Daily British Whig (1850), 28 Sep 1923, p. 16

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Pedigrees in style THE DAILY BRIT WERE NOT SURPRISED AT CONVICTS TURNING UP Penitentiary Officials Expected the Escaped Men Would Pull Off Something. | | | | Although nothing official id being | { given but by the authorities at the | Portsmouth penitentiary, it is ucder- 'stood that Arthur Slade, better known 'as Red Ryan, one-of ;the five con- viets 'who escaped from the prison. will ba charged with doing bodily ' harm to Chief Keeper Mathew Walsh | if captured. The other four convicts will likely only be charged with es- i caping. It is stated that the other four convicts did not use any violence when making their escape. | On Thursday afternoon when the news reached the prison that the (our ! convicts had been identified as the | men who entered the Nova , Scotia . bank at Toronto and carried away { $1,500, the authorfties were not sur- | prised, as they were expecting to | hear that the convicts had done some- | thing desperate. A Kinsstonian, who formerly 'ived {in Toronto, stated that he had lived ! next door to Simpson, one of the es- | caped convicts. He said that Simp- | son ad enlisted in the Canadian Expeditionary Force and served ov- erseas. Upon his return to his home it was c\2arly evident that he had developed some bad habits during his service in the army and his par- | ents were unable to do anything with | him. He pulled off some sensational robberies and when he was tried and were the men who escaped from the "pen". aad IN MARINE CIRCLES { Stn The steamer City of Hamilton ar- rived from Hamilton and Toronto on Thursday night and cleared for Mon- treal with, package freight. The Steamer Britannic arrived sengers and freight, The Steamer Beaverton arrived from Montreal on Thursday night and cleared for Port Colborne. The steamer Brockville arrived fom Bay of Quinte ports on Thurs- | day with package freight. ' The steamer Glenarm is still in the Collingwood Shipbuilding dry- dock undergoing repairs. --. CROP CONDITIONS. \ Ontario Grain and Corn Crops Are Reported Good. Below will be found a brief sy- nopsis of télegraphic reports receiv- ed at the head office of the Bank of Montreal from' its branches. The branch managers have complete and intimate knowledge of each local situation and are in close touch with crop conditions in all sections of the districts mentioned: The grain in the prairie provinces Is now practically all cut, and threshing is general. In Alberta the yield is heavy and the grade high. Saskatchewan has an aver- age yield of good grade, while in Manitoba' both yield and grade are disappointing. In Ontario the yield of grain has been better than was ISH_WHIG FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 25, 19s. from Montreal on Friday with pas-| at LAIDLAW'S SATURDAY MORNING 10 O'CLOCK WE have managed to secure some splendid quality merchandise at a very low figure, and, to-morrow morn- ing we will offer it to you specially priced. | sentenced to the penitentiary, he had expected and the corn crop has been . | numerous charges against him but | heavy: In Quebec the root crops are only a couple were pressed. In good condition with indications The Kingstonian stated that SImp- | that potatoes will be above the aver- son was the kind of chap, who, if [agd In New Brunswick the potato any of the convicts were to suggest crop is expected to average 100 bar- that they return to the prison, would | rels to the acre. Nova Scotia and agree to the suggestion and surren-| prince Edward Island crops are in der to the police. It is feared that if Jexcellent condition. In British Co- season after season--to get quality at its { Simpson has to be taken by force and flumbia grain yields have 'been satis- {has any firearms In his possession/|factorw and all crops are above aver- best. With our close margin profit policy ' ' ' It) will be 'something doing. ~tBa you get super-value--that"s the story that'll [er 1a ThOUERL Toa ve Tor she | ie. ute. nusthety Part of 108 pra: interest you when buying our Suits at-- | Yiots in waking thelr escape, spent the first night in the barn owned by $25.00--$30.00--$35.00 | Shannon .Bros., who reside at Gien- burnie. Values $2.25 to $3.00, for ....... $1.39 LIVINGSTON'S 75-79 Brock St. "If Off Your Route It Pays To Walk" WABASSO CIRCULAR - Pillow Cotton One lot of mill ends--fine quality Pillow Cotton ee --in lengths of | to 5 yards. Widths 40, 42, 44 an SA T A x " 0 - . TURDAY, SEPTEMBER. 