Daily British Whig (1850), 1 Oct 1923, p. 5

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" MONDAY, ACTOBER 1, 1028. - : Real Estate & Insurance| _ | ' | | moe rues ree? | KINGSTON anp VICINITY fF UEL month. Possession October 1st. i -- GENERAL INSURANCE. e-- . - SDS Fo Take Faculty. coach the Napanee high school stu-| stom drivers who have been stepping | GUARANTEE BONDS. . A. C. Lewis has resigned his posi- | dents. This is a very. laudable 'id the gas t freel f late, and 3: r | ve 3 ea | on gas too freely of late, | VICTORY BONDS bought and sold tion on the 'teaching staff of the | as it gives the future newcomers to | they are due for a visit to a session | Anthracite Pea, Chestnut and Egg, ; Koyal Military College, to attend the | Queen's a good preliminary training | of 'the polffe court. also Briquetts. --e-------- | | College of Education in Toronto, in rugby. ! R. H. Waddell | £.. . Watching the Bulletins. Loke--Nut and Furance, Phones 3126-396. 58 Neoek §t. : Cheese Board Sales. Cocler Weather Sunday. Much interest was taken in the THOMAS COPLEY Napanee, 440 offered, 22 1-2¢ bid, | The weather turned much cooler | opening games of football on Satur- | 3 A few diops of | biecon on Sunday aid was quite a changs | day. This was shown bythe number | S. ANGLIN CO. LIMITED ew ops © Picton, 860 at 22 15-16c. | from the very warm weather during | of people who watched the Whig bul- | . ke 2 : , Carpenter. Phone 987. 0-Cedar Polish on Iroquois, 825 at 22 1-4c. | the past week. Overcoats were worn | letin for the returns of the games. | NEW PHONY a Rorking Fanon: Lauber Yards. your dust cloth will | | 28ain and fires were started in the | The telephone was also worked over- | Bay and Wellington Streets, Kingston, Ont. See us for all kinds of Onrpemtry time by the fans. Nuri, Estimates gives on new Soors prevent the dust Big Sale of Fruit. { homes. laid. Have your hardwood floors R= 4 from scattering and | The people of Kingstbn are evid- | -------------- «4 with our mew floor cleaning .ma- ay : a ---------------- chine. . ' enable you to collect ently busy with their canning. Fruit | : Lo the Poor Freshmen! \ ; every last speck. Try | W23 In great demand on Saturday, Freshmen Parade Streets. Putting the freshmen of Queen's "ei 5 this modern way of and the sales were very heavy in the On Saurday morning. and after-|{{s some practical use is the latest ng un 2 various fruit stores. noon a large number of the fresh- idea around the halls of Queen's. The Has from 155 Wellington : " men at Queen's University paraded | chairs, which fill the big stadium, Street oT BROCK STREET. | For Fall and Winter Wear. the down-town streets with all their | are to be carried up from the base- Phone S18F. | " See our range of Boys' and Mens' decorations and attracted much in- ment by the poor freshmen as part SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. { Ready to Wear Suits and Overcoats | terest. Quite a number were smok- | of their initiation. a i all the latest styles, also everything | 1B8 clay pipes. Polish ia Men's Furnishings at a great re- een Dam Well Under Way. Checking Up Speeders. W. P. R. Holderofi, a 1923 science PIANO TUNING duction in price. Prevost, Brock 4 oz. 25¢ 12 oz. 50¢ street. The local police have another cru- graduate of Queen's, who, has the Plano Tuning, Repairing and Quart (40 oz.) 1.50 sade on against the.auto s i { .) L 5 : peeders. | pontract for the construction of Player Plano Adjusting. 