Re THE DAILY BRITISH : : ' TURSDAY. OCTOBER 2. 192s. ee [SAY GOODIE T0 LADES HAZARDOUS NARNE TEST = ---- Who Are Leaving Sydenham Performed by the Donnelly Street Methodist Church | Wrecking Co. in Releasing for Foreign Parts. the Steamer Pabjune. On Monday afternoon, the Wo- The Donnelly Salvage and Wreck- 3 FORD TIRES--30x3%. . : man's Missionary Auxiliary of Syd-|ing Company, which vus successful | ecnham street Methodist church gath- { im releasing the steamer Pabjune, i ! ' | erea to say farewell to four of its | which went ashore on the rocks en |S) i | valued members, Mrs. J. G. Dunlop, | the west shore of Ogden Island be- | 8 2 | who is leaving shortly for Japan, | 1ow Prescott, performed one of the | { Mrs. E. A. Muirhead, and Miss Fen- ! most dificult and hazardous feats E id 1 - vy [ny Chown, who are going to make | accomplished on the St. Lawrence | A - ® : / Ay | their home in| California, and Mrs. | Xiver The steamer went ashora on | 1. F. Stevenson, who is also moving Sunday, Sept. 23rd, and was released ng | to California. | ox Friday morning at 8.30 o'clock. \ n . , | «Mrs. R. O. Joliffe, president, re-| To release the steamer from the A Every other size in stock reduced. We are clear- ream . y i. 1 th adh - | ferged to the good years Mrs. Dun | rocks, it was necessary to place the S / ing every Tire, "large and small," "Cords and Fab- | lop had been with the society. and | anchors from the puliing tugs Proms oy |she said "to know her, was to re- | tenae and Johnston 4,500 feet up the / : HERE-- | spect her, and to love her." All the | river to gel a proper holding. The 7 rics. BUY YOU SAVE MONEY, + members of the auxiliary had deriv- | current w as very swift y this parti- 1 [ Trov=- { ed much help from Mrs. Dunlop, but | enlar poipt, and the work was very Fashion's app { Mrs. Joliffe stated, that probably | dangerous. NN ed evening wrap [those of the mission study class had After being lightened of 22,000 : { NU . | derived the greatest benefit, as Mrs. | bushels of .whect, the Pabjuna was lends itself to a | Dunlop had made the classes so won- | released. The grain taken off was -- . derfully inspiring and bright. She | placed on the lighter barge, Mamie, " = A -- number of delight- | felt that all those who had attended | and towed to Montreal by the tug || wd . ia | had a far greater insight into con-| Frontenac. . ful variations at the | ditions in the foreign fleld. Mrs. The Pabjune carried a record car- Joliffe, in presenting Mrs. Dunlop | go on a draft of 12 feet 10 inches, ~hand of the expert with a "Life Members' Pin," sald |heing the largest that ever massed | Fall a d . " | that no one could wear the pin more | duwn the St. Lawrence route at this | furrier. : > . | appropriately than Mrs. Dunlop. | lowering depth. She carried 86.700 | . { In replying, Mrs. Dunlop said that | bushels of American wheat in bond | WwW t ~ Winter ; | | Hlustration shows she was very pleased if she had been for England. . She proceencd to Mon- | of any help to the society, hut she | tren] wilh air compressors working | a model of French felt that the Meetings had beeh of | to keep down the water. At Mon- | = FOR ALL THE FAMILY more profit to her than to the mem- | trea! ghe will Le given right of way | Seal, 50 ins. long, bers. Mrs. Dunlop stated that in |in order that lier cargo may be ele- | WOMEN'S FALL AND WINTER UNDERWEAR in three 11 f H d going back to Japan, she felt that | vated al once. She wiii then be : : h fon 9 hudson thar eves 4 far greater opportunity | docked. good makes, Watson's, Penman's, Peerless and Hygiene -- all Bay Ermine $250 than ever. since the recent disaster, The tag Johnston and the lighter N . ? ; 3 . for the Christian nations to show Harry D. arrived back from tue sceno styles in separate garments and combinations. Union and pure the Christ likeness. of the wreok om Monday night and . . Mrs. A. EB. Knapp presented Mrs. | 'he 'ug Frontenac and lightor Ma- Wool. Attractively priced. Muirhead with a "life members' pin", | mie were due to leave Montreal on rh \ and sald that although all would feel Tuma; morning. y - very badly to lose Mrs. Muirhea. It is nol known the extent of {te 5 CHILDREN S UNION AND P U R E Ww Oo Oo L UNDER All Se . Fur $200 00 "it. was no time for tears, but to be | damage wut! the steamer is placed WEAR in separate garments and Combinations. 