Daily British Whig (1850), 2 Oct 1923, p. 15

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TUESDAY, OCTODER 2, 1023. THE DAILY BRI - TISH WHIG Halr, . Skin Cancers, sved -permanent- d and failed 38 BS -- Varts, Birthmarks, rem Glasses fitie have C ts, etc. A Batisfactor)y ugmiehed after others cured witous Xperience. re 1 Eo 7 p Nose, Throat, Skin, | t one 301w. House i "Lost and Found KIN BLEMISH ration. 25% ) . j on Satur- may t ACK SILK HOSH/--Found. on gay. on Princess Street. Owné: have same at 343 Division st RAN Found, near t Outer have same at RANK Found, for car, Owner may have same at Office. 2 J. p ite HOUND--Lost, black and white, Fon tan head. Anybody found har- tne same after this date will be Please notify Captain Reed, No. D-AXE -- Lost, ation. steel,' with spring e cifiity of Place D Armes. jreturn to Plaza Hotel. black and, for Chevrolet Station. Owner may Montreal Stre on Queen St. the Whig surveyor's, small, dge guard, in vi- Reward for tricolette, Monday 1088. ITTING BAG---Lost, containing re almost completed. Finder léase return same to Treadgold's Sporting: Goods Co., Princess Street. NE PURSE--Found, two umbrellas, 1 ir Gloves, In Sydenham Street church, Owners may have same by applying 4 to the Sexton. INCOAT--Lost, brown cloth; Sept i f22nd. Finder please leave at Whig O ANITY CASE--Found, lady's. Owner ice and receive reward. have same at Jackson-Metivier's, 5 rn, ms oa LL m---- 8.5% LETTERS To The Editor The Humane Society. Kingston, Oct. for): Will you allow me space in your valuable paper to express to ' the Kingston public the warm thanks of the Kingston Humane Soc- ty for their generous recognition the society's work and arms en recent tag day and to add a few Motes that may be of genéral inter- est. The amount realized was $529.45, and this sum places the soclety upon a More encouraging basis than it has | __yet known, although its ever widen- ing reach, makes ever heavier de- mands upon our éxchequer. In this connection I would like to make the public statement for the _benefit of those whe may be in ignor- ance of the subject, that there are but two paid officials upon our staff, Dr. William Nicholls dur veterinary surgeon. and R. E, Ward, our in- spector. In the case of Dr. Nicholls, 'we have it te say that his prompt end skilful response to évery call, whether the suffering creature be a horse or a kitten or anything in 'Letween, is beyond praise, and this in spite of the fact that his accounts have had to go indefinitely unpaid owing to the poor financial condition of the society. To his honor be it sald he has never fent us a "dun." Mr. Ward is the recipient of the pominal salary of $1.00 per week. How "nominal" this salary is, only we, who are In the "know" under-| \ stand. Practically every moment of his time, outside his duties &s store- keoper at the Mowat Hosiptal, he is at the beck and call of the soclety, day or. night, His one weekly hail- | holiday is ungrudgingly bestowed this work, and the wonders he j accomplished in the correction of 6ruel and unsanitary conditions fn 'various parts of the city, needs only to be seén to be appreciated. The summed up aim of our society is to anticipate so tar as in us lies. thé happy day when 'they shall not Mutt nor destroy in all His holy mouitain," and when justice, mercy and love to thé least as well as to'tmo A restest of Goéd's creatures, shall walk hand in hand. To the amaeingly few who gave us a ¢o!d and unsympathetic reception ups out tag day, we would quote | Coleridge's immortal Words-- "He prayeth well, who loveth well Dath man aud bird and beast. Te praycih best, who loveth best JAll things both great and small; Tot the dear God who loveth us, He made and loveth all" Yours Faithfully, J. R. C. DOBBS, President. SEEK