201TH, 46 inches. Regular 50c. and 75c. yard. SPECIAL SATURDAY MORNING The makers of our Suits have a reputa- tion to sustain--that's why you're certain-- Prepare for Kingston General Hos- pital Tag Day. Next Saturday the Women's Aid sit Police Notified. On Thursday night the Kingston police rteceived a communication Society cf the Kingston General Hos- from the Toronto police notifying|Pital make their annual appeal to them of the daring robbery of the |the generosity of the citizens. C Bank of Nova Scotia, in that city, ---- ee : > and at the same time giving a des- Ni Night Classes. cription of the men wanted. At ght classes at the Kingston Bu- this time no intimation was given | Siness College will commence on Oct. that it was believed that tne four|!St; Monday. and Thureday nights convicts who escaped from the Ports- | f each week. Rates moderate. mouth penitentiary were responsible for the bank robbery, but the Kingston police, after studying the descriptions of the men wanted, were of the opinion that those re- sponsible. ' for this latest robbery bi : Saturday Night Clearing Sale. Prices reduced every hour until all QUALITY--LARGER MARKET--SERVICE SPRING LAMB $k: Weights Chops, loin or rib, Thick, meaty Fronts, | Lean, Loin Roasts, Ib. .........35¢. Ib " 19¢. Ib. Short cut Legs .35¢. | Shoulder Chops 30c. | Stewing Cuts, Ib. 15¢ POTATOES--New Brunswick Cobblers--peck, full 15 Ibs. . 35c. Special quotation on 5 bag lots. PORK Young, select Porkers that , Shoulder Roasts, 8&3 eat tender and sweet. | Ib. Butt Roasts, Hocks . ....123c. Ib. Legs, whole or half, Wy, ........ 25 BEEF SPECIALS IN PRIME ROASTS | Prime Ribs, 1b. 25¢. | Rump Roasts, Ib. 20c | Oven Roasts, Ib. 15¢ Interment at St. Mary's Cemetery. | | { A Writ Issued. The management of the Napanee fair has issued a writ for $500 against the midway which had con- tracted to appear at Napanee fair. Wabasso Sheeting A special lot of Sheeting ends--good quality-- in lengths suitable for Cot, Single or Double Bed Sheets. Widths 63, 72, 80 inches. Regular 60c. to $1.25 yard. SPECIAL SATURDAY MORNING 39.49% 9 y 120 : Flannelette Blankets Good quality, warm Blankets--extra large size. Regular $3.50 a pair. | SPECIAL SATURDAY MORNING *1.3)5 ea. Conservatives will banquet Pre- mier Ferguson on Oct. 31st. Is anyone else free but he wne may lead his life as he wishes? Boys' knickers, all sizes, $1.69. Livingston's. DAILY MEMORANDUM. Lecture to-night, First Baptist church. A.O.H. euchre and dance to-night. McGrath's orchestra. Dance in G.W.V.A. hall, Saturday gentlemen, 60c.; night. ' Admission; ladies, 35c. PRINTING AND OFFICE SUPPLIES HANSON, CROZIER & EDGAR MARKET SQUARE ------ BORN. MoMILLAN--At Napanee, on Sept. 17th, to Mr. and Mrs. Chas. McMillan, a Loin, special trim, Jaughter MARRIED WALSH--MORAN---At Napanee, on Sep- tember 24th, 1923, Vincent Walsh to Miss Monica Moran, both of Napanee. ann ind DIED FARRELLY---At Hotel Dieu Hospital, on Sept. 28th, 1923, Bernard Alex- ander Farrelly, aged 72 years. Funeral will take place from his late residence, ttsburg, on Monday, October 1st, at 9 a.m. to St. Mary's Cathedral, where solemn requiem mass will be sung at 9.30 for the = ro 1000 Yards English White Flannelette Very fine quality--27 inches wide. | SPECIAL SATURDAY MORNING Blade Roasts .:18¢c. | Meaty Pot Roasts, | Select Stewing cuts, {a BC Mary's Cemetery. Flat Rib Boil ..10c. | Ib. 12d. | Ib. .... .... 8c. [Ul opm Henry Girmas. Shed ta ears 700 Ibs. Special Stewing Cuts--per pound ........ ...... Gc |||" fiom Ses Hamburg Steak, Prime Rounds, Ib. | Steak Mince, 2 Ibs. 3a forased ..... 2061 for..:.....26 VEGETABLES (BY THE PECK) Beets IN MEMORIAM. KAY--In ever loving memory of An- Home-made . 123e. New England . "22c. 'Phone. 147 for Ammmion <« 'Windsor ... ..15¢. Livtle Po ROBE -- / C. y . 8 8 00s senses LE RE BE TE RE RE SE Se Kay, who died September 28th, 1922. Sausage Meat, to fry in patties, Ib. . . 25¢. Swift and sudden was the parting, we. ous mot (hae hee 'was ended EN LETS oz Medium Smoked Rolled Bacon... 23c. Mild Cured Breakfast Bacon (by the h- A 3 Rolls . .ccc0. inion. 2Te. Beef Dripping coeeenn on. 128 10 O'CLOCK SHARP. SATISFACTION

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