75c¢. garment . glad that we have known her." Mrs. | {e dir donk. Muirhead was one of the pillars of Captain Joha Donnelly, Kingston, up. , : the church, and the Christi spirit!| wen 19 charge of tho releasing opera- | Fur Capes made to order in Mole, Hud- Wa Hr a pian 3 Se to ere MEN'S FALL AND WINTER. UNDERWEAR -- Seven YW hi ; { had done, d sl lw, dy : ' . son Seal, White Coney, Ermine, Caracul. " xo aBywhere. or to - COUPLE IN AUTO SMASH | . good makes to choose from, in Penman sand Watson 8 brands, Collars of Platinum Fox, Grey Lamb, Car- Mrs. Knapp stated that she folt that ON HONEYMOON TRIP in fine, medium and heavy weights, in separate "garments and what was the loss of the Kingston : : : branch would be the gain of the Pa- ------ | i i i acul, etc. Any combination desired. cil branch, as sho knew that Mrs. Mr. and Mrs, Robert Gamble, combinations. Priced $1.00 per garment up. | Muirhead would transfer her work Ottawa. Mad a Very BOYS' FALL AND WINTER UNDERWEAR a "Pen- Write us what you are interested in. We BT alsin. Sec. wu: nest sais Close Call. d b 1 n replying, Mrs. Muirhead sai | a? : hati . 1 . : . i m e garments and combina es; sep- will send you full particulars and estimates, that she Counted it an a great privil.| eee THANE an's," in separate g nd combinations; all sizes; sep { e8@ to have been able to work in| To figure in a g arate garmerits 75c. up. Combinations $1.00 up. {the auxiliary. Of course, she re-|dent while on their honeymoon, was | : . ' : s |gretted leaving Sydenham street | the sad plight of Mr. and Mrs. Rob- Broken sizes in "Watson's Elastic Ribbed Underwear for Men | church, as it had been her home |€rt Gamble, Ottawa, but luckily they . . \ . x | church for a long time, and that no [41d Hot suffer sérfous Injuries. A --winter weight--formerly priced to $3.00. Sale price to clear { chureh could ever be quite the same. |¢8F in which they were travelling $1 50 'garment §| Mrs. Muirhead said that her one de. | collided with another ear on the { sire was to go on and attempt even | Gananoque road, at™ Grass Creek | greater things, and she hoped that | bridge, on Monday morning. Mr. WOOL AND FLANNELET TE BLANKETS -- the disaster in Japan might be the |Gamble suffered injuries to his head 1 . | means of leading it to Christ. and a cut over his eye, while Mrs. " Popu ar priced. , CANADA Miss McIntyre, in referring to Miss | Gamble sufferéd a severe shaking Fanny Chown, said that she was a |UD. They were fémoved to the Gen- great friend of the missionary soci- | eral Hospital and i Ries dd by Dr | ety, and that she could do no better |J] F- Sparks, a 4% 'wan stated od than to say what she once heard | Tuesday morning that they would be able to 'go on to Belleville during ~~ ; / " * Miss Chown's mother say of her the day " cession =| daughter, "that she was so particular | the " . that anything that she asked her to | Edward Jackson and J. W. Pad: - ~ FA #0, she knew it would be done well." ale Pananshus, Me ae > oe Miss McIntyre said that was certain- | Other car, we ured. Mr. Paddle A \ 4 ly the case, as Miss Chown always suffered severe cuts on his chin and THE ALWAYS BUSY STORE was a willing worker and what she | 2150 suffered injurfes about his head | : . (and kneé.. Mr. Jackson escaped | in package Teas, hundreds of Sid Was 4088, With 3 will. .. Nis Me with a shaking up. our th are using Bulk niyre presented Miss Chown with a Stomer's pin, a souvenir of Canada. Miss N ---- Tea. We carry only the high- Chown i id 1 n replying, stated "that she | PORTSMOUTH TAX RATE . . est quality in Black and Green || was no speech-maker," but she was FIXED BY THE COUNCIL Compare Our Prices of Mullin 8 Real Estate News Tews, A fresh shipment of very grateful, and would always ro- . fom, . York 8 d 5 ack, per Ib. member the kindness of the Syden- Millinery bef ¢ buying $4 ~--York Street, detached --Collingwood Street, ham missionary society. [It Will Be 40 1-2 Mills, an or y 5003. dwelling, ? rooms, frame dwelling, seven Mrs. W. M. C ¢ . as ath, electric lights, gas, hot air | rooms, bath, elec. 1i hs Irs. W. M. Campbell, when speak Increase Ovér Last Parisian Shop Be iectrie up Hooks eléc. lights, gas, hot ing of Mrs. J. F. Stevenson. stated Year. 822 BROCK STREET" A Raglan Road detach building lof hen house and extra Pure Cocoa--nourishing and that she had been a most active and ee. 1 , economical . .2 Ibs, : ed semi-bungalow. 