¥ FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 28, 1923 THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG 7 Ea i | i 'Are Orpotizaites Which You Have Been Seeking S uch A Long Time The British Whig | -- KINGSTON, ONT CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING. , standardized and popular. dodessd {zed acoording. to heir | ads. are restricted to t ATI classification, and to the Texular Dally Whig style of type. CLASSIFIED RATES r ¢ ive rate per line or consecut Daily Pasertions; Minimum charge, 25 cents. Daily'pates per Hae, Charge Caan 4 'an vein 8 6 insertion, charged, Engagements, Marriages, : h, $1.00. Ad SP Phan and Memoriam Notices---C Charged, $1.50; casn, $1.00 insertion. Sach Shaw ordered for Irregular fpsertions takes the one-time inser tion rate; no ad. taken for less than four lines. Da oi average words to the 1 | ne. & Sharged ads. will bé" received by bo re ad and if paid at The Brit- ish Whis Office within 6 days from the first day of insertion, cash rate will be allowed. Ads. ordered for more than one day and stopped before expiration will only be charged for the number of times the ad. appeared and adjue'~ ent made at the rate carned. te per line for white space is the same as a.line of type. Special rate for yearly advertising Automobiles Automobiles for Sale, 11] DE- | | BLUE | BAGOT | ARRANGE FOR MONSTRATION AT THE GARAGE, LIMITED, COR.. AND QUEEN STREETS. HUPMOBILE CARS FOR SALE | Ford Touring 1916. 2 Ford Tourings, 1917 I Gray Dort Touring. I Chevrolet Touring. I Ford Coupe. | Dodge Touring. Here ig enough for you to choose from. These machines are 2s we wish to clear the They may be payment plan VAN LUVEN BROS, 34 PRINCESS STREET good values m out. purchased on easy upon request. Publishers reserve the right to edit or reject all classified advertising copy. phone 343, ask for a want ad. taker. . Announcements Personals SKIN BLEMISHES -- Halr, Moles, Warts, Birthmarks, Skin Cancers, Soars, Pits, ete. removed permanent: ly. Satisfactory Glasses fitted and furnished after others have failed Goltre oured without operation. 38 'ears' experience. Dr. Elmer J. Lake, | ye, r, Nose, Throat, Skin, 26y Bagot Street. Phone 301w. House 1138J Lost and Found 10 --_-- | BELT--Found, child's, cloth. Owner | may have same at 32 Union St. W. CUFF LINK--Found, in launch "Arli- | del," gold, ' Owner may have same | applying to Harold Pitman, Knapp's| Boat House. | DOG--L.ost, k and tan collie, with/| strip on ed , 1922 tag. Finder please | return teD. C, Regers, R. R. 1, King- | ston. Reward. | FOUNTAIN PEN--Found. Owner may | bave same by proving property at the! Whig Office. | GLOVES--Found, pair of man's, on| Princess 8t. Owner may have same at 200 Frontenac St. | TICKET Found, on King St, -on| Thursday, for steamer Wolfe Islander. Owner may have same at Whig Office Automobiles Automobiles For Sale Used Cars AMcLAUGHLIN 1921] Special seven passenger Touring Car, all new Cord tires. new top and curtains, painted apd varnished, in ex- cellent mechanical condition. DODGE COUPE, 1923 Almost new, with spare tire and tube, front bumper, rear vision mirror, wind shield wiper and other convenient Rccessories If you intend purchasing a car it will to your advantage to inspect these cars. g€ Boyd's Gara ig 7129 Brovk gtree. 