenwood, Prof. | Mrs. Henry Joseph entertained at and Mrs. Richardson, Mra. Cecli|a coming-out dance in honor of her| On Tuesday sfterscos, es Adams, Mrs. Bernard Browne, Mrs. | daughter, Miss Bthel Olive Joseph, H. Dyde, Univers ty iepue Fhe A. Evans, Miss Loretta Swift, Miss | last evening, at her residence, Moun- | tained for the young friends o Wurtele, Mr. and Mrs. W. K. Mac-| tain street, Montreal. Dorothy Dyde. Ree, Mrs. F. 8. 8. Johnson, Mrs. J. 3 v & 8 : A happy event on Tuesday was Hayden, Prof. and Mrs. Bridger, Mrs. | Their Excellencies the Governor-| Miss Eleanor Lyman's riage. " ber . Carr-Harris, Mrs. Lowe, Mr. and Mrs. General and Lady Byng of Vimy | house on King street, hind rs, EL Twiss, Mrs. Elmer Davis, Mrs, Man-| with the members of the vice-rega|C- Southey, Bowmany lie. Bid- | i ley Baker, Mrs. Bidwell, Miss Bid | household, are expected in Ottawa Mrs, E. C. C. Soithoy. Bowtnyn. FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 28. An unusually active and eventrul day is forecast from the dominant Planetary configurations. There is 4 presage of a momentous change or journey which should culminate in the most gratifying success. New and bold projects seem to be im- manent and these may be manipu- lated to splendid advantage if the matter 'of flances be wisely con- sidered. Shun speculation and han- dle all opportunities carefully. Those whose birthday it is may have a year of important oppor- tunity, with new openings and large possibilities. There may be change and travel of benefit, but all money matters should be managed with a degree of careful judgment. Shun all in the nature of speculation.' A Full and Short Lengths Presented by Jenny. If you are the least bit Sure you eat-- MacKEY'S BETTER BREAD It costs you no more than ordinary Bread, and at the same time you get QUALITY plus SERVICE. "WE KEEP THE QUALITY UP" MacKEY'S BREAD Ltd. PHONE 834. KINGSTON, ONT. Out-of-town buyers write us for the agency in your town. We have an interesting contract. | particular 'about your bread, be i One of the most interesting sleeve; ideas, notewogghy also from the angle | of newness, presented in many coat | types by the creator, is the Jenny légl v o'mutton, says a Paris letter. This | | sleeve is seen in suits and coats of full | and short length presented by Jenny. | While the sleeve is not made on the voluminous lines of its prototype, it| simulates the fundamental outline.with | narrowed cuff in contradistinction to a | = widened upper section, with a bloused = feeling at the elbow. Shirrings are not entered at the shoulder line, as the. ori. | 2 |. ginal showed, but width is achieved as oo i ¢ / a result of a slightly widened arm- | hole, | Well, Misses Margaret, Lesslie and |on Oct. 1st. - Lois Taylor, Miss Flo Cunningham, | qn Mrs. MacDonald, Miss Louise Hill, | On Tuesday afternoon, Mrs. kK. ville, after a very enjoyable fort- night with her mother, Mrs. MN. Strange, Sydenham street, returned child born on this day will be bold and enterprising, but may be fond of change and pleasure unless It 1s Although flares have been SO pro; nounced in the showings of the cou- turiers in Paris, the suggestion is not Nn, Soap Miss Vivian McCartney, Miss Hilda Langwith, Miss Dorothea Sands, | TOTrance, Alfred street, charmingly | home on Wednesday. carefully trained, Dr. William Morgan, Barrie street, being especially favored on this side Mies Vivian White, Miss Jean Rob-| chtertained in honor of Mrs. BE. B. "ln, Miss Margaret Davis, Miss Mary Morrison, Miss Nevada Best. A very pleasant event took place Tuesday evening at the home.ot Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Mitchell, 289 Lisgar Street, Ottawa, on the occasion of the * thirtieth aniversary of the wedding of the lattei1%: parents, McKay, Kingston. William Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. McKay were former resi- 'dents of the Capital, and have many friends there. A presentation of a sliver tea service, a mahogany tray and a silver tea stand was made the guests of honor by their friends. Fred Fross made the presentation. iMr. Fross