'Norman Half Gallon 2.50 Gallon 3.50 There are a large number of King- Marble Rock dam, property of the < ' BH. Butcher, 27 Pine Street, CHANNELL In Ringston From Ecuador. Gananoque Water Power Company, 'TE Bn ------ | a s11 Simps ; . ¥ PHONE 124. ANNE Co aprot Some pe ra Doee | ae the pretiminary work well under For the good of your health [------e------ pv . vigiting his parents; Mr. and Mrs. | way and expécts to have the dam J _ ------ { James R. Simpson, Cornwall, on his | . completed by the end of October. A W WINN | Skin Troubles return from Ecuador, where he had { p y . LJ #» * ET [ | emmmmnes SprO thea mome-- been for the past year and a half, has Bowling Season About Over. ' Chocolates i » resumed his studies at Queen's, The very successful season ' in DENTAL SURGEON, With Cuticura; . - 1 bowling at the Queen's greens is ex- Corn f Johnson d Wellingtun " 7 | ar o - I'wenty Years Ago. Pe pected to be over this week. The | j Soap, Otntment, Taleum, Je. sach. Sold here. x Phone 368 | § Con' Depot: Lymans, Limited, St. Pant 81, Montreel. Gananoque Reporter: Twenty bowlers of Kingston are amongst the -- years ago citizens of Kingston were ; most enthusiastic in Ontario and told that a knew hotel was coming. have followed the sport everywhere, ASK FOR | Twenty years is a long time, but the taking part in various tournaments ah v | hotel is still coming. We think it is The simplest way to end a corn th h y x MBE M : 1 Ara roughout the country. BELL'S TUCVMBER CREA | up to Gananoque to show the King- is Blue-jay. Stops the pain in- « (Chapped Hands, etc.) ! ston people how to do it. stantly. Then the.corn loosens Use Use It | : a, and comes out. Made in clear Married in Ottawa. Always All Ways. Coach Nap liquid and in thin plasters. The At the home of the bride's brother, ac') Napanee, action is the same, ne. Ottawa, on Sept. 26th, by Rev. H. A. A practical and much needed ac- tion on the part of Queen's athletic At your druggist Poca! MT suly Sougpser ¥ Je ate Mr. and Mrs. George Byro: - I~ For Moving of is the emancipator] | board of control recently was the FREIGHT, FURNITURE, SAFES, PIANOS, CARTAGE and STORAGE OF ERY DESCRIPTION fashioned iron dis- . : Thomas to Napanee on Saturday to | é ) hohe housewife, sending of two Queen's rugby play- Blue: in, Smith s Falls, was married to EV [ 2 of using the old fers, Chicksy Mundell and Bud | William Hing Sith, 3 Mon aad, GOU ' . st Transf | | SCPE appears. The elec- Que., son of Mr. and Mrs. am RDIER S have removed to 1: " tric irom can be ~e Kingston er Co. | fg <= iin 86 PRINCESS STREET, next to Smith, Ashton, Ont. Fhone 377. kveaings 3231. temperature Canada's Household Name = Enjoyed Their Visit. 153 "WELLINGTON STREET. mars. a : (Eorre ox District Governor Edwin R. Weeks Bi ? imi 3 3 : oe : . Wee ibby's, Limi hil are mes. Would you FOR and Miss Weeks and J. Ballard and y's, ted, while alterations slight expense' ut Real Good Coffee | ®a Mrs. Ballard, Binghamton, N.Y., ex- being made to Brock Street store. Dental Sur eon 8 en pay us a aie pressed. themselves as being. very DK. J. C. W. urges CHASE & SANBORN'S |} much pleased with their visit to the L.D.S., D.D.S. . Kingston Rotary Club. They enjoy- ed every minute of their stay in the Barres, 158 Wetinaton St TIN Ne city, and made many warm friends == Ha laddd ==" GOURDIER'S Le I YY TITRE 14 mo EE ---- -- A circular of the Bell Telephone 78-80 Brock Street WwW. A IT S || PHNE:423. 