11 @ SAW FLOODS OF The first survivor of the earthquake to pass throu 'route ton home in a M. H. O. Brackley, of the J He wal Ale Service, ° r re okohama over debris a the ofl tank ex- dies and saw oslons. He reports that the Cana- an ship, t SR oR of Avil, Siva Killed in Jail Attack . Dalls, Texas, Sept. 38 Champion, sssitant night jailer, and C. F. Galnes, under a death sen- Jynce for murder in connection with robbery here, were kil- and Pete Welk, another prison- » Wag probably fatally woun in attempted jail delivery which got 0 farther than a pistol fight on the 1xth floor of the Dallas county Jail Ni pt ---- The, woman's cause is man's; > and together. : climb out beyona the his own character, «= Willis they | -- | SPARE PARTS Au ories----Tires--Parts 18 For most makes and] mod:ls of cars. Your old broken and worn parts replaced. Write or wire us describing what you want. We | carry the largest and most comple el stock in Canada of ghey used and | "new parts apd automo ile equipment. | We ship C.O.D. anywhere in Canada. | Satisfaction or refund in full our/ motto. Shaw's Auto Salvage © Part Bupply, 923-931 Dufferin Street, To- ronto, Ont. YOU HAVE TRIED--the rest, now try| the best. For vulcanizing, bring your tires and tubes to Neal's Vuleanizing Shop, Queen and Ontario Streets. Garages--Autos for Hire--Taxi 14 ------------ well built, large Apply Box E-25 5, tess | GARAGE--To Jet, enough for big car. Whig Office. GARAGE For rent, close to business district Apply Box M-8, Whig Office. = ar Te Wanted--Automobile BMALL CAR---In ferred. Call at B Bagot and Queen ay. good condition pre- lue Garages Ltd. cor. Streets. Do not de- | Ce os | | Business Service iness Servi B Offered 18 AUCTIONEER--For courtesy and hon- est dealing, W. A. Twigg, 3574 Kiug Street. Phone 520J or 1785w. WELL DRILLING wells, the oldest, sanitary well drillers and Lennox and most modern equipment in America, For full information write to FJ Garrison Co., Colebrook, Ont. --~ Sanitary the lar water Best, the only | in Frontenac Addington. The Cleaning, Dyeirs CARPET CLEANING--Let us handle yours, with our vacuum cleaner. We guarantee a good job. Furniture re- pairing o* all kinds. Muller's Bicycle Works, 273 King Street. Phone 1901, ES Ss Ladics' Hair Parlor, 2la HAIR WOR. , nade to order. Also Shampooing and Massag- ing. Children's hair cutting. Mrs. . Charles Cunningham, 36 Bay Street, Kingston. Insurance : 23 FIRE---Automobile an ance. B. M. Crumle Phone 1782M. INSURANCE---Only the most reliable companies represented. Strange & Strange, established in 1860. Office: 95 Clarence Street, apposite Post Office. INSURANCE---OQur Health and Accident Mey will protect your salary. Fire nsurance at low rat Phone BE, Williams, 2 Couper Str. EE EE ree eee ------ * Moving, Trucking, Storage 23 ASHES---Cleaned out of yards, clean job done. A. 24 Russel] Street. Phone 2 STORAGE SPACE~-For and 'dry, Apply E. E. Wathem, 14 Nelson street. hone 1291J .or 613, STORAGE---For furniture, alr, ooms and spaces; your own lock key. Frost's City Stirage, 299. 306 Queen St. Phone 526. Res. 389 w, K--Of all kinds, d Casualty Insur- ¥. 420 Ear] Street. cellars and MacGregor, 2685. furniture, clean clean, ary, He'is a regular reader tion: to him promptly. one that his ears hear! larly read the A-B-C tell you when Opportul You can share his advanta The Man Who Hears With His Eyes f the A-B-C Classified Sec- oO He "hears". Opportunity's every call. shouts, the call of the employers who have good posi- tions open, the renting opportunities, the business and fl- nancial offers--in short, all the advantages which go to- wards shaping one's material success are made known Once in a while someone says to him, "You can get this-or-that from such-a-place at.a bargain price." But his eyes "hear" scores of opportunities for every ges it lassified Section and let your eyes ty is calling you. THE A-B-C CLASSIFIED ADS ALWAYS THE SAME--IN SERVICE ALWAYS DIFFERENT --IN OPPORTUNITY The Bargain you, too, will regu- iness Services 28c¢. MARCELIS--Wm,, A, D.C, Ph. C., cor- ner Princess and Barrie Streets. 