was best man at the wed- ding thirty years ago. Was read by A. C. Brown. Little Miss | An address | Loucks, Winnipeg. - - * Mrs. Brebner, 680 Princess street, (and her daughter, Miss Agnes, |8raduate nurse, of New York, have | returned from Ottawa, where they visited Mrs. Brebner's brother, Rev. J. 8. Macfarland, and his daughter, Mrs. Doblier. Miss Georgia Acheson, nurse-in- training at Kingston General Hos- pital, is at Philipsville to enjoy loli- days among her friends. Mrs. John Knox and daughter, Kelowna, B.C., are with Mrs. H. C. Nickle, Earl street. . * . Miss Sanson is the guest of her sister, Mrs. J. L. Whiting, Clergy street. Miss Dorothy Wood, daughter of Lois Mitchell, whose second birth- 'Mr. and Mrs. Norman Wood, 286 day fell on the same date, presente her grandmother with a basket of roses. The results in the eighteen match at the Golf Club links, con- | hole _ tested for the prizes offered by Rob- ert Cunningham, the professionals Were: Miss Edith Ritchie, 77, K. Hicks, '79, Mrs. R. Givens, As a result they are winners of medal competition as well as Mrs. 82. the the prizes donatefi by Mr. Cunningham Which consisted of a gold club, six . 80M balls, and three golf balls. There _ Was great Interest shown mateh, no less than players being entered. ' . 0 The apening games of the annual tournament of oquet Club were held on Wednes- in Macdonald Park, the first in the twenty-three the Ladies' [Chapel street , left Tuesday for Queen's University, Kingston, where {she will take an ants course.--Otta- {wa Journal. | Dr. P. R. Nash and Wililam Den- nis, New York City, who have been | vigitors in Kingston: for the past week, returned to New York to-day. Miss Ward, Ottawa, is the guest of Mrs. James R. W. Johnson, Stuart street, » . -. Mrs. H. A. Lavell is in Toronto at- tending the annual meeting of the Women's Missionary Soclety of the Methodist church. Mr. and Mrs, George Drumm, Campbellford, visited their son, Wil- liam, in Kingston, last week. Mr. -and Mrs. Ernest Bedford, Kingston, spent Sunday with the lat- ter's parents at Campbellford. Mrs. A. McDougall, M¥dicine Hat, has left for Vancouver, B. C., where he will spend two months. Mrs. Cecil Adams, Goderich, and {little son, are with Capt. and Mrs. [J. C. Murchie, Wellington street. | Col. and Mrs. F. Constantine, Earl [ street, have gone to Chaffey's Locks, for a few weeks. ---- Shun "Modern" Wives, Germaas do not want their wives too modern. That is quite clear from the advertisements for wives appearing in | the best German newspapers. {| A German wholesaler who has a flourishing business in Portugal, wants a wife between 18 and 22 who is able | to adopt herself readily to the differ. {ent conditions of life she will find in Portugal, but who is "not too modern" | in her ideas. She must not have bobbed hair, must be companionable, beautiful good-natured and "thoroughly domes- tic" in her tastes. . Carrot Marmalade, One dogen raw carrots, washed, (scraped and grated, one cupful of Sugar to each cup of grated carrots, juice of three lemons, strained, one teaspoonful each of cinnamon, clow es and allspice. Mix carrots and su- gar and let stand over might. Add the lemon juice and spices in the morning and cook slowly for one hour. By omitting the spices, you have a good imitation of oragge mar- malade. (This carrot marmalade is delicious, and very cheap and good.) ---- Sir Bertram Windle, F. R. 8., St. Michael's College, Toronto, was elec- ted president of the Catholic Truth Society of Canada at its annual con- vention in Ottawa. ; - 4 E. WYLY GRIER, RCA. A famous Canadian painter, who will be one of the commit ee to judge the pictures submitted. for display at the Canadian Exhibit at the Empire Ex- hibition in England next summer, En- tries are already being received. YOUTH 'DROWNED IN WEST. Loses Life Whem Canoe C at Seven Sisters' Falls, Athens, Ont., Sept. 27.