74 PRINCESS | Sold only in %; 1 and 2 Ib. airtight tins. Gowseny of Catedy smonuses the Whole, ground or fine ground for Tricolator or Percolator use. of Brockville, to be gemeral traffic a. The electric iron | | y Delays are dangerous, but they - MONTR manager of the company in charge of People S often make things sure, CHASE & SANBORN, EAL, 40 all trafic operations. Mr. Brace will | Si assume his new duties on Oct. 1st. ity of placing harvesters from the Old Country on farms for the win- ---- A---- ; F lorist - : | He 1s a son of the late Dr. William 177 Wellington Street.'. > 8 Brace, and was born in Brockville. || 9 Fresh Flowers and Plants daily. : ) : : ee : bouquets Jesigna, and ding To Place Immigrants, Residence, 1187 : "me 1 y y The local employment bureau has : Y \ A Ro been asked to report on the possibil- . 3 | 8 y 1d SE -- ---- ter, and farmers desiring help are being asked to file their applications immediately in order that an ap- - proximate estimate may be made of 8ee our New Fall Overcoats and Eng- 20 d the local needs, for the information $ an ' of the immigration authorities who lish Gabardine Coats -.. ... ... ... $22 00 are endeavoring to place 12,000 Brit- --a ° ish immigrants who come to Canada during the harvest rush and who are Men's and Young Men's Blue Serge likely to return home unless they can be placed for the winter. and Chevoit Suits ... ... ... ... ..... . 2 q ) Another Term at Queen's. wk y ¢ ] | Queen's University next year will Ex Trouser Suits, in th sh : ; \ ' provide a third term so that public, - - ? reo shades A separate and high school teachers | of Fine Tweed. Special Price We R % Co. : ' may take honor degrees such as M A. . : . . or specialist degree to qualify them > » for higher position, Dr. MacClement « OLDEN LION BLOCK, J snnounced to a large number of . ! A teachers and civil servants at Ottawa. WEDDE "S TRI ; The term will extend from the first 1 LL = week in June to the third week in : : : 4 . i : August and two such terms will be Clothing House equivalent to a full intra-mural term. wv. : : 2 or 3 Queen's is the first university Th Can- Our Customers 2 . ada to establish this third term. Never complain. They have || i g . 1 to complain about. ) i Thomson-Black Wedding. rg? the pla hare The wedding of: Miss Mildred 7 delivered clean and dry. They ' . . R. V. Black and Leonard McCleod 9 3 he ; Thomson was solemnized in the par- BAY os Sue Hing ane i ' f sonage of the Princess street Meth- . 9 pleased customer. : ; ' 4 : ; odist church at 11.30 o'clock on Sat- [1 For Babies and BOOTH & CO. BER I IB ET ay urtis om. 'Phone 138. Grove Inn Yards : : Lai ue =r h Liu Sicume travelling salt } oung ( hildren the ceremony the happy couple re- turned to the home of the bride's rents, Mr. and M Fred B e . Ne oon hoe. F104. Black, Fine Wool and Wool and Silk Un- breakiast was srved. The. :1.30 derwear that will not irritate the skin, 4 tncompasable genius train carried the h coupl Hot Water Furnaces, 2) wedding trip to Toronto and other but is Warm and light in weight. Stoves and Quebec || JE SERN | Bre. Thomaoa wil reside tn Deirots, Bands, Roller Vests and short and Min: long sleeves. Priced from 50c. gar- Movements of Convicts. ment up. The Toronto Telegram has the fol- L Cohen & Co. [ey es ; OND io STRERY py ke ne Jeazuut ou gooawathority "CHILDREN'S STOCKINGS : : : : he Mie Wor % riot ro ao: er + For infants in white Cashmere Wars Inst seen, and Eame direstly 3 and Silk and Wool--all sizes at 50c., 60c., 75¢c. and 85c¢. a pair. Boys' and Girls' Stockings in Black and colors, fine, heavy ribbs, with re- inforced knees, toes and heels, extra strong, all sizes, from 50c. a pair up. Heaters for sale. ston Mills and gave them clothing and assistance down there. Some of- Is are inclined to doubt that the | the city for any

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