2n Bdrrie St. entrance. Kingston, Consultation free. Teleph Chiropractis PANT MAKER -- whole year. Employment Help Wanted--Male Steady Apply to J. work Son, Napanee, Ont. the | L. Boyes & | Real Estate For Rent Business Places For Rent Merchandise. { Articles For Sale | BARGAINS --In men's sweater coats, | | all wool, $2.75; army khaki pants, | shirts, whipcord riding breeches, blan- | gets, blue coats, leather. vests, sheep- skin coats, étc., at A. Shapiro, 46 Prin- céss St. 51 » | street In| LODGE ROOMS--Rooms on K! SOF ~--formerly occupied by the Apply to Cunningham & Smith. Houses For Rent 77 { FURNISHED HOUSE--8 rooms, all con- veniences, hot water heating. Coal ' In, on street car line. Rent reason. able. Apply Box 0-15, Whig Office. | CHOICE COKE--Car, chestnut size, | $14.50 per ton if delivered from car. J. R. C. Dobbs, 4¢ Clarence Street. Real Estate For Sale. Houses For Sale 84 BEMI-BUNGALOW--Gooa locality, side, § rooms and 3 piece very modern with eve: all in good \condition, Apply Box west bathrSom Ty convenience; including jar hig oF garden. K-29, WwW fice. SEE---Bateman's large Rea! Estate ad- vertl N nt. page 3, column } | Telephone 819. { | DRY WOOD--40 cords of body maple, | 20 cords of soft. Can be shipped at once. Apply to J. A. Hunter, Tam- | worth, Ont. FURNITURE--Den sett. kitchen ecabi- net, buffet and bookcases, stovesand desks . Apply J. Thompson, 333 Prin- cess street, phone 1600W. | HORSE HAY--Good green, well cured, loose, $10.40 per ton, delivered. Phone 2325. FURNISHED HOUSE--SIx rooms, near University and car Rent very ne. y reasonable. Apply 91 Beverly, after 7 p.m. or 186m. HOUSES--Several to rent from $18.00 to $27.00 per month; Cherry Street; two apartments on Sixth Street, im- rovements; seven roomed house On Sixth Street, all improvements and furnace; one seven roomed house on aries Street. Apply H. F. Norman, 69 Patrick Street. . a | KITCHEN RANGE---Also three burner! | gas plate and oven. Apply 90 Colling- | wood Street. PIANOS FOR RENT--We will rent you] a new plano for six months, and in| the event of a purchase at the end of | this period we will allow you all the | money paid to apply thereon. C. W. Lindsay Limited, 121 Princess St. | | 1 | electric lights, yard, HOUSE--Small, Apply. 104 Montreal $12 per month. Street. HOUSE--At once, new, seven rooms, ith large lot and barn on North Al- Fr Apply J. D. Boyd, Eastview Park. Phone 1102 R4. PRINCESS STREET--5 rooms, brick, &as and electric. Apply M. E. Ward, Canada Radlo Stores. Phone 1207J. SMALL SHOP -- On _ Princess Street, above Barrie; one 6 room apartment With modern conveniences, heated; -- Square, condition. Street. Heintzman & Co., Apply 813 Johnson : PIANO--HEINTZMAN © GRAND, ® Ma- | HOGANY EXCEPTIONALLY | SWEET INSTRUMENT, | GOOD TELEPHONE | CASE, 282 Princess. Immediate possession. Apply I. Cohen & Company. 104 BAGOT STREET Comfortable brick house, near City Park Apply King & Smythe, 71-73 Clarence Street, Kingston, Ont. TONED CONDITION. 