Proven Ee 'LIVINGSTON'S Founded 1847 Livingston's TAILORING IS PERFECT TO THE MOST EXACTING DETAIL We are now showing a most ex- tensive range of fine, imported Suit- ~ings, which we will tailor To Your Measure / *45t0°6( for 75-79 Brock St. "If Off Your Route It Pays To Walk" - ¥ a a ------------------------------ New Season's Fruits -~ ys Retail Market Phones 458-459. Wholesale Department 1767. Business Office 865. THIS WEEK PEACHES j Late Crawford and Longhurst. This weck will clean up all "late Crawford" varieties. QUINCES-- -> The Whig takes great pleasure in announcing to its readers that the {famous "Mister Gallagher and Mis- ter Shean" comics, which have just been introduced in the newspaper field, will commence in its columns on Tuesday, Oct. 2nd, and will ap- pear daily thereafter. Among the entertainers present generation "Ed" Gallagher and "Al" Shean stand out as two of the greatest, Their first rendition of their celebrated duet was receiv- ed with an enthusiasm such as few such things have caused and it has remained a favorite ever since, ap- pearing In many varied forms of wording and costume, but always full of "pep" ahd a sure laugh-get- ter. "Few people realize that Messrs. Gallagher and Shean are real peo- ple--or comparatively few of the millions who have come into touch with their work--yet they are very The Late Annesley Burrows. Annesley Burrowes, a former well- known newspaper writer of Detroit, Mich., died in a Toronto hosptiai on Monday morning after a long illness. In his later years Mr, Burrowes suffered from blindness. The de- ceased was born in. Kingston and for some years was a telegrapher in Toronto. Then he drifted into newspaper work and became a fea- ture writer in Detroit. His articles were of the most racy style. For some years, after his eyesight be- gan to fail, Mr. Burrowes conducted the Bijou moving picture theater in Kingston, Later he returned to De- | THE LATE ANNESLEY BURROWES {troit and resumed newspaper work, but eventually, following a critical op- eration in Chicago he-became hope- {leisly blind. A year later he was | stricken with partial paralysis, The body is to arrive in Kingston iues- day afternoon and Rev. W. E. Kidd, assistant rector of St. George's { cathedral will officiate at the burial | service at Cataraqui cemetery. Late Mrs. Allan Chadwick | The death occurred on Monday | morning of Mrs. Eliza Chadwick, | wife of Allan Chadwick, at her res- {idence, 80 Frontenac street, The {deceased was a Methodist in relig- {ion and a member of Sydennam | street church, She was SIXty-three { years of age. The funeral wiil be {held on Wednesday morning at 10 o'clock to Cataraqui cemetery unae: | the direction of the, James Reid (firm. The service will be conducted | by Rev, R. H. Bell. | ABSOLUTELY, MR. READER-- | | of thej | from Moscow quotes Minister of War | 3 real 'and very likeable and in their new departure, a daily comic strip, promise to become greater favorites than ever. Here is how they express it: "0 Mister Gallagher, O Mister Gal- lagher, In the comics we'll meet Polly and her Pals, With Jiggs and Maggie we will strut On the page with Boob McNutt And other funny boys and nifty gals." "0 Mister Shean, O Mister Shean, In Barney Googles company we'll be seen; There's be Abie and his mob With Jerry on the Job--" "And also, Mister Gallagher," "With yours truly, Mister Shean." Don't miss this latest and funniest comic strip. Starts in Daily Whig Tuesday. « man French Are Running Down Communist Plot Paris, Oct. ficials are actively engaged in run- ning down a communist plot to cre- ate defections in the army. The ex- tremist leaders are using the pretext that French firces in the Ruhr and Rhineland are likely to be called on to suppress disturbances and upris- irgs of either communist or nation- alist nature. To Protect American Interests in Russia London, Oct. 1. -- Reuter dessatch Trotsky as saying in reply to a ques- tion: "As long as private property exists in America, American interests in Russia will be respected, and al! en- gagements entered into with the So- viets will be scrupulously kept. Any other action will be suicidal." Brought from Toronto. Police Constable Lesslie Clark ar- rived from Toronto Monday after- noon, with William McKEachern, who was arrested there on'a charge of "securing money under false preten- ses." It is alleged that he gave a worthless cheque to a Kingston deal- er, for an auto, and that he also put over a worthless cheque for a license number here. The