8 ~--Barrie Street, frame omic, 2 Ibs. for oe Jeni honored Mees. Nass Fouls At a meeting of the Portsmouta i rooms, three piece bath, electric 3 dwelling, ten rooms, Pork Sausage, dally, 1b. . .25c, Yemen orb Ste Sasa, Jug Council held on Monday evening. ~ lights, gas, hardwood figurs, hot bath, electric lights, gas, .hard- period at the W.M.S. meetings. Mrs, | 106 8X Tate was fixed at 40% PRODUCE MARKETS. alr furnace and cellar. wood floors, furnace and cellar. Campbell said that ft was Ea. nd | mls. This is one add a half mills 2 3 $11 Patrick Street, de- $430 ~~Clergy Street, brick a half years gince Mra. Stevenso: had fore than last year, the increase be- tached frame Bungalow, dwelling, 8 rooms, bath, G06 across from the Soon to ing due to the increase in the county | Toronto, Ot. 2. a 4 rooms, toilet. elec. light, gas. : q v 7 to $7.50. make her home in Canada. and now | te Steers, $1 5.75 Rents collected. Government bonds bought ana 1d she was going back to her home| 1D€ council has been promised| Cattie, $4.50 to $5.73, x Money to loan. Phone 53%w. Johnson and Division Stroer : country, and with the thoughts, |PTi®0n labor for some Improvements| Lambs, $10.75 jofily ; . pravers and vory best wislies of ite |'° DC made on' roadways and side-| fens, 20c to 23c. : ye 3 vislias lage. Chickens, 20c to 3be. soclely. Mre. Campbell prasonted | ¥oIks the. vilinge, ~ | Turkeys, \20: to 25c. Mrs. Stevenson with a bouquet of , i 4 Grain dealers' quotations: flowers, as a token of the esteem eat, No. 1, northern, of the auxiliary.' Mrs. Stevenson "The Hat Store" sar nabs vies y said that she would ledve feeling yO " that ske had made some very, deat, Childre » . alanis heal, JIN) Bom READ, THE ADVERTISEMENTS | |x fins in Kingston. ana thas (f ns go ovum i | we Owing to the large increase ~ om eh& would feel no stranger in her a | Flour: . ' : new home as she would only feel F¥ 1 H ts 0, in jute ' Kaow What Is Best that she had been transferred from ,- a Ontatiy, $4.50 W . 34.80, iv j : 40 t 4.50, To- the W.MS. here to the society at bags, Motitreal; $4.40 to § yy : ronto; $4.40 bulk, seaboard. the coast, We Have Them in hia; : Daring the afternoon, Miss Twed- Extra No. 2 timothy, per ton, $11 iN ------ -- dell, Miss Irené Shaw and Miss oC ' rut : Keitha Lloyd rendered solos which | Big Variety Sack To NS ah. mar t Autumn F ootwear were muchenjoyed and appreciated. New arrivals in "Martin Quality Footwear" for omen, fen. Sale At the close of the meeting, re- - a $13. turihg style, comfort and reliablé-wearing tri at. most 8 moderate ; freshments were served. and all had Straw, carlots, $9. ¥ "THE NEWEST OF THE NEW» Po he dom dn we re iin so woe res [| Fe EER SE esl a 4 rote mise SN pd re AT LEG ao Toilet Soaps, as we are overstocked in some lines. They include mn { "Bags: - ; well knows makes as Armour's, Seward's, Cleaver's and Domin. Taxis Boys Meet. ZN Firsts, 37c to 3sc I 8aprOn, Waichour window. Price Tou. wher oo ps po "Rain or shine, I'll pay my fine, NT Extras, 42¢ to 43¢, Saag Eek ein Rea riding, riding, riding on the dummy -- Cartofis, 44¢ to doe. : ; dummy line." So the Tuxis Boys of : : N Eggs delivercad Toronto; Princess Street Methodist church (| ling : Extras, 37¢ to 38c. yg Tongues for Stop or Lace Shoes, heidi ercions" Smoen "ill 3%, baba them preparing and serving their] % : Splits, For Arvin meal, organized for service the com- : Butter (to retail trade): ing fall and winter, under (heir min Ce Creamery 0¢ to 41 ister, Rev. J. K. Curtis. John Quirt LX nN pec Aucy: 19 14 fis, was elected practor, Every bh ne 8 2 No. 1; He to ie. be a8 io sede the ys of 3 : : Nu 3 Junin or attendance "at . : band red : } ties without. EB. E. Park-{l} : | fie £38 Queen's Students Save Money on Text Books 25% or more discount on all Text Books in stock for _ Arts, Science and Medicine. Get printed list of titles and prices. i 2d $ oor ously elected thatril} pour ng a big a se %e. : on or be : : , No. 1,°36¢ to 35%ec. | A 2, 83¢ to 33%e. g No. , large, 26¢ to 26% | 1 i si 2 eto 27. i I SS Ed § & | : . . | 160-162 PRINCESS y gaa mo. PHOXE ue. 3 i i 3 S-- 4