2231 FOR APPOINTMENT TO VIEW. $22]. Hours Y to 12am, 11to 6 p.m. LUCY--Drs. G. ¥. ana Jennie A., Chiro- ractic Specialists and Registered Nurse, 239 Bagot Street. Phone 943w. Hours: 9-12 am., 1 to §, and 6 to 7.30} p.m. Sunday and other hours by ap- pointment. Consultation free. Dental SPARKS & SPARKS -- Dentists, 159 Wellington street, corner of Brock. Phone 3 KENAPP--Dr. A. E, Dentist. Office: 258 Princess Street. Phone 652Zw. Open b u event CUNNINGHAM & SMITH -- Barristers | and Solicitors, 79°. Clarence Street, | Kingston. A. B. Cinningham, K.C.:| Cyril M. Smith. | DAY AND REVELLE---Barrister and | solicitors, 69 Clarence Street, king-| ston. 'A. E. Day, Adrian 1. Revelle. Money to loan. Phone 205. | SHEA--Ambrose, B.A, Barrister and| Solicitor. Law Office, corner of King | and Brock, over Royal Bauk. Money | to loan. Phone 1999. { Usteopathy 28g. OSTEOPATHY--A. T. Still graduates. | Drs. Robert and Edna Ashcroft, 204 King Street. Phone 447 for appoint- ment. Repairing 20 FURNITURE FINISHING--Of all kinds. Call and see W. Driscoll, 28 John street. Phone 206F. UPHOLSTERING--New or used furni- ture; work guaranteed, Cal] or drop a card. W. J. Gavine, 216 Bagot Street. UPHOLSTERING--And ing. Leave orders at or dro to F. W. Harold ,104 Clergy SHOE REPAIRING--All hand work. Rubber heels a specialty; efficient ser- vice. Adolf Kaminski, corner Mont- real and Queen Streets. UPHOLSTERING -- Cavered buttons made same day as ordered. Upholster- ing at reasonable prices. E. J. Good- ridge, 244 University Avenue. Phone 2043F. &Feneral repair- a card treet. Employment Help Wanted--Female COOK GENERAL Experienced. ply Mrs. F. H. Macnee, 143 Hireet. West, Ap- King COOK~-Apply to Mrs. W. H. Macnee, 115 Lower Union Street. COOK~--General; references required. Apply Mrs. Heaming, 47 George St. COOK ---Good, general. Street. Apply 1562 King COOK--For Young Women's Christian Association; duties to commence the middle of Oetober. Apply Superin- tendent Y.W.C.A. EE Painting, Papering, Decorating 20 BIGN PAINTING--J. 8. Robinso rear 375 Bagot street. me eee Architects 28b. ARCHITECTS--Power, Son and Drever, Merchants Bank Chambers, corner of Brock and Wellington. A pretty wedding was rolemnized Wednesday at the residonee of Mr and Mrs. Willlam Edwin Kilbourn, Lyn road, Brockville, when their daughter, Miss Margaret Edna. be- came the bride of Ralph Edwin Fos- ter, son of Mrs. Camila Foster, of Toronto. The marriage was solemnized on Wednesday at Trinity church, Brock- ville, of Miss Sarai Agnes Christo- pher, to John Marrs, son of Mrs. George Marrs, both well-known resi- dents of Brockville. i 7 ' EARN--4$5.00 to $25.00 weekly, the pleasant Home Work way making socks on the fast, easily learned Auto Knitter. Experience unnecessary; dis- tance Immatertal; positively no can- ing. Particulars 3c. stamp. Dept, + Auto Knitter Co., Toronto. MAKE MONEY AT MOME--§15 to $680 your spare time writ. or us. - No canvassing. supply you with wor, Show Card Service, 17 West-Angu Colborne Bld., Toronto. LADY To for small famil; ing at 87 Earl ekeeper act as fous . Apply In the even- reet. BRINGING UP FATHER STENOGRAPHER Experienced, and eeper ol, particulars apply ree STENOGRAPHER--With general of. experience fer) a Eaorty I Wate Omer eter pos R a EVERY a the automobile vertisers wh classi fication 13, Classified Ad Section. YOUNG ality, for concern; MAN---Alert and position with a remuneration attractive Call Mr. Smyth at phone 457 Help--Male or Female CARDS---35 ing