CLUES FROM WOMEN » Detectives Very Busy on Bank Rob. bery Case. The Toronto Telegram of Monday A woman has stepped into the my- stéry surrounding the whereabouts of the four Kingstoh convicts, Simp- son, Slade, Ryan and Bryans, who on "Thursday ro the Bank of Nova Scolla at St. Clair and Oakwosd avehues. She is declared to have been seen In tbe company of some of the four as recently as last Fri- day, in the automobile that was toh that night in the Granite Club ¥ g police know the woman and she has been subjected to a thorough o Some of her women "the investigation, and policewoman has been aiding in the Inquisitions. Elmer J. Lake. | 1.-- (To the Edi- ou Would Have Sold It Long A go lf You Had Advertised It Here Automobiles o Automobiles For Sale for quick Yeomans, | Balaclav Home of Used Cars model ipe, late ¥ er Covered Truck Slightly used parts : | PALMER AUTO SALVAGE | Corner Bagot and Queen Streets. Used Cars | McLAUGHLIN 1921 Special seven passenger Touring | | ar, all new Cord tires, new top and | eurtains, painted and varnished, in ex- i cellent mechanical condition | 1 DODGE COUPE, 1923 | | Almost new, with spare tire and | tube, front bumper, rear vision mirror, | wind shield wiper and other convenient | accessories { If you intend will be to your | these cars. | ' i Boyd's Garage | | 129 Brock Stree Phone 01W.| | | ARRANGE FOR HUPMOBILE DE- | MONSTRATION AT THE BLUE GARAGE, LIMITED, COR.. BAGOT| AND QUEEN STREETS. { car, | purchasing a car it} advantage to inspect Auto Accessories--Tires--Parts 13 | | SPARE PA For most makes and | models of ®drs. Your old broken and] worn parts replaced. Write or wire us describing what you want. We | carry the largest and most complete stock in Canada of slightly used and| new parts and automobile equipment. | We ship C.0.D. anywhere in Canada. | Satisfaction or refund in full motto. aw's Auto Salvage Supply, 923-031 Dufferin Street, ronto, Ont. Part! To-| of those large A big bargain if we have Kastern Canada Maxotire| Ontario Sts, phone tubes left your. size. Queen and GARAGE----For rent, close to business district. Apply Box M-6, Whig Office - GARAGE~--To Street. let Apply to 16 Earl] | = Wanted--Automobile EMALL, CAR--In good condition pre-| ferred. Call at Blue Garages Idd, cor. | Bagot and Queen Streets. Do not de- lay. Business Service Business Services Offered 18 AUCTIONEER-=For courtesy and hon- est dealing, W. A. Twigg, 374 Kiug Street. Phone 820J or 1785w. WELL DRILLING -- Sanitary water wells, the oldest, the largest, the only sanitary well drillers in Frontenac and 'Lennox and Addington. The most modern 'equipment in America. For full information write to F Garrison Co., Colebr: O Cleaning, Dyeliez, Renovating 20 CARPET CLEANING--Let us handle yours, with our vacuum cleaner. We guarantee a Fos job. Furniture re- airing o* all kinds. Muller's Bicycle Forks, 273 King Street. Phone 1961w. 7 Ladics' Hair Parlor, 21a HAIR WORK---Of all kinds, made to Also Shampooing and Massag- Children's air cutting. Mcs. Ch Lr Cunningham, 56 Bay Street, gston. Insurance 23 'FIRE--Automoblie and Casualty Insur- ance. . M. Crumley, 420 Ear] Street. Phone 1782M. INSURANCE--Only the most reliable companies represented trange & Strange, established in 1560. Office: 95 Clarence Street, opposite Post Office. INSURANCE--Our Health and Accident policy will protect your salary. Fire Insurance at low rates. Phone KE. | Wiillams, 3 Couper Street. "Moving, Trucking, Storage 23 HES--Cleaned out of cellars and yards, clean job done. A. MacGregor, 24 Russell Street. Phone 2255. STORAGE SPACE--For fur and dry. Ap E. Nelsorl street. J .or S18. STORAGE---For furniture, clean, dry, airy rooms and spaces; yeur own lock and key. Frost's City Storage, 299- lture, clean