--On Batur- day last P. Y. Hollingsworth receiv ed a message from St. Thomas bear- ing the sad intelligence that his nephew, Eldon B. Wiltse, Lad been drowned qn Sept. 20th, while taking a holiday in 'thé west. Less than a month ago he accompanied his aunt, Miss Arletta Hollingsworth, on a motor trip to Carman, Man., on her way from visiting friends In the east ,which included Athens and vi- cinity. He.went to Lac Dubonnet to renew friendships, having taught school there some two years, and by press reports was drowned with a companion when their canoe cap- of the water, Patou appears to stand back of the flare, according to the number of flared Patou models offer- ed as evidence, with occasional exam- ples by other houses. The idea is more frequently met in evening wraps, in both capes and coats, and there Lan. vin, Martial et Armand, and many oth- ers are represented. In daytime exploitations of circular full-length coats, the straight, flat back is adamant, while circular fullness is centered either at the front or side. The two-side fullness is noted, and Premet is responsible for one of great distinction, Using the flate front and back devélopment, with flared sides. Not the least attractive feature of this garment 'is that the waist and hipline fit are closely draped enough to sug- gest a princesse contour. Broadcloth again forms a medium in day coats, particularly in expressions of black. Worth and Premet each | show distinctive models in black broadcloth, subscribing for the most part to straight, slim lines, A Worth coat is made in black broadcloth with rounded gathered ruffles, banded twice in chinchillette, a fur that is stressed in many of the imports. RELIEF 18 SOUGHT | FOR WHEAT GROWERS President Coolidge Asked to| Call Special Session of | U.8. Congress. Washington, Sept. 27. -- A re- quest. was made of President Cool- idge today by a delegation of a dozen farmers and bankers from the Min- | neapolis federal reserve district that a special session of congress be called to enact legislation for the relief of wheat growers through the revival of the United Btates grain corpora- tion. . The delegation further asked that & reduction in freight rates on wheat When, you .buy SURPRISE you get'a big, bright, solid bar of the highest grade household soap and it is always the same. A Pure Hard Soap sized in a whirlpool at Seven Sisters' Falls, another companion being res- cued. . Eldon was the eldest son of Ford B. Wiltse and he was born twenty-four years ago last June on a farm east of Athens. He was a graduate of the Athens high school, his father and family moving from Athens to St. Thomas some fhree or more years ago. On receipt of a telephone message, his father left for the west, Bt---- i, and flour be made, but said after their conference that the president had made no promises to them other than that he would consider their requests with his advisers. Fat That Shows We carry everything pertaining to RADIO. If you need a new part, or an approved attachment, you are sure of getting it here, Have you seen the new . MICHIGAN RADIO CORPS' "MIDGET RECEIVER" ? It's at the Fair. Call around. The H. W. Newman Electric Co. 167 PRINCESS STREET. PHONE 441. Kingston's Pioneer Radio Supply House, Prominent fat that comes and stays Where it is not needed is a burden, a hindrance to activity, sure. You can take it shows by Wing after each at bedtime, one Marmola Prescription Tablet. These little tablets are as ef- fective and harmless as the famous prescription from which they take their name. Buy and try & case to-day. All drug, ists the world over sell em | 0; ar & CASe or you can order = thom. dirtot: trom -- a sear ou Co., 4612 Woodward Ave. 3 meal and Dr. Martel"s Female Pils Thousands testify to beneficigl re- salts last half century. Sn ote. we ER in Sealed TIN or : a hy ay There is bet . GALLAGHER'S TAXI NO EXCUSE SERVICE FOR BEING WITHOUT A PIANO The cost is absolutely the last thing that need worry you. At the present time we have a won- derful STEVENSON SQUARE PIANO of exceptional value at . $100 EASY Senne ARRANGED, Plenty of clean dish towels--what a coment to have - them! It is so easy to let them soak themselves 'clean in the rich Rinso suds every day--

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