Cards; women in spare time. sample boo already making $5 Garretson Company Brantford, Ont. EARN ing booklet Canada Ave T commis Every property owner nee. our nine hundred varjete, Red Ta needed. structio: les, Mo GREETING handle Private perman Apply by letter, any, a Lovellg SALES AGENT- Reliable, f. sented districts. Sell for a You witl be successful. Writ N ry Co., Toronto. Situations Wanted-->Male STUDBENT--Desire u ternoon Whig Offjce, mushrooms fo Frostproof cellar needed Upwards of r us, all and particulars for Mushroc oronto, stamp , Can assers, Age pro business --Get in a sion of your own & trees and plants, n free. ntreal. CARD an exclusiv Cards ent Liberal situation commissions, ir *satisractory nd age; L references imited, Toronto. Good pay. We are the largest Wd orn \ursery, not for a jubber good person- | growing | -- Private Christmas Greet- k free; men and up daily $25 weekly, grow- | winter. | Hlustrated om Co., 260 T. Garden | ) nts 55 | fitable all year| ds some of 8 of hardy | No capital | Complete equipment and iIn-| Write Dominion Nurser- | CANVASSERS To €¢ highgrade line of | stating éxperience, if required. unrepre- | ree equip- | growers of amental trees in Canada. 2: Pelham PRICES_Call and get ours, on Cream | $10.00 Queen Btrest, § roms, toler 7 Separatdrs, Gas Engines, Extension | ove ELL Portsmouth, Ladders, Pumps; two good second- | h a bath | | $40.00--Johnson Street, 7 rooms, | Nong Siang Dows, Frost & Wood | Ygam, erertrie Bones gas, furnace, { ol Kl ~--A complete line of high | Paper, in Special box this very central. STATIONERY 56.00--Bagot Street, 8 rooms. bath- grade Linen room, elec. lights, gas, furnace. papeteries. | 'Phone | 50c. Elder's. Johnson and Divielon Streets. -- SE 1 ee Ai" i Em------------ '| SMOKERS--This is where you are wel. | Real Estate For Sale. | come. Cheerful service is our aim. | | Special pipe value this week, a line | Farms and Land For Sale 83 of Briars at 35c.--Elder's. DAIRY FARMS-&our choice of two, good, situated on the St. Lawrence River, 3% mile east of Mallorytown Landing.. Each farm consists of 176 acres and has good house and out- buildings. Good reasons for selling. oni RE Trickey, R.R. 3, Mallorytown, uasrter cord; new | er. matched lum- | abs, 32.50 qual: | FARM--For sale or to let, 23.25. W. H | "Concession, Wolfe Island, one N Street, Near| gecres of tillable land. : large barn and stables: condition; never failin further partic: Wolfe Island. 157 ACRES--Bull a See Mullin for houses to rent. 8 for Good Cheer | Square Quebec Stov an Heatars, | Economy Rsady Mixed Paints and var. | 7 Princess Street. Phone nishes, 87 opposite Orange Hall. | STOVES--Lawrenson' WOOD lied. $2.08 and second hand lum ber, cedar pusts; soft ter cord; mixed sia Talbot. Yard: Concessio Division. Phone 2303w. I Ont. on 8th hundred Good house, all in good wells. For ulars apply O. Fawcett, WOOD---Try a load of Swain's dry mixed wood for the cool morn- ings and evenings; two and four dol- lars. 140% York Street, corner York and Division Streets. | -- ----------e | .| WICKER GO-CART---White, a snap for | quick buyer. 