"TUESDAY, voTomER 3, was. + THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG | 4 toe eer et ect, pet er tes oe. re Nova Scotia Interior as Moose Pasture Vulcanite Roofing Let us show you the new Doubletite Shingle. Vulcanite Doubletite Shingles build a double tight roof. We can also supply the Vulcanite Four- in-One Slab Shingle and Asphalt Roll Roof- ing. ALLAN LUMBER CO. VICTORIA STREET. "Phone 1042. -- ee | pessgl SEE US FIRST If you hpve a leaky boiler don't | worry about having to buy a new one | until you have seen us. We are cap- | able of welding any broken parts hy a sure-fire process that always ac- complishes the highest welding ro- [= FOR THE MADDY HUNTING GROUNDS he "The Melrose' finds favour with men who 7 prefer the se- verely plain sults. thing else. nomy to see us first. "Bishop Machine Shiop KING AND QUEEN STREETS Non-skid, guaranteed first quality Tires The Central Garage Limited Brock and Montreal Streets. WE NEVER CLOSE. Consult us before doing any- Our prices make it eco- |- 'HUPMOBILE to be the best car of its class in the world. BLUE GARAGES, Limited 4 Phone 567. Cor. Bagot and Queen Sts. Kingston Battery Service ' W. MILNE, PROPRIETOR. ALL MAKES OF STORAGE BATTERIES, STARTING t TORS, GENERATORS AND MAGNETOS REPAIRED OUR PRICE FOR CHARGING BATTERIES MO- PHONE: 1925J. | | | | CLODE, ha INDIAN' GUIDE Noa Scotia is a country of lakes and streams, phcring many ideal canoe trips, and the interior is a eat moose pasture. Ideal, s the moose hunting, because both the cance and automobile are used by hunters and guides, thus saving many miles of weary hiking through the wilderness. On the Liverpool chain of lakes reached from South Milford via Annapolis Royal or Digby, and on Lake Ked- emaki , Lake Rossignol, Lake unro, n Lake and the Liver- pool River expert Indian and white guides use the canoes for long dis- tances and even call the moose to the shore with their birch bark horns. When some distant point is to be reached from "Del" Thomas' South Milford camp, SaBoes. fuides, hunters and duffle are loaded upon a big motor truck for the journey. 'TOO MANY EMPTY | CRADLES IN BRITAIN If Empire Falis It Will Be Be~ cause of Low Birth | Rate. | Leeds, England, land's empty cradles continue to form a subject of animated comment | among the newspapers, doctors and | soclalogists. Not a few British offie- | Ials express misgivings over the fu- { ture of the race if the present rate of | decline in births continues. { Dr. J. Johnstone Jarvis, medical cflicer of health for Leeds, in his re- rort for 1922, refers in some striking passages to the subject of birth con- trol. Commenting upon the fall of i the birth rate in Leeds from 21.8 to [10.8 per 1,000, he says: "How peo- 1 ple can, in these circumstances, talk of birth control and the necessity for the reduction of the birth rate, pasges comprehension, | To talk of ithe risks of over-popirlation' with | Europe depleted by war, revolution, famine and disease, and other con- { tinents calling out for settlers tc oc- i cupy their land and develop their in- i | Qustries, is childish folly. *"This Malthusian myth of over- | population was exploded long ago, so one thought, but it has been resur- rected, and is again being made to do service in this anti-social campaign to reduce the birth rate, No one ob- jects to the restriction of the unfit, but to.interfere with the birth of the il | fit--and this seriously is what is in- If your dealer cannot supply yom, price. Half pint tin, $100¢ one $1.78, J. L. RAWBON & SON EE Sib Bc MRA 0. The British Whig Publishing Co. Lud has a Department specially equipped to execute all classes of First-class service and fair prices. 306-5-10 KING STREET, KINGSTON, Unt. PHONE 243. rr tended--is to invite disaster. "Let there be no mistake about it, it the British Empire falls it will not be for lack of money, as so many seem to fear, but for lack of men, | and because its sons and daughters | have been influenced by the vapor- ings of a few seekers after notoriety #ad have allowed selfish interests to | come between them and their duty. "The state also has a duty in the matter, namely, to ensure that every parent has an income to enable him | to maintain himself and his family in {comfort and health. If it fails to do this it fails in that on which most | depends our national health and wel- . fare." | ' For War Time Control. | Washington, Oct. 2.--~The Grand i Trunk railway of 'Canada is entitled to final payment of $1,363,000 from the United States government, the 'inter-state commerce commission an- nounces, to make good losses sus-; tained during the first six months aiter the termination of the war time federal control over its lines within the United States. The Grand Trunk western railway is entitled to $1,171,000. too, | Oct. 2 --Fag | | | ic SSS 4 | Seuth Milford is 15 miies from | Annapolis Royal and is a favorite | outfitting point. So is the Kedge- Jakeoge : d and Gun Club, ou amous e sdgsmaioogy, Bn the heart of the wilderness 36 miles | from Annapolis Royal. Both of] these camps have ample aceomn:o-| dations and plenty of canoes and | reliable guides. The Nova Scotian moose season | lasts from Oet: | to Nov. 15. Deer are as plentiful. as moose, and the opén season for this game lasts from | Oct. 16 to Nov. 81. - HARVESTERS REMAINING. Britishers Find Employment in Cana- | dian Centres. Winnipeg, Oet. 2.