Pp BE. athem, 143 hone 1391 | CUNNINGHAM & SMITH -- Barristers ~~ He is a regular reader tion. He "hears" Opportunity tions open, the renting oppo nancial offers--in short, all to him promptly. Once in a while someon this-or-that from such-a-pla one that his ears hear! ALWAYS DIFFEREN The Man Who Hears With His Eyes || | shouts, the call of the employers who have good posi- wards shaping one's material success are made known But his eyes "hear' scores of opportunities for every You can share his advantages if you, too, will regu- larly read the A-B-C Classified 8ection and let your eyes tell you when Opportunity is calling you. THE A-B-C CLASSIFIED ADS ALWAYS THE SAME---IN SERVICE of the A-B-C Classified Seéc- y's every call, The bargain rtunities, the business and fi- the advantages which go to- e says to him, "You can get ce at a bargain price." T--IN OPPORTUNITY { | "Business Services = Painting, Papering, Decorating 26 SIGN PAINTING#-J. S. Robinson, rear 276 Bagot street 28b. ARCHITECTS --Power, Son and Drever, Merchants Bank Chambers, corner of) Brock and Wellington. | Chiropructie 28c¢. Architects MARCELIS--Wm., A, D.C, Ph. C,, cor- ner Princess and Barrie Streets. 2nd floor, Barrie St. éntrance. Kingston, Ont. Consultation free. Telephone $23J. Hours 9 to 12 am, 1 to 6 p.m. LUCY--Drs. G. F. ana Jennie A., Chiro- practic Specialists and Registered) Nurse, 239 Bagot Street. Phone 943w. Hours: 9-12 am, 1 to §, and 6 to 7.30 p.m. Sunday and other hours by ap- pointment. Consultation free. eo Dental 28d. { | -- Dentists, 159 of Brock. SPARKS & SPARKS Wellington street, eorner Phone 346 KNAPP--Dr. A. EB, Dentist. Office: 258 Princess Street. Phone 653 w. Open evenings by appointment. Legal 280. | Clarence Cunningham, 79 B and Solicitors, Kingston. A. Cyril M. Smith. Street K DAY AND solicitors, 69 ston. A. E Money to loan. REVELLE---Barrister Clarence Street, k Day, Adrian I. Revelle. Phone 205. I SS PORT Employment Help Vanted--Male EARN--$5.00 to 25.00 weekly, pleasant Home Work way making socks on the fast, easily learned Auto . Knitter. Experience unnecessary; dis- tance immaterial positively no can- vassing. Particulars §c. stamp. Dept. 78C, Auto Knitter Co, Toranto. the CARETAKER---For situated about a quarter of a mile from the city limits on the main highway, married man with small family preferred, References re- | quired. Apply Box -28, Whig of] fice. suburban home, TINSMITH APPRENTICES Also handy man for stove department. Ap-| ply Lennon & Sons, 187 Princess | Help~--Male or Female CARDS- Private Christmas Greet- | ing Cards; sample book free; men and women already making $5 up daily in spare time. QGarretson Company, Brantford, Ont. « EARN---Upwards of $25 weekly, grow- ing mushrooms for us, all winter Frostproof cellar needed. Illustrated booklet and particulars for stamp. Canada Mushroem Co., 260 T. Garden Ave, Toronto, Ont. Solicitors, Canvassers, Agents 35 SALES AGENT---Reliable. for unrepre- sented districts. Good pay. free equip- | ment, We are the largest growers of fruit and ornumeéntal trees in Canada. | Sell for a Nursery, not for a jobber | You will be successful. Weite: Pelham | Nursery Co.. Toronto. situations Wanted-- {| DRY WOOD---40 cords of body maple, Merchandise. Articles For Sale 51 ANTIQUES--Walnut Chairs, Walnut Buffets, Walnut Dining Tables. Les- ses' Antique Shop, 507 Princess Street. | Phone 1045w. ee ett. | AWNINGS -- Tents, Automobile Tents, | Peterborough Canoes, Life Saving Cushions, lags, Tarpaulins. IF. . Cooke, 219 Bagot Street. Phone 436. | BRICK---Hara and soft, any quantity. Apply E. E. Walthem, corner Birch and Collingwoed Streeis. Phone 618 or | 1391) BABY CARRIAGE--- W licker, body, reversible gear, $15. Can be gebn | between 10 am. and 8 pm. at 94 Bay