69 Ordnance Street, near | Bagot good, dings in good condi- tion, 80 acres under cultivation, con- venient to school and cheese factory, well watered, 8 miles from Kingston, half mile from provincial hi hway. will jell cheap. Apply C. O. artin, ard at 290] Westbrooke, Ont. Ordnance, - dry \e ACRES--Farm, 3 miles | WOOD AND COKE--New y, Wellington, corner from Alex- maker. Can thout stock, on Ng years ig own- mixed cordwood, sawed, sp'it and de- livered, $2.50; 1-8 cord, on. measure Sndria Bay. It isa money. Hard Coal Coke from city Bas works $10.00 ton up to September. Cinders $1.00. Load Clinkers 50c. W. C. Bru- ton. Phone 2440w. be bought with or wi easy terms. Declini n er's reason for sell Apply Charley Kavanaugh, Alexandria ay, Xo OF F. B. McNamee, 345 Alfred Street, a7 Kings ton, Ont. Wanted---To Buy ae 8s and Saturday. Box s part time work, af- K-28, 200 ACRES-- 100 under frame house, two large barns, new cow and horse stable, lots of water, fox cultivation, GOLD--S8llver, or False Teet G. Lyons, OLD cash or exchange. Ww. 244 Princess gtrect, Kingston. FRONTENAC--Loan and Society, W. PF. Nickle. B. Cunningham. M and farm properties; county chased; Street, 80 acres hardwood bush, 12 miles from Kipgston, 1 mile to school, ch Financial Money 10 Loan incorporated 1861. .C.; vice-president, A. oney debentures; mortgages interest allowed. right, gston. Instruction Kin Musical, Dancing Dramatic 44 PEARL ist and theoaist « Plano and Organ. Toronto Fall t Studio: DAISY JOHNSON---A, of Violin and Piano. for Toronto Conserva (near J A. NESBIT-- Choir Direc Church. L.T.C.M., Organ- tor, Queen St. Me- Teacher of Singing, Conservat erm comm 400 Brock St ory enceg reet. examination. Sept. 4th. Phone 1147). Pupils prepared tor, examina- 307 Collingwooq St. Phone -3329w, Studio: ohnson). OLIVE M. WOODMA singing Street. and theory. Studio 185 Earl Phone 857m. Fall term be- ®ins Sept. 10th. Live Btock Dogs, Cats, Pets 47 40 Investment President, issued on city municipal and ur- investment bonds Tar posits received and R. C Cartw manager, i7 Clarence uplls prepared for T. C. M., teacher N -- Teacher of fac- ory and atiwey Jtstion, Apply R. /. Townsend, Elginburg, Ont. e No. 2. $7,500. 5 R Houses For Sale HOUSE---One of the in the eity. Large 1 improvements. 367 Johnson Street. HOUSE--7 rooms, Lower Bari St, 3. uiece bath, 2 fireplaces, one up and one "down, electric light and Bas. Hot afr furnace, plumbing al} new, Lot '136x33. Separate gateway. Apply J. B Sooke, phones: Res. 842w, office 67 a best built houses ot. Fruit and all Apply. personally, a: FURNISHED ROOMS -- Two double rooms, breakfast if desired Apply 109 Victoria Strget. Phone 1455). ROOMS Furnished, single or double, with hoard. Apply 212 'King Street. 57 Phone 257 "Rooms Without | os BEDROOM--Cosy, well furnished, sult. able for business man; breakfast if required. Apply Box C-24, Whig Of- fice. FRONT BEDROOM---One large, able for two, across from rounds and hospital. Apply eorge Street, or phone 673w. FRONT BEDROOM---Large, well fur- nished. suitable for two gentlemen or refined couple; also extra bedroom; good locality, all conveniences; use ol phone. Write Box H-26, Whig or Phone 1126 after six, evenings. TWO ROOMS---Well furnished bedroom and separate study, in warm, modern house; suitable for Professor or senior student. Apply Box B-24, Whig Office. eT Rooms For Housekeeping 69 THREE ROOMS--Furnished, suitable for light housekeeping for two, Ap- ply - 236 Barrie Street. Apartments and Flats suft- college | 63 To-Day's - Biunder Corrected (See IMNustration on Page 14.) This menu includes too many creamed dishes. The mesl is not only too rich in itg Preparation, but its soft consistency 'makes it mo- notonous and not as appetizing as a meal made up of dishes that combine soft foods with crisp enes. lS T : EVERY