Kingston police traced him to Toronto, and the police in the latter place took him into cus- tody. : Kingston's Coal Supply. Dr. W. W. Sands, city clerk, te- ceived a letter from the Ontario ruel controller on Monday morning, stat- ing that Kingston had received one- hait of its coal supply, and that the remalnder would be forthcoming. He sald he did not anticipate any coal shortage for Kingston this year. Rally Day services were held in the Sunday schools of the Methodist and Presbyterian churches of the city on Sunday. The services were very largely attended. L. A. P. Knight, Alice ctreet, has returned from maritime provinces where he was campaigning with in- terests of the lobster industry. A British mail clo:ed at the King- ston post office at 11 o'clock on Monday morning. r DAILY MEMORANDUM. Rev. Dyson Hague, D.D., at Y.M.C.A. to-night, 8 o'clock. Dance at Labor Hall, Princess Street, to-night. McGrath's Orchestra. A British mail will close at the King- ston post office on October 4th at 9 p.m. and Oet, 5th at 9 p.m, PRINTING HANSON, CROZIER & EDGAR MARKET SQUARE BORN. KNOX-LEET----At London, England, on Sept. 27th, 1923, to Major and Mrs. Knox-Leet (nee Gertrude McPar- ~~ THE DAILY BRITISH W 1.--French police of- Hig . SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 29, 1023 -------- EN STYLES CAUSE OU CONCERN? Styles concern every woman, but they cause not the slightest concern to the woman who is properly corseted. Fashion may twist this way or that -- what of it? If your Cor- sets are correct then you need have no fear. One pair will be ers' Corsets sold. Prices-- SPECIAL--25 Pairs Warner's Dolls' Corsets given with every pair of Warn- 2.50, #3.00 to *5.00 Mooarr Borsers "Always Laced Front." Corsets, -- GOSSARD Lace Front Flesh only--elastic top--- medium bust. $4.50, $5,00, $6.00 $1.50, $8.50 Announcing the arrival of the new Fall Modart, Handsome, satisfactory 6.50, 7.50, %9.50 LA DIVA Superbone Corsets Very serviceable -- well made--elastic top. $3.00, $3.75 NEW MODISH STOUT Elastic Wrap Around. ALA CC. GRACE land), a son. MARRIED. BROWN--McDONALD---In tlie church of the Sacred Heart, Wolfe Island, by the Rev. Father McKierman, on Sept. 19th, 1923, Marie Ruby, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. D. J. Me- Donald, to James D. Brown, son of ar Pater Brown. Both of Wolfe sland. MODISH STOUT = With Elastic Top. CHADWICK--In Kingston, on October ist, 1923, Eliza Chadwick, beloved wife of Allan Chadwick, aged 63 Years. ° Funeral will take place from her late residence, 80 Frontenac St, Wed- nesday morning at 10 o'clock to Cataraqui Cemetery. Funeral private. Rr POLLIE--At Stella, Ont, Sept. 28th Inst, Ellen Pollie, cidest daughter of the late Alexander G. Vollie, i ¥ Kingston. ot ad 'uneral was he rom residence of he Late Mrs. John O'Connor. brother, John Pollie, 15 Nelson St. Mrs. John O'Connor, a former resi- dent of Bedford, passed away at Hér late residence, Watertown, N. Y., on Friday after an illness of four months. The remains arrived ip the city on Saturday and were red to Bedford for interment by John Large baskets. We break packages to suit custorhers' requirements. PEARS-- Duchess, Anjou, Clairgean--all good canning varieties. GRAPES-- Concord Blue, Niagara White, Roger Red, Roger Black. WINE GRAPES-- In 11 quart baskets. C $1.50 The Antipon Belt, suit- able for the stout figure. $3.00, $3.50,$4.00 $4.50, $4.95 Late Mrs. Jennet Paul. Tho funeral of the late Mrs. Jen- net Paul, who passed away in the Ceneral hospital after. an illness ot two weeks, took place on Saturday afternoon from John Cornelius' un- dertaking parlors to Cataraqui cem- etery. The deceased, who was a Presbyterian in religion, was in hed seventy-sixth year. Besides her husband, the late Mrs. Payl ig surviv- ed by two daughters, Mrs. Willtan Hughes, Kingston, and Mrs. David Machan, Lavant; also three sisters, Mrs. Darol, Renfrew; Mrs. Thomas Dodds, Lanark; and Mrs, David Gil- lespie, Toronto. Caps Cods--first of the season--much cheaper than last . year, } * Redfern Corsets I.ow Bust--Elastic Top-- sizes 25 to 30. $8.50 COURTEOUS SERVICE. LAIDLAW'S Saturday, at 2.30 p.m., to Caiaraqui Cemetery. ; | Sweet Potatoes genuine Jersey. | Iceberg Head Lettuce. ~ Thedford Celery--The excellent quality of : 3 this celery grown in the "bog lands" sur- rounding Thedford is generally known. APPLES for eating and cooking. Splen- did assortment from Brighton district. % Special prices bushel hampers. Dut in a supply al present reasonable prices.