Street. sweater coats, | BARGAINS -In men's { Khaki pants, all wool, $2.76; army shirts, whipcord Hang breeches, blan- gets, blue coats, leather vests, shéep- | skin coats, etc, at A. Shapiro, 45 Prin- cess St. | CHICKEN HOUSE--Portable, in 4 sec- | tions, 21 by 6. Apply 414 King Street Last. COUCH-- (Full size), 4 kitchen chairs, | a.leaf table, organ, walnut sideboard, | one heater, three ring gas burner. Cheap to quick purchaser. For infor-| mation phone 1252). Apply any time. | 1027 Livingston Avenue. ! CHOICE COKE-+Car, chestnut size, | $14.50 per ton if delivered from ear. | J. R. C. Dobbs, 44 Clarence Street, | Telephone $19. | ca | Can A. 20 cords of soft, once. Apply to worth, Ont. be shipped at Hunter, Tam- | { | J FURNITURE-- Den sett, kitchen eabi- | net, buffet and bookcases, stovesand | desks . Apply J. Thompson, 333 Prin- | cess street, phone 1600W. | HALL HEATER cheap, good condition. sion Street. - Brillant Favorite, Apply 95 Divi- | PIANOS FOR RENT--We will rent you a néw plano for six months, and in the event of a purchase at the end of this period we will allow you all the] money péid.to apply thereon. C. W.| Lindsay Limited, 121 Princess Bt. PRICES--Call and get ours, on Cream Beparators, Gas Engines, Extension Ladders, Pumps; two good second-| hand riding Plows. Frost & Wood | 36 Ontario Street. | { RANGE--Oné Famous Active, wood or| coal, new hot water front, including stove pipés. All in first class candi- | tion. Will sell cheap for quick sale. Apply 270 University Avenue. | STATIONERY---A complete line of high grade Linen Paper, in pads and papeteries. Special box this week at| 60¢. Elder's. | | | SMOKERS---This Is where you are wel. | come. Cheerful service is dur aim Special pipe value this weék, a line| of Briars at 35c.--Elder's. STOVE front, 406 Johnson Btreet STOVE--~Cook stove, hot water front. | Price $1500. Also Lindsay Player Piano. Apply 32 Plum Street. Tandora range with water] chéap to quick buygr. Apply Phone 1706m. meee TT Rooms For Housekeeping 09 cream | Real Estate For Sale. Houses For Sale ROOMS--Double parlor, ground floor, ~ TREE well furnished, as sitting room and BRICK HOUSE? bedroom; all conveniences; use of pi- ano, also phone; three blocks from university; suitable for married couple or two gentlemen. Box R-1, Whig Office or phone 1126 evenings. R rooms, 4 bedrooms, electric lights, gas, 3 piece bath, fur~ nace, well decorated, Union Street, near University---$4,700. BRICK HOUSE--8 rooms, 3 electric lights. gas. 2 piece bath, fur- nace, porch, garage for 3 cars with store roo overhead, Frontenac--$5,+ 300. NICE ROOMS--Three, furnished for light housekeeping, on bathroom flat.| THREE gas for cooking, electric Hghts, good! $3000. locality. Apply Box L-I18, Whig ot-| fic bedrooms, BUNGALOWS--$2100, Good buying. M. B. TRUMPOUR 237 Bagot Street. 2300, "Apartments and Flats 74 | APARTMENTS--Fully modern | LODGE ROOMS-- Rooms on King oF | Phones 704 or 1542F. -- eee seme. HOUSE--One of the best built houses in the city. Large lot. Fruit and all improvements. Apply personally, as 357 Johnson Street. unfur- nished housekeeping apartments on Apply J. F. Leatherland. Phone 585J. south side. 41 Brock street. APARTMENT--Four rooms; all con- veniences; hot water heating. Pos- session September 1st. Apply White's Insurance Agency. \ | SEMI-BUNGALOW---Good locality, west side, 6 rooms and 3 plece bathroom; very modern with every convenience; all in good condition, including large Barden, Apply Box K-29, Whig ce. APARTMENTS -- Double parlors with partition, fireplace, kitchenette, gas, | electricity, permanent, ladies prefer-| red, near University. Apply 44 O'Kill| Street. Phone 1632m. Es oT _ === Real Estate For Rent i Places For Reat pr SEE--Bateman's large Real Estate ad« vertisement, page 3, column 1. { | 9 ALWINGTON AVE.