--British har- vesters in Canada are slowly being | absorbed by: the labor market, ac- | cording to reports reaching local or- | ganizations, and it is expected that before snow flies all 'who can be used will have been placed in positions. Many applications have been made for these men from western points, several have zone east to work pro- vided for them and those for whom no work can be found in the Domin- ion will be on their way home by the time winter is here. A: E. PHIPPS General manager of the Imperial Bank of Canada, one ofthe committee of three co-operating with the curator, A. I. Barker, in the settlement of the Home Bank affairs. RIVAL OF BURBANK. Farmer Grows Scenic Apples. Cape May, N.J., Oct. 2.--Professor Fdward R. Brunyate, superintendent of sthe Cape May county public schools, declares that Cape May county, in the village of Cold Springs, has a rival of Luther Burbank. To prove his assertions, Professor Brun- vate recently displayed two big ap- ples, under the peel of which were the initials J.CE. and the words Cape May. Another apple showell a likeness of a pig. The initials are those of Joseph C. Elliott, the farm- er who grows the fruit. Professor Brunyafe said Elliott could grow ap- ples reproducing any scene on his farm he choose. The method is be- ing kept a secret. - m--c---- n-- i The need for officers to man Gar- many's navy and merchant fleet is so great that three sailing ships soon will be in operation to train young mep to follow the sea. Cape May {are shot each year, many with mag- 'crease is said to equal the kill. | Such guides 28 Louis Harlow, half- of birch bark fashioned into a horn one, or both, ma sup Although large numbers of moose nificent "spreads," the annual in- breed Micmac and Sem Globe, full- blooded Indian, sare expert moose callers and stalkers and rarely dis- appoint the hunter. The cleverness with which they simulase the calls of the cow moose with a simple rol! i sure to fool the wisest' old bull in the wilderness. When the calling s3mson is past, the moose no longer comes to the hunter and the hunter must go to him. Neither canoe, nor automobile figures much in this phase of moose hunting except that help the hunter near the place w the quarry is posed to be and earry him home when the hunt is over, {WISH TO CELEBRATE | FREEDOM OF SIRES I +Descendants of American ! Slaves Ask for Special' Day in Gambia. ; Bathurst, Gambia, British West | Africa, Oct. 2.--Descendants of lib- | erated Asmerican slaves, repatriated {to Africa by American abolition so- | cieties in 1823, have petitioned the ! governor of this British possession to - specify the day during the next three | raonths when they may celebrate the ! centennial of their establishment on MacCarthy island in Gambia river. On this island, 160 miles due west in the jungles and Mangrove swamps of the interior, where monkeys, hip- popotam! and crockodiles are listed as public nuisances, I had the oppor- tunity of meeting and talking with the transplanted American slaves, and to note what progréss they nad muade during a century of freedom under the British flag. < Their knowledge of the land tha liberated them was practically ni. and only the dimmest memory of slavery days has come down to them in legend and folklore, but they were well aware of and grateful for Great Britain's part in their repatriation, which consisted in purchasing Mac- Carthy island from native chiefs for bottles of trade gin and in protecting the newcomers from savages. Thus their fathers were landed back on the coast from which it is estimated that more than 3,000,000 were carried away in slave ships. Sir John Hawkins in 1562 was the first Englishman to participate in the slave traffic, which he did under royal permiasion. Georgetown on MacCarthy island is a community of galvanized roofed trading posts and the residents of the English commissioner an? his wife who are the lonesome king aud queen of some 30,000 natives. Chinese Girls in U.S. College. Wellesley, Mass., Oct. 2.--A tra- dition ef ancient China was broken when a smiling little girl slipped quietly into Wellesley and rented a hall bedroom in a small boarding house on a side street. The girl was Miss Grace Li, daughter of Li Yuan Hung, president of the Great Eastern Republic In contravention of the / style of shoe-- so popular this season. It is easy to buy by mail. Simpy write for our new Fall style book and sell measurement chart. 73 WEST KING ST. ORONTO FOR OVER (00 YEARS MAKING The J. K. Carroll Agency 56 BROCK STREET. s 68. Ros. 2240m. | REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE BROKERS. WINNIPEG SHOP 319 FORT STRERY MONTREAL SHOP MOUNT ROYAL HOTEL KING STREET EAST--Brick, all conveniences ELLERBECK STREET--Brick veneered, modern, easy terms, $4100 UNION ST. WEST--Brick, all conveniences. Terms BAGOT ST.--Store and dwelling. Terms BARRIE ST.--Brick, 8 rooms. opposite Park We have also an apartment house paying 13% on the investment after paying all expenses. the children and grandchildren of] custom of insulating the daughters of the rulers of China with troops of attendants, Miss Li arrived with but one companion, Miss Harriet Chon, herself only 21 years of age. The girls are entering Wellesley College to take two-year courses in political economy. " ; The safe find general antidote against sorrow is eemployment. Special Prices on Rattan Furniture Rattan Chairs in 'Fumed, Old Ivory, Frosted Brown, Sil- t ver Grey, upholst- ered in Tapestry. Chesterfields, Di- vanettes, Daven- ports, upholstered lours, Mohairs and Imitation Leather. Robt. J. Reid Director of Funeral Serviess Ambulance Phone 577. Port Hope's New Chief. . Port Hope, Oct. 2.--John Brown 7 3 SOME HAZARD. of Peterboro, has been appointed to the position of chief of police for Port Hope, to succeed Chief W. J. Colwill, Mr. Brown has served on the police force in both Peterbore and Sudbury. He com- menced his new duties on Monday. [CHIR GALLAGHER Ou 1ae WICHED Corie | Tore A Fre Eon Ta SHE HOS UPON THE GREEN! Test,