individual nas Y 1 something he doesn't want ang Wants something 74 PIGEON Homer Albert 8--25 Tumbler, Pigeons; very cheap. Appl 617 Street. B. eply all colors. Alse he doesn't have. The classified ads straighten out difficulties. CLASSIFIED ads gets ri, ht business and make Bemmaaaewn to APARTMENT Tour rooms; all con- Veniences; h Water heating, Pos i September 1st. Apply White's Horses, Cattle, 1 -------- 1 48 Insurance Agency. Fight up to your expectations. BAY PO. eorge Odegsa. NY--A nd buggy. Burne Apply Mrs tt, Post x 1 Office x 111, "Merchandise Articles for Sale. 51 oH ses' Phon A Cooke,' BRICK~Hard and wr 4 Autiq e 10: G8 --- WNIN Peterborou, Cushions, E3--Walnut Cha alnut Dinin a ne Shop, 507 ncess Street. Ppaulins. rect. 219 Phone 42 E. E. Walthem, llingwood Streeis. Phone 618 or rs, , Walnuyt| Street. ' bles. Les- Tents. Automobile Canoes, Life saving ». a 2 soft, a ua : iy quantity. | APARTMENTS -- Double parlors with partition, fireplace, kitchenette, as, one 3 room dwelling over Anderson's, | 49 PEMBROKE STREET---New brick, § rooms, 3 bedroom fireplace, wired for electric range, randah. Apply 49 Pembroke Street. Phone 1508w, FRAME BUNGALOW ---¢ rooms, 3 h room, well FRAME BUNGALOW rooms, 2 bed- yooms, all hardwood floors, electric. ights, 3 piece bath, splendid cellar, all in first clapé repair. Price $3,000. Terms. x MB TRUMPOUR 237 Bagot Street. Phones 704 or 15437. $3500--Barrie Street, $5500--10 rooms, $3000--Store, brick, 7 rooms. solid brick, large lot. Division Sireet. Rental income $43 per month on § year lease. $3800--8ix room semi-bungalow, all improvements. $1200---Bagot Street, frame, $3500--Lower Rideau, double Frame, $1000-- Established store business. Sek fixtures and goodwill. Well locate Balows on easy terms on Several Bun south side. Come In and ses our listings. No ine formation given over phone. . B. W 316 Barrie Btreet. COUNT that day los: whos descending sun sees you the classified 'columns. THE MAN who has ambition enough Wanted" ad 10 use a "Situation de- serves an interview. BUSINKSS SKRVICR W. Kent Macnee Bank of Commerce Buildin , Bree and King Streets. Phone 08 or oa General Insurance A, ney. Burglary | ble com. low neglecting = s MXRUHANDISE a LOOK! Have the Teromte Sunday World with latest sporting and genera) news, delivered to your home early Bunday morning. Place your order withe Morrison's News Stand and Tobacco Store Clarence Street. Phone 2437w. FURNITURE | Of All Descriptions at Reason- able Pie Well repaired. at & reiht orice. J. Turk's PHONE 708. For Sale We still have a few Marine and Stationary Gasoline En- gines in stock. We also do en- gine, boat and automobile .re- pairs, and oxy-acetylene weld- ing, etc, DAVIS DRY DOCK (0. Foot of Wellington Street ¢ electricity, permanent, ladies prefer- red, near University, Apply 44 Kill Street... Phone 1632m. } APARTMENT--Three rooms and bath, centrally located, heating, electric light. Arply . Davis, elo. James Richardson Sons, Limited, 243 King What We Have Since April 1st and filled them as quickly as APARTMENT---3 rooms, furnished, on gro for light housekeeping; also three unfurnished Teoma, ath- Division St. room r. Apply 168 Garrett Bireet. rooms, furnished corner FLAT -- Thres io light housekeeping, on bath room t. gas for cooking. electric lights, Sood Jocality. Apply Box 8-4, hig 3 Been we have taken orders Anthracite Possible, rr tor 4 soul What We Are Doing James Swift & Co, Limited _ : Foot of Johnson Street .