--Frame house, 7 rooms, three piece bath, hot air furs nace, extra large lot, chieken house, ca Siam-- i apple trees, raspberry and currant 74| bushes; excellent location for prison | guard. For particulars apply to J. K. Carroll Agency. occupled by the 1.0.0.F. --formerly & Smitl Apply to Cunning fits mr nia ham "Farms For Rest 40 ACRES--Faor rent or for sale, on | Provincial highway, 18 miles from | Kingston. Big orchard of apples and] $3500--Barrie Street, brick, 7 rooms. on 1. premises, pears. Best of land. Apply this week 550010 rooms, solid brick, large lot. to Napanee, R.M.D. No. Pome $43 per month on § year lease. 38600--Six room semi-bungalow, Houses For Rent 77 a a 1200--Bagot Street, frame. 00-lower Rideau, double Frame. University and car line. Rent very ) 7| Stock, fixtures and goodwill p.m., or 1855m. al, : Severa ungalows on easy term HOUSES-- Several to rent from $18.00 to| south side. y 5 8 t apartments on Sixth Street, all im-| formation given over phone. 1 N, REALTOR, Mrs. Gordanier, Or| $3000--Store, Division Sireet. Rental improvements. FURNISHED HOUSE--SIX rooms, near i 1000--Established store busin reasonable. Apply 91 Beverly, after 7 well 27.00 per month; Cherry Street; two Come in and see our listings. No fas Phone 1008. rovements; séven roomed house on ixth Street, all improvements and furnace; one seven roomed house on Charles Street. Apply H. F. Norman, 69 Patrick Street. 316 Barrie Street. ots For Sale 85 1.OT---Valuable building lot on the cors flier of Centre and Union Streets, Room for three large houses. Apply J. Bl Pook, Phones: Res. 84iw.; Office HOUSE--At once, new, seven rooms, with laige lot and barn on North Al- fred. Apply J. D. Boyd, Eastview Park. Phone 1102 R4. HOUSE---At once, seven rooms, frame, Livingston Ave, conveniences Apply 31 Livingston. Phone 2047w. | lo-Day's Blunder Corrected HOUSE--Hot water heated, electric and as, sleeping porch, garage, 305 Al- red Street opposite Victoria Park. Immediate possession. Apply Rev. Dr W. T. Kingsley, Kingston Mills. | (Bee Illustration on Frage 14.) PRINCESS STREBT_§ rooms, brick,| When frying foods in deep fat a gas and electric Apply M. E. Ward, | proper temperature---nei Canada Radlo Stores. Phone 1207J. nor, to o either oo. hot L t00 cool--must be kept we von- SMALL SHOP -- On Princess Street,|stant as possible. When too man above Barrie; one § room apartment y with modern cofiveniences, heated! doughnuts are placed in the fat one 3 room dwelling over Anderson's, at one time the température is very much lowered, a crust is not formed SHEA---Ambrose, B.A, Barrister andj Solicitor. Law Office, corner ofy King and Brock, over Royal Bank. Money to loan. Phone 1999. Osteopathy 28g. WOMAN---Desires day. housework by the Apply 30 Plum Street. OSTEOPATHY--A, T.. Still graduates. Drs. Robert and Edna Ashcroft, 204 King Street. Phone 447 for appoint- ment. Repairing 290 FURNITURE FINISHING--Of all kinds. Call and see W. Driscoll, 23 Joh Phone 206K! UPHOLSTERING--New or used furni- ture; work guaranteed. Call or drop a eard. W. J. Gavine, 216 Bagot Street. UPHOLSTERING--AnNRd general repair- ing. Leaye orders at or drop a card to F. W. Harold ,104 Clergy Street. SHOE REPAIRING--AIll hand work. | Rubber heels a specialty; efficlent ser- vice. Adolf Kaminski, cotner Mont- real and Queen Streets. UPHOLSTERING -- Covered buttons made same day as ordered. Upholster- ing at reasonable prices. E. J. Good- ridge, 244 University Avenue. Phone 2043F. street. Employment FOR FARM HELP--Farmers of this district secure your help for next year. Eleven thousand British har- vesters came to Canada to assist in harvesting crops. Many of these men wish to remain If epportunities -of winter employment are offered. Farm- ers in thig district may solve their labor problems for next year by pro- viding work for one of these men dur- ing the winter months as general farm hands or chore man; or at spe- clal work such as wood cutting, team- | ing, ete - For further particulars ap-| to G F. Brooks, Agricultural Of- , Napanee, or Employment Service, nce Street, Kingston. Money to Loan FRONTENAC--Loan "and Investment Society, Incorporated 1881. President; W. F. Nickle, K.C.; vice-président, A. . Cunningham. Money lssuéd ou city and farm properties; municipal and gounty debentures; mortgages pur. /chased; investment bonds for sale; de: josits received and Interest allowed. . C. Cartwright, manager, 87 Clarenes Street. Kingston. 40 32 Help Wanted--Female 305 Queen St. Phone 526. Res. 889w, ke COOK-GENERAL--Good wages. Apply! Mrs. G. W. Gibbard, Napanee, Ont. no washing. Apply King street West, COOK---~General, Miss Lyman, 127 Phone 95w. COOK GENERAL-- Experienced. ply Mrs. F. H Macnee, 143 Street, West Ap- Kin COOK--Apply to Mrs. W. H. Macnee, 115 Lower Union Street. COOK--General; references required. Apply Mrs. Hemming, 47 George St. KITCHEN HELP--Apply Belmont Din. ing Room, 65 Brock Street. Calls were and are cealed in a big rug. made at a number of houses resorts, but no developments reported. It is now said that Simpson's statement to Detectives Ward and Strohm, over two Years ago, before he was sent to penitentiary, was (hat be and bis zs hud been planning to rob the branch at that time. way? BRINGING UP FATHER MAKE MONEY AT HOME--$§15 to $60 aid weekly for your spare tine writ. g show'cards for us. No canvassing. e instruct and supply you with work. West-Angus Show Card Service, 17 Colborne Bld., Toronto. i 2 PUPIL NURSES--Diploma 2 years; uni- form, board, room, laundry and cash allowance provided. Chicago Hospi tal 311 EB. 19th, Chicago, Ill JIOW MANY girls working in office to day got 'heir jobs the classified _ | THE nay Aho has Hania bags Instruction STOVES--Lawrenson's for Good Cheer | Square Quebec Stoves and Heaters, | Economy Ready Mixed Paints and var-| nishes. 387 Princess Street. Phone 339w., opposite Orange Hall WOOD---Mixed, $2.05 quarter cord; new and second hand lumber, matched 1um- ber, cedar posts; soft slabs, $2.50 quar- ter cord; mixed slabs, $3.25. . BX Talbot. 'Yard: Concession street, near Divisione. Phone 2302w, 3 WINDOW BACKGROUNDS---We 2 Window Backgrouhds in excellent condition and peat pattern. Price very low for quick buyer. C. W. Lind- say, Limited. ave WOOD AND COKE-<New yafd at 200 _ Wellington, corner Ordnance, dry mixed cordwood, sawed, sp'it and dey livered, $2.50; 1-8 cord, ful measure Hard Coal Coke from shy Bas works 10.00 ton up to September. Cinders 1.00. W. C. Bru- 3 ton. Wantéd---To Buy oe OLD GOLD-8liver, or False Teeth, for cash or exchange. G. W. Lyons, 244 Princess street, Kingston. Rooms For Rent Rooms With Board BOARD AND ROOMS--Large, double, front room, with fireplace Single room, H. W. heating; reasonable rates. Apply 288 Unjversity Avenue, near Brock Street. x Load Clinkers 50c. Phone 2440w. e7 Musical, Dancing Dramatic 44 DAISY JOHNSON--A. T. C. M.,, teacher of Vielin and Piane. Puplls prepared for Toronto Conservatory examinas tions. - Stédio: 307 Collingwood St. (near Johnsen). Phone 2320w, OLIVE M: WOODMAN -- Teacher singing and theory. Street. Phone 857m. gins Sept. 10th. Live Stock o! Studio 185 Ean Fall term be- FURNISHED ROOMS -- Two rooms, breakfast If deRired Victoria Street. A Ssuble Ap 109 Phone 1488J. ny ROOMS--By the week, with breakfast. Apply 59 West Btreet. ROOMS---Furnished, single or double, with board. Apply 212 King Street. Phone 2257. Rooms Without Board 68 Dogs, Cats, Pets 47 PUPPIES--Pointers, Cocker Bpaniels and Toy Poodlés. We import all breeds of dogs and fill your order for any kind. Apply Burns, Portsmouth. Itry and Supplies 19 CANARIES---And cages for sale. Ap- ply 27 John Street. Pp YOUR FRIENDS, ard (friends of your friends, have profited by reading classified ads--and «o have friends of yout friends' fiends COUNT that day lost Auk 3 whode "low ding sun sees you 'negleet| BED SITTING ROGM=Conifortable; in warm, modern house. Board at $5 néarby. Young man of good stand- ing looking for good home for win- ter wil] receive wimat rely on writ- ng to Box T-2, Whig Office. FRONT BEDROOM---One large, able for twa, across from college grounds and hospital Apply 63 George Street, or phone 673w. BEDROOM And den or kitchenette, furni . AH conveniences. Suits able Yor married couple or two gentle- men. Apply phone 1126 in évenings or box 8-1, Whig Office. suit. ROOMS--Two nicely furiished, in a nice part of the city; every conveni- nee. For further particulars apply ox Q-1, Whig Office. the classified columns. ROOME---~Threes newly Fenovatéd, stu- dents preferred. Apply 236 Stuart St. 252 Princess. Immediate possession. Apply LI Cohen & Company. ickl quickly enough n 160 EARL STREET--Brick, hot water qe k ¥ ous, and the dough heating, 5 bedrooms, bathroom, par- soaks up too much grease, lor, dining-room and Kitchen; rent reasonablé. Apply 186 Bagot Btreet. Phone 1564. 104 BAGOT STREET Comfortable Brick house, near City Park. Apply King & Smythe, 71-73 Clarence Street, Kingston, Ont. $40.00--Johnson Street, 7 room eleciric lights, gas ahd furn $35.00--~Bay Street (furnished) dwell. ing, 7 rooms. See Mullin for houses to rent Phone 539w, Johnson and Division Streets. Real Estate For Sale. Farms and Land For Sale 83 DAIRY FARMS--Your choice of two, ood, situated on the St. Lawrence River, % mile east of Mailorytown Landing. Each farm consists of 178 acre dnd has good house and out- buildings. Good reasons for selling. H. L. Trickey, R.R. 3, Mallorytown, Sy BUSINESS SKRVICK Sis Kent Macnee pa 0 mmerce uid 0g x ihg Streets. Gs 5, | "Tnsu 0b dent, bath, ra Plate utc. Representing only rellab) oH y le come CIES MEMNUHANDISE FURNITURE Of All Descriptions at Reasons able ices VES Well repaired. at a rgiht prige. J. Turk's PHONE 708. DAVIS DRY DOCK CO. For all kinds of machine répairs. We attend to automobile repaifs promptly. Bast End, Wellington Street. Ont. FARM---100 acres of good workland on| 7th Concession, three miles fro { lage? first class buildings. Martin O'Brien, R.R. 3, rf Wolfe Island FARM---For sale or to let, on Sth Concession, Wolfe Island, one hundred acres' of tilable land. Good house, large barn and stables; all in good fonditions eves faiing wells. For urtheér particulars a O. Fawe | Wolfe Island. boty Paweett, 167 ACRES--Bulildings In good condi- tion, 80 acres under cultivation, con- venient to school and cheese factory, well watefed, 8 miles from Kingston. half mile from provincial hi hway. Will sell cheap. Apply C. O. Martin Westbrooke, Ont. : 200 ACRES--Farm, 3 miles from . andria Bay. Itisa ONeY- Aer a be bought with or without stock, en easy terms. Declining years is own- er's reason for selling. Apply Charles Favansughs Alexandria Hay, N.Y. or . B. McNamee, 3 Kingston, Ont, 15. ANE dre EVERY Individual nas something he doesn't want ahd wants something he dosn't have. The classified ads straighten out difficulties mE What We Have Been Doing-- Since April 1st we have taken orders and filled them as quickly pid possible, Jor Anthracite. con) What We Are Doing Now-- Still taking orders and guaranteeing delivery. What We Expect To Do-- de We 3ptes 16 thao ware of All oMleld veriived fhiroughiont James Swift & Co